Recovery of Copper and Tin From Waste Tinned Copper Wires by Ultrasonic Assisted Chemical Replacement

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Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854


Recovery of copper and tin from waste tinned copper wires

by ultrasonic assisted chemical replacement
Jiaqi Fu1,2 · Bohong Chen1,2 · Yinxuan Fu1,2 · Xiaoping Chen1,2

Received: 12 June 2022 / Accepted: 18 February 2023 / Published online: 27 February 2023
© Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2023

In this work, a facile ultrasonic-assisted chemical replacement method was developed for the recovery of copper and tin
from tinned copper wire waste. The reaction conditions for the process were optimized (e.g. hydrochloric acid concentra-
tion, copper sulfate concentration, ultrasonic frequency, ultrasonic power, reaction time). The ultrasonic method accelerated
the tin removal process and promoted the tin removal efficiency. Thus, Cu and Sn can be separately recovered quickly and
efficiently by the developed method, even while using a stripping solution with low concentrations of copper sulfate and
hydrochloric acid. Meanwhile, the mechanism responsible for the tin stripping and its recovery from the stripping solution
was also investigated.
Graphical abstract

Keywords Ultrasonic · Replacement method · Waste wires · Recycling · Tin stripping solution


Tinned copper wire is widely applied in the electrical and

electronic industry (Li et al. 2014; Yang et al. 2017). Large
amounts of tinned copper wire waste are produced in the
* Xiaoping Chen production process, and this is further exacerbated by the frequent updating of electronic products (Reck and Graedel
2012; Sun et al. 2017). Copper (Cu) and tin (Sn) are nonfer-
Institute of Energy Research, Jiangxi Academy of Sciences,
Nanchang, China
rous metals with useful properties. The contents of Cu and
Sn in tinned copper wire waste are far greater than those in
Jiangxi Carbon Neutralization Research Centre, Jiangxi
Academy of Sciences, Nanchang, China
natural ores. Therefore, tinned copper wire waste represents

3848 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854

a potentially renewable resource. Recycling Sn and Cu sepa- would increase the recovery cost and water consumption. In
rately from tinned copper wire waste is therefore a desirable any case, oxidants are applied to realize the separation and
strategy that can bring about both economic and environ- recovery of Sn. Therefore, the realization of rapid Sn strip-
mental benefits (Gou and Wang 2020). ping using only low concentrations of C ­ u2+ and acids in the
Electrochemical and chemical methods are commonly solution is conducive to improving the replacement method
applied to recover Cu and Sn from tin-copper wastes. The in the recovery of Cu and Sn from tinned copper wire waste.
electrochemical method places tin-copper waste into an In order to shorten the reaction time and promote the
electrolytic cell containing an anode. The metals at the recovery rate when applying low concentrations of C ­ u2+ and
anode can be either selectively or completely dissolved by acid, combined techniques such as milling and ultrasonic
controlling the voltage of the cell to achieve the purpose of methods are often adopted. Qin et al. (2021) applied an opti-
their separation and purification. The electrodeposition of mized process combining planetary high energy ball milling
Sn is a widely employed electrochemical process (Azpei- and acid to leach indium and Sn from waste liquid crystal
tia et al. 2019; Guimarães and Santos 2014). However, the displays (LCDs). The leaching of the fine powder of LCD
electrochemical method often requires both a large amount waste (that was obtained after 30 min of milling) proved
of electrolytes and high energy consumption. Furthermore, to be both more time- and energy-efficient. The ultrasonic
the varying contents of Sn in different batches of tinned method has been applied in various situations (Yao et al.
copper wire waste pose a challenge to controlling the pro- 2020). Except for its application in hydrolysis, synthesis,
cess (Buckle and Roy 2008; Kékesi et al. 2000; Roy and and extraction, the ultrasonic method has become more
Buckle 2009). Chemical methods currently used for Cu and widely used in metal leaching (Ghoraba et al. 2022; Huang
Sn recovery include oxidation leaching and the replacement 2020; Jassem and Chen 2021; Nematpour et al. 2019). Fu
method. The oxidation leaching process generally refers to et al. (2022) achieved the maximum reported extraction effi-
the transformation of metals into metal ions by the use of a ciency of Zirconium (IV) of 97.9% by employing a stimuli-
leaching solution containing an oxidant and a strong acid, responsive phase transition method assisted by ultrasound
such as sulphuric acid (­ H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl), radiation. Jiang et al. (2018) studied the ultrasound-assisted
and nitric acid (­ HNO3) (Yang et al. 2012). When H ­ 2SO4 is leaching of cobalt and lithium from spent lithium-ion bat-
employed in the electrolyte, it features several drawbacks teries. In their findings, the optimal leaching efficiency for
compared to HCl; it is less corrosive, not as ‘green’, and not cobalt was 94.63% for cobalt and 98.62% for lithium. In
as clean in regards to the recovery process (Qiu et al. 2020; addition to increasing the efficiency, ultrasonic assistance
Souada et al. 2017). Previous research has shown that when has also been demonstrated to shorten the reaction time (Elik
using ­HNO3 as the leaching acid, hazardous gas (nitrogen 2007).
dioxide) was produced during the oxidation leaching process In this work, an ultrasonic-assisted chemical replace-
(Choubey et al. 2015; Guo et al. 2020). As the recovery of ment process was employed for the recovery of Cu and
Cu from the leaching solution might require complex equip- Sn from tinned copper wire waste. The concentrations of
ment and high energy consumption, the replacement method ­CuSO4·5H2O and HCl in the stripping solution were opti-
is increasingly attracting attention (Hao et al. 2022; Lei et al. mized. The effects of the frequency, power, and reaction
2004; Pan et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2019). time of the ultrasonic treatment on the Sn stripping process
Owing to the different chemical activities of Cu and Sn, were investigated. Characterizations of the raw tinned cop-
the replacement method can achieve their separation by add- per wires and treated wires were carried out by scanning
ing a stripping solution that exclusively reacts with either electron microscopy (SEM). The precipitates obtained after
the Sn or Cu. The recovery of Cu and Sn from tinned cop- calcination were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD).
per wire waste is a topic that has seldom been studied. The The mechanism underlying the Sn stripping process was also
composition of tinned copper wire waste generated during studied.
the production process is relatively simple, owing to few
exogenous impurities, which makes the chemical replace-
ment method more suitable for the recovery of Cu and Sn. In Experimental
stripping solution containing copper sulfate ­(CuSO4·5H2O)
and acids, Sn on the surface of tinned copper wires can be Materials and reagents
displaced by C ­ u2+. Copper wires and spent Sn stripping
solution were obtained. Sn stripping solution containing The ­CuSO4·5H2O, HCl, and ethanol in this study were of
high concentrations of C­ uSO4 (30 g/L) and acids (100 mL/L analytical grade and used as received without further puri-
­H2SO4) has previously been found to accelerate the replace- fication. Milli-Q ultrapure water (Milli-Q A10, Millipore,
ment reaction rate (Lei et al. 2004). However, the Cu on USA, resistivity 18.2 MΩ cm at 25 °C, 1 atm pressure)
the wires may dissolve into the Sn stripping solution, which was used. Waste tinned copper wires with a diameter of

Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854 3849

0.1 mm (Jiangxi Yuanguangshun Technology Co., Ltd., Results and discussion

China) were collected and washed separately in ethanol
and water with ultrasonic assistance for 5 min to remove Effects of ­CuSO4·5H2O and HCl concentrations
any organic pollution residing on the surface. The cleaned on the Sn stripping process
tinned copper wires were then dried in a vacuum at 40 °C
for 24 h. The mechanism of Sn stripping was as follows:
Cu2+ + Sn → Cu + Sn2+ (1)
Sn stripping with and without ultrasonic assistance
According to Eq. (1), the concentrations of
Tinned copper wires (1 g) were placed into a 500 mL ­C uSO 4·5H 2O and HCl are of great importance in the
beaker filled with 200 mL of stripping solution containing stripping process. The use of high concentrations of
­CuSO4·5H2O and HCl. The concentrations of ­CuSO4·5H2O ­CuSO4·5H2O and HCl is associated with high costs and
and HCl were optimized with a reaction time of 5 min and complicates the subsequent steps of purification (Moutiy
reaction temperature of 25 °C and the Sn stripping was et al. 2020). Considering that the Sn content on the raw
carried out without ultrasonic assistance. When study- wire was low (5.357 wt‰), C ­ uSO4·5H2O concentrations
ing the influence of the ­C uSO 4·5H 2O concentration on of ≤ 20 g/L and HCl concentrations of ≤ 25 mL/L were
Sn stripping, the stripping solution consisted of 20 mL/L evaluated. In this study, the influence of the C
­ uSO4·5H2O
HCl and different concentrations of ­CuSO4·5H2O (3, 5, concentration on Sn stripping was studied by setting the
7, 10, and 20 g/L). When studying the influence of the ­C uSO4·5H2O concentration from 3 to 20 g/L and using
HCl concentration on Sn stripping, the ­CuSO4·5H2O con- 20 mL/L HCl under a reaction time of 5 min. The Sn con-
centration was 10 g/L and the HCl concentrations were tents on the raw and treated wires and the Sn removal
set as 10, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, and 25 mL/L, respectively. rates are shown in Fig. 1a. The Sn contents on the wires
After stripping, the wires were cleaned with 200 mL of decreased substantially when the C ­ uSO4·5H2O concen-
HCl solution (5 mL/L) and ultrapure water, respectively, tration was changed from 3 to 10 g/L. Nevertheless,
to remove C ­ u2+ and other residues on the surface of the the Sn content on the wires increased slightly when the
wires. Then, the wires were dried in a vacuum at 40 °C for ­CuSO4·5H2O concentration increased from 10 to 20 g/L.
24 h. The Sn stripping process with ultrasonic assistance This might be attributable to a fast replacement reaction
was conducted within an ultrasonic cleaner (Shenchaojie, occurring with relatively higher ­CuSO4·5H2O concentra-
China). The experimental frequencies used were 40 and tions. When Sn on the surface of the tinned copper wires
120 kHz, respectively. The power was set as 80, 160, 240, is displaced by ­Cu2+, Cu particles subsequently form on
320, and 400 W, respectively. the surface of the wires. The rapidly-formed Cu particle
The white precipitate formed during Sn stripping pro- layer on the wire surface can then hinder the subsequent
cess was collected and washed with HCl solution (5 mL/L) replacement process (Lei et al. 2004). The lowest Sn con-
and water, respectively, to remove any adsorbed ­Cu2+. The tent on the wires was 0.383 wt‰ with an Sn removal rate
precipitate was then oven dried at 105 °C for 24 h before of 92.8% when the ­CuSO4·5H2O concentration was 10 g/L.
being heated to 550 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in Hence, the concentration of 10 g/L ­CuSO4·5H2O was set
an alumina crucible for 3 h. A white powder product was for subsequent investigation.
thus obtained. To study the effects of HCl concentrations on Sn strip-
ping, they were altered from 10 to 25 mL/L with a fixed
­CuSO4·5H2O concentration of 10 g/L and a reaction time
Characterization of 5 min. The results are shown in Fig. 1b. A similar trend
of the Sn removal rate was found with increasing HCl
The Sn content of the wires was measured by an inductively concentrations. The Sn removal rate increased when the
coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (iCAP 6000 HCl concentration increased from 10 to 17.5 mL/L, while
Radial, Thermo Fisher, USA). The morphology and energy higher HCl concentrations decreased the Sn removal rates.
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) elemental mapping of the A suitable acidic environment is conducive to promoting
wires were each investigated by a scanning electron micro- the replacement reaction, while excessive HCl can hinder
scope (S-4800, HITACHI, Japan) with an accelerating volt- the replacement, owing to the rapidly formed Cu layer on
age of 5 kV. The crystal structure of the precipitates after the wire surface (Lei et al. 2004). The removal rate was
calcination was collected by X-ray diffraction on a diffrac- 94.2% when the HCl concentration was 17.5 mL/L.
tometer (XRD-7000, Shimadzu, Japan) operated at 40 kV
and 30 mA using Cu Kα irradiation.

3850 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854

Fig. 1  Effects of C
­ uSO4·5H2O (a) and HCl (b) concentrations on Sn stripping

Effects of the frequency and power of ultrasonic higher Sn removal rate of 94.2% was obtained using the
radiation on the Sn stripping process lower ultrasonic frequency. This is attributable to the lower
cavitation threshold and higher cavitation intensity of the
According to the previous experimental results, the con- low-frequency radiation. Low-frequency ultrasonic wash-
centrations of C
­ uSO4·5H2O and HCl were optimized to be ing has been found to be more suitable for the removal of
10 g/L and 17.5 mL/L, respectively, for the following experi- substances adhering to the surface (Gao et al. 2015). Hence,
ments employing ultrasonic assistance. The effects of low- the frequency was set as 40 kHz for further investigating
frequency (40 kHz) and high-frequency (120 kHz) ultrasonic the effects of the ultrasonic power. The increase in ultra-
radiation on Sn stripping were studied with a fixed power sonic power improved the removal rate of Sn with a fixed
of 240 W. The results are shown in Fig. 2a. A relatively frequency of 40 kHz (Fig. 2b). The removal rate reached

Fig. 2  Effects of ultrasonic radiation frequency (a) and power (b) on Sn stripping

Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854 3851

98.7% when the ultrasonic power was raised to 400 W. The that the removal rate reached 95.1% when the replacement
combination of the energy input and percussion of ultrasonic time was 2 min with ultrasonic assistance. A slight change
radiation accelerates the convective motions in the solution. in the Sn removal rate was observed when the reaction time
This promotes the separation of the displaced Cu from the increased from 2 to 10 min. Similar results have previously
wire surface and the transportation of dissolved metal ions, been found in the ultrasonic-assisted leaching of cobalt and
thereby allowing ­Cu2+ to continuously make contact with Sn lithium when the leaching time reached a certain thresh-
on the surface (Zhang et al. 2017). old (Jiang et al. 2018). More time was required when no
ultrasonic assistance was applied to reach an Sn removal
Effect of the reaction time on the Sn stripping rate higher than 90%. Further, the degree of Sn removal
process with/without ultrasonic assistance with ultrasonic assistance was significantly higher than
Sn removal without it. Even though the results revealed
The process of Sn stripping employing different reac- the Sn removal rate to be 95.1% with ultrasonic assistance
tion times (from 1 to 10 min) was conducted with and for 2 min, a similar Sn removal rate (95.4%) could be
without ultrasonic assistance, respectively, using 10 g/L achieved without ultrasonic assistance for 7 min. It should
­CuSO4·5H2O and 17.5 mL/L HCl with an ultrasonic fre- be noted that the experiments in this study were carried out
quency of 40 kHz and an ultrasonic power of 400 W. The in a 500 mL beaker and the content of treated tinned cop-
results are shown in Fig. 3. The Sn removal rates increased per wires was 1 g. If a greater content of wires was to be
with the increase in replacement time. It should be noted treated, the container would become crowded. In this case,
the advantage conferred by ultrasonic assistance to promote
particle dispersion in a liquid suspension would be more
pronounced. These results indicate that ultrasonic assistance
could not only accelerate the replacement reaction rate but
also increase the degree of Sn removal.

Characterization of tinned copper wires

To study the effects of ultrasonic assistance on the Sn strip-

ping process, raw waste tinned copper wires and wires after
either 1 or 5 min ultrasonic-assisted stripping were char-
acterized by SEM. The SEM, EDS, and element mapping
results are illustrated in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 4a, b, and
c, the surface of the raw wire waste was relatively smooth,
while the wire surface after Sn stripping with ultrasonic
assistance was rougher. The smooth Sn layer on the surface
Fig. 3  Effects of the reaction time on Sn stripping with and without of the wire was corroded through the replacement reaction
ultrasonic assistance during ultrasonic treatment. The EDS mappings results are

Fig. 4  SEM images of raw

tinned copper wire (a), tinned
copper wire after Sn stripping
for 1 min (b) and 5 min (c);
SEM–EDS elemental map-
ping of raw tinned copper wire
(d), tinned copper wire after
Sn stripping for 1 min (e) and
5 min (f)

3852 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854

shown in Fig. 4d, e, and f and the element mappings results Sn stripping solution, which benefits the Cu recovery. S­ n2+
are shown in Fig. S1a–f. The results clearly indicate that the is prone to hydrolyze and precipitate in the form of Sn(OH)2
Sn on the surface of the waste tinned copper wires could be when a low concentration of HCl solution is used. Thus,
removed after Sn stripping in solution with low concentra- ­Sn2+ can be separated and recovered in the form of stannous
tions of C
­ uSO4·5H2O and HCl with ultrasonic assistance, hydroxide from the Sn stripping solution without using any
thereby validating the results shown in Fig. 3. oxidants. The XRD pattern of the precipitates after calcina-
tion is shown in Fig. 6. The results show that the powder
The mechanism of the Sn stripping process was comprised of ­SnO2 (Liang, et al. 2020; Pavelkoa et al.
with and without ultrasonic assistance 2014), thereby indicating that Sn can be recovered in the
form of ­SnO2 powder.
The mechanism of the Sn stripping process with and with-
out ultrasonic assistance is illustrated in Fig. 5. Ultrasonic
assistance has previously been shown to accelerate the mass Conclusions
transfer rate (Luo et al. 2018; Tao et al. 2020). The enhance-
ment conferred by ultrasonic assistance on tin stripping is In summary, this study developed a facile ultrasonic-assisted
attributable to the convective motions among the solution. chemical replacement method for copper and tin recovery
The microjets and shock waves caused by ultrasonic radia- from tinned copper wire waste via the use of a stripping
tion result in the microscopic turbulence of the liquid, high- solution with low concentrations of copper sulfate and
speed collision among the solids, and strengthening of the hydrochloric acid. The removal rate of tin reached 99.4%
eddy diffusion (Jiang et al. 2018). With ultrasonic assistance,
the displaced Cu particles enter the liquid in time to avoid
the formation of a Cu layer on the wire surface. Ultrasonic
assistance also promotes the transportation of dissolved
metal ions. Hence, ­Cu2+ in the stripping solution continu-
ously contacts with Sn on the surface (Zhang et al. 2017).
Thus, ultrasonic assistance was beneficial to accelerating the
Sn stripping process and promoting Sn removal.

Cu and Sn recovery

As shown in Fig. 3, after Sn stripping was carried out in

a solution containing 10 g/L C ­ uSO4·5H2O and 17.5 ml/L
HCl with ultrasonic assistance for 10 min, the mass ratio
of recovered wire to the original tinned copper wire was
approximately 99.4%. This indicates that the method would
not cause the Cu in the tinned copper wire to dissolve in the Fig. 6  XRD pattern of precipitates after calcination

Fig. 5  Schematic representation of the Sn stripping process with and without ultrasonic assistance

Chemical Papers (2023) 77:3847–3854 3853

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