B55 Toeic
B55 Toeic
B55 Toeic
The order is estimated to arrive -- November 15.
estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt/ - (v) ước lượng, (n) sự ước lượng
A. by
B. until
C. at
D. down
Please make sure that -- personal belongings are safely stored out of sight.
Belongings /bɪˈlɔŋɪŋz/ - (n) đồ đạc, tài sản cá nhân.
A. you
B. yourself
C. yours
D. your adj> N
Be sure to fold all the clothes -- before placing them in bags for customers.
Neatly /ˈniːtli/ - (adv) gọn gàng, ngăn nắp.
A. neatly
B. deeply
C. highly
D. surely
Visitors should not take -- while touring the restricted areas of the facility.
A. photographic
B. photographing
C. photographs
D. photographed
The new novel by mystery writer Meredith Delgado will be -- in bookstores nationwide on July 9.
Novel /ˈnɑːvl/ - (n) tiểu thuyết.
Mystery writer /ˈmɪstəri ˈraɪtər/ - (n) nhà văn viết truyện bí ẩn.
A. regular
B. available
C. convenient
D. completed
Cashiers should call for an -- cashier when more than three customers are in line.
A. addition
B. additions
C. additional
D. additionally
Nga Ho, currently the sales manager for the southern division, will take on a new -- within the
Trang Media Group in February.
A. view
B. access
C. role
D. session
To prevent the sauce from scorching while being heated, stir it -- with a wooden spoon.
Scorching /ˈskɔːrʧɪŋ/ - (adj) nóng cháy, nóng bỏng.
Wooden spoon /ˈwʊdn spuun/ - (n) thìa gỗ.
A. continues
B. continue
C. continuously
D. continuous
Naito Travel Agency is -- experienced guides to lead tours in Japan.
A. seeking
B. spreading
C. working
D. focusing
-- a mineral-rich spring was discovered nearby, Hotel Denzali became a popular tourist
A mineral-rich spring /ə ˈmɪnərəl rɪʧ sprɪŋ/ - (n) một suối giàu khoáng chất.
A. That
B. After
C. How
D. Every
To save time, download your tickets to your mobile phone -- arriving at the venue.
Venue /ˈvɛnjuː/ - (n) địa điểm, nơi tổ chức sự kiện.
A. since
B. before
C. although
D. without
Several companies have already -- bids to paint logos on our delivery trucks.
A. submit
B. submission
C. submitted
D. submitting
The jewel-toned fabrics featured in Norfolk Fashion’s spring collection gave the -- a luxurious
A. marks
B. portions
C. types
D. garments
Please do not share your resident access code with -- living in communities other than Arbor Hill
“living in communities” báo hiệu đây là mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn
A. anyone
B. either
C. most
D. each
The social media specialist should always be looking for ways to make people more -- of the
Zintaman brand.
A. concise
B. aware
C. precious
D. defined
All Tayton residents -- their unwanted appliances at the public works facility for a small fee.
A. can discard
B. have been discarded
C. to be discarding
D. discarding
Following numerous requests from customers, Manilla Lunchbox has -- added vegetarian options
to its menu.
Vegetarian /ˌvɛdʒɪˈtɛəriən/ - (n) người ăn chay; (adj) thuộc về chế độ ăn chay.
A. extremely
B. typically
C. finally
D. closely
Crutchfield Heating and Cooling installs gas, oil, and electric furnaces from the industry’s --
Electric furnace /ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈfɜrnɪs/ - (n) lò điện.
A. leading
B. leader
C. leads
D. leadership
To reduce stress and -- productivity, Sciallo Corp. offers free lunchtime fitness classes to its
Boost /buːst/ - (v) tăng cường, nâng cao; (n) sự tăng cường, sự nâng cao.
A. distribute
B. boost
C. sweat
D. tone
Yoshimi Fashion customers -- a secure online shopping experience.
A. are guaranteed
B. to guarantee
C. guaranteeing
D. having guaranteed
Using last year’s record profits, Mr. Shakar was able to invest -- a new grocery delivery service.
A. about
B. near
C. in
D. of
Central Oregon Power must renew the -- at least 30 days before the current one expires.
A. contractor
B. contract
C. contracting
D. contracted
Please park on the west side of the building -- parking spaces closer to the entrance can be used
by customers.
A. instead of
B. so that để mà
C. resulting from
D. as if
The report was authored -- by Chae-Won Sohn in the research department and by Ray Hahn, the
head of marketing.
A. joint
B. joints
C. jointed
D. jointly
The Teason Resort offers -- activities for children and adults throughout the day.
A. capable
B. dense
C. absent
D. numerous
Because the museum receives generous donations, it -- raises the price of admission tickets.
A. nearly
B. likely
C. generally
D. rarely
Global Data LLC will promote Hae-In Ahn to Chief Financial Officer -- June 1.
A. effective
B. effecting
C. effected
D. effect
The upcoming focus group will be an online meeting during -- each participant can join via a
videoconferencing program.
A. through
B. there
C. which
D. who
Patricia Park developed a proprietary -- for Sprayeze, an all-organic cleaning compound.
Proprietary /prəˈpraɪəˌtɛri/ - (adj) thuộc quyền sở hữu, độc quyền; (n) quyền sở hữu.
A. menu
B. formula công thức
C. article
D. decision
Rayel Pharmaceutical provides a list of its -- and their affiliations on its Web site.
A. research
B. researching
C. researched
D. researchers
Here at Sawadee World Bistro, our talented chefs bring the world to you by serving flavorful
specialties from around the globe. Now with the click of a button, you can share your dining
experience with the world!
Just take a picture of your meal and post it on our Web site. You will automatically be entered for
a chance to win a $100 gift card.
147 148
Where would the notice most likely be How can readers enter a contest?
posted? A. By writing a review
A. On the wall of a restaurant B. By creating a recipe
B. On the back page of a cookbook C. By making a donation
C. On the cover of a photography magazine D. By submitting a photograph
D. On the door of a kitchen supply store
Susan Rollins (10:12 A.M.)
I just looked through your preliminary design plans for the Miller house on Greenwood Lane.
Everything looks great, especially the kitchen and main living area. My only concern is the
practicality of the glass sunroom. Glass rooms often run over budget.
The clients insisted I include the sunroom. They're going to try to find a way to finance it.
We'll need to make sure that's arranged before we finalize these plans. In the meantime, can you
come up with a new design that leaves off this addition?
Shouldn't be a problem. I'll work on it now. I'd planned to talk to the Millers later today, so I can
discuss the budget with them then.
149 150
Where do the writers most likely work? At 10:18 A.M., what does Mr. Hart mean
A. At a bank when he writes, "Shouldn't be a problem"?
B. At a glass factory A. The project is well within the budget.
C. At an architectural firm B. He is willing to draft an alternate plan.
D. At a home-furnishings store C. He can meet with the Millers later today.
D. The Millers have agreed with a
Verita Model JX41Ci-Instructions for Use
• Ensure that the electrical cord is untangled and then plug it into a nearby wall outlet.
• Choose the appropriate setting (floor, low carpet, high carpet) by using the dial on top of the
• Turn the machine on by pushing the power button at the base of the handle. Run slowly and
steadily over an area two or three times to pick up dirt and debris.
• If there is still debris in corners or other hard-to-reach areas, connect the appropriate attachment
Electrical cord /ɪˈlɛktrɪkəl kɔːrd/ - (n) dây điện.
Untangle /ʌnˈtæŋɡəl/ - (v) gỡ rối, làm cho rõ ràng, tháo gỡ.
Dial /ˈdaɪəl/ - (n) mặt số, đĩa quay (trên điện thoại).
Dirt /dɜːrt/ - (n) bụi bẩn, đất bẩn, chất bẩn.
Debris /dəˈbriː/ - (n) mảnh vụn, đống đổ nát, rác vụn.
From: Maria Bayardi 8:45 P.M. 555-0112
To: Steve Takiff
Hi Steve. My flight was canceled, and the new one is tomorrow morning. Mr. Zhen's tour of our
facility is also tomorrow morning. Can you show him around? He wants to see our warehousing
procedures. He will arrive at l0:00 AM, and then we've planned a lunch for him. The meeting
information and the schedule are in a file folder on my desk. Call me if you have any questions.
153 154
Why did Ms. Bayardi send the text to Mr. What does Ms. Bayardi ask Mr. Takiff to
Takiff? do?
A. To find out when his flight arrives A. Plan a lunch
B. To ask for directions to the warehouse B. Give a tour
C. To give him an update C. Reschedule an event
D. To cancel an appointment D. Call Mr. Zhen
To: Bo Xiao
From: David Morisseau
Date: May 16
Re: Order # 3A556
Thank you very much for your recent purchase from Yippee.com! -[l]-. We are grateful for your
business. We are proud to sell only high-quality products that we believe in and use ourselves.
We also take pride in providing you with the best customer service possible. -[2]-.
To say thank you for your purchase, we would like to offer you 15% off your next order as well
as free shipping. Visit our Web site at www.yippee.com to place your order. -[3]-. This offer
expires 60 days from the date of this e-mail.
As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best service available, Yippee.com routinely asks
our customers for their feedback. Therefore, we invite you to visit www.yippee.com/survey to
complete our customer-satisfaction survey. -[4]-.
For high-quality work at affordable prices, call 910-555-0148. If there is no answer, please leave
a message, and someone will contact you by the following day. References available upon
158 159
What is indicated about Mr. Cheung? What is NOT mentioned as a task Mr.
A. He recently started a business. Cheung can do?
B. His company is hiring. A. Fixing porches
C. His rates are reasonable. B. Painting houses
D. He works part-time. C. Replacing floor coverings
D. Putting in new windows
According to the advertisement, what may a
customer ask for?
A. Tile and carpet samples
B. Recommendations from other clients
C. Bigger work crews for rush jobs
D. Discounts for large-scale work
Scientists at Scales University reported last month that they have completed the development of
the "Shiner Crisp," the first apple that Washington state farmers will have trademarked all to
themselves. -[l]-. The first Shiner Crisp is expected to become available to consumers as early as
next year. -[2]-.
Apple breeders design new apples especially to better compete with such traditional apple
varieties as Reds and Juiceys. The development process involves a considerable investment of
time and money in repeated taste tests for their new fruits. -[3]-. Whereas Reds and Juiceys
average $1.29 per pound, new types of apples (such as the hugely popular Branburs and Honey-
Sweets) are raking in at least three times as much.
These additions have major long-term impacts on the market, too. Two decades ago, Reds and
Juiceys comprised over 50 percent of all apple sales; now their sales are less than 25 percent of
the market. It is no wonder that apple breeders are racing to come up with the next popular apple!
What is the purpose of the article?
A. To give an opinion on Shiner Crisp prices
B. To recruit students for Scales University
C. To provide a detailed explanation of price differences in the apple industry
D. To announce the design of a new apple
According to the article, what is true about Reds and Juiceys?
A. They are uniquely trademarked to Washington state.
B. They are less expensive than Honey-Sweets.
C. They have increased their sales recently.
D. They were bred by university scientists.
In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
"In other words, these new types of apples are designed for big flavor and big profits."
A. [1]
B. [2]
C. [3]
D. [4]
To: Theresa Pearle (tpearle@praguequarterly.cz)
From: Marek Koubek (mkoubek@bistrokoubek.cz)
Re: Press release
Date: 15 March
Per our phone call earlier today, please find the press release for my new restaurant, Koubek,
below. Thank you again for offering to print it in your magazine. It was interesting to hear your
views on the growing English-speaking community in Prague that your publication caters to. We
hope the restaurant will appeal to Czech citizens as well as Americans and other foreigners
residing in or visiting Prague.
Best regards,
Marek Koubek
PRAGUE (15 March)-Bistro Koubek, located at V Celnici 437/4, 110 00 Prague 1, will celebrate
its grand opening with a party on Friday, 21 May, beginning at 6:00 P.M.
According to owner and head chef Marek Koubek, the restaurant will feature Cajun-Czech fusion
cooking, combining popular menu items from New Orleans, Louisiana, such as gumbo and
jambalaya, with traditional Czech cuisine.
Complimentary samples and beverages will be available during the grand opening event, but full
meals will not be served. Normal hours of operation are 5:00 P.M. until midnight, seven days a
week, beginning on 22 May. The menu can be viewed at www.bistrokoubek.cz.
Chef Koubek lived in Prague until age sixteen, when he moved with his family to New Orleans,
where his father opened a restaurant. There, he worked in the kitchen while studying at the
Louisiana Academy of Culinary Arts. After graduating, he was hired as head chef at Crescent
City Eatery, where he earned four major awards for his unique menus and flair for meal
presentation. He is thrilled to return to his childhood home and share the culinary heritage of two
cultures with the city's diners.
Why did Mr. Koubek e-mail Ms. Pearle?
A. To invite her to a party 166
B. To provide content for an article
C. To announce the launch of a new Web What is indicated about the event on May
site 21?
D. To request her assistance in editing some A. It will begin at 5:00 P.M.
text B. Only a few people have been invited.
165 C. All items will be served free of charge.
D. Patrons must have a ticket to enter.
The phrase "appeal to" is closest in meaning 167
A. attract What is NOT stated about Mr. Koubek?
B. join together A. He grew up in Prague.
C. benefit B. He has traveled extensively in Europe.
D. call upon C. He worked in his father's restaurant.
D. He has won several cooking prizes.
Peter Harrer [9:30 A.M.] Hi, everyone. I'll make this brief as I know you're all busy reading the
manuscripts for the editorial meeting on Friday.
Cora Grant [9:31 A.M.] Did we change the time for that?
Meili Shu [9:32 A.M.] Yes. At first we talked about having it in the morning, but I have an
appointment at 10:00.
Peter Harrer [9:33 A.M.] OK. I'm glad we got that sorted out. I'd like to share Kwang's idea.
Kwang, do you want to explain it?
Kwang Chun [9:35 A.M.] Sure. What if we encourage our customers to sign up to receive a
newsletter each month by e-mail? We would include information about our special promotions or
book giveaway contests. We could even have some of our authors write occasional articles.
Cora Grant [9:36 A.M.] Yes, they could give insights into their work or maybe discuss a
favorite book.
Meili Shu [9:37 A.M.] It's a great idea! This kind of thing is getting more popular in business
these days. And people always like a chance to win free books.
Peter Harrer [9:38 A.M.] Well, keep in mind we are a small press with a small budget. Would
one of you like to get this idea off the ground?
Kwang Chun [9:39 A.M.] I suppose I should, since I'm proposing it. Maybe Meili would help?
Peter Harrer [9:41 A.M.] OK, thanks everyone. See you all on Friday.
168 170
Who most likely are the participants in the What project is Mr. Chun taking on?
online chat discussion? A. Developing a newsletter
A. Staff at a marketing firm B. Revising a budget
B. Reporters at a local newspaper C. Reviewing a book
C. Presenters at a conference D. Writing an advice column
D. Colleagues at a publishing company 171
What does Ms. Shu agree to do?
At 9:33 A.M., what does Mr. Harrer mean A. Assist a colleague
when he writes, "we got that sorted out"? B. Change her schedule
A. The manuscripts have all been assigned. C. Interview an author
B. A meeting time has been agreed upon.
C. An appointment has been canceled.
D. New work policies have been followed.
D. Take a business trip
Haswell Tire Company Maintenance Warranty
At Haswell Tire Company, we know you depend on your tires to take you where you want to go.
That's why we offer a lifetime warranty on tire maintenance for every tire you purchase from us.
It covers tire inspection, rotation, and repairs free of charge.
Inspection: Our service crew will check the pressure, inflate the tires if necessary, and let you
know when the tread is getting low.
Rotation: It's important to rotate your vehicle's tires periodically. Our team can perform this
service for you in less than half an hour.
Repair: If you have a flat tire, our team will make every effort to repair the damage. If the tire
can't be repaired, we'll offer you 20 percent off the regular price when you purchase a new tire.
Bring in your vehicle during regular business hours and our friendly service staff will help you
get back on the road quickly. No appointment is necessary. Just show the receipt from your tire
purchase. This warranty covers service for the life of the tires under the original purchaser and is
not transferrable to other vehicles or owners.
Your satisfaction is our top priority. Unlike our competitors, we do not just sell tires. During our
three decades as a local family-owned business, we have developed lasting relationships with our
customers by providing outstanding service. Thank you for your business.
172 174
The word "perform" is closest in meaning to What must a customer have in order to
A. entertain receive a service covered by the warranty?
B. operate A. Proof of tire purchase
C. portray B. Documentation of a previous inspection
D. complete C. A copy of the warranty
173 D. A scheduled appointment
According to the document, when will
Haswell Tire Company provide a discount? What is suggested about Haswell Tire Company?
A. When a customer buys a replacement tire A. It offers lower prices than other tire stores.
B. When service takes longer than half an hour B. It emphasizes good customer relations.
C. When the company holds a special sale day C. It manufactures the tires that it sells.
D. When a customer purchases tires for D. It is an international corporation.
more than one vehicle
I've attached some lunch and dinner menu options, but we are happy to work with you regarding
specific requests. We can arrange a sit-down meal or buffet-style service. We also provide
audiovisual equipment for business presentations or celebrations.
Gaborone Times
20 May
Local Happenings
On 15 May, family members, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Patrick Matambo gathered at the
Gaborone Star Hotel to celebrate his retirement, which will take effect on 1 June. For twenty
years, Dr. Matambo has been the director of the Hawthorne Clinic, located near Hawthorne City
University. Among the nearly 180 well-wishers in attendance were also some former patients
who attested to the honoree's kindness and professionalism.
Dr. Matambo has also been a familiar face at local charity events, and in particular, he has helped
to raise money for many area schools. His immediate plans are to take a month-long vacation on
a cruise ship with his wife, Alicia Matambo.
Although Dr. Matambo is retiring, he will remain involved with the clinic as a consultant. A new
director has been approved by the Hawthorne Clinic's board of trustees and is expected to be
announced later this week.
Why did Ms. Thabado send the e-mail?
A. To promote a new hotel
B. To offer special hotel discounts
C. To confirm her attendance at an event
D. To respond to a request for information
What was sent with the e-mail?
A. Photographs of event ballrooms
B. Information about meal choices
C. A list of hotel services
D. A form for ordering audio equipment
In what ballroom was the celebration most likely held?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Neptune
D. Venus
What is NOT mentioned about Dr. Matambo?
A. He is planning leisure travel.
B. He moved to Hawthorne City twenty years ago.
C. He was in charge of a medical facility.
D. He has helped many local schools.
According to the article, what does Dr. Matambo plan to do?
A. Remain professionally active
B. Spend more time on hobbies
C. Teach some classes
D. Interview his replacement
7. Where's the ____________________? 7. Bộ phận tiếp thị ở đâu?
(A) ____________________on sale? (A) Những đôi giày có được bán không?
(B) I’ve been to the ____________________. (B) Tôi đã đến chợ nông sản.
(C) ____________________. (C) Trên tầng ba.
8. What time does your _______________? 8. Chuyến bay của bạn khởi hành lúc mấy giờ?
(A) At nine ____________________. (A) Lúc chín giờ sáng.
(B) Only ____________________. (B) Chỉ một chiếc vali.
(C) That’s ____________________. (C) Đó là một điểm đến tuyệt vời.
9. Who reviewed the __________________? 9. Đã có ai xem xét các mẫu đơn đặt hàng
(A) ____________________. chưa?
(B) The _____________. (A) Hôm nay vào buổi trưa.
(C) Sure, I'll sign for _____________. (B) Người quản lý đã làm rồi.
(C) Chắc chắn, tôi sẽ ký nhận hàng.
11. Would you like to _____________with us? 11. Bạn có muốn ăn trưa với chúng tôi
(A) They don’t _____________. không?
(B) She _________yesterday. (A) Chúng không hoạt động cùng nhau.
(C) No, thanks—_____________. (B) Cô ấy đã gọi điện hôm qua.
(C) Không, cảm ơn — tôi đã ăn
12. Should we _____________ the merger 12. Chúng ta nên thảo luận về việc sáp nhập vào
__________________? ngày mai hay thứ sáu?
(A) He’s _____________. (A) Anh ấy là một người ăn chay.
(B) _____________ is better. (B) Ngày mai thì tốt hơn.
(C) A _____________. (C) Một vài tuần trước.
13. Why are you still _____________? 13. Tại sao bạn vẫn ở văn
(A) Because _____________ran late. phòng thế?
(B) _____________it with _____________. (A) Bởi vì cuộc họp của tôi kéo dài khá muộn.
(C) The room at the __________________. (B) Hãy để nó với trợ lý của tôi.
(C) Căn phòng ở cuối hành lang.
14. Doesn’t the _________ 14. Hôm nay không có triển lãm nghệ thuật nào
open today? mở cửa phải không?
(A) No, not ________________________. (A) Không, phải đến tuần sau.
(B) Sure, you can _____________. (B) Chắc chắn rồi, bạn có thể để nó mở.
(C) Many _____________. (C) Nhiều nghệ sĩ địa phương.
15. When did Takumi ____________here? 15. Takumi bắt đầu làm việc
(A) I think it ____________. ở đây từ khi nào?
(B) Since ____________isn’t working. (A) Tôi nghĩ đó là một năm trước.
(C) No, ____________last month. (B) Vì máy tính của tôi không hoạt động.
(C) Không, anh ấy đã nghỉ hưu vào tháng trước.
16. We still sell _________of 16. Chúng tôi vẫn bán thương hiệu máy giặt này,
____________, don’t we? phải không?
(A) I ____________ the help. (A) Tôi đánh giá cao sự giúp đỡ.
(B) Yes, there are some ____________. (B) Có, có một số trong kho.
(C) Adjust the ________________________. (C) Điều chỉnh cài đặt nhiệt độ.
17. Haven't you ____________ the ____________? 17. Bạn vẫn chưa hoàn thành báo cáo?
(A) The deadline’s ____________. (A) Thời hạn đã được gia hạn.
(B) ________________________. (B) Thường một lần một tuần.
(C) ____________, thanks. Điều đó sẽ giúp, cảm ơn.