Cleaner Materials: Tarek Abou Rachied, Fadel Dbouk, Bilal Hamad, Joseph J. Assaad
Cleaner Materials: Tarek Abou Rachied, Fadel Dbouk, Bilal Hamad, Joseph J. Assaad
Cleaner Materials: Tarek Abou Rachied, Fadel Dbouk, Bilal Hamad, Joseph J. Assaad
Cleaner Materials
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Structural behavior of beams cast using normal and high strength concrete
containing blends of ceramic waste powder and blast furnace slag
Tarek Abou Rachied a, Fadel Dbouk a, Bilal Hamad a, *, Joseph J. Assaad b, 1
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, American Univ. of Beirut, P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad ElSolh, Beirut, Lebanon
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Balamand, Al Kurah, P.O. Box 100, Tripoli, Lebanon
Keywords: In general, the use of ceramic waste powder (CWP) in concrete production is limited to few percentages (i.e., less
Ceramic waste powder than approximately 10–15% of Portland cement), given the resulting decrease in concrete strength and dura
Blast furnace slag bility. This paper seeks to assess the relevance of blending CWP with blast furnace slag (BFS) to foster pozzolanic
Reinforced concrete
reactions and reinstate the drop in strength and structural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) members.
Two categories of normal- and high-strength concrete (NSC and HSC) mixtures possessing 34 and 71 MPa
Bond compressive strengths are tested in this program. The RC beams measured 2-m in length and were differently
configured by steel reinforcements to assess the flexural and shear strengths as well as the bond to embedded
spliced rebars. Regardless of the steel configuration, results showed that the structural properties curtail when
the concrete mixtures are prepared with 10% CWP replacement rate. This was attributed to a dilution effect and
higher CWP porosity that detrimentally alter the concrete microstructure and strengths. The drop in flexural,
shear, and bond strengths was found to be fully restored with the use of ternary binder composed of 55% cement,
35% BFS, and 10% CWP. Such results are in line with the improved concrete strength and durability, revealing
the relevance of blending CWP with BFS to foster synergistic effects and reinstate the structural properties of NSC
and HSC beams. Findings of this work can increase the CWP added-value for the construction industry, while
reducing the cement carbon footprint.
Introduction the Portland cement. For instance, many scholars (AlArab et al. 2020; Ay
and Unal 2000; Naceri and Hamina 2009; Brekailo et al. 2022) reported
Ceramic waste powders (CWPs) are abundantly generated during the that CWPs comply with ASTM C618 (2015) and ASTM C989 (2018)
manufacturing process of ceramics used in tiling, sanitary, and re requirements for pozzolancity, provided the cement replacement rates
fractory products (Singh and Srivastava 2018). It is estimated that about do not exceed about 10% and that the ceramics are finely ground to
30% of daily production consist of CWPs (or, equivalent to about 19 kg/ more than 350 m2/kg fineness. Lasseuguette et al. (2019) noticed the
m2 of tiling products), cumulating approximately 22 billion tons per development of secondary hydration reactions that consumed the cal
year (Dieb and Kanaan 2018; Singh and Srivastava 2018; Ngayakamo cium hydroxide (CH) and created additional calcium silicate hydrate
et al. 2022). Such wastes are generally landfilled, causing serious envi (CSH) compounds. Lasseuguette et al. (2019) tested mixtures containing
ronmental problems including the degradation of soil fertility and up to 30% cement replacement by CWPs ground to less than 30 µm
groundwater due to leaching of toxic metals such as cadmium, copper, maximum size, and found out that the CWP derived from white ceramics
and barium (Silva et al. 2016). was more reactive than the red one. Lavat et al. (2009) found that the
The partial replacement of natural fine aggregates by CWPs is well glazing of tiles does not induce significant effect on pozzolanic reactivity
accepted during concrete proportioning (Siddique et al. 2018; Silva et al. and strength development. Because of increased porosity and reduced
2010; Younis et al. 2022), although recent studies showed that such hardness, Naceri and Hamina (2009) found that CWPs require less
wastes can be used as value-added pozzolanic materials replacing part of grinding energy than clinker, which may be advantageous for cement
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (T. Abou Rachied), (F. Dbouk), (B. Hamad),
(J.J. Assaad).
Received 4 August 2022; Received in revised form 17 February 2023; Accepted 19 February 2023
Available online 21 February 2023
2772-3976/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
Table 2
NSC and HSC mix proportions along with f’c at different ages.
NSC mixtures HSC mixtures
Fig. 1. Beam and steel configurations for testing the flexural, shear, and bond strengths.
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
7 Days 28 days 56 days
Δ(f'c), %
to 375 and 480 kg/m3, respectively (the water-to-binder ratio (w/b) was vertical loads through rigid steel plates using a Universal Testing Ma
0.458 and 0.268). The 28-days compressive strength (f’c) of the NSC and chine (Assaad et al. 2022; Ahmad et al. 2022). The loads and shear spans
HSC mixtures made with 100% cement was 34.4 and 71.3 MPa, remained constant at 600 mm, with a shear-to-depth ratio of 2.22 (a/d
respectively. The ratio of fine-to-coarse aggregate was fixed at 0.8, while = 600/270). The vertical load was gradually applied at fixed rate hov
the HRWR adjusted for fixed workability corresponding to a slump of ering 5 kN/min, while two linear variable differential transducers
180 ± 20 mm. Table 2 summarizes the NSC and HSC mix proportions (LVDTs) were used to record the mid-span deflection on the tension side
along with f’c determined after 7, 28, and 56 days. until failure. All beams were painted in white color to ease the detection
and follow-up of the diagonal and flexural crack patterns during the
loading history.
Testing methods
Test results and discussion
Batching was made in a ready-mix concrete plant, and casting of
beams was performed at room temperature of 22 ± 3 ◦ C. Right after Compressive strength
mixing, the concrete slump and air content were determined as per
ASTM C143 (2015) and ASTM C231 (2017), respectively. The mixtures Fig. 2 plots the normalized f’c (i.e., Δ(f’c)) for the NSC and HSC
were then filled in 150 × 300 mm2 steel cylinders for determining the mixtures determined at different ages with respect to corresponding
density and f’c as per ASTM C642 (2013) and ASTM C39 (2015), values recorded on the control concrete prepared with 100% cement.
respectively. The curing was realized in moist conditions of 95% ±5% Regardless of the age and concrete strength, the replacement of 10%
relative humidity and 22 ± 3 ◦ C until testing age. cement by CWP led to reduced f’c (i.e., Δ(f’c) varied between 93% and
The RC structural properties including the flexure, shear, and bond 96%). This is related to a dilution effect that reduces the development of
strengths were determined using 2-m long beams having 300 × 200 hydration products and alters the formation of CSH gels (Kuan et al.
mm2 cross-sections (Fig. 1). The longitudinal reinforcement for the 2020; Liu et al. 2017; Mehta and Monteiro 2006). AlArab et al. (2022)
flexure and shear testing consisted of two 20-mm diameter bars on the reported that the higher porosity of CWP particles (i.e., 22.4% vs. 4.3%
tension side and two 12-mm bars on the compression side (Fig. 1a and for cement) could have reduced the binder packing density, which
b). The resulting effective depth (d) calculated as the beam height minus degraded the stiffness and resistance to loading. The strengths of con
the cover is 270 mm (i.e., d = 300 – 30 = 270 mm), while the steel ratio crete mixtures prepared with 40% BFS-based binder gradually increased
(ρ = As /bd) is 1.16% where As and b are the area of tensile steel and over time, and became higher than the control mixtures after 56 days.
beam width, respectively (Wight and MacGregor 2015). For bond For example, this varied from 97.9% to 104.1% and 107.4% for the NSC
strength testing, the two 20-mm bars used in the tension side were after 7, 28, and 56 days, respectively. Such results agree with current
spliced at 305 mm at mid-span (Fig. 1c), which leaves enough distance literature (Hou et al. 2018; Lubloy et al. 2016; Quanlin et al. 2002; Shi
from the support reactions to avoid potential interference of stresses 2004), and are mainly attributed to the high BFS fineness (i.e., 770 m2/
(Assaad et al. 2019). The splice length was shorter than the required kg) and its aluminosilicate/amorphous natures that fosters pozzolanic
value by ACI 318 (2019) Building Code to ensure bond-splitting failure. and latent hydraulic activities, leading to increased strengths over time.
The U-shaped vertical stirrups of 8-mm db were used in all RC beams. As shown in Fig. 2, the strength loss due to CWP additions are fully
These were closely positioned at 75 mm from both sides of the beams restored with the use of ternary binder containing 10% CWP and 35%
intended for flexural and bond strength testing. The stirrups spacing was BFS, particularly at later ages. Hence, Δ(f’c) reached 103.3% and
increased to 300 mm for shear strength testing, which were positioned at 101.5% for the N-BFS/CWP and H-BFS/CWP mixtures, respectively,
the supports and load points. after 56 days. AlArab et al. (2022) demonstrated through physico-
The plywood-type beam molds were cast in two layers, and concrete chemical testing that the blending of BFS and CWP materials favors
vibrated using a 50-Hz poker vibrator. The beams were removed from the development of secondary hydration reactions through synergistic
the molds after 24 h, which then were cured for 56 days in room tem effects, which enhances the strength and durability properties. In other
perature of 22 ± 3 ◦ C and relative humidity of 95% ±5%. For testing, words, the negative impact that 10% CWP additions had on compressive
the simply supported RC beams are subjected to two symmetrical
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
Fig. 3. (a) Cracks patterns for NSC beams tested for flexural strength. (b) Cracks patterns for HSC beams tested for flexural strength.
strength can be compensated using ternary binders, despite the reduced vertically until failure. At this stage of loading, no shear cracks were
cement content to 55%. detected for the NSC and HSC beams, given the closely spaced stirrups
provided as shear reinforcement (Hamad et al. 2018; Jabbour et al.
Flexural strength of RC beams containing stirrups 2021; Yu and Bazant 2011). The minor shear cracks appearing towards
the supports initiated at loads which exceeded approximately 65% of
Crack patterns ultimate values, and propagated diagonally due to combined bending
Typical crack patterns for NSC and HSC beams observed after failure and shearing effects. The failure of all beams occurred when the flexural
are given in Figs. 3a and b, respectively. As shown, the flexural cracks cracks moved deep into the concrete compression zone; their maximum
originated from the tension zone at loads varying between 30 and 50 kN size was less than 1.6 and 1.2 mm for beams prepared using the NSC and
(i.e., less than about 50% of ultimate value), which then propagated HSC mixtures, respectively.
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
160 160
120 120
Applied load, kN
80 80
60 N-C 60 H-C/CWP-F
20 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mid-span deflection, mm Mid-span deflection, mm
Fig. 4. Load vs. mid-span deflection curves for NSC and HSC beams tested for flexural strength.
Table 3
Flexural strength properties for NSC and HSC beams.
Pmax, Δ(Pmax), δmax, Δ(δmax), PACI, Pmax/PACI DI FE,
kN % mm % kN
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
Fig. 5. (a) Cracks patterns for NSC beams tested for shear strength. (b) Cracks patterns for HSC beams tested for shear strength.
Shear strength of RC beams without stirrups (or, with smaller number of significantly widened after about 80%-90% of ultimate value, which
stirrups) caused the load to drop sharply regardless of the binder type. Minor
signs of bond splitting and crushing of compression strut were observed
Crack patterns on the tested NSC and HSC beams, hinting that the collapse is mainly
Typically, the RC beams without stirrups fail suddenly, with little due to weaker aggregate interlock mechanism (Raad and Assaad, 2022).
advanced warning of impending collapse. As shown in Figs. 5a and b, the
failure of all beams (whether made using NSC or HSC) occurred in the Load vs. Deflection curves
high-shear regions along one major diagonal crack that started from the The ascending parts of all curves were almost linear during the initial
support at approximately 45◦ from the horizontal axis and extended deep stages of loading (Fig. 6). The stiffness of NSC beams seems to be altered
in the compressed concrete region. The diagonal shear cracks by the type of binder, while remained unaffected in the case of HSC
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
120 160
100 Shear tests Shear tests
Applied load, kN
60 80
60 H-C-V
40 N-C
N-C/CWP 40
20 N-C/BFS
0 0
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 0 5 10 15 20 25
Mid-span deflection, mm Mid-span deflection, mm
Fig. 6. Load vs. mid-span deflection curves for NSC and HSC beams tested for shear strength.
Table 4
Shear strength properties for NSC and HSC beams.
Pmax, Δ(Pmax), δmax, Δ(δmax), PACI, Pmax/PACI DI FE,
kN % mm % kN
mixtures. Hence, for example, the load at 5 mm mid-span deflection ternary binder enhanced the beam’s resistance to applied loading
increased from 39.8 to 54.5 kN for N-C/CWP and N-C beams, respec including the DI and FE indices. For example, Pmax decreased from 78 to
tively, while this remained at approximately 60 kN for the HSC beams. 67.3 kN for the N-C and N-C/CWP beams, respectively, while this raised
The load dropped sharply after reaching the ultimate value, given the to 86.1 and 115.4 kN for those prepared with concrete containing
absence (or, limited number) of shear reinforcement. ternary or BFS-based binder, respectively. The resulting FE dropped
Table 4 summarizes the ultimate shear load (Pmax) and correspond from 733 to 667, but then increased to 889 and 1107,
ing δ max, DI, FE, and shear design load (PACI) computed as per ACI 318 respectively. Such results are in complete concordance with f’c and
(2019) Building Code. The PACI values are determined as expressed in concrete durability (AlArab et al. 2022), reflecting the relevance of
Equation (2) below, where Vf and Mf are the factored shear and moment combining CWP with BFS on the structural properties of RC beams. In
at the specified section. other words, the synergistic effects seem to play a key role to mitigate
( √̅̅̅̅ ) √̅̅̅̅ the strength loss encountered in beams prepared with concrete con
Vf d
(2) taining CWP-based binder, while in contrast, the structural behavior
′ ′
PACI = 0.158 f c + 17.6 ρ b d ≤ 0.29 f c b d
improved with the use of ternary binder composed of 55% cement, 35%
Just like the flexural strength of RC beams containing stirrups, the BFS, and 10% CWP.
shear strength properties seem to be directly affected by the binder type As shown in Table 4, the magnitudes of Pmax, δ max, and FE were
used in the NSC or HSC mixtures. Hence, while the incorporation of CWP considerably higher for HSC beams, as compared to equivalent beams
led to reduced Pmax compared to the control value, the use of BFS or prepared with NSC mixtures. For example, Pmax increased from 78 to
150 kN for N-C and H-C beams, respectively; the corresponding δ max
80 120
100 Bond tests
Applied load, kN
40 60
20 Bond tests
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Mid-span deflection, mm Mid-span deflection, mm
Fig. 7. Load vs. mid-span deflection curves for NSC and HSC beams tested for bond strength.
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
Fig. 8. (a) Cracks patterns for NSC beams tested for bond strength. (b) Cracks patterns for HSC beams tested for bond strength.
T. Abou Rachied et al. Cleaner Materials 7 (2023) 100179
Table 5 180
Bond strength properties for NSC and HSC beams. y = 4.89x + 54.69
160 HSC beams R² = 0.78
Pmax, τmax, Δ(τmax), δmax, τACI, τmax/τACI
kN MPa % mm MPa 140
NSC beams
N-C 74.4 4.78 5.14 4.07 1.17
Pmax, kN
N-C/CWP 59.7 4.17 0.87 5.29 3.94 1.06
N-C/BFS 77.3 5.2 1.09 5.4 4.16 1.25
N-C/BFS/CWP 67.8 4.63 0.97 5.1 4.04 1.15
y = 4.53x + 45.08
H-C 86.5 5.99 – 6.73 5.86 1.02 80 R² = 0.72
H-C/CWP 77.2 5.35 0.89 11.06 5.7 0.94
H-C/BFS 95.1 6.59 1.1 6.66 5.96 1.11 60
H-C/BFS/CWP 86.8 6 1.0 7.46 5.89 1.02
0 5 10 15 20 25
and FE varied from 8.1 to 19 mm and from 733 to 1939,
Mid-span deflection, mm
respectively. This can be naturally attributed to the concrete strength
that affects the shear transfer mechanism in RC beams without stirrups Fig. 9. Relationships between Pmax and mid-span deflections for NSC and
(or, with a smaller number of stirrups) including the aggregate interlock HSC beams.
and friction along the developed shear cracks (Alshannag et al. 2022;
Raad and Assaad, 2022). The increased binder content and reduced w/b strength testing, the replacement of 10% cement by CWP was accom
could also play a determinant role in improving the dowel action along panied by a reduction in Pmax; the resulting Δ(τ max) dropped to 0.87 and
the main tensile reinforcement, leading to improved shear strength of 0.89 for N-C/CWP and H-C/CWP beams. Again, such results agree with
HSC beams (Khatib et al. 2015; Mahdi et al. 2013). It is worth noting that the variations in f’c, and are mostly attributed to a dilution effect and
the DI followed a decreasing trend (i.e., from 1.3 to 1.11 for N-C and H-C higher porosity that could both alter the development of strength.
beams, respectively), reflecting the brittle nature of HSC beams. Nevertheless, when the 10% CWP is combined with 35% BFS in the
The Pmax/PACI values were all larger than 1.0 (Table 4), reflecting the ternary binder, the bond to embedded bars improved due to synergistic
conservative nature of the ACI 318 (2019) shear design model. The effects that refined the matrix microstructure and interfacial strength
lowest values of 1.04 and 1.37 were recorded for N-C/CWP and H-C/ along the steel ribs (Assaad and Issa 2017; Miranda et al. 2020). The
CWP beams prepared with concrete containing CWP-based binder. As resulting Δ(τ max) increased to 0.97 and 1.0 for N-C/BFS/CWP and H-C/
earlier explained, this can be attributed to the CWP dilution effect and BFS/CWP beams. Such results highlight the benefits of ternary binders
increased porosity that could both degrade the aggregate interlock and to enhance the structural properties including the flexural, shear, and
friction mechanisms, leading to reduced f’c and Pmax. The highest Pmax/ bond strengths of RC beams, irrespective of the concrete f’c.
PACI values of 1.69 and 1.59 corresponded for the NSC and HSC beams The τ max/τ ACI values are higher than 0.94, reflecting the conser
prepared with BFS-based binder. vative nature of ACI 318 (2019) design bond model. Hence, the τ max/τ
ACI varied from 1.17 to 1.25 for NSC beams, and from 0.94 to 1.11 for
Bond strength of spliced rebars HSC ones (Table 5). It is to be noted that good correlations exist between
Pmax and δ max, with correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.72 and 0.78 for
The load vs. deflection curves for the NSC and HSC beams containing beams prepared with NSC or HSC mixtures, respectively (Fig. 9). Hence,
spliced rebars within their centerlines are plotted in Fig. 7. All curves the more the RC beam can withstand load, the higher its mid-span
increased linearly in the pre-peak region, where the transfer of stresses deflection at failure.
can be attributed to the adhesive and mechanical interlock components
of bond (Assaad and Issa 2017; Miranda et al. 2020; Tastani et al. 2015).
Concluding remarks
When Pmax is reached, the load dropped sharply towards a constant
value that represents the frictional component of bond. With one
This paper investigates the structural properties of concrete mixtures
exception (H-C/CWP beam), δ max varied within narrow limits that
containing CWPs using real-scale RC beams measuring 2-m in length.
ranged from 5 to 7.5 mm. As shown in Figs. 8a and b, the flexural cracks
The members were differently configured by steel reinforcements to
of all beams occurred within the spliced region, away from the supports
assess the flexural and shear strengths as well as the bond to embedded
where the moment is constant. The beams failed by splitting and spalling
bars. Regardless of the steel configuration, the NSC and HSC mixtures
of the bottom concrete face along the entire splice length, as shown in
containing 10% cement replacement by CWP led to relatively inferior
the closer view of the N-C/BFS beam (Fig. 8a and b).
structural behavior of RC beams. Such drop is in line with the reduction
Table 5 summarizes the Pmax, δ max, and average bond strength (τ
in f’c, and is due to a dilution effect and higher porosity that alter the
max) calculated by dividing the force developed along the bar by the concrete microstructure and development of strengths.
surface area of the spliced length (Ls), as follows:
Compared to the control NSC and HSC prepared with only portland
Ab f s cement, mixtures containing 40% BFS-based binder exhibited remark
τmax = (3)
π db Ls ably improved flexural, shear, and bond strengths. Such results reveal
the benefits of the aluminosilicate and amorphous BFS natures to foster
where Ab is the bar cross-sectional area (mm2) and fs is the ultimate steel pozzolanic and latent hydraulic activities. The highest improvement of
stress (MPa) determined based on the cracked section analysis of each 48% was for the shear strength in the N-C/BFS beam, reflecting the
beam subjected to Pmax. The design bond strength (τ ACI) computed as enhanced aggregate interlock and friction mechanisms in RC beams
per ACI 318 (2019) is determined as follows: containing a smaller number of stirrups.
) The relatively inferior properties in flexural, shear, and bond
10 f c Cb d+K strengths due to 10% CWP additions are fully restored with the use of
τACI = ternary binder composed of 55% cement, 35% BFS, and 10% CWP. Such
4 × 9 ψt ψe ψs λ
results are in line with the improved durability reported previously by
where the transverse reinforcement factor (Cb + Ktr/db) is taken 2.5, AlArab et al. (2022), revealing the relevance of blending CWP with BFS
while the ψ and λ factors are taken equal to 1. to foster synergistic effects and enhanced performance NSC and HSC RC
Just like the behavior observed during the flexural and shear beams. Such practices can increase the CWP added-value for the
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