CH 2
CH 2
CH 2
What is business?
A business can be defined as an organization that provides goods and services to others
who want or need them. When many people think of business careers, they often think of
jobs in large, wealthy corporations. Many business-related careers, however, exist in
small businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and educational
settings. Furthermore, you don't need a degree in business to obtain many of these
A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number
of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small businesses are normally
privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships. The legal
definition of "small" varies by country and by industry, ranging from fewer than 15
employees under Fair Work Act 2009, 50 employees in the European Union, and fewer
than 500 employees to qualify for many U.S. Small Business Administration programs.
Small businesses can also be classified according to other methods such as sales, assets,
or net profits.
Small businesses are common in many countries, depending on the economic system in
operation. Typical examples include: convenience stores, other small shops (such as a
bakery or delicatessen), hairdressers, tradesmen, lawyers, accountants, restaurants, guest
houses, photographers, small-scale manufacturing etc.
Economic, social and political aspects of small business enterprise
Small businesses have a vital role to play in the Ethiopian economy. Small businesses
need a strong support from the government and the society on grounds of the following
socio-economic and political benefits they provide.
1. Equitable income distribution or improved standard of living
The objective of the incumbent Ethiopian government is to ensure an economic system
where there is decentralization of economic power and equitable distribution of wealth.
The benefits of economic growth should be shared by as many people as possible and
should also provide better quality of life by enhancing the general standard of living of
the people.
2. Inadequate financial resources and vast human resources
Ethiopia, like any other developing and developed country, lacks financial resources
(capital) but has abundant human resources. This lack of finance has lead to state where
there is high unemployment. A better alternative to mitigate this situation is to encourage
the establishment of small and micro enterprises.
Small enterprises are requiring less capital to establish and at the same time they generate
more employment according to the capital invested.
3. Rectifying regional imbalance/rural /urban divide
A country would be having some regions, mostly urban regions, which are very much
developed than other areas, especially rural areas. This leads to disparity among these
regions, and the well developed regions, in turn, will face problems like high migration.
This high migration puts high severe stress on the existing infrastructure and would lead
to poor performance in supplying civic services adequately to people. The establishment
of many small enterprises in rural areas, particularly agro-industry will help the nation
reduce migration of people and avoid stress on civic system by providing employment
within their region.
4. Generation of foreign hard currency
From the experience of several developing and developed country, it could be said that
small enterprises play a big role in exports than the large exports.
3. Limited scale of operation: - has a lesser gestation (development) period. Small
scale unit has a limited share of a given market. The size of the firm in the industry
is small.
4. Indigenous resources: - Small scale industries can be easily located anywhere
subject to availability of raw materials, labor, finance, etc. small scale units use local
5. Labor intensive:-they are generally more labor oriented with comparatively smaller
capital investment than the larger units.
6. Local area of operation: - the operations of a small scale unit are generally
localized. However, market for its products need not be local. It may cater to local
and regional demands or its products may even be exported.
7. Simple organization: - A small business unit has few or no layers of management.
Division of labor or specialization is low and the resources are limited.
Success story of a friend or relative,
Demand for certain projects,
Chances of producing a substitute for an imported article,
Visits to trade fairs and exhibitions,
Industrial potential surveys,
Meeting with government agencies etc.
The idea should be sound and workable. It should yield a reasonable return on
Process the ideas
Once business ideas are discovered, screening &testing of these ideas is done.
Considerations in the evaluation & testing of business ideas.
a. Technical feasibility: It refers to the possibility of producing the product. E.g.
availability of necessary technology, machinery, labor skills and raw materials.
b. Commercial viability: A cost-benefit analysis is required to ascertain the
profitability of the ideas. E.g. demand, expected sales volume, selling price, cost
of production, breakeven point will be conducted.
In order to judge the workability & profitability of the proposed business,
feasibility analysis has to be conducted.
After the evaluation of a business idea is completed, the findings are presented in
the form of a report known as ‘feasibility report’ or project report.