Mr Etesh Agarwal
M 24
fa lse
Mr Etesh Agarwal Patient Gend Age
ID er 24
7802468 M
Health Summary
Everything looks good
Everything looks good
RBC Parameters
Hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL 12.0 - 15.0
RBC Count 4.4 10^6/ 3.8 - 4.8
Electrical impedance µl
PCV 38.1 % 36 - 46
MCV 86.3 fl 83 - 101
MCH 27.8 pg 27 - 32
MCHC 32.2 g/dL 31.5 - 34.5
RDW (CV) * 14.2 % 11.6 - 14.0
RDW-SD * 43.8 fl 35.1 - 43.9
WBC Parameters
TLC 6.2 10^3/ 4 - 10
Electrical impedance and microscopy µl
Differential Leucocyte Count
Neutrophils 58 % 40-80
Lymphocytes 34 % 20-40
Monocytes 3 % 2-10
Eosinophils 5 % 1-6
Basophils 0 % <2
Absolute Leukocyte Counts
Neutrophils. 3.6 10^3/ 2-7
Lymphocytes. 2.11 10^3/ 1-3
Monocytes. 0.19 10^3/ 0.2 - 1.0
Eosinophils. 0.31 10^3/ 0.02 - 0.5
Basophils. 0 10^3/ 0.02 - 0.5
Platelet Parameters
Platelet Count 414 10^3/ 150 - 410
Electrical impedance and microscopy µl
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) * 9.3 fL 9.3 - 12.1
PCT * 0.4 % 0.17 - 0.32
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
CBC provides information about red cells, white cells and platelets. Results are useful in the diagnosis of anemia, infections, leukemias, clotting
disorders and many other medical conditions.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
ESR is also known as Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. An ESR test is used to assess inflammation in the body. Many conditions
can cause an abnormal ESR, so an ESR test is typically used with other tests to diagnose and monitor different diseases. An
elevated ESR may occur in inflammatory conditions including infection, rheumatoid arthritis ,systemic vasculitis, anemia,
multiple myeloma , etc. Low levels are typically seen in congestive heart failure, polycythemia ,sickle cell anemia, hypo
fibrinogenemia , etc.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
1. Since HbA1c reflects long term fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who is recently under good control may still
have a high concentration of HbA1c. Converse is true for a diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled.
2. Target goals of < 7.0 % may be beneficial in patients with short duration of diabetes, long life expectancy and no significant cardiovascular
disease. In patients with significant complications of diabetes, limited life expectancy or extensive co-morbid conditions, targeting a goal of < 7.0 %
may not be appropriate.
Comments :
HbA1c provides an index of average blood glucose levels over the past 8 - 12 weeks and is a much better indicator of long term glycemic control as
compared to blood and urinary glucose determinations ADA criteria for correlation between HbA1c & Mean plasma glucose levels.
HbA1c(%) Mean Plasma Glucose (mg/dL) HbA1c(%) Mean Plasma Glucose (mg/dL)
6 126 12 298
8 183 14 355
10 240 16 413
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Interference in PT/INR:
Alcohol, antibiotics, aspirin, cimetidine, thrombin Inhibitors(Increase PT) Barbiturates, oral contraceptives, hormone-
replacement therapy (HRT), and vitamin K (Decrease PT).
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Status Fasting plasma glucose in mg/dL
Normal <100
Impaired fasting glucose 100 - 125
Diabetes =>126
Comment :
Blood glucose determinations in commonly used as an aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Elevated glucose levels
(hyperglycemia) may also occur with pancreatic neoplasm, hyperthyroidism, and adrenal cortical hyper function as well as other
disorders. Decreased glucose levels (hypoglycemia) may result from excessive insulin therapy insulinoma, or various liver
1. The diagnosis of Diabetes requires a fasting plasma glucose of > or = 126 mg/dL or a random / 2 hour plasma glucose
value of > or = 200 mg/dL with symptoms of diabetes mellitus.
2. Very high glucose levels (>450 mg/dL in adults) may result in Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
The liver filters and processes blood as it circulates through the body. It metabolizes nutrients, detoxifies harmful
substances, makes blood clotting proteins, and performs many other vital functions. The cells in the liver contain proteins
called enzymes that drive these chemical reactions. When liver cells are damaged or destroyed, the enzymes in the cells
leak out into the blood, where they can be measured by blood tests Liver tests check the blood for two main liver enzymes.
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST),SGOT: The AST enzyme is also found in muscles and many other tissues besides the liver.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), SGPT: ALT is almost exclusively found in the liver. If ALT and AST are found together in
elevated amounts in the blood, liver damage is most likely present. Alkaline Phosphatase and GGT: Another of the liver's key
functions is the production of bile, which helps digest fat. Bile flows through the liver in a system of small tubes (ducts), and
is eventually stored in the gallbladder, under the liver. When bile flow is slow or blocked, blood levels of certain liver enzymes
rise: Alkaline phosphatase Gamma-utamyl transpeptidase (GGT) Liver tests may check for any or all of these enzymes in the
blood. Alkaline phosphatase is by far the most commonly tested of the three. If alkaline phosphatase and GGT are elevated, a
problem with bile flow is most likely present. Bile flow problems can be due to a problem in the liver, the gallbladder, or the
tubes connecting them. Proteins are important building blocks of all cells and tissues. Proteins are necessary for your body's
growth, development, and health. Blood contains two classes of protein, albumin and globulin. Albumin proteins keep fluid
from leaking out of blood vessels. Globulin proteins play an important role in your immune system. Low total protein may
4.Agammaglobulinemia High Protein levels 'Hyperproteinemia: May be seen in dehydration due to inadequate water intake
or to excessive water loss (eg, severe vomiting, diarrhea, Addison's disease and diabetic acidosis) or as a result of increased
production of proteins Low albumin levels may be
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Kidney function tests is a collective term for a variety of individual tests and proceduresthat can be done toevaluate how well the kidneys are functioning. Many
conditions can affect the ability of the kidneys to carryout their vital functions. Somelead to a rapid (acute) decline in kidney functionothers lead to a gradual
(chronic) declineinfunction. Both result in a buildup of toxic waste subst done on urine samples, as well as on blood samples. A number of symptoms may
indicate a problem with your kidneys. These include : high blood pressure,blood in urine frequent urges to urinate,difficulty beginning urination,painful
urination,swelling in the hands and feet due to a buildup of fluids in the body. A single symptom may not mean something serious. However, when occurring
simultaneously, these symptoms suggest that your kidneys are not working properly. Kidney function tests can help determine the reason. Electrolytes
(sodium,potassium,and chloride) are present in the human body and the balancing act of the electrolytes in our bodies is essential for normal function of our cells
and organs. There has to be a balance.Ionized calcium this test if you have signs of kidney or parathyroid disease. The test may also be done to monitor progress
and treatment of these diseases.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Lipid level assessments must be made following 9 to 12 hours of fasting, otherwise assay results might lead to erroneous interpretation. NCEP
recommends of 3 different samples to be drawn at intervals of 1 week for harmonizing biological variables that might be encountered in single
National Lipid Association Recommendations Total Cholesterol Triglyceride LDL Cholesterol Non HDL Cholesterol
(NLA-2014) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL)
Optimal <200 <150 <100 <130
Above Optimal 100-129 130 - 159
Borderline High 200-239 150-199 130-159 160 - 189
High >=240 200-499 160-189 190 - 219
Very High - >=500 >=190 >=220
HDL Cholesterol
Low High
<40 >=60
Risk Stratification for ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) by Lipid Association of India.
Risk Category A. CAD with > 1 feature of high risk group
B. CAD with >1 feature of very high risk group of recurrent ACS (within 1 year) despite LDL-C
Extreme risk group
<or = 50 mg/dl or poly vascular disease
1.Established ASCVD 2.Diabetes with 2 major risk factors of evidence of end
Very High Risk
organ damage 3. Familial Homozygous Hypercholesterolemia
1. Three major ASCVD risk factors 2. Diabetes with 1 major risk factor or no evidence
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Newer treatment goals and statin initiation thresholds based on the risk categories proposed by Lipid Association of India
in 2020.
References : Management of Dyslipidaemia for the Prevention of Stroke : Clinical practice Recommendations from the Lipid Association of
India. Current Vascular Pharmacology,2022,20,134-155.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Iron Studies
Increased levels due to iron ingestion or ineffective erythropoiesis.Decreased levels due to infection, inflammation, malignancy, menstruation and
Fe deficiency.Needs to be taken into consideration with TIBC. Transferrin Saturation:- Low level Transferrin Saturation can indicate iron
deficiency, erythropoiesis, infection, or inflammation. High level Transferrin Saturation can indicate recent ingestion of dietary iron,ineffective
erythropoiesis,haemochromatosis or liver disease.High TIBC, UIBC, or transferrin usually indicates iron deficiency, but they are also increased in
pregnancy and with the use of oral contraceptives. Low TIBC, UIBC, or transferrin may occur if someone has:Hemochromatosis, Certain types of
anemia due to accumulated iron,Malnutrition,kidney disease that causes a loss of protein in urine.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Increased CRP level:
1. A high or increasing amount of CRP in the blood suggests the presence of inflammation but will not identify its location or the
2. Suspected bacterial infection—a high CRP level can provide indication that patient has an infection.
3. Chronic inflammatory disease—high levels of CRP suggest a flare-up if you have a chronic inflammatory disease or that
treatment has not been effective.
If the CRP level is initially elevated and drops, it means that the inflammation or infection is subsiding and/or responding to
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Approximately 85% of patients with Rheumatoid arthritis have detectable RA. It may also be seen in other medical conditions like Sjogren’s
syndrome and SLE.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
"Patients on Biotin supplement may have interference in some immunoassays. Ref: Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 141, November 2017. With
individuals taking high dose Biotin (more than 5 mg per day) supplements, at least 8-hour wait time before blood draw is recommended."
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
The level of serum IgE rises during childhood and reaches adult levels during the teens. IgE is the mediator of the allergic response. Patients with atopic disease,
including allergic asthama, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis commonly have moderately elevated serum IgE levels. Total serum IgE levels may also be elevated
in the presence of some clinical conditions that are not related to allergy. These clinical conditions include parasitic infections, immunodeficiency states,
autoimmune diseases, Hodgkins disease, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, IgE myeloma, and Sezary syndrome.
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
Physical Examination
Volume * 20 ml -
Colour * Pale yellow - Pale yellow
Transparency * Slightly Hazy - Clear
Deposit * Present - Absent
Chemical Examination
Reaction (pH) 5.0 - 4.5 - 8.0
Double Indicator
Specific Gravity 1.010 - 1.010 - 1.030
Ion Exchange
Urine Glucose (sugar) Negative - Negative
Oxidase / Peroxidase
Urine Protein (Albumin) Negative - Negative
Acid / Base Colour Excahnge
Urine Ketones (Acetone) Negative - Negative
Legals Test
Blood Negative - Negative
Peroxidase Hemoglobin
Leucocyte esterase Positive(Trace) - Negative
Enzymatic Reaction
Bilirubin Urine Negative - Negative
Coupling Reaction
Nitrite Negative - Negative
Griless Test
Urobilinogen Normal - Normal
Ehrlichs Test
Microscopic Examination
Pus Cells (WBCs) * 6-8 /hpf 0-5
Epithelial Cells * 3-5 /hpf 0-4
Red blood Cells * Absent /hpf Absent
Crystals * Absent - Absent
Cast * Absent - Absent
Yeast Cells * Absent - Absent
Amorphous deposits * Absent - Absent
Bacteria * Absent - Absent
Protozoa * Absent - Absent
(*) Parameter(s) are outside the scope of tests recognized under the NABL M(EL)T Scheme.
1.The presented findings in the Reports are intended solely for informational and interpretational purposes by
the referring physician or other qualified medical professionals possessing a comprehensive understanding of
reporting units, reference ranges, and technological limitations. The laboratory shall not be held liable for
any interpretation or misinterpretation of the results, nor for any consequential or incidental damages
arising from such interpretation.
2.It is to be presumed that the tests performed pertain to the specimen/sample attributed to the Customer's
name or identification. It is presumed that the verification particulars have been cleared out by the customer
or his/her representation at the point of generation of said specimen / sample. It is hereby clarified that the
reports furnished are restricted solely to the given specimen only.
3.It is to be noted that variations in results may occur between different laboratories and over time, even for
the same parameter for the same Customer. The assays are performed and conducted in accordance with
standard procedures, and the reported outcomes are contingent on the specific individual assay methods and
equipment(s) used, as well as the quality of the received specimen.
4. This report shall not be deemed valid or admissible for any medico-legal purposes.
5.The Customers assume full responsibility for apprising the Company of any factors that may impact the
test finding. These factors, among others, includes dietary intake, alcohol, or medication / drug(s)
consumption, or fasting. This list of factors is only representative and not exhaustive.
Name Patient IDGender Age
Health Advisory
Normal (N) Low (L) Borderline (BL) High (H)
Lipid Profile
This panel measures the amount of lipoprotein - a type of fat required to produce energy in your body. Too
much fat restricts oxygen ow to your heart, which may lead to heart disease.
< 55> 55
You: 42.5
About Redcliffe
We are India’s Most Trusted & Fastest Growing Network of Diagnostics Lab
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excellence, high end
Focus on quality quick turn around time
technology oriented staff
with accurate (TAT)