GS Hy 11 2015
GS Hy 11 2015
GS Hy 11 2015
Q1. What is platform in Remote Sensing? (1)
Q6. Give two examples each of Natural features and man-made features (1)
Q8. What are the different areas where GIS can be used? (1)
Q9. How is Analog data captured by the Remote Sensing technology? (2)
Q10. Explain Topographic Map elements and how can a topographic map be interpreted. (2)
Q12. What do you mean by electromagnetic radiation? Explain spectral signature (2)
Q13. Explain map coordinate system which can help you locate yourself on the earth. (2)
Q15. What do you mean by geospatial features? What are the different types of features and how
they can be represented on a map? (3)
Q16. What is Representative Fraction? The map scale is 1:25000. If distance between 2 points is 5
cm, then calculate the actual distance on the ground. Explain the procedure. (3)
Q17. Explain in detail the advantages of Geospatial Technology over traditional methods of map
making. (3)
Q18. What do you understand by data products of RS? Explain the two types and how are they
captured? (3)
Q19. What do you understand by the term platform? Explain the different types of platforms.(3)
Q20. Write in brief about the Indian Remote Sensing System. Also give examples of some of the
Indian Remote Sensing Satellites. (3)
Q21. Why does water look blue, green and black? (3)
Q24. What is the use of sensors in remote sensing? Explain the different types of sensors used in
remote sensing. (3)
Q25. Explain in detail how Geospatial Technology helps in Asset Management? Explain giving
example. (5)
Q26. Explain in detail how Remote Sensing can be used in Forestry. (5)
Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Vasundhara
Q1. What is the significance of EMR in Remote Sensing? (1)
Q2. Name any two satellites used for remote sensing. (1)
Q6. Give two examples each of Natural features and man-made features (1)
Q8. What are the different areas where GIS can be used? (1)
Q9. How is digital data captured by the Remote Sensing technology? (2)
Q10. Explain cadastral Map elements and how can a cadastral map be interpreted. (2)
Q13. Explain map coordinate system which can help you locate yourself on the earth. (2)
Q15. Explain the need, importance and scope of geospatial technology. (3)
Q16. What do you mean by scale in a map? The map scale is 1:25000. If distance between 2 points
is 15 cm, then calculate the actual distance on the ground. Explain the procedure. (3)
Q17. Explain in detail the advantages of Geospatial Technology over traditional methods of map
making. (3)
Q18. What do you understand by implementation of RS? Explain the two data types and how are
they captured? (3)
Q19. What do you understand by the term platform? Explain the different types of platforms. (3)
Q20. Write in brief about the Indian Remote Sensing System. Discuss the history of Indian remote
sensing (3)
Q21. Why does sky look blue in afternoon and red/orange during sunrise and sunset? (3)
Q22. Name the different types of maps. Explain in detail any three of them. (3)
Q24. What is the use of sensors in remote sensing? Explain the different types of sensors used in
remote sensing. (3)
Q25. Explain in detail how Geospatial Technology helps in Asset Management? Explain giving
example. (5)
Q26. Explain in detail how Remote Sensing can be used as a futuristic technology. (5)