Apec Website Guidelines - Nov2024

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Last Update: October 2024

Contact: APEC Secretariat
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .........................................................................................................3
2. Purpose of this document .....................................................................................3
3. Definitions of terms used in this document ............................................................3
4. APEC Website ......................................................................................................3
5. APEC Host Economy Website ................................................................................4
6. APEC Satellite Website .........................................................................................5
6.1 Complete a Satellite Website proposal for review and approval ............................6
6.2 Develop and launch the Satellite Website ............................................................6
7. APEC Satellite Website Guidelines ........................................................................8
7.1 Goal and Audience ..............................................................................................8
7.2 Text Content .......................................................................................................8
7.3 Hyperlinks ..........................................................................................................8
7.4 Accessibility and Navigation ............................................................................. 10
7.5 Logo, Typography, Colors and Style ................................................................... 11
7.6 Images ............................................................................................................. 12
7.7 Video................................................................................................................ 13
7.8 Website Copyright ............................................................................................ 14
7.9 Including a Disclaimer ...................................................................................... 14
7.10 Including a Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy .................................................. 14
7.11 Including a Terms of Use ................................................................................. 14
8. Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services .................................... 15
9. Annex A - APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services Terms of Use................. 16
9.1 General Terms of Use ........................................................................................ 16
10. Annex B - Project S: APEC Satellite Website Review Request Form ...................... 18
11. Annex C – Flowchart: Planning and Launching a Project S: APEC Satellite Website
.............................................................................................................................. 19
1. Introduction
Websites help an organization disseminate news and information, distribute data, promote
stakeholder engagement and improve the organization’s message and branding.
Successful websites are well planned and organized, have up-to-date content, and effectively
meet the information needs of their target audience.

2. Purpose of this document

This document includes guidelines to follow when developing the APEC website, a host
economy website and an APEC Satellite Website.
Adherence to these guidelines will ensure that APEC websites are properly planned and
developed. A well-planned and quality website, in turn, reinforces the positive and professional
image of APEC.

3. Definitions of terms used in this document

In the context of this document, these terms are defined as follows:

• “APEC Members” refers to APEC member economies and/or APEC fora.

• “APEC Website” refers to the main APEC website (http://www.apec.org) which is
managed by the APEC Secretariat.
• “APEC Satellite Website” or “Satellite Website” refers to an APEC website that is
developed, owned and managed by an APEC Member.
• “APEC Guidelines” refers to the APEC nomenclature, APEC Logo Guidelines, APEC
Sponsorship Guidelines, APEC Publications Guidelines, APEC Intellectual Property
Policy and APEC Website Guidelines.
• “Contractor” refers to a company and/or individual engaged by the APEC Member to
develop its Satellite Website.
• “Project Overseer” refers to the person from the APEC group who is in charge of the
Satellite Website project.
• “Website Administrator” refers to the person who is in charge of managing the Satellite
Website and updating its content.
• “Webpage” refers to one page of a website.
• “APEC Host Economy Website” refers to the website developed and managed by the
host economy for the year and not by the APEC Secretariat.
• “Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services” refers to the list of services the
APEC Secretariat’s Communications and Public Affairs Unit is providing for APEC
Members, economies’ delegates, and staff when they are using the APEC URL or APEC

4. APEC Website
The APEC Website is the primary source of information on APEC and its fora activities.
The APEC Website communicates the benefits and outcomes of APEC processes in a manner
that is easily understood by readers unfamiliar with APEC.
The APEC Website extends APEC’s branding online and promotes APEC as a dynamic,
relevant, and effective forum with a clear mandate of advancing free trade and prosperity.
For transparency, the APEC Website provides APEC publications, news, features, blogs, events
information, photos, videos, subscription services, a glossary and a social wall.
Each APEC forum has a webpage on the APEC Website. The forum webpage provides
information on the latest forum developments, achievements, current activities, contact persons,
related news and events. For example, Economic Committee’s forum webpage is at
http://www.apec.org/Groups/Economic- Committee.aspx

5. APEC Host Economy Website

The APEC host economy should have an official Host Economy Website to distribute news,
media, and information from the APEC meetings.
These are the general guidelines for the Host Economy Website:
1. The Host Economy Website should have an English version. The host economy may
localize the website and develop other versions for the local language (e.g. Spanish,
Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, etc.) when appropriate.

2. The Host Economy Website must adhere to the APEC nomenclature found in the APEC
Publications Guidelines.

3. The Host Economy Website must have an APEC Logo which hyperlinks back to the APEC
Website (http://www.apec.org). The APEC Logo must be placed at a visible position on the
homepage of the website, preferably at the left and top of the page.

• The APEC Logo can be placed at the top left of the page while the Host Economy
APEC Logo can be placed at the top right of the page.
• The APEC Logo can be placed at the footer of the page while the Host Economy
APEC Logo can be placed at the top right of the page.
• The APEC Logo and Host Economy APEC Logo can be placed next to each other at
the top of the page.

4. The Host Economy Website must have an APEC Logo which hyperlinks back to the APEC
Website (http://www.apec.org). The APEC Logo must be placed at a visible position on the
homepage of the website.
The Host Economy Website must adhere to the APEC Logo Guidelines and APEC Tagline
Before the official website is launched, the host economy should email the APEC Secretariat’s
Communications and Public Affairs (CPAU) Director and Digital Communications Manager, the
web address/URL of the website so that the APEC Communications and Public Affairs Unit
(CPAU) can review and provide best practices and advice.
CPAU will create a hyperlink to link the official Host Economy Website to the APEC Website at
Host Economy will create a hyperlink the APEC Website (http://www.apec.org) to the official
Host Economy Website.
These are the functional guidelines for the Host Economy Website:
a. The website is recommended to have these sections for easy access:
• News (For distributing news relating to developments from APEC Meetings)
• Photos (For distributing photo resources of APEC Meetings)
• Videos (For distributing videos of APEC Meetings)
• Events (Which meetings are taking place and the date and venue)
• Contacts (Contact information for delegates and media)
• Media Advisory (Useful information for getting around the economy and the meeting
• Accreditation
o Official
o Media
• Social media

b. The website should leverage the latest web and digital communication technologies to
facilitate the distribution of media resources.
c. The Host Economy Website should maximize usability and accessibility to enhance the
users' experience when surfing the website. The host economy may design alternative
creative website layouts with the APEC Logo and Host Economy APEC Logo are clearly

6. APEC Satellite Website

A Satellite Website, which requires approval by an APEC forum, may be developed to host
comprehensive information about a forum’s project (e.g. a new initiative, database, meeting or
Satellite websites that use APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services (please refer to Section
8) only require the name of the project or APEC forum (i.e. CTI, EDNET, EGRNET) as an
identifier. Since this type of satellite website is built within the Enhanced Satellite Website
Services’ Content Management System, the primary APEC logo is automatically included.
Examples of Satellite Websites are:

• Websites of APEC Expert Groups

• Websites of projects and initiatives endorsed by APEC fora
• Websites of APEC events, such as Meetings and Workshops
In addition to the guidelines described in this document, the APEC Member should implement
other checks and measures to improve and audit the Satellite Website where appropriate.
This document aims to help an APEC Member:

• Understand the roles of the APEC Website and Satellite Websites

• Understand how to plan a Satellite Website, get it approved, and launched
• Know what website services the APEC Secretariat provides to help the APEC Member
develop and/or host its Satellite Website, and their terms of use.
• Learn the principles of good website design and effective web communication
• Ensure that the Satellite Website is compliant with APEC Guidelines.

6.1 Complete a Satellite Website proposal for review and approval

To create a Satellite Website proposal and obtain approval of the proposal, the Project
Overseer should adhere to these steps and requirements:
1. The Project Overseer should coordinate in advance with the Program Director and the
Digital Communications Manager. The includes an introduction to the available support
provided by the APEC Secretariat to initiate an APEC Satellite Website. Via the Program
Director, the Digital Communications Manager will inform the Project Overseer of the APEC
policies and guidelines. All the policies and guidelines can be downloaded from the Policies
and Procedures page on the APEC Website.

2. The Project Overseer will need to complete the APEC Satellite Website Proposal Template
found on the Policies and Procedures page on the APEC Website.

3. After the proposal has been completed, it should be sent to the Program Director for review
and comments. The Program Director will work with the Project Overseer to complete the
proposal following relevant APEC policies and guidelines.

4. After the proposal has been reviewed by the Program Director, it should be sent to the
Digital Communications Manager for review and approval of technical requirements. The
Project Overseer may be required to amend or revise the proposal as required.

5. The approved proposal should be circulated to the relevant working group for endorsement.

6.2 Develop and launch the Satellite Website

The Project Overseer must follow these steps to develop and launch the Satellite Website after
the endorsement of the Satellite Website proposal has been obtained by the relevant working
1. Sponsorships to support for a Satellite Websites are allowed. Requests for a sponsorship
agreement should be submitted to the APEC Secretariat’s Publications and Brand Manager.
2. The Project Overseer can engage a Contractor to design and develop the Satellite Website
or use the APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services to build the Satellite Website using
the website builder tool.

3. The Project Overseer is required to send the design mock-up of the Satellite Website to the
Digital Communications Manager for review, at least 6 weeks before the launch of the
website, whether or not the APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services will be used.

4. It is strongly recommended that fora members engage APEC Enhanced Satellite Website
Services to build the Satellite Website. Otherwise, a custom design should be sent to the
Digital Communications Manager for review that the initial stages of the conceptualization
process. This is to ensure the custom website design complies with APEC Guidelines.

5. The Project Overseer is required to email the content of the Satellite Website to the Program
Director for review, at least 1 month before the launch of the website.

6. The Program Director is required to send the content of the Satellite Website to the relevant
forum for endorsement, at least 3 weeks before the launch of the website.

7. The Project Overseer must share the completed Satellite Website with the Digital
Communications Manager for review and approval, at least 2 weeks before the launch of the
website. The Digital Communications Manager is required to check the Satellite Website for
compliance with APEC Guidelines.

8. Once the website is launched, the Project Overseer should inform the forum’s chair,
Program Director, Communications and Public Affairs Director and Digital Communications
The Project Overseer may follow these recommendations after the Satellite Website has been
created and approved:

1. The Project Overseer is recommended to seek the Digital Communications Manager’s

assistance and support for the Satellite Website’s official launch.

2. The Project Overseer should inform the Communications and Public Affairs Director at least
1 month before the launch of the Satellite Website.

3. The Project Overseer shall regularly populate the website with accurate, up-to-date content
that complies with APEC nomenclature and style found in the APEC Publications

4. The Project Overseer should test the Satellite Website thoroughly, ensure that the website is
working properly and is of high quality before launch and regularly check the website after
the launch.

5. An application for the Working Group logo can be requested through the Digital
Communications Manager. Once this is approved, a logo reference number will be
assigned, and the Satellite Website can be authorized to display the Working Group logo.
The graphic working files of the logo and logo’s reference number will be sent to the Project
Overseer via email.

6. It should be noted that if a website does not conform to the APEC guidelines, it will not be
authorized to display any of the APEC logos or brand elements.
* For the detailed process and procedures, read Section 6.1 and 6.2.

7. APEC Satellite Website Guidelines

7.1 Goal and Audience
The APEC Member should identify the goal of the Satellite Website and its target audience.
Different target audiences may have different levels of understanding of a subject or project and
may need different information/data from the website.
By specifying the intended audience for its Satellite Website, the APEC Member can tailor the
content to deliver the message more effectively and organize the website to help the target
audience locate the required information.
The APEC Member should choose a quantitative or qualitative method of measuring the
success of the Satellite Website.

7.2 Text Content

Content must adhere to the APEC nomenclature and follow these guidelines:

• Keep the content accurate and up to date.

• Write the content clearly using minimal APEC or technical jargon. Assume that the
reader has no knowledge of APEC processes.
• Review the content regularly and update cited figures.
• Write web-friendly paragraphs. Readers tend to scan web content instead of reading it
word-by-word. Maintain white/clear spaces on the webpage layout for easy reading.
• Use the active voice and use bullet points and headings to break up lengthy paragraphs.
• Keep sentences short. Express an idea clearly and succinctly.
• Remember that the content must be Current, Clear, Concise and Compelling.
• Comply with APEC nomenclature guidelines, APEC Logo Guidelines and APEC
Publications Guidelines.

7.3 Hyperlinks
Content of a Satellite Website should not duplicate information already available from the APEC
Website and/or other Satellite Websites. Hyperlinks should be created to direct readers to
related information on other websites.
7.3.1 APEC Publications Database
APEC publications are published on the APEC Publications Database
(https://www.apec.org/publications/listings). Copyright of all APEC publications belongs to the
APEC Secretariat, unless otherwise indicated in the reports. When referring to a particular
APEC publication, the Satellite Website should hyperlink to the executive summary webpage of
the publication at the APEC Publications Database website.
E.g. Education Guideline 3: Textbook for Higher Education - Standardization: Fundamentals,
Impact, and Business Strategy

7.3.2 APEC Meeting Document Database

The APEC Meeting Document Database (MDDB) ( https://mddb.apec.org/Pages/default.aspx) is
the key repository of all APEC meeting documents. When referring to a particular APEC
meeting document, the Satellite Website should hyperlink to the document at the APEC Meeting
Documents Database website.
E.g. Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPRs) and Binding Corporate Rules (BCR): An Overview
and Comparison

7.3.3 APEC Project Database

The APEC Projects Database ( https://aimp2.apec.org/sites/PDB/default.aspx) is the key
repository of all APEC projects. When referring to a particular APEC project, the Satellite
Website should hyperlink to the project webpage at the APEC Projects Database website.
E.g. 2022 APEC SME Forum on Promoting Low-Carbon-Driven Industrial Ecosystem for Smart
Green Economy

7.3.4 APEC Forum Webpage

Each APEC forum updates its latest achievements, current activities, news and contact
information at its forum webpage at the APEC Website. If a Satellite Website refers to an APEC
forum, a hyperlink should be made to the APEC forum webpage.
If an APEC Member wishes to post relevant information on the forum webpage, the APEC
Member should inform the forum’s Program Director at the APEC Secretariat and seek the
Forum’s approval. The Program Director will review the update and notify the Communications
and Public Affairs Unit if the forum webpage update is appropriate.
E.g. Economic Committee
7.3.5 APEC Events Calendar
The APEC Events Calendar (http://www.apec.org/Events-Calendar.aspx) lists all APEC
meetings, workshops, seminars and activities. The APEC Member should publish its forum
events on the APEC Calendar and create hyperlinks from the Satellite Website to the APEC
Events Calendar.
An event must be approved/endorsed by its APEC forum before it can be listed on the Events
Calendar. The event can either be APEC-funded or self-funded by an APEC economy.
If an APEC Member wishes to post an event on the APEC Events Calendar, the APEC Member
should inform/email the forum’s Program Director at the APEC Secretariat. The Program
Director will review the forum event suggestion and notify the Digital Communications Manager
if the event is appropriate for the APEC Events Calendar.

7.3.6 APEC Tenders and RFPs

The APEC Tenders and RFPs (Request for Proposal) webpage
(http://www.apec.org/Projects/Tenders-and-RFPs.aspx) lists all APEC project tender
documents. The APEC Member should publish its RFP document on this webpage and create
hyperlinks from the Satellite Website to the APEC Tenders and RFPs webpage when referring
to its RFP.
The APEC Member should submit Tenders/RFPs update requests to the APEC Secretariat’s
Program Director for review first. The Program Director will notify the Digital Communications
Manager about the Tenders/RFPs update if the requested update is appropriate.

7.4 Accessibility and Navigation

Satellite Websites must be accessible to readers in all APEC economies. The APEC Member
must ensure that the Satellite Website loads fast and displays properly on common web
browsers (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge).
Content and data should be organized into logical sections and categories that can be accessed
intuitively from the homepage. The website should be structured so that information can be
located easily and quickly.
For better accessibility and navigation, the Satellite Website should:
- Have primary navigation that links to the major website sections.
- Have secondary navigation that links to the main pages of each section.
- Have a sitemap that describes the entire Satellite Website content structure.
- Have navigation breadcrumbs to indicate the page the user is currently on.
- Have an email form to contact the Website Administrator. Alternatively, show the Website
Administrator’s contact details on the website.
- Have a site-search function.
- Ensure that webpages can be bookmarked and are hyperlinked back to the homepage.
- Ensure that webpages are printer-friendly.
- Ensure that webpages are mobile/tablet-friendly.

7.5 Logo, Typography, Colors and Style

The APEC Logo (primary or forum logo) must be displayed at a visible position on the
homepage of the Satellite Website and must comply with the APEC Logo Guidelines. To ensure
legibility and clarity, the Logo must measure at least 95 pixels in height or at least 110 pixels in
width. For more information, please refer to the APEC Logo Guidelines. The Logo must be
hyperlinked to the APEC Website (http://www.apec.org)

For consistent typography, the Satellite Website should use the Helvetica or Arial typeface for
main headers (H1), titles, navigation, paragraph and other text in the website. It is stated in the
APEC Branding Guidelines that “The APEC typeface is the family of Helvetica and Arial.”
The Satellite Website can use the APEC corporate colors like the following colors:
- It is recommended to use APEC secondary colors for headlines or graphics background.
- It is recommended to use neutral grey shades for background color of broad areas.
- See APEC Branding Manual for exact colors.
The design style should follow these guidelines:
- Use a visually appealing web-safe color scheme that enhances readability.
- Apply the same style consistently throughout the Satellite Website.
- Avoid graphics and use small-sized graphics where necessary.
- Use a page layout width of at least 980 pixels.
- Avoid framed pages.
- Avoid the use of pop-up windows.
- Avoid inappropriate use of sound and interactive elements. For example, playing
unsolicited sound when a webpage is loaded.
- List the latest information and/or content of high importance/relevance on the homepage.

7.6 Images
The Satellite Website may use images and photos to complement the content. Selected images
and photos should:
- Give context and aid in the understanding of the content (e.g. graphs, charts, etc).
- Bring interest and visual appeal to the content (e.g. Use stock photos that are suggestive
of education, trade etc).
- Complement the website's design.
- Not have negative connotations (not politically, religious or gender sensitive).
- Comply with APEC nomenclature guidelines, APEC Logo Guidelines and APEC
Publications Guidelines.
Excessive use of images and photos will increase the loading time of a webpage. It is good
practice to optimize the image for the web, reducing the image size as much as possible.
Examples of acceptable and unacceptable images for a Satellite Website:
7.7 Video
The Satellite Website may use videos to complement the content. Videos should:
- Tell a story and deliver relevant, substantive policy messages.
- Utilize compelling, high-quality images and motion graphics.
- Share high-quality audio that is crisp and clean.
- Keep video length to less than 3 minutes.
- Official video (video with APEC branding or from the working group) needs consensus
from the forum. Clips should be edited to a reasonable length of no longer than 3
minutes. Multiple clips are allowed on the page.
- Ensure the Satellite Website has permission to publish the video.
- Comply with APEC nomenclature guidelines, APEC Logo Guidelines and APEC
Publications Guidelines.
- It is recommended to use APEC secondary colors for headlines or graphics background.
- It is recommended to use neutral grey shades for background color of broad areas.
- See APEC Branding Manual for exact colors.

7.8 Website Copyright

The APEC Member owns the copyright of the content published in the Satellite Website and
should ensure that the content does not infringe the copyrights of other third-party persons and
A copyright statement should be included in the Satellite Website to inform users of the
intellectual property ownership of the APEC Member.
Here is an example of a copyright statement:
© Copyright [2024] APEC [Energy Working Group]. All Rights Reserved.
Replace the text in brackets accordingly.

7.9 Including a Disclaimer

A disclaimer should be included in the Satellite Website if the Satellite Website contains third-
party content that the APEC Member does not manage, or if the Satellite Website hyperlinks to
third-party websites.
A sample disclaimer is as follows:
“Disclaimer: The website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites that may not comply with
the APEC nomenclature and guidelines. APEC shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of
the information/data of the third-party websites, which are hyperlinked for your convenience.”

7.10 Including a Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy

A privacy policy and cookies policy should be included in the Satellite Website. Please refer to a
sample of the Privacy Policy here:

7.11 Including a Terms of Use

Terms of Use should be included on the Satellite Website. Please refer to a sample of Terms of
Use here: https://www.apec.org/termsofuse
8. Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services
The APEC Secretariat provides a suite of free Satellite Website Services, known as Project S,
to assist the APEC Member with content publishing, website development, domain name
registration and/or web hosting.
The APEC Member can apply to use the APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services using the
APEC Satellite Webpage Review Request Form.
To use any of the Enhanced Satellite Webpage Services, the APEC Member must comply with
the Enhanced Satellite Website Services Terms of Use (See Annex A).
The Enhanced Satellite Website Services’ Content Management System (CMS) is
professionally customized to be easy to use for users with no programming or design
knowledge or experience.
Because the APEC Member does not need to develop and host the website, the Enhanced
Satellite Website Services saves the APEC Member cost and time. By using the enhanced
satellite website service, the APEC Member can channel their efforts and resources on
preparing quality content for their target audience.
The services’ CMS offers web design templates for APEC Members from which to select,
providing a consistent look-and-feel that is complementary to the APEC Website and coherent
to the overall APEC branding. Professional, consistent and unified designs for all APEC Satellite
Websites is to reinforce APEC’s online brand presence. In turn, this strengthens trust and
credibility with the targeted audience, and gives a positive impression of unity and coordination
between the APEC Members.
It is recommended, though not compulsory, for a Satellite Website to use Project S.
The domain name of the Enhanced Satellite Website CMS shall be in the following format:
https://[Satellite Website Name].apec.org.
The Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website CMS includes these basic modules below:
1. Logo/Title
The logo/title module is on the top of the Satellite Website layout to showcase the logo or the
2. For forum-approved Satellite Website, the name of the APEC working group and/or the name
of the sub-working group (i.e. EDNET, EGRNET) will be shown.
3. Main Navigation
The main navigation is on the top or at the side of the Satellite Website layout. The content of
the main navigation is customizable.
4. Carousel Banner
The satellite website owner can customize the image and the text of the carousel’s banner. To
achieve the best user experience and faster loading speed, we suggest not uploading more
than six banners.
Satellite Website Ownership Credentials and Management:
The Digital Communications Manager will provide the login details to the satellite website owner
once the application is approved. The ownership of the satellite website is valid for one year
after the login detail is provided.
The APEC Member shall renew the APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services by sending a
confirmation email whether the service will be continued to Digital Communications Manager
every year at least one month before expiry. Otherwise, The APEC Secretariat reserves the
right to suspend or close the Satellite Website without further notice.
The satellite website owner is required to keep the content up to date and maintain the website.
A staff without technical or web skills can easily update and maintain the Satellite Website with
its user-friendly content editor.

9. Annex A - APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services Terms of Use

By using any of the Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services - APEC Subdomain
Web Address, Project S: APEC Satellite Website Platform (Content Management System), the
user agrees to accept the terms stated in this policy and will fully comply with the terms as long
as the website service is in use.
The Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services Terms of Use constitute an
agreement between the APEC Secretariat and users of the Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite
Website Services.
By using Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services, the user acknowledges that the
Privacy Policy has been read. The policy is available at https://www.apec.org/privacypolicy.
These terms may be revised from time to time. The latest version of the APEC Website
Guidelines which contains the Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services Terms of
Use can be downloaded at the APEC Policies and Procedures webpage

9.1 General Terms of Use

The APEC Member must comply with these terms if the APEC Member uses the Project S:
APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services:
9.1.1 The Satellite Website must be approved as described in Section 6.1.
9.1.2 The Satellite Website Logo/Title must be clearly displayed on the website.
9.1.3 To apply for the service(s), the APEC Member must email the completed APEC Satellite
Website Review Request Form to the APEC Secretariat’s Digital Communications
Manager at least 30 working days before the launch date of the Satellite Website. After
reviewing the form by the manager, a user account for the Enhanced Satellite Website
Platform will be provided for the Project Overseer or Website Administrator of the
Satellite Website. See Annex C Section 11 for the Flowchart of the process.
9.1.4 The APEC Member must provide two choices of APEC subdomain web addresses
(URL) in the request form.
9.1.5 The APEC Member must designate a Website Administrator for the Satellite Website.
This person will be the point of contact for all matters regarding the Satellite Website,
including content updates.
9.1.6 The Satellite Website Administrator and associated APEC Member must keep the
content up to date and ensure that it complies with the APEC nomenclature and APEC
9.1.7 The APEC Secretariat does not provide resources (i.e. staff resources, financial
resources, or other resources) to develop, troubleshoot, transfer and update its Satellite
9.1.8 The APEC Member is responsible for the design, development, project management
and maintenance of the Satellite Website.
9.1.9 The APEC Member will remain the owner and administrator of the Satellite Website. The
APEC Member is responsible for safekeeping the Enhanced Satellite Website Services
account information and password.
The APEC Member will be solely and fully responsible for all activities that occur under
the user account, whether specifically authorized by the APEC Member, and for any
damages, expenses or losses that may result from such activities.
9.1.10 If the APEC member is not using the Project S: APEC Enhanced Satellite Website
Platform, then the APEC Member is responsible for the regular backup of the website
files, content and data uploaded to the Satellite Website.
9.1.11 The APEC Member may engage a Contractor to develop or administer its Satellite
Website. The APEC Member must ensure the Contractor abides by the APEC
9.1.12 The APEC Secretariat may review the Satellite Website from time to time to ensure that
the APEC Guidelines are adhered to. The APEC Secretariat will contact the Website
Administrator of the Satellite Website if there are reported/observed website issues. (e.g.
outdated content, broken hyperlinks, website bugs etc.) The Website Administrator must
rectify the website issues as soon as possible.
9.1.13 The APEC Secretariat reserves the right to suspend or close the Satellite Website
(hosted using the Project S: Enhanced Satellite Website Services) without further notice
if the Website Administrator is not contactable, or if no action is made by the APEC
Member to comply with the APEC Guidelines despite repeated reminders. Hyperlinks to
the non-compliant Satellite Website may be removed from the APEC Website as well.
9.1.14 In the case of Enhanced Satellite Website Platform, the APEC Secretariat is the
facilitator between the APEC Member and the hosting service provider. If there is a
hosting server problem, the APEC Secretariat will liaise directly with the hosting service
provider to resolve the problem.
9.1.15 The APEC Member shall inform the APEC Secretariat of any change in Project
Overseer, Website Administrator and/or any website revamp after the Satellite Website
is launched.
9.1.16 The APEC Member shall own, or have explicit authority and/or right to use and display
all intellectual property pertaining to the Satellite Website’s content, including but not
limited to any designs, images, animations, videos, audio files, fonts, logos, illustrations,
compositions, artworks, code, interfaces, text and literary works. APEC Secretariat does
not claim ownership rights on the APEC Member’s content. For the sole purpose of
granting the APEC Member the APEC Enhanced Satellite Website Services, the APEC
Member acknowledges and agrees to allow the APEC Secretariat to access their
copyrighted materials, for the purpose of uploading to the Secretariat’s platform,
including cloud services and CDN’s, to make display adjustments, to duplicate for
backup these materials, and perform any other technical actions and/or uses to these
materials as required to perform our services, as we deem fit.

10. Annex B - Project S: APEC Satellite Website Review Request Form

The Project S: APEC Satellite Website Review Request Form can be downloaded at
https://www.apec.org/about-us/about-apec/policies-and-procedures (Under Website section).
11. Annex C – Flowchart: Planning and Launching a Project S: APEC
Satellite Website

1) The Project Overseer prepares Satellite Website proposal from Project S: APEC
Satellite Website Proposal Template.

2) Submit the proposal to the Program Director for review. The Project Overseer should
work with the Program Director to complete the proposal.

3) Submit the proposal to the Digital Communications Manager for review and approval.

4) Submit the proposal to the forum for endorsement.

5) The Project Overseer can decide to use the Enhanced Satellite Website Services or to
engage a website design vendor.

6) Submit the design mock-up of the website to the Digital Communications Manager for
review. (6 wks before launch)

7) Submit the content of the website to the Program Director for review. (4 wks before launch)

8) Submit the content of the website to the forum for endorsement. (3 wks before launch)

9) Submit the completed Satellite Website to the Digital Communications Manager for approval. DCM will
inform PMU for approved satellite website request at the same time. (2 wks before launch)

10) Launch of Website.

* For the detailed process and procedures, read Section 6.1 and 6.2 carefully.

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