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Unit - IV (Radiation)

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Course: Heat Transfer.
B.TECH. 5th Sem (Mechanical) (2024-25)
Unit – IV (Radiation )

1) Name the different constituent rays of solar spectrum. [2]

2) Enlist atleast 4 characteristics of thermal radiation. [2]
3) Explain absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity and establish relationship among them . [2]
4) Explain emissivity and its significance. [2]
5) Explain black body and enlist its characteristics. [2]
6) Explain the characteristics of white body. [2]
7) Explain the characteristics of colour body. [2]
8) Explain the characteristics of opaque body. [2]
9) Explain the characteristics of transparent body. [2]
10) Explain the characteristics of gray body. [2]
11) Explain hemispherical or total emissive power. [2]
12) Explain spectral or monochromatic emissive power. [2]
13) Explain Radiosity and Irradiation. [2]
14) Explain Reciprocity theorem. [2]
15) Explain Kirchhoff’s law. [2]
16) Explain Planck’s law. [2]
17) Explain Stefan Boltzman law. [2]
18) Explain Wien’s displacement law. [2]
19) Explain Radiation shield. [2]
20) Explain beam and diffused radiations. [2]
21) Explain Lombarts Cosine law. [2]
22) A black radiation source is at 1100 oC. Calculate:
(i) The maximum monochromatic emissive power of the body. [5]
(ii) Total emissive power of the body.

23) The sun may be considered to be a blackbody with a surface temperature of 5780 K. Calculate :
(i) The wavelength corresponding to the maximum spectral emissive power. [6]
(ii) The maximum spectral emissive power. (iii) The hemispherical or total emissive power.

24) Two parallel flat plate 0.5 & 1m are spaced 0.5 m apart. One plate is maintained at 1000 oC and other at
500 oC and corresponding emissivity values are 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. The plates are located in large
room. The walls are maintained at 20 oC. The plates exchange heat with each other and with the room, but
only the plate surfaces facing each other are to be considered in analysis. Find the H.T. to each plate and
into the room. Shape factor for plates are 0.285. [10]

25) Two very large parallel planes with emissivities 0.3 and 0.8 exchange radiative energy. Determine the
percentage reduction in radiative energy transfer when a polished aluminum radiation shield ( ϵ = 0.04) is
placed between them. The plates are at the temperature of 510 K and 300 K respectively.

26) Two parallel square plates, each 4 m2 area are large, compared to a gap of 5 mm separating them. One
plate has a temperature of 800 K and surface emissivity of 0.6 while the other has a temperature of 300 K
and a surface emissivity of 0.9 . Find the net energy exchange by radiation between the plates. If a thin
polished metal sheet surface emissivity 0.1 on both sides is now located centrally between the two plates,
what will be its steady state temperature? How the heat transfer would be altered? Neglect the convection
and edge effects, if any . Comment upon the significance of this exercise. [ 10]

27) State and explain properties of shape factor. [ 6]

28) Two very large plates are maintained at uniform temperature 800 K and 500 K and have emissivities ϵ1
= 0.2 , ϵ2 = 0.7 respectively. Determine heat transfer between the two surface per unit surface are of the
plates. [7]

29) A double walled flask may be idealized to be equivalent to two infinite parallel plates. The emissivities of
walls are 0.3 and 0.8 respectively. The space between them is evacuated. A shield of polished Aluminum
of ϵ = 0.05 is inserted between them. Find the reduction in heat transfer rate due to insertion of radiation
shield if the plate temperatures are 300 K and 260 K respectively [ 7]
30) Explain the following :- [6]

(i) Kirchhoff’s law of radiation.

(ii) Wien’s displacement law. [4]
(iii) Shape factor

31) Two identical circular plates each with area 1 m2 and emissivity 0.5 are arranged facing each other in a
large room. The emissive power of the plates are 30 kw/ m2 and 3 kw/ m2 respectively. The temperature
of the surrounding is 27oC .The surface of the plates facing each other only are radiating energy, find,
(1) Distance between the plates.
(2) Temperature of the plates.
Assume shape factor between the plates as 0.6. [7]

32) Explain in brief ,

(1) Radiation shields,(2) Shape factor and Reciprocity theorem

33) . An industrial furnace in the form of a black body emits radiation at 3000 K . Calculate: - [ 6]
(i) Monochromatic emissive power at 1 μm wave length.
(ii) Wavelength at which the emission is maximum,
(iii)Maximum emissive power.

34) The net radiation from the surfaces of two parallel plates maintained at T1 and T2 is to be reduced by
99%. Calculate the number of screens to be placed between the two surfaces to achieve this reduction in
heat exchange assuming the emissivity of the screens as 0.05 and that of surfaces as 0.8.

35) Two large parallel planes having emissivities 0.3 and 0.5 are maintained at temp of 800 K and 400 K
respectively. A radiation shield with ϵ = 0.05 on both side is inserted midway between two. Calculate
percentage reduction in heat loss with shield. [7]

36) Explain following Laws with their mathematical form and significance:-
(1) Wien’s law
(2) Kirchhoff’s law of radiation
(3) Stefan Boltzmann law


37) Two large parallel plates with ϵ = 0.5 each, are maintained at different temperatures and are exchanging
heat only by radiation. Two equally large radiation shields with surface emissivity 0.05 are introduced in
parallel to the plates. Find the percentage reduction in net radiative heat transfer. [ 7]

38) Explain the following terms: [ 6]

(i) (i) Shape factor. (ii) Radiation shield (ii) Wien’s law (iv) Kirchhoff’s law
39) The net radiation from the surfaces of two parallel plates maintained at T1 and T2 is to be reduced by
99%. Calculate the number of screens to be placed between the two surfaces to achieve this reduction in
heat exchange assuming the emissivity of the screens as 0.05 and that of surfaces as 0.8. [ 7]

40) Explain the terms : [6]

(i) Black body and Opaque body
(ii) Planck’s law
(iii)Wien’s displacement law

41) Calculate the following for an industrial furnace in the form of a black body and emitting radiation at
2500 oC : .[7]
(i) Monochromatic emissive power at 1.2 micrometer length.
(ii) Wavelength at which the emission is maximum,
(iii)Maximum emissive power,
(iv) Total emissive power of the furnace if it is assumed as a real surface with emissivity equal to 0.9

42) Consider two large parallel plates, one at t1 = 727 oC with emissivity ϵ1 = 0.8 and other at t2 = 227 oC with
emissivity ϵ2 = 0.4. An aluminum radiation shield with an emissivity ϵs = 0.05 on both sides is placed
between the plates. Calculate the percentage reduction in heat transfer rate between the two plates as a
result of shield. Use σ = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2K4 . [7]

43) Explain the following: -

(i) Radiation shield (ii) ) Kirchhoff’s law of radiation & Wien’s displacement law
(iii) Shape factor and reciprocity theorem,(iv) Emissivity , absorptivity and transsimissivity[8]

44) Explain the following terms :-

(i) Irradiation and absorptivity (ii) Stefan Boltzman law. (iii) Kirchhoff’s law of radiation (iv) Wien’s
displacement law (v) Shape factor (vi) Radiation shield [9]
45) Discuss the laws of shape factor. [5]

46) The sun may be considered to be a black body with a surface temperature of 5780 k,
1. The wavelength corresponding to the maximum spectral emissive power. (0.5013 µm).
2. The maximum spectral emissive power 8.30 x 109 ).
3. The hemispherical total emissive power (3.657 x 1011). [ 8]

47) Write and explain any two laws of radiation. [4]

48) Define shape factor and explain various laws of shape factor. [5]


49) Assuming the sun to be a black body emitting radiation with maximum intensity at λ = 0.49 µm ,calculate
the following :
(i) the surface temperature of the sun and (5914 K)
(ii) the heat flux at surface of the sun.(6.936 x 105). [5]

50) Consider two large parallel plates, one at 1000 K with emissivity 0.8 and other is at 300 K having
emissivity 0.6.A radiation shield is placed between them. The shield has emissivity as 0.1 on the side
facing hot plate and 0.3 on the side facing cold plate. Calculate the percentage reduction in radiation heat
transfer as a result of radiation shield. [S-14,8M]

51) Calculate the following for an industrial furnace in the form of black body emitting radiation at
2300oC: (i)Maximum emissive power.
(ii)Total emissive power. [5]

52) Explain in brief radiation shields? [3]

53) Calculate the following quantities of an industrial furnace(black body) emitting radfiation at 2650oC:
(i) Spectral emissive power at λ=1.2µm,
(ii) Wavelength at which the emissive power is maximum.
(iii)Maximum spectral emissive power.
(iv) Total emissive power.
(v) (v)Total emissive power of furnace , if it is treated as gray and diffuse body with an emssivity of
0.9. [10]

54) Two parallel plate 0.5 m x 1m are spaced 0.5m apart 0ne plate is maintained at 9000c and other is at
4500c the emissivity at first and 2nd plate is 0.3 and 0.5 resp. calculate the heat exchange rate between
two plates.if a radiation shield is inserted in between two plate with both side emissivity of 0.03 .calculate
the % reduction in heat transfer rate. [9]

55) The net radiation from the surfaces of two parallel plates maintained at T1 and T2 is to be reduced by
99%. Calculate the number of screens to be placed between the two surfaces to achieve this reduction in
heat exchange assuming the emissivity of the screens as 0.05 and that of surfaces as 0.8. [7]

56) Calculate the following for an industrial furnace in the form of a black body and emitting radiation at
2500 °C : (7)
(i) Maximum emissive power
(ii) Total emissive power. [7]

57) Two parallel square plates each 4m2 area are large ,compared to a gap of 5mm separating them. one plate
has a temperature of 800k and surface emissivity of 0.6 while the other has a temperature of 300k and a
surface emissivity of 0.9. find net energy exchange by radiation between the plates .if a thin polished
metal sheet of surface emissivity0.1 on both sides is now located centrally between the two plates, what
will be it steady state temperature? [7]

58) Assuming the sun to be a black body having a surface temperature of 5800 K. Calculate :


(i) the total emissive power.
(ii) the Wavelength at which the emissive power is maximum.
(iii)the maximum value of emissive power.
(iv) The percentage of total emitted energy that lies in the visisble range of 0.35 µm to 0.76 µm.
(v) Monochromatic emissive power at 1.2 µm length.
(vi) The total amount of radiant energy emitted by the sun per unit time it its diameter can be assumed
to be 1.391 x 109 m. [8]

59) Two large parallel planes with emissivity 0.6 are at at 900 K and 300 K, A radiation shield with one side
polished and having emissivity of 0.05, while emissivity of the other side is 0.4 is proposed to be used .
Which side of the shield to face the hotter plane ,if the temperature of the shield is to be kept minimum ?
Justify your answer. [10]



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