Abbie - Gentry Analytical Method Transfer Questions
Abbie - Gentry Analytical Method Transfer Questions
Abbie - Gentry Analytical Method Transfer Questions
F-1 Are analysts in receiving Very Low Method techniques not in use 1
People lab experienced in
specific analytical Low One or more techniques not routinely in use in lab 3
Experience methodology? with 1 – 2 people experienced in method technique
and training required
Moderate At least one technique routinely used with ≤ 3 7
trained individuals and no training required
F-2 Are all consumables Very Low Critical materials require qualification. 1
Lab specified in the method Low Non-critical materials require qualification 3
Infrastructure available through local Moderate Like for like replacement available. 7
supply chain? High Same vendors and grades. 9
F-2 What type of analytical Very Low No experience at the receiving site with required 1
Lab testing equipment is equipment
Infrastructure available at the receiving Low Equipment differences are significant enough to 3
site, compared to that of require method modification.
Equipment the existing site? Moderate Equipment is of similar design, different vendor 7
(Waters Alliance, HP1100) evaluation required.
High Identical equipment, vendor, model. 9
F-2 Has there been FTE Very Low No analysis, <50% capacity. 1
Lab evaluation for projected Low Analysis gap, 50 – 75% capacity, no plan for new 3
Infrastructure volumes? hires.
Moderate Analysis gap, 50 – 75% capacity, approved plan to 7
Capacity increase staff.
High Full analysis of lab capabilities, >100% capacity. 9
F-2 Is the receiving lab Very Low Temperature and humidity effects not well 1
Lab environmental controls understood or controlled.
Infrastructure and its effect on the Low There are known variation outside method 3
method understood? operating ranges that will require method changes.
Controls Moderate Known variation within method operating ranges of 7
the method.
High Temperature and humidity controls well 9
understood and same as controlling lab.
F-2 What degree of solvent Very Low Critical solvents not allowed and require significant 1
Lab environmental method changes.
Infrastructure requirements impact the
Low Non-critical solvent changes will impact the 3
validation status of the method.
Moderate Non-critical solvent requirements not expected to 7
impact validation status.
High No impact to the method. 9
F-3 Method What is the level of Very Low Highly complex method (e.g., for multi-active, 1
familiarity with the special sample prep) that represents a new
Analytical Test Methods technique for receiving site.
for Product Release and Low Complex method, new application of existing 3
Raw Materials? technology at receiving site. Method at or near
limits of instrument capability and requiring
significant scientific interpretation.
Moderate New method to Receiving Lab. Well characterized 7
method through data from Controlling lab. (e.g.,
R&D or other site).
High Well characterized, method (e.g., single active and 9
simple) and technology, within core competencies
and similar to current methods at receiving lab.
F-3 Method What types of changes to Very Low Extensive changes to multiple Test Methods from 1
Test Methods from the the Controlling Lab must be made (e.g., methods
Controlling lab to the not stability-indicating, not sufficiently reliable or
Receiving lab are accurate).
F3 Have critical materials Very Low At least 1 critical material have only one single 1
Method (eg HPLC columns or source
reagents) been qualified Low Alternative vendors qualified but require method 3
Materials with multiple vendors and modification
lots? Moderate Qualified alternatives but from the same vendors 7
High All critical materials have alternative vendors 9
qualified vendors and lots
F-4 Has the method as Very Low R&D only method 1
Method written been transferred Low Local QC with modification pending 3
Complexity outside of R&D Moderate In use in local QC currently as is 7
controlling lab? High Method in use at local Q and at least one 9
Nuances additional receiving lab
F-4 Method Does the method output Very Low New technique to lab that requires significant data 1
Complexity (data) required significant interpretation to accurately represents true results.
scientific interpretation? OR Method demonstrated requirement for
Data significant interpretation by analyst experienced
with method
Low Require some scientific interpretation that some 3
core competency in the receiving lab.
Moderate Method requires some scientific interpretation, 7
which is within the core competency of receiving
High Simple routine data output within competency of 9
the receiving lab.
F-5 Method What is the level of Very Low Significant number of laboratory investigations at 1
Performance analytical laboratory current site: > x% of batches tested, greater than
investigations associated laboratory norm by a significant degree
Robustness with the product/methods
at the current site?