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Ma. Consolacion P. Dimson1, Luzvi Heidi A. Guimod 2, Vy D. Sevilla 3,

Michael A. Pajayon4
Graduate School - Nursing, Bataan Peninsula State University -Balanga
City, Bataan Philippines 2100

mcpdimson@gmail.com1, 2, 3, mpaj13@yahoo.com4,

The purpose of this research project is to find out if nurses' job
satisfaction at a particular hospital in Bataan is related to an enjoyable
practice environment. This study will evaluate elements such leadership
support, teamwork, work-life balance, and chances for professional
development that contribute to creating an enjoyable practice environment
for nurses. And aims to provide insights that can improve the working
environment and job satisfaction level of nurses in the hospital setting by
exploring the relationship between the above variables and nurses' job

Keywords: nurses’ job satisfaction, nurses’ retention,positive practice, positive work

INTRODUCTION work environment as the reason; nurses on
units with lower intent to leave more often
The healthcare industry depends perceive turnover as a threat to the
extensively on its dedication and delivery of quality care.[1]
knowledge of nurses to provide patients The professional practice
with excellent treatment. The practice environment is defined as the
environment in which nurses work is organizational characteristics of a nursing
essential to this commitment because it practice environment that promotes or
has a big impact on their job satisfaction restricts professional nursing practice.[2] A
and, in turn, the standard of care they positive professional practice environment
deliver. can make nurses put into professional
Based on survey responses from practice, enhance communication and
nearly 250,000 RNs, the 2018 Press cooperation between doctors and nurses,
Ganey Nursing Special Report identified and promote healthy patient outcomes.[3]
that nurses planning to leave their jobs At the same time, a good environment of
soon typically cite dissatisfaction with the professional nursing practice also helps to
reduce burnout, improve nurses’ job
satisfaction, and improve the quality of METHODOLOGY
patient care.[4]
Research Design
On the contrary, a poor practice
This study will utilize the
environment for nurses will make nurses
convergent parallel research design. Data
dissatisfied with their profession, fatigue,
will be collected at Centro Medico de
burnout and intention to leave in nurses
Santisimo Rosario Hospital, Balanga,
working, resulting in reduced anticipation
Bataan; a 100-bed capacity primary-level
of and sensitivity to potential dangers and
hospital. Guide questionnaires will be
increased more missed nursing care
used for qualitative data while descriptive
events, affecting patient safety.[5]
correlational for quantitative. Areas of
convergence or divergence will also be
Good professional nursing practice
environment can help reduce burnout,
improve nurse job satisfaction, improve Population and Sampling
patient care quality care.[6]
The participants will be registered
The present study investigates the nurses, either male or female. Purposive
elements that promote a nurturing work non-probability sampling will be utilized.
atmosphere at Selective Hospital in
Bataan and how it affects the job Inclusion Criteria will only be
satisfaction of nurses. registered nurses who work in Centro
Medico de Santisimo Rosario Hospital,
Balanga, Bataan; with age ranging from
The goal of this research is to 20 to 50 years old and having more than
better understand the components of a one year of clinical experience in the said
happy practice environment in order to facility.
improve patient outcomes, nurse well-
being, and the overall performance of the Exclusion criteria are those who
healthcare facility. are on leave, with clinical experience of
less than one year and registered nurses
Specifically, this study aims to answer the who are not directly involved in patient
following research questions: care.
Data Collection Procedure
1. How do nurses define a positive
work environment at Selected The researchers are planning to do
Hospital in Bataan? a pilot testing of the questionnaires before
2. What is the relationship between submitting a permission request letter to
the positive work environment at the Dean of the Graduate School of BPSU
Selective Hospital in Bataan and to seek approval for the survey.
nurses' job satisfaction? Additionally, the researchers will also ask
3. To what extent do qualitative and the Chief Nurse of Centro Medico de
quantitative results converge? Santisimo Rosario Hospital, for

permission to involve the staff nurses in
the research study. REFERENCES
Registered Nurses of Centro
[1] Press Ganey. 2018 Nursing Special
Medico de Santisimo Rosario Hospital, Report. Optimizing the nursing
Balanga, Bataan will be asked to provide workforce: Key drivers of intent to
their socio-demographic profiles and stay for newly licensed and
answer the interview questionnaires in experienced nurses.
their free time. The researchers plan to
gather data from the chosen hospital e-papers/2018-nursing-special-report
through face to face over a period of two [2] Erickson, J. I., Duffy, M.E.,
weeks. All data gathered will be used Ditomassi, M., & Jones, D. (2017).
solely for this study and will be stored in a Development and Psychometric
secure, private location. Evaluation of the Professional Practice
Work Environment Inventory. The
Journal of Nursing Administration,
Data Analysis 47(5),
Mixed methods - Convergent
parallel research design will be utilized in
[3] Gou, X., Chen, L., Yang, S., Li, Y., &
the study. N–WES interview guide Wu, J. (2024). Relationships of the
questionnaires will be used for qualitative adversity quotient subtypes of nursing
data which consists of eight questions interns with depression, coping styles,
Items are scored on a 4-point Likert scale positive psychological capital, and
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 professional adaptability: a cross-
(strongly agree). The N-WES has been sectional study. BMC Medical
Education, 24(1), 865
widely used and validated in various
studies, demonstrating good validity and [4] Boamah, S. A., Read, E. A., & Spence
reliability in assessing the nursing work Laschinger, H. K. (2017). Factors
influencing new graduate nurse burnout
environment.[7] Areas of convergence or development, job satisfaction and
divergence will also be discussed. patient care quality: a time‐lagged
study. Journal of advanced nursing,
73(5), 1182-1195.
[5] M Rivaz, M Momennasab, S
We are incredibly thankful for the Yektatalab, A Ebadi - Journal of clinical
contributions of everyone involved. We and diagnostic research: JCDR, 2017.
extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Adequate resources as essential
Dean of the Graduate School of BPSU component in the nursing practice
and the Chief Nurse of Centro Medico de environment: A qualitative study
Santisimo Rosario Hospital, our esteemed [6] Boamah, S. A., Read, E. A., &
professor Mr. Lucky Sonny Ligsanan, and Spence Laschinger, H. K. (2017).
most importantly, to all our dedicated Factors influencing new graduate nurse
participants. Thank you all very much for burnout development, job satisfaction
your invaluable support!

and patient care quality: a time‐lagged Nursing Work Index. Research in
study. Journal of advanced nursing Nursing & Health, 25(3), 176-188.
73(5), 1182-1195.
[7] Lake, E. T. (2002). Development of the
Practice Environment Scale of the

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