Phrasal Verbs - List

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Phrasal Verbs

 (to) ask someone out = a da intalnire (cuiva)

I asked him out, but he refused me.
(to) ask around (for) = a se interesa (de), a se informa (de)
John’s secretary left a few days ago. He is asking around for a new one.

 (to) back up (something/somebody) = 1. a da cu spatele, a da inapoi (ceva)

Can you, please, back up your car so I can get out?
2. a sustine (pe cineva) – My best friend always backs me up.

 (to) blow up = a exploda

Yesterday, a car blew up just in front of us.

(to) break into/in = 1. (a place) a intra prin efractie - Two burglars broke into John’s house and
stole his TV.
2. (to) break into pieces/small parts = a se sparge in bucati mici/a imparti in
bucati mici – The glass hit the floor and broke into pieces/ We need to break this project
into small parts.
(to) break out = to escape = to get away = a evada, a scapa – The prisoners broke out of jail.
(to) break up = a (se) desparti - John and Mary broke up/ The police were called to break up
the fight.

 (to) call off = to cancel = a anula – They called the meeting off.
(to) call on somebody = 1. a vizita pe cineva, a trece pe la – We called on you yesterday, but
you weren’t home
2. a numi pe cineva (to ask someone to answer a question) - The
teacher called on me for the first exercise.
(to) call somebody up = a suna pe cineva – I called Mary up, but nobody answered.
 (to) calm down = a se calma, a se linisti

 (to) catch up = 1. (on something) a recupera, a adduce la zi – I have to catch up on my

2. (with someone) a ajunge din urma – You’ll have to run faster if you want to
catch up with Mary.

 (to) check in
(to) check out = 1. a se decaza
2. (something/somebody) a investiga, a verfica – The company checks out all
the employees.

 (to) cheer up = a (se) inveseli

 (to) count on = a se baza pe – Can I count on you to clean the windows?

 (to) do up = a se incheia

 (to) dress up

 (to) drop someone/something off = a lua si apoi a lasa pe cineva intr-un anumit loc
I have to drop Mary off and then I’ll come home.

 (to) fall apart = a se destrama, a se rupe in bucati, a se strica

My shirt fell apart in the washing machine.
Tim’s old boots are falling apart.

 (to) figure out = a-si da seama

 (to) fill something up = a umple ceva (pana la refuz)

 (to) find out = a afla

 (to) get along = a se intelege – My sister and I get along very well.
(to) get back = a se intoarce (Yesterday, we got back from our vacation)
(to) get on (a vehicle) = a se urca (intr-un mijloc de transport)
(to) get off = a cobori
(to) get up = 1. a se trezi
2. a se ridica in picioare
(to) get in = a intra
(to) get rid of (someone/something) = a scapa de (cineva/ceva)

 (to) give something away = a da ceva de pomana

(to) give something back = a inapoia ceva
(to) give up (to something) = a renunta (la ceva) – He wanted to buy that expensive car, but,
fortunately, he gave up.

 (to) go out = a iesi (in oras)

 (to) grow up = a se maturiza

 (to) hang up (a phone call) = a inchide telefonul – I didn’t have time to tell him the
truth, because he hung up.

 (to) let someone down = a dezamagi pe cineva

 (to) look after = to take care of = a avea grija de

(to) look for = a cauta
(to) look down on = a trata cu superioritate
(to) look forward to = a astepta cu nerabdare sa
(to) look something up (in the dictionary, on the Internet) = a cauta ceva (in dictionar, pe

 (to) make up = a se impaca – After our discussion, we finally made up.

 (to) mix up = a confunda – I always mix up the twins.

 (to) pay back = a returna banii

 (to) put out (the fire) = a stinge (focul)

(to) put something together = to assemble = a asambla, a pune cap la cap – They needed
several hours to put the puzzle together.
(to) put something on = a se imbraca cu ceva

 (to) run into (someone) = a se intalni din intamplare (cu cineva) – Two hours ago I went
to the market to buy some fruit and vegetables and I ran into my neighbor.
(to) run out of (something) = a ramane fara (ceva) – We ran out of oil. Let’s go and buy some!

 (to) send back = to return = a returna, a trimite inapoi

 (to) show off (on something) = a se da mare (cu ceva) – He always shows off on his bike.

 (to) switch on/off (something) = a inchide/deschide (ceva- ce este alimentat cu un tip

de energie) – Can you, please, switch the light/radio on?

 (to) take off = a decola

(to) take off (something) = a-si da jos (ceva)
(to) take out (something) = a scoate (ceva)
 (to) tear something up = a rupe in bucati

 (to) throw something away = a arunca ceva

 (to) turn something on/off = a inchide/deschide ceva (the TV, the lights etc)
(to) turn something up = a da volumul mai tare – Can you turn the music up? This song is

 (to) try something on = a proba ceva

(to) try out = 1. a testa, a incerca – My friend told me about this new shampoo. I’ll try it out!
2. to compete

 (to) wake up = a se trezi

 (to) work out = to exercise = 1. a face exercitii fizice

2. a functiona – Their plan of revenge didn’t work out.

(to) cheer up = a (se) inveseli

(to) come in = a intra

(to) move out = a se muta

(to) pick up = 1. a ridica – Would you, please, pick up that book on the floor?
2. a raspunde (la telefon) – I called Tim, but he didn’t pick up.

(to) set off = 1. to begin a journey = a pleca in calatorie – We prepared our luggage and then we
set off.
2. (something) a activa (ceva), a porni – Don’t forget to set the alarm off.

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