Data Structure Lect13

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Discrete Structure

Lecture 13

 Merge Sort

 Example of Merge sort

 Algorithm of Merge Sort

 Merging two ordered list

 Algorithm for Fibonacci series

Merge Sort Steps
A merge sort begins by splitting the list into individual elements by successively
splitting lists in two.
The progression of sublists for this example is represented with the balanced
binary tree of height 4 shown in the upper half of above Figure.
Sorting is done by successively merging pairs of lists.
At the first stage, pairs of individual elements are merged into lists of length
two in increasing order.
Then successive merges of pairs of lists are performed until the entire list is put
into increasing order.
Merge Sort
A Recursive Merg Sort

 procedure mergesort (L = a1,...,an)

 if n > 1 then
 m := [ n/2 ]
 L1 := a1, a2,...,am
 L2 := am+1, am+2,...,an
 L := merge ( mergesort (L1), mergesort (L2))
 {L is now sorted into elements in nondecreasing order}
Merge the two lists L1( 2, 3, 5, 6 ) and
L2 ( 1, 4 ).
ALGORITHM: Merging Two List

procedure merge(L1, L2 : sorted lists)

L := empty list
while L1 and L2 are both nonempty
remove smaller of first elements of L1 and L2 from its list; put it at
the right end of L
if this removal makes one list empty then remove all elements from
the other list and append them to L
return L{L is the merged list with elements in increasing order}
Fibonacci Series

A recursive procedure to find fn , we first express fn as fn−1 + fn−2.

Then we replace both of these Fibonacci numbers by the sum of two previous Fibonacci
numbers, and so on.
When f1 or f0 arises, it is replaced by its value.
At each stage of the recursion, until f1 or f0 is obtained, the number of Fibonacci numbers
to be evaluated has doubled.
Algorithm for Fibonacci Series

procedure Fibonacci (n: nonnegative integer)

if n = 0 then return 0
else if n = 1 then return 1

else return fibonacci(n − 1) + fibonacci(n − 2)

{output is fibonacci(n)}
Evaluating f4 Recursively

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