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02 - Cryptography Part 02

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Brute Force Speed
• Openssl speed aes
Introduction to Information Security

What are Symmetric Key Public/Asymmetric

cryptography tools Encryption Key Encryption

Symmetric vs
Hash Functions Digital Signatures
Asymmetric Keys
Model of Encryption for Confidentiality
Public‐Key Encryption Structure

• Uses two
Publicly separate keys
Some form of
proposed by Based on • Public key and
private key protocol is
Diffie and mathematical
• Public key is needed for
Hellman in functions
made public for distribution
others to use
Public‐Key Encryption Structure

• Two different keys are used interchangeably to encrypt/decrypt the


• The keys always come in pairs

• Each user is having two keys (one public and one private)
Keys Generation

Source: https://docs.huihoo.com/globus/gt3‐tutorial/ch10s03.html
Public and Private Keys

If you encrypted with public key

decrypt with private key

Source: www.hackernoon.com

If you encrypted with private key

decrypt with public key
No Confidentiality
User Authentication
public key
Mike Bob

PRb Bob's private PUb Bob's public

key key

X Transmitted D[PUb, Y]

Y = E[PRb, X]

Plaintext Plaintext
Encryption algorithm Decryption algorithm
input output
(e.g., RSA)

Bob (b) Encryption with private key Alice

Figure 2.6 Public-Key Cryptography

 User encrypts data using his or her own

private key

 Anyone who knows the corresponding

public key will be able to decrypt the
 User encrypts data using a certain public

 Anyone who knows the corresponding

private key will be able to decrypt the
Assumptions: Public Key Encryption
Requirements of Public‐Key Cryptography
Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms

RSA (Rivest, Most widely accepted and

Block cipher in which the
Shamir, Developed in 1977 implemented approach to
public‐key encryption
plaintext and ciphertext are
integers between 0 and n‐1
for some n.

Diffie‐Hellman Enables two users to securely

reach agreement about a
key exchange shared secret that can be
used as a secret key for
Limited to the exchange of
the keys
subsequent symmetric
algorithm encryption of messages

Signature Provides only a digital
signature function with SHA‐1
Cannot be used for
encryption or key exchange

Standard (DSS)

Elliptic curve
cryptography Security like RSA, but with
much smaller keys

Public Key Encryption Example

User B

User A User C
Applications of Public Key

Algorithm Digital Signature Symmetric Key Encryption of

Distribution Secret Keys
RSA Yes Yes Yes
Diffie-Hellman No Yes No
DSS Yes No No
Elliptic Curve Yes Yes Yes
Confidentiality with Public Key Crypto
Confidentiality with Public Key Crypto
Authentication with Public Key Crypto
Authentication with Public Key Crypto
Public Key Distribution
Symmetric vs Asymmetric
 Suppose 10 users need to communicate with each other

 How many symmetric keys need to be generated?

 How many asymmetric keys need to be generated?

Symmetric vs Asymmetric
 Public key encryption is slower than symmetric key encryption due to
the complexity of the algorithm

 Based on this, if you want to encrypt GB data then it is better/faster

to use symmetric key encryption
Key Management/Exchange

 Public key: Trusted entity/organization

 Private Key:

 Use the public‐key encryption to securely send the symmetric key

o This approach utilizes the advantages of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption mechanisms

o Note that public key crypto algorithms typically much slower than symmetric key algorithms
Applications of Public Key Cryptosystems
Key exchange, share secret session keys
 Suppose we have two users (A,B) and A wants to send data to B using symmetric key
encryption but still A wants to generate the symmetric key and send it to B securely.
Keys Generation
 How can a user generate symmetric key?

 How a user can generate an asymmetric key (private/public)?

Open SSL

Keys Generation
https://qsandbox.com/tools/private‐public‐keygen https://qsandbox.com/tools/private‐public‐keygen
31khZi5Sv2fJos0Kvz/atSoxpFf5M0wZKTmP+FiiglzqudR9fnFNqjkln+V36Nyl VvnnE1CvAAX/fWSFmLlK/Z8mizQq/P9q1KjGkV/kzTBkpOY/4WKKCXOq51H1+cU2qOSWf
tJyNI1gNnM8pJE4J0lT7rtEhMs/DHeTJfEq9f8u2qMEb0nrYh15ACA5i9mdj5Xcy 5Xfo3KW0nI0jWA2czykkTgnSVPuu0SEyz8Md5Ml8Sr1/y7aowRvSetiHXkAIDmL2Z2PldzLa
2sVLYtM0741ejTFvq8LrvvY/6xUOxOH2LjCjzBYAOk1q+GP5abZlVSn1VSyKd6GT xUti0zTvjV6NMW+rwuu+9j/rFQ7E4fYuMKPMFgA6TWr4Y/lptmVVKfVVLIp3oZON0tDt7e
jdLQ7e3rUwn50c+Diu2oB2PNBrG5d0Qu3bxba/cfEKxodp0Du+IRv6oknA0KrrN6 tTCfnRz4OK7agHY80Gsbl3RC7dvFtr9x8QrGh2nQO74hG/qiScDQqus3q315r236cdS54n3
t9ea9t+nHUueJ93Rm+utWLGn0OotlwHRFWIz9wIDAQABAoIBAE2VzTLcxWuFtjag dGb661YsafQ6i2XAdEVYjP3
n5huEFg6TbQE3uxFF23JchbVz2N7xPKTvE1jrXN/ZvMLtTAVeO/nhxtBPZxA96YG ‐‐‐‐‐END RSA PRIVATE KEY‐‐‐‐‐
OpenSSL Syntax (Asymmetric Key Generation)
• OpenSSL genrsa ‐des3 ‐out private.pem 2048

• Less private.pem

• OpenSSL rsa ‐in private.pem ‐outform PEM ‐pubout ‐out public.pem

• Less public.pem
Open SSL
 OpenSSL is a program and library that supports many different cryptographic
operations, including:

 Symmetric key encryption

 Public/private key pair generation

 Public key encryption

 Hash functions

 Certificate creation

 Digital signatures

 Random number generation

Hashing Algorithms
Hashing Algorithms

 Hashing is a mechanism that is used for data integrity assurance

 Hashing is based on a one‐way mathematical function that is relatively

easy to compute but significantly difficult to reverse

 The result of hashing is having a fixed length hash which is known as

the “digest” or “fingerprint”.
Message Authentication Code (MAC)

 An authentication technique involves the use of a secret key to generate a small

block of data

 The MAC is appended to the original message

 MAC assumes that user A and B are sharing a common secret key KAB
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
MAC Algorithms

 The main difference between MAC and Hash is that the MAC is always taking a key as an
input to its algorithm which is used to encrypt the data while digesting the message

 The Hash function is not taking any key during the hashing process
Authentication using Hash Functions
Authentication using Hash Functions

Alice Bob

Hash Security Requirements and Attacks
Hashing Algorithms

The following are the three most commonly used cryptographic hash functions:

Message Digest 5 (MD5): MD5 produces a 128‐bit hash and is now considered a legacy algorithm that should be avoided

Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA‐1): SHA‐1 takes a message of up to 2^64 bits in length and produces a 160‐bit message
digest. The algorithm is slightly slower than MD5, but the larger message digest makes it more secure against brute‐force
collision and inversion attacks.

Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA‐2): SHA‐2 algorithms are the secure hash algorithms that the U.S. government requires by
law for use in certain applications. The SHA‐2 family includes 224‐bit, 256‐bit, 384‐bit, and 512‐bit functions. When choosing a
hashing algorithm, use SHA‐256 or higher, as they are currently the most secure

Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA‐3) is the latest member of the Secure Hash Algorithm family of standards, released by NIST
on August 5, 2015. Although part of the same series of standards, SHA‐3 is internally different from the MD5‐like structure
of SHA‐1 and SHA‐2.
Hashing Algorithms
To be useful for message
authentication, a hash function H must have the following

Can be applied to a block of data of any size

Produces a fixed‐length output

H(x) is relatively easy to compute for any given x

One‐way or pre‐image resistant

• Computationally infeasible to find x such that H(x) = h

Computationally infeasible to find y ≠ x such that H(y) = H(x)

Collision resistant or strong collision resistance

• Computationally infeasible to find any pair (x,y) such that H(x) = H(y)
Security and Applications of Hash Functions

There are two

approaches to SHA most widely used Additional secure hash
attacking a secure hash algorithm function applications:
hash function:

Cryptanalysis Passwords
• Exploit logical weaknesses • Hash of a password is
in the algorithm stored by an operating

Brute‐force attack Intrusion detection

• Strength of hash function • Store H(F) for each file on
depends solely on the a system and secure the
length of the hash code hash values
produced by the algorithm
Hash Functions with Open SSL
$ openssl list‐message‐digest‐algorithms

$md5sum plaintext.txt

$sha1sum plaintext.txt

$openssl dgst –sha256 plaintext.txt

OpenSSL Syntax
• OpenSSL genrsa ‐des3 ‐out private.pem 2048

• Less private.pem

• OpenSSL rsa ‐in private.pem ‐outform PEM ‐pubout ‐out public.pem

• Less public.pem

• OpenSSL list‐message‐digest‐algorithms

• $md5sum plaintext.txt

• $sha1sum plaintext.txt

• $sha256sum plaintext.txt

• $OpenSSL dgst ‐sha256 plaintext.txt

• $Cat plaintext1.txt
• Go to https://www.cygwin.com/

• Go to:
• Install Cygwin by running setup-

• After running the exe file

• Choose any mirror for download

Cygwin Installation
• When you get this screen go to the search bar and write “openSSL”
then choose the two packages that are shown below (you will find
keep in this screenshot since I already installed them)

• Installation may take up to

an hour

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