{to be conducted in a Maidan or a place not frequented by regular road traffic in ‘’H’’ track of specified dimension in the case of
Light motor
Vehicle and figure”8” track on the case of two-wheeler}
Part II- Road Test (check list)
Write ‘yes’ or No against each item
5. Stop and re-start the vehicle on an upward incline making proper use of the Hand brake/throttle foot brake
6. Turn right and left corners correctly and make proper us t rear-view mirror Before signaling
Overtake and allow to be overtakes and take the appropriate course of the Road with proper caution giving
7. appropriate signals
8. Give appropriate signals by hand and by electrical indicator
9. Stop the vehicle, and bring it to rest at an appropriate course on the road
10. In the case of vehicles having a reverse gear driving the vehicle backwards, either to right or left
11. Take action on the signals given by traffic signals, traffic lights, traffic Policemen and other road users
Act correctly at pedestrians crossing which is not regulated by traffic light or Traffic policemen, by giving
12. preference to persons crossing the road
15. General control of the vehicles, confidence in driving, smooth gear changing and braking as and when necessary
18. Anticipate the action of pedestrians, drives of other vehicles and cyclists and Courtesy of other road users
Take precautions at cross roads on road junctions with regard to
19. a) Adjustment of speed on approach :
b) Proper use pf rear-view mirror :
c) Avoidance of cutting right-hand corners :
d) Looking right-left and right again before crossing or emerging :
Certified that the driving test on the road was conducted by me as mentioned in cmvr15 and result is tabulated