Wellness Research Paper

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Empowering wellness worldwide: A critical analysis of the Global Wellness

Institute (GWI) journey 2014-2021

Article · June 2023

DOI: 10.34624/rtd.v41i0.29731


2 935

3 authors:

Jeetesh Kumar Qasim Ali Nisar

Taylor's University Superior University


Farhad Nazir
University of Coimbra


All content following this page was uploaded by Jeetesh Kumar on 01 June 2023.

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Journal of Tour sm & Development | n.º 41 | 2023 | [ 263 - 287 ]
DOI: 10.34624/rtd.v41i0.29731
e-ISSN 2182-1453

Empowering wellness worldwide: A critical

analysis of the Global Wellness Institute
(GWI) journey 2014-2021

JEETESH KUMAR * [Jeetesh.kumar@taylors.edu.my]

FARHAD NAZIR ** [farhad@uswat.edu.pk]

QASIM ALI NISAR *** [qasimalinisar@yahoo.com]

Abstract | The paper was focused on published news content of the Global Wellness Institute (GWI).

GWI is a non-prot organisation empowering wellness globally, educating the public and private sec-

tors on preventative health and wellness. GWI, since its inception in 2014, has been quite proactive in

highlighting and disseminating the issues and avenues of the wellness market. Moreover, in academic en-

deavours, keeping in view the authentic and updated statistics, GWI publications have been consistently

quoted. However, the assessment of GWI and its decelerations has not been yet envisioned in academia.

This study aimed to accentuate to disentangle this issue and emphasize analysing the news contents of

GWI. The interface of NVivo 12 analysed the press release content. Results unveiled the major functional

dimensions of GWI incudes Stakeholders Collation and Partnership, Pluralistic Sightedness, Statistical

and Research Resilience, Wellness Internationalization, Non-Commercial Agenda, and Contextual Adap-

tations. These ndings revealed that the manifesto of GWI with regards to wellness empowering for the

global industrial and academic arena associated with tourism is perfect. Furthermore, these inductive

themes from the news content of GWI provided touchpoints for the academic and industrial stakeholders

that are needed to be emphasized the in future wellness tourism framework.

Keywords | Global wellness institute  GWI, wellness, wellness economy, wellness tourism, tness and


* School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events; Sustainable Tourism Impact Lab; Centre for Research, and Innovation in
Tourism (CRiT), Taylor's University, Malaysia. ORCID Id: 0000-0001-9878-1228
** Institute of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality Management, University of Swat, Pakistan. Department of
Geography and Tourism, University of Coimbra, Portugal. ORCID Id: 0000-0002-1148-3007
*** School of Media and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management; Taylor's University, Ma-
laysia. ORCID Id: 0000-0003-2191-5165
264 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

1. Introduction rine, and aerial communication. Specic termi-

nologies, including Jet lag and travel fatigues, ori-

Travelling for physical, psychological, and spi- ginated, compelling the wellness sector to present

ritual well-being has been a phenomenon prevai- remedies for these. This is why academia and in-

ling very long. People in numerous regions in the dustries have emphasized the growing demand in

past travelled to the selected destinations to expe- the wellness tourism market. Due to the COVID-

rience well-being, including physical relaxation and 19 pandemic, another exciting bond between the

cognitive recreation (Chen et al., 2008; Kemppai- tourism and health sectors emerged. Pertinently,

nen et al., 2021). Health entity being the central apart from the destructive imprints of the pande-

one remained pivotal for almost all the physical mic, there have been positive emblems in the well-

and mental activities humans perform. Broadly, ness industry (Choudhary & Qadir, 2021). GWI

the tourism sector has also some classical imprints has also been instrumental in framing wellness as

from well-being, and one segment of tourists spe- a potential area to be considered on private and

cically perform touristic activities purposedly ba- state levels. To this point, GWI, since its incep-

sed on well-being (Backman et al., 2022; He et al., tion in 2014, has been quite proactive in highligh-

2022; Kay Smith & Diekmann, 2017). Crossroads ting and disseminating the issues and avenues of

of physical well-being and tourism obligated the the wellness market.

state and non-state actors from the health sector Moreover, in academic endeavours, keeping in

and ancillary tourism segments to coordinate the view the authentic and updated statistics, GWI pu-

welfare of humanity and extraction of revenue (Su- blications have been consistently quoted. These

ess et al., 2018). citations validate the fact that GWI is a recogni-

Interestingly, commonalities do exist between zed organization and a signicant stakeholder in

tourism and well-being, or righty called wellness the global wellness tourism market.

tourism. In both, the tourists seek relief from a However, the analysis of GWI and its decelera-

hustling life and achieve the best standard of he- tions has not been yet contemplated in academia.

alth. These similarities, coupled with the urge of Similarly, the news content of GWI has also not

tourists to be more inclined towards health bene- been explored in an elaborative and holistic con-

ts, have set the foundations for the introduction text. This study accentuates disentangling this is-

of wellness tourism. Wellness tourism entails con- sue and emphasizes analysing the news contents

siderable attention from numerous shareholders of of GWI. While operationalizing this issue under

tourism, and some destinations have been develo- probe, the research questions designed have been:

ped primarily to tap the rising potential of wellness

RQ1: What are the engrained notions the
tourism (Csirmaz & Pet®, 2015; Dini & Pencarelli,
news content of GWI transmits to the outer
2022; Heung & Kucukusta, 2013; Voigt & Pforr,
global arena?
2013; Zhong et al., 2021). In addition, the hustling

lifestyle predominantly in the ongoing corporate re- RQ2: How GWI has followed the lead of

gime has further compromised the health scales of wellness in the letter and spirit of news sour-

individuals. Individuals and groups tend to have an ces?

element of relaxation in the sandwiched timeslot,

allowing them to continue their business routines Following the research questions, this study

and well-being steps simultaneously. aims to unravel embedded dimensions within the

Similarly, even the travel sector has some deep narratives of the news contents of GWI and inte-

imprints on travellers' health in terrestrial, ma- grate these dimensions into specic themes. As a
J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 265

result, it provides an overview of GWI's previous Health tourism is any travel that is done pri-

activities for general readers, academics, and po- marily to promote physical, mental, or spiritual

licy stakeholders. Moreover, while describing the well-being through wellness and healthcare acti-

current innovative trends of wellness in the pande- vities (World Tourism Organization and European

mic, the study forecasts the future of wellness as Travel Commission, 2018). The Global Wellness

well. Institute (GWI) has nevertheless pointed out that

The structure of the article is as follows: The the umbrella term "health tourism"is used to in-

literature review section elaborates on the concepts clude both medical and wellness tourism practices,

associated with wellness in the context of the to- from surgery to yoga retreats (Global Wellness Ins-

picality of this article. Further, the methodology titute, 2018a). According to the GWI Wellness

section highlights the research strategy, procedure is "the active search of activities, opportunities,

of data collection, and analysis technique. The re- and behaviours that lead to a holistic state of he-

sults and discussion section then explains the gene- alth,"As a result, well-being is not a passive state

rated themes as well as their critical conict with but rather an "active exercise"including intentions,

existing scientic studies. Concluding remarks, im- choices, and behaviours as individuals strive for the

plications, and limitations are provided in the last best possible level of health and wellness (Global

section of this article. Wellness Institute, 2018a). Holistic health, which

has numerous components (physical, mental, en-

vironmental, spiritual, emotional, and social) and

should function harmoniously as a whole, is related

2. Literature review to wellness. These three components could result

in vacations that combine 1) pleasure and hedo-

2.1. Wellness tourism nism, 2) altruistic activities, and 3) meaningful ex-

periences within the context of integrated and ho-

The tourism industry has seen signicant struc- listic wellness tourism (Smith & Diekmann, 2017;

tural shifts in the 21st century as a result of the Liberato et al., 2021).

emphasis shifting toward satisfying a wider range The promotion of regional products and de-

of customer expectations (Liberato, Brandão, Tei- signations of origin, the creation of jobs, and the

xeira & Liberato, 2021). Tourists today are inte- empowerment of women are all results of wellness.

rested in participating in a variety of sports and Health practises are tied to wellness, which can

physical activities, are becoming more apprecia- help revive conventional wellness practices and les-

tive of natural touch, and, most importantly, va- sen the mental health epidemic. In addition to

lue the availability of recreational options and fa- supporting environmental protection and fostering

cilities (Santos & Fernández, 2010). Wellness has sustainable tourism, wellness also contributes to

long been a philosophical and sociological concern, the preservation of natural and cultural resources.

and gradually, research has spread to subject areas Wellness raises social capital and quality of life

such as psychology, health science, and economics, (Global Wellness Institute, 2019).

among others (Smith & Diekmann, 2017). Howe- Wellness tourism accounted for 14% of all tou-

ver, from a theoretical and methodological appro- rist expenditures globally in 2015, according to the

ach, tourism studies have also centred increasingly Global Wellness Institute (2016), although accoun-

on wellness in recent decades, developing tourist ting for just 6% of all trips. The worldwide market

experiences based on wellness (Cornelia & Pforr, value of wellness tourism is expected to rise from

2017). US$ 600 billion in 2016 to US$ 1000 billion in

266 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

2020. Wellness tourism is a broad term that re- diverse components of tourist experiences across

fers to physical activities that visitors engage in to dierent places.

enhance their physical and mental well-being (Mu-

eller & Kaufmann, 2001). Visitors increasingly see

it as a viable way to counteract the adverse eects 2.2. Global wellness institute (GWI)
of contemporary living and improve general well-

being (Kelly, 2010). Pertinently in the last decade, The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) is a non-

wellness tourists statistics have experienced signi- prot organization to empower wellness globally,

cant growth (Zhong et al., 2021). educating both the public and private sectors on

Trips that include physical tness, relaxation, preventative health and wellness. GWI's rese-

meditation, and mental activity are just a few arch, activities, and initiatives have helped deve-

examples of wellness tourism (Kelly, 2010; Fer- lop the $4.5 trillion wellness industry and bring

reira, Silva & Seabra, 2017). Many marketing ou- together the health and wellness industries. Rese-

tlets advertise wellness tourism as a type of vaca- arch, Initiatives, Roundtable Discussions, Wellness

tion activity that addresses all aspects of well-being Evidence, and the Wellness Moonshot are the ve

and may help people alter their lifestyles and beha- pillars of the GWI. A World Free of Preventable

viours (Smith & Kelly, 2006). At the same time, Disease; the GWI educates and connects essential

global demographic, lifestyle, and health trends stakeholders who can inuence our planet's and

highlight how wellness may enhance people's lives, inhabitants' overall well-being. The GWI provides

companies' bottom lines, and society's healthcare free access to all of its essential information and

expenses. Consequently, wellness tourism sits at tools, making it accessible to everyone, wherever

a protable crossroads between the growing and (Global Wellness Institute, 2022a).

global tourist industries. GWI Initiatives illustrate the industry's and Ins-

Experience is the primary product of the tou- titute's breadth and depth. Each initiative aims

rism industry (Morgan, Elbe, & De Esteban Curiel, to create a project with a shared purpose of af-

2009). Tourists participate in the one-of-a-kind fecting global well-being. This may be a best

and unforgettable activities put on by tourist rms practices handbook, a campaign to raise aware-

and places (Tung & Ritchie, 2011). Pine and Gil- ness about an issue or an event, a project to aect

more's (1999) experience economy paradigm has well-being in a particular market segment or region

been widely used by academics and businesses to of the world, or an opportunity to innovate. The

evaluate consumer experience (Hayes & MacLeod, GWI's worldwide Roundtables provide a platform

2007; Loureiro, 2014). for thought-provoking discussions on the state of

According to Pine and Gilmore (1999), Custo- wellness in key industry sectors (Global Wellness

mer experience should be evaluated from four pers- Institute, 2017).

pectives: entertaining, instructive, aesthetic, and Roundtable panellists anticipate and investi-

escapist. The paradigm developed by the authors gate challenges that will dene the future of well-

is relevant to a variety of tourist sectors and kinds, ness and cooperate on solutions to empower well-

including wineries (Quadri-Felitti & Fiore, 2012), being globally and build the wellness industry.

rural tourism (Loureiro, 2014), and charter tourism Medicine, science, business, technology, journa-

(Quadri-Felitti & Fiore, 2012). (Lauring, 2011). lism, research, media, academia, spa and hospi-

For example, Pine and Gilmore's (1999) work was tality, architecture, beauty, nance, government,

praised by Oh, Fiore, and Jeoung (2007) as a con- fashion, and other areas, are all represented at

ceptual match to the tourism context by embracing these Roundtables. London, New Delhi, New York,
J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 267

Marrakech, Wales, Miami, and Hong Kong are just to-date picture of the global wellness economy's

a handful of the cities where events have taken size, breadth, and growth patterns/projections, as

place (Hanson, 2019; Global Wellness Institute, well as in-depth regional-level analyses, trends, and

2020). statistics for six worldwide regions (Global Well-

Following each roundtable, a report is genera- ness Institute, 2018b).

ted and publicly distributed on the GWI website, The worldwide wellness sector expanded 12.8%

making it easier for millions of people seeking al- from 2015 to 2017, from $3.7 trillion to $4.2 tril-

ternative health solutions to research and evaluate lion, according to the Global Wellness Economy

information from the most authoritative source. Monitor study. The wellness economy grew at a

This sort of evidence-based medicine is open access rate of 6.4% each year from 2015 to 2017, nearly

to thousands of clinical students who evaluate the twice as fast as the world economy (3.6%). Well-

eectiveness of various wellness approaches, from ness spending ($4.2 trillion) currently accounts for

acupuncture to weight loss to mindfulness. The more than half of global health spending ($7.3 tril-

general public, the business community, and the lion). In addition, the wellness business accounts

media are all served by this website. It's com- for 5.3% of the worldwide GDP (Global Wellness

pletely free, and its approach is often regarded as Institute, 2018b; Travel Agent Central, 2018).

revolutionary (Global Wellness Institute, 2020).

World free of diseases that can be prevented by

bringing together a worldwide group of renowned 2.4. International development of wellness

wellness and medical leaders who are all committed

to working together on a goal of critical relevance Wellness is more than a passing trend; it is

to the global community. The numbers that ins- a new way of life that shifts people's behaviour.

pired The Wellness Moonshot are staggering avoi- In reality, today's wellness customers are looking

dable disease causes 69% of deaths each year, and for a new way of life and want to make a die-

preventable causes account for 75% of healthcare rence. Wellness is practised because people want

expenses (Global Wellness Institute, 2022b; Mc- to look and feel better, reduce weight, slow down

Groarty, 2022). the ageing process, ease pain or discomfort, ma-

nage stress, and enhance their health.

Body and mental tness may be described

2.3. Global wellness research as the key objective. The tourist industry is

ourishing due to economic globalisation and

The Global Wellness Economic Monitor has be- growing political integration (Pulido-Fernández &

come the go-to source of comprehensive global Cárdenas-García, 2021). This is critical for the wi-

wellness economy statistics for business executi- despread expansion of wellness tourist activities.

ves, scholars, and the media. Fitness and mind- The factors of this exponential growth include:

body; healthy eating, nutrition, and weight loss;

personal care, beauty, and anti-ageing; preventa- ˆ The stability of social connections in Wes-

tive and personalised medicine and public health; tern countries is in jeopardy (Smith & Kelly,

spa economy; thermal/mineral springs; traditio- 2006)

nal and complementary medicine; wellness real es-

tate; wellness tourism; and workplace wellness are ˆ Traditional faiths are disintegrating, and

among the industry segments covered in annual communities are becoming increasingly frag-

reports. The reports also provide a complete, up- mented

268 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

ˆ Advances in science and medicine have re- ˆ Travelling has become a popular way of life

sulted in improved preservation of the popu- (Ferreira, Silva & Seabra, 2017). Consumers

lation values, and interests may be expressed have travelled extensively and are looking for

something fresh and unique in their vacation

ˆ Changes in lifestyle: more people are see-
king cosmetic surgery, spas, retirement com-

munities, tness centres, and other therapies

(Garcia-Altes, 2005) 2.5. Stakeholders in the wellness tourism

ˆ Ageing demography with longer life expec-
Wellness tourists require transportation, food,
tancies. Elders are emulating the behaviours
and housing in addition to wellness activities, and
of young people and becoming increasingly
they are likely to seek out shopping and entertain-
active in their leisure and vacation time.
ment. These businesses prot from wellness tou-

rism and are part of the wellness tourism economy,

ˆ The baby boomer generation is approaching
whether wellness-specic or not.
the point in their lives when they have the
There are numerous opportunities to incorpo-
most discretionary cash and the greatest de-
rate wellness into various amenities and services,
sire to travel. They may be less price-
which can help businesses dierentiate, provide
conscious while simultaneously being more
more value, and capture higher spending by well-
aware of other factors like location, destina-
ness travellers. For example, airport spas that tar-
tions, secrecy, and quality (Smith & Kelly,
get wellness travellers in transit; wellness-focused
hotels for those who want better sleep and regular

ˆ The elderly population's desire for quality, tness routines; speciality restaurants serving he-

convenience, security, comfort, and luxury is althy, organic, or local cuisine; transportation com-

growing panies that use clean fuels or low-/zero-emission

vehicles; and transportation companies that use

ˆ Women are the ones who start the wellness
clean fuels or low-/zero-emission vehicles.
trend. Women are more aware of the need
Wellness tourism may be able to assist locati-
for bodily balance and harmony than males
ons in reducing the adverse eects of mass tourism

or over-tourism. Because health tourists tend to

ˆ Changes in modern societies: pressure and
be high-spending and prefer original and unique
stress are on the rise, necessitating and de-
experiences, there is less pressure for destinations
siring appropriate relaxation. There is less
to compete on price and quantity in a "race to the
time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Rela-
xation and leisure time are becoming incre-
Wellness tourism also allows places to minimise
asingly essential
the seasonality of their tourist ows. In the sum-

mer, ski locations may appeal to wellness tourists

ˆ As the number of single-parent families rises,
interested in hiking and other outdoor activities.
so does the number of social interactions
Still, in the winter, beach destinations may ap-

ˆ There is a growing awareness of health is- peal to visitors seeking a quieter atmosphere to

sues: ways to feel better and avoid or pre- de-stress or escape.

vent depression are becoming more prevalent Lifestyle resorts specialise in involving tourists

(Smith & Kelly, 2006) and demonstrating alternative everyday activities

J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 269

that will enhance and preserve a person's health ked to emotional and spiritual growth. The most

and help them achieve personal objectives such common feature is meditation based on a particu-

as weight loss, tness, and stress management. lar philosophy or practice (Botterill, Pennings &

Whether religious or not, spiritual resorts are lin- Mainil, 2013).

Figure 1 | Wellness Tourism Stakeholders

Source: Author's work

2.6. Covid-19: a wake-up for wellness ath. Wellness is more essential than ever in these

trying times (Andreu et al., 2021; Li & Huang,

2023). The active pursuit of activities, choices,

COVID-19 is a worldwide wake-up call. People
and lifestyles that contribute to holistic health is
were going about their usual lives, going to work,
wellness. Physical, mental, emotional, social, en-
school, and other activities one minute, and the
vironmental, and spiritual elements all play a role
next, hundreds of thousands had perished, millions
in our overall well-being. When any of these pil-
had been infected, and half of the world's popula-
lars of existence are missing or inadequate, we are
tion was under some lockdown.
neither whole nor genuinely well; each dimension
Never before has the health and well-being of
strengthens or weakens the others.
so many people throughout the world decreased so
COVID-19 has elicited extraordinary responses
fast and concurrently. The Coronavirus epidemic
because it forces us to work together to address
exposes the global health divide between the "ha-
a global public health concern. The necessity to
ves"and "have-nots". COVID-19 suerers are sig-
control residents' physical and economic suering
nicantly better cared for in wealthy nations and
increasingly drives government actions. To limit
communities with sucient healthcare resources.
the virus, businesses, communities, and people are
Because our health and immune systems are the
being pushed to modify their habits, from working
rst lines of defence against infectious disease, the
and learning from home to handwashing and we-
"haves"also include those in good health.
aring masks. Imagine if we used the same com-
Healthy people are more likely to experience
mitment and collective eort to address the wi-
minor symptoms and recover from COVID-19.
despread and massive physical, mental, social, and
Still, persons with chronic illnesses, such as di-
environmental unrest in the aftermath of the crisis.
abetes, heart disease, or weakened immune sys-
We can do plenty to improve our health founda-
tems are at a higher risk of severe sickness and de-
270 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

tions and create resilience for ourselves, our fami- transcripts, codes were generated, and the synthe-

lies, and our communities  but doing so will need sis of these codes into themes and sub-themes

a shift in priorities and behavioural changes on all was performed. These inductive themes from the

levels. news sources have been discussed in the results

section with the already available deductive the-

mes from the secondary data. According to Mac-

Carthy (2021), such a combination of inductive

3. Methodology and deductive themes provides signicant insights

and synchronization between the new theories and

Because of the explorative research design, this the existing body of literature. Such juxtaposition

study seeks to investigate the textual news bulle- of inductive and deductive themes further adds

tins of the GWI. A qualitative approach was used novelty to the academic and industrial discourse

to investigate the underlying objectives of our re- (Rishi et al., 2015). Next to this, nal reections,

search questions concerning the dissemination of implications, and avenues for future research were

news narratives about wellness and its trends. Mo- sketched.

reover, this approach assisted in assessing past pu-

blications and the changing dynamics of wellness in

the ongoing global milieu. In addition, the analy- 3.1. Data collection
sis section within this approach helped predict the

future of wellness. In the paradigm of tourism stu- GWI's ocial website is the primary and sole

dies, the qualitative approach has been nominated source consulted for the data collection. In tourism

as insightful (Peterson, 1987; Rezapouraghdam et studies, considering the merits and wide range of

al., 2022). To this end, the news bulletin from the audiences the newspapers cover, the news sour-

very foundation date of this organization till the ces/content has been commonly recognized as a

time of writing (80) has been collected. Prior dis- pertinent source of credible information and its

cussion with the management of GWI was made ability to shape the tourism system (Cheng &

regarding the purpose of this study, and consent Edwards, 2019). Moreover, amid the pandemic,

was duly provided to the researchers to use these the researchers while knowing the relevancy of

publications for the research purpose. Data collec- newspaper content, have contemplated the arising

tion has been followed by the data analysis section themes and dimensions due to the introduction of

performed on the interface of NVivo 12, Microsoft Covid-19 (Chen et al., 2022). Press releases during

Word and Excel sheets. To perform this phase, a the time slot of 2014-2021 have been the central

thematic analysis has been carried out. Thema- entity of data acquired for analysis. GWI, an inde-

tic analysis (TA) is a qualitative analysis approach pendent organization, has been ocially contac-

widely recognized and used to unravel the embed- ted by the researchers, and consultation has been

ded themes within the available data (Braun & made to have prior permission to use press releases.

Clarke, 2006). In the domain of tourism studies These press releases spanned from the foundation

as well, as discussed by Berbekova et al. (2021) year of GWI (2014) to 2021 (Till August). A total

the thematic analysis has proved its capacity to of eighty-one press releases have been downloaded,

enable the researchers to segregate the largest set consulted, and analysed to interpret the issue un-

of data into describable themes/dimensions. In der discussion. Provision of the URL links, access

the initial phase of analysis, transcripts have been date, and assigned coding of these press releases

generated from the news bulletins. From these have been done in Appendix 1.
J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 271

3.2. Data analysis ces of GWI has also uncovered the proactive stra-

tegy of this non-prot organization to have mutual

For the analysis section, the interface of NVivo collaborations with the emerging actors of well-

12 has been employed. A binary ow of theme ge- ness and associated sectors. As depicted in Table

neration and word cloud has been used to assort 1, regular collation meetings with the segregated

the data and transcripts created from the news stakeholders and discussions and frameworks were

sources of GWI. In some instances, manual coding made to establish workable partnerships. It seems

and classication have been made on Microsoft that GWI realized long ago the importance of colla-

Word and Excel ports. For practical elaboration ting the dierent stakeholders on a common front

and convenience, the texts in the press releases and contributing in an integrated way. For wellness

have been assigned coding of TN1, TN2, and TN3. tourism as well, studies have pointed towards the

In the data analysis phase, transcripts have been same approach (de Figueiredo et al., 2021; Tu-

generated from the press releases in the initial sec- ominen et al., 2016; Voigt & Laing, 2014) and

tion. Considering the abundance of information, pertinently in the pandemic times (Chhabra, 2020)

coding has been done to gather the essential data and for goal #17 of sustainable development goals

from these transcripts. These codes were collated SDGs. Given the signicance of tourism determi-

to have specic themes and sub-themes. These nants, studies have advocated for the creation of

inductive themes from the press releases- the pri- a platform primarily for the supply sector to share

mary data source- have been corroborated in the knowledge (Alexis-Thomas, 2020), the integration

result section of this study. In addition, the criti- of business strategies (Darwazeh et al., 2021), and

cal conict has also been carried out between these the creation of competitive and innovative coope-

inductive and deductive themes  which emerged ration (Szromek, 2021).

from the secondary sources.

4.2. GWI's pluralistic sightedness

4. Results and discussion The analysis of the news archive of GWI reve-

aled that this organization had pursued the phi-

The analysis of data has resulted in the emer- losophy of pluralism while collecting worthful in-

gence of the following thematic dimensions. sights from the wellness experts. This includes a

vision of `Taking on Board the Wellness Experts'

and dialogue with the experts in an intriguing and

4.1. Stakeholders collation and partnership proactive context, see Table 2. This philosophy

has been endorsed in several studies and accredi-

Interpretation of news contents of GWI revea- ted as a passport for the sustainable advancement

led that over the years, several stakeholders from of the wellness tourism system (Bowers & Cheer,

dierent sectors of tourism, hospitality, travel, and 2017; Chassagne & Everingham, 2019). Primarily,

wellness had been invited to participate in mee- in the global halt of the tourism business amid

tings, conferences, workshops, and roundtables to pandemics, GWI has been more oriented towards

analyse the growing trend of wellness. Starting engaging these experts and having their hand on

from the year of foundation, the rst news declara- experience on the issues and potential of the well-

tion has been on the same principle focus of GWI. ness market. Nevertheless, the pluralistic approach

An in-depth analysis of the scripts of news sour- in the tourism planning process has been ascertai-
272 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

ned as pivotal (Jordan et al. 2013), a catalyst for the coexistence of communities and protected

for the dissolution of undesirable power hegemony areas (Rishi, 2004).

(Yasarata et al. 2010), and an ecient strategy

Table 1 | Stakeholders Collation and Partnership

J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 273
Table 2 | GWI's Inclusiveness
274 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

4.3. Statistical and research resilience ronized hierarchy may be well witnessed between

the emerging wellness tourism market, issues, and

So far, GWI has been consistent enough to re- possibilities. GWI has been proactively updating

cord and elaborate on the statistical features of the the global audiences about the percentiles and por-

wellness industry. Table 3 validates this fact, and tions of this market. This approach recalls the

since its inception, consistent statistical reports study contributed by Zhong et al. (2021) which

and declarations have been made public. A synch- underlines the continuous monitoring of statistical

Table 3 | Statistical Research Resilience

J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 275

variation in the wellness tourism market. Moreo- sler et al., 2020). Such a quantitative approach

ver, the statistical information, in the context of assists to measure the wellness tourism experience

wellness destinations, assists the stakeholders in (Kongtaveesawas et al., 2022). Further, the statis-

the phases of forecasting and planning. For ins- tical data protect indigenous knowledge and helps

tance, in the domain of demand determinants of in marketing practices (Meera & Vinodan, 2019).

tourism, the statistical data sketches an overview

of wellness tourism and motivational factors (Kes-

Table 3 | Statistical Research Resilience (cont.)

276 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

4.4. Wellness - internationalization for an integrated and advanced supply system oe-

ring state-of-the-art wellness tourism products and

The analysis of news releases depicts that GWI services. Furthermore, this wellness internationali-

has expanded its research and contribution to dif- zation approach answers the call for, the need to

ferent countries and locales. In addition, specic maintain a stakeholder-based participatory method

new portals have also been introduced, having ad- for destination branding of wellness tourism in the

vanced research studies readily available for users. international arena (Romão et al., 2022), usage

Table 4 shows the strategy of GWI in expanding of media gadgets for reaching a wider audience

its mantra and continuously adding gadgets and in the global milieu (Heung & Kucukusta, 2013),

portals. Doing so over time has enabled the GWI the juxtaposition of domestic and internationally

to increase its operational and research radius. In oriented wellness paradigm (Huijbens, 2011), and

addition, this also responds to the call of Romão marketing compulsions on an international stage to

et al. (2017) who have described the swift trend of attract wellness clients (Kannan & Frenz, 2019).

end users to adopt modern gadgets, and the need

Table 4 | Wellness  Internationalization

4.5. GWI non-commercial agenda letter and spirit, the GWI management has been

quite open in declaring it a non-prot organiza-

GWI has remained a voluntary platform for tion. Mostly, the news sources' starting has been

producing and disseminating research associated patched with the phrase GWI, a non-prot or-

with wellness and wellness tourism. The excerpts ganization. On top of that, several reports and

in Table 5 justied this notion, and primarily in ndings of studies have been made publicly availa-
J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 277
Table 5 | GWI's Non-Commercial Agenda

ble and do not require any subscription or access et al., 2018). Furthermore, in the hospitality pre-

charges. In sum, all these written and verbal tes- mises, including hotels gyms/spas, complimentary

timonies validate the GWI manifesto of updating wellness oerings can enhance the experience of

and imparting wellness know-how among experts incoming wellness seekers (Lee et al., 2019). For

and the public. This approach of GWI has been human resources in the supply sector of hospita-

previously discussed as vital in the shape of com- lity as well, such complimentary health modalities

plementary therapies for wellness clients (Pimental would signicantly enable the companies to have
278 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

positive returns on this investment (Zhang et al., dustrial stakeholders to share their insights on this

2014). health outbreak, tourism, and potential avenues

for the new normal. It seems that GWI has adap-

ted to the dynamics of wellness and the pandemic.

4.5. GWI non-commercial agenda Pertinently, in the domain of wellness tourism and

the pandemic, the GWI's timely response is in syn-

GWI has keenly observed the situation of pan- chronization with a plethora of studies contribu-

demics and swiftly focussed its attention on explo- ted to the issue under probe (Andreu et al., 2021;

ring avenues in times of this health crisis. Table Choudhary & Qadir, 2021; Dash & Sharma, 2021;

6 depicts the shift of GWI in understanding the He et al., 2022; Li & Li & Huang, 2023; Ran£i¢ De-

global context. Primarily, in the pandemic milieu, mir et al., 2022; Sivanandamoorthy, 2021; Stankov

the GWI has emphasized engaging sessions with in- & Filimonau, 2021; Zeng et al., 2021).

Table 6 | Contextual Adaptability

5. Conclusion and recommendations Some countries have exemplary determinants of

tourism to well-tap this potential. Moreover, the

Considering the global shift towards achieving prole of several countries having traditional well-

the maximum health standards and additional ness retreats has also been another pivotal reason

weightage in the pandemic has transformed the for the growth of the wellness tourism market in

wellness tourism market to an elevated position. these territories. Apart from this industrial debate,

Although the current pandemic compelled em- in academia as well, the theoretical and practical

ployers to lay o employees in the wellness tourism insights of wellness tourism and its market trends

industry, it sparked awareness among every seg- have also been contemplated in a plethora of stu-

ment of society to rethink their health meters and dies.

physical sustainability (Choudhary & Qadir, 2021). GWI has been an authentic and duly organiza-
J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 279

tion to cite and refer to for the baseline denition from GWI has been to invite and engage the autho-

of wellness tourism and its growth graph. Since its rities to have open-ended discussions and sessions

inception in 2014, the journey of GWI has been in on the emerging facets of wellness around the glo-

a synchronized pattern while staging certain events bal milieu. Such a pluralistic approach of GWI has

and through the release of market-oriented statis- been a prevailing factor in enhancing this organi-

tical calculations on wellness tourism. This study zation's credibility and acceptance in the industrial

has attempted to analyse the contents of news and academic avenues. A pluralistic approach in

declarations of GWI and presented the following the organisation has been regarded as an assurance

contributions. In perusal to the lead of existing of sustainability and well-being predominantly in

studies, this study has highlighted the manifesto the market-oriented milieu (Gatto et al., 2020; Ra-

of GWI in empowering the global industrial and doynovska et al., 2020). On the side of the sta-

academic arena on wellness and its synthetic as- tistical and research outputs of GWI, the data and

sociation with tourism. In a similar context, ve new innovative trends in the wellness market high-

major broad functional dimensions of GWI are (i) lighted by this entity have been duly quoted and

Stakeholders Collation and Partnership, (ii) Plu- mentioned in almost every academic and industrial

ralistic Sightedness, (iii) Statistical and Research literature. These statistical records are equally sig-

Resilience, (iii) Wellness Internationalization, (iv) nicant for countries with a robust emphasis on

Non- Commercial Agenda, (v) Contextual Adap- the wellness tourism market and also for countries

tations have emerged from the news sources duly having the potential for wellness tourism (Csapó

broadcasted (2014-2021). & Marton, 2017; Lee et al., 2019; Skoumpi et al.,

2021). Moreover, in the rst instance, this statisti-

cal data helps the supply organizations to forecast

the wellness tourist's arrival and in the later half

about managerial and operational facilitation for

these incoming tourists. The research side has also

been consistently focused and innovative wellness

trends and practices initiated to have a blend of

tradition and modernity. GWI's next achievement

is to delimit wellness and its trends and functio-

nalities to the segregated geographies of this glo-

bal stage. To this end, GWI has arranged specic

GWTC congresses in dierent locales and enga-

ged global companies and magazines. According

to Tham (2018), on national arena, the growth of

Figure 2 | Wellness Tourism Framework
wellness tourism market is hinged on such enga-

gement of experts of the eld. Another substan-

Collating the stakeholders and establishing tial role the GWI has played is providing statisti-

partnership has been aligned with SDG #17, Part- cal and research ndings on a non-commercial ba-

nership for Goals. In addition, studies reected sis. This non-proted approach has been impactful

that in the wellness travel and tourism market, the enough for individuals and organizations to access

agenda of partnership is compulsory for sustainabi- and use this data and ndings. Lastly, in the face

lity (Liburd et al., 2020; Movono & Hughes, 2020). of the current global health outbreak of COVID-

The following contribution to the wellness market 19, GWI has been swift and sturdy to understand
280 |JT&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | KUMAR et al.

the consequences of this pandemic on the wellness ventional wellness approaches. These trends are

and wellness tourism market. GWI has also ini- signicant to consider in the context of destina-

tiated countermeasures in tackling and exploring tions having wellness tourism potential, however,

new avenues during a pandemic. Such approach is are struggling to develop and market this potential

timely and demanding as well owing to the detri- in the existing global milieu (Ullah et al., 2021).

mental consequences of pandemic on the wellness Concomitantly, in the ongoing pandemic regime,

tourism industry (Choudhary & Qadir, 2021; Si- having an emphasis on wellness factors, it is impe-

vanandamoorthy, 2021). Conclusively, through all rative to comprehend the developing trends of the

these mentioned themes and the following discus- wellness tourism market as well (Majeed & Gon

sion, this study explored the embedded dimensions Kim, 2022). For academia, this study provides a

among narrations of news content, unveiled the blueprint for further studies to be initiated on the

past and existing trends of the wellness paradigm, overall functionality of GWI and similar organiza-

and forecasted the potentialities of wellness in the tions. As the synergy of academia and wellness

coming future. tourism, predominantly in the ongoing uncertain

This study oers implications for the state's global circumstances, and in the past times, has

institutions, industrial stakeholders, and academic empowered the theoretical, industrial, and institu-

experts. For institutions at national, regional, and tional stakeholders to analyse the potential of this

international levels, this study provides essential typology of tourism (Thal et al., 2021; Wassler &

parameters and methodologies to tap the wellness Fan, 2021).

market. For instance, on planning and legislative This study entails certain limitations. Firstly,

fronts, as corroborated by Goodarzi et al. (2016), an analysis of the news contents of one wellness

wellness tourism potential needs to be tapped with institute GWI has been carried out. In addition,

the support of the tourism ministry and sustaina- the qualitative line has been followed to analyse

ble development strategy. While unrevealing the the news sources. Future research endeavours in-

successful strategies and adaptations of GWI, this volving the quantitative or mix-method research

attempt in a supervisory context oers statistical strategy while encompassing a wide set of orga-

insights into the emergence of the wellness tou- nizations would compensate for these limitations,

rism market around the globe. These insights and resultantly, reveal novel insights. As to un-

are equally credible for countries to rethink and derstanding the holistic typology of tourism, en-

revamp their wellness tourism potential following compassing the demand and supply determinants,

the ongoing global transition. Statistical calcu- the quantitative approach in a wider context has

lation prior  amid  post touristic activities on been validated as signicant and timely (Chen et

a wellness destination has been coined as a pivo- al., 2008). Secondly, only the news contents ran-

tal step (Zhong et al., 2021). Wellness spots gif- ging from 2014 and 2021 have been accumulated

ted from nature and human modication should and analysed. Notwithstanding these constraints,

be coupled with tourism intermediaries to pose a this study provides valuable implications.

novel tourism product for potential tourists. Such

an approach would respond to the call of Medina-

Muñoz and Medina-Muñoz (2013) to understand

the wide set of wellness tourism players. For indus-

tries, this study lays the baselines for understan-
Alexis-Thomas, C. (2020). An examination of issues re-
ding the statistical data of wellness market trends lated to tourism and health and well-being as a sus-
and guides the stakeholders to think beyond con- tainable development goal by tourism providers in To-
J T&D | n.º 41 | 2023 | 281

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1 2014 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwtc-unveils-key-strategies-for-wellness-tourism-growth/ TN1
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3 2014 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/GWI_UNWTO_Press_Release_Dec.3.14.pdf TN17
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15 2016 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-initiatives-press-release/. TN8
16 2016 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/wellness-now-a-372-trillion-global-industry/. TN36
17 2016 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/international-wellness-tourism-growing-much-faster-than-domestic/. TN37
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20 2017 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/wtm-and-global-wellness-institute-announce-strategic-partnership/. TN9
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26 2017 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/global-wellness-institute-launches-wellness-moonshot-destination/. TN55
27 2017 TN63
28 2017 TN56
29 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-partner-research-gdi-releases-research-report-wellness-2030/. TN42
30 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-releases-study-on-removing-barriers-between-beauty-and-wellness/. TN43
31 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-releases-landmark-report/. TN44
32 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/agenda-for-2018-spa-and-wellness-travel-symposium-at-atm-announced/. TN57
33 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-presents-worldwide-and-mena-wellness-travel-trends-at-atm/. TN6
34 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-announces-access-plus-insights/. TN58
35 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-names-new-research-fellow/. TN27
36 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/global-wellness-institute-announces-new-initiative-the-rst-1000-days/. TN64
37 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-to-release-analysis-of-the-global-wellness-economy-at-gws/. TN45
38 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/european-and-italian-wellness-markets-post-strong-two-year-growth/. TN47
39 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/il-mercato-europeo-ed-italiano-del-wellness-in-forte-crescita/. TN47
40 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/wellness-now-a-4-2-trillion-global-industry/. TN46
41 2018 TN65
42 2018 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/new-study-reveals-wellness-tourism-now-a-639-billion-market/. TN48
43 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-launches-next-phase-of-the-wellness-moonshot/. TN66
44 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/top-6-trends-in-hydrothermal-spa-wellness-experiences/. TN67
45 2019 TN59
46 2019 TN7
47 2019 TN68
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# Year URL Code
48 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-initiative-names-top-ve-hot-springs-trends-worldwide/. TN69
49 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-announces-new-initiative-to-explore-opportunities-wellness-retail/. TN28
50 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-launches-white-paper-series-understanding-wellness/. TN70
51 2019 TN29
52 2019 TN71
53 2019 TN11
54 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-releases-2nd-white-paper-in-its-understanding-wellness-series/. TN72
55 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/asia-pacics-physical-activity-market-now-240-billion/. TN49
56 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/physical-activity-billion-market/. TN50
57 2019 TN12
58 2019 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-adds-leading-experts-to-its-board-of-directors/. TN18
59 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/us-leads-overall-spend-in-828-billion-physical-activity-market/. TN73
60 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-announces-strategic-partnerships-in-china-india-and-israel/. TN13
61 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-cautions-industry-and-consumers-to-sift-fact-from-ction/. TN74
62 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-launches-wellness-qa-series-on-covid-19s-impact/. TN76
63 2020 View publication stats TN77
64 2020 TN14
65 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/wellness-in-the-age-of-covid-19-qa-with-cathy-chon/. TN21.
66 2020 TN22
67 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/qa-with-amaya-weddle/. TN23
68 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/wellness-qa-with-neil-jacobs-six-senses-ceo/. TN24
69 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/qa-nicola-nley/. TN25
70 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-names-john-kao-to-its-advisory-board/. TN30
71 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/welltech1-invests-400000-in-popbase/. TN60
72 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/augmenting-wellness-with-touchless-automated-hydromassage/. TN78
73 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/new-reports-the-physical-activity-tness-markets-for-six-global-regions/. TN51
74 2020 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-nds-mental-wellness-is-a-121-billion-market/. TN52
75 2021 TN75
76 2021 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/rick-stollmeyer-joins-gwi-board/. TN20
77 2021 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/victor-koo-joins-global-wellness-institute-board/. TN19
78 2021 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/tianren-culture-teams-with-the-gwi/. TN15
79 2021 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-announces-living-well-from-within/. TN79
80 2021 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/gwi-launches-wellness-innovation-initiative/. TN80
81 2021 https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/press-releases/wellness-communities-and-real-estate-sector/. TN16

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