EcoTank L1300 EN

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The Epson EcoTank L1300 brings ultra low printing costs to high quality A3+ printing.
Utilising Epson’s proven original ink tank system and highly efficient Micro Piezo™
printhead technology, it delivers the most affordable solution for printing A3+ business
Print Cost High-Yield Print Speed
reports, event layouts, floor plans, CAD drawings and more. With the EcoTank L1300, up to A3+ Effective Ink Bottles* up to 15ipm
you have the perfect printing partner that has the quality and capacity to deliver big time.


Prints Up to A3+ Superb Savings with Low Printing Cost High Productivity
Supports A3+ paper media for printing Highly affordable ink bottles to keep printing Advanced printhead designed to achieve
of business reports, event layouts, CAD cost low. Printer is bundled with 5 bottles of fast print speed of up to 15ipm (black).
drawings, floor plans and more. Epson ink that yield up to 7,100 pages (black)*.

* Refer to specifications.
2 years or 30,000 pages, whichever comes first, printhead included.
The Epson EcoTank L1300 is a 4-colour, A3+ ink tank system printer that
enables high quality A3 document printing to be achieved with excellent
cost efficiency. Corporate and commercial users alike will appreciate its
class leading performance in the printing of materials like A3+ business
reports, event layouts, floor plans and CAD drawings with superb
efficiency, reliability and very low cost per page.
Prints Up to A3+ Hassle-free Operation
With the EcoTank L1300, you have the Epson’s original ink tank system is designed for smooth, no-
option to print larger documents up to mess operation in corporate and SOHO environments.
A3+ size. This opens up possibilities for
superior presentations of detailed CAD
drawings, floor plans, business reports
and charts that go beyond the ability of
typical A4 printers.

Superb Savings with Low

Printing Cost
High capacity integrated ink tanks
and highly affordable genuine ink
bottles add up to greater savings.
With a bundled starter kit of 5 Epson
ink bottles, the EcoTank L1300 yields Specially fitted tubes ensure reliable ink flow without leakage
up to 7,100 pages (black)*.

* Quoted yields are extrapolated based on Epson original methodology from the
print simulation of Test Patterns provided in ISO/IEC 24712. Quoted yields are
not based on ISO/IEC 24711. Actual yields may vary depending on manner of
usage and print pattern. 7,100 pages is based on yield from two black ink bottles.

Designed for High Productivity

The EcoTank L1300 features an advanced printhead to
achieve fast print speeds of up to 15ipm (black).

Super Reliability and Print Quality

Designed for continuous printing performance, Epson’s
renowned Micro Piezo™ printhead is not only highly reliable Smart tip design for easy, mess-free refills
in operation, it also delivers an astoundingly high resolution
of 5,760dpi. When paired with genuine Epson formulated
inks, the EcoTank L1300 delivers exceptionally high quality
prints for all your business and creative needs. Quality That Shines. Value That Lasts.
Epson genuine ink bottles are individually sealed to
ensure the purity of its contents and formulated to deliver
Media Flexibility outstanding high-volume print quality with L-Series printers.
EcoTank L1300 comes with a rear-feed tray that accepts Choose Epson genuine ink bottles to enjoy lasting quality
a wide variety of printing media, including thick paper, with your L-Series printer and low printing costs.
photo paper, envelopes, labels and more that allows you to
accomplish all manner of printing jobs with ease.

2-Year Warranty for Peace

of Mind
Enjoy warranty coverage of two years
or 30,000 prints, whichever comes first,
inclusive of printhead, for maximum
value from your printer and freedom
from maintenance worries.
Dimensions and Weight
Model Number L1300
Printing Weight: 12.2kg
P rint M e thod O n- de ma nd ink je t

Nozzle Con gura tion 3 6 0 noz z le s B la c k , 5 9 noz z le s e a c h c olour (C ya n, M a ge nta , Ye llow)

P rint D ire c tion B i- dire c tiona l printing, U ni- dire c tiona l printing
M a x imum R e s olution 5 , 7 6 0 x 1 , 4 4 0 dpi (with Va ria ble - S iz e d D rople t Te c hnology)

M inimum Ink D rople t Volume 3 pl

Print Speed *1
D ra ft Te x t - M e mo A 4 A pprox . 3 0 ppm / 1 7 ppm (B la c k #1 / Colour #2 )

IS O 2 4 7 3 4 , A 4 A pprox . 1 5 ipm / 5 . 5 ipm (B la c k / C olour)

Max Photo Draft - 10 x 15 cm / 4 x 6” *2 #3

A pprox . 3 1 s e c pe r photo (with borde r) *1 Print speed (Pages Per Minute) is calculated
when printed on A4 plain paper in the fastest
Photo Default - 10 x 15 cm / 4 x 6” *2 #3
Approx. 58 sec per photo (with border) mode. Print speed may vary depending on
system configuration, print mode, document
D ouble - s ide d P rinting Ye s (M a nua l) complexity, software, type of paper used
and connectivity. Print speed does not include
C olla te Ye s processing time on host computer.
Paper Handling

P a pe r F e e d M e thod F ric tion F e e d

N umbe r of P a pe r Tra ys 1

Paper Hold Capacity

Input C a pa c ity 1 0 0 s he e ts , A 4 P la in pa pe r (7 5 g/m2), 20 sheets, Premium Glossy Photo Paper

O utput C a pa c ity 5 0 s he e ts , A 4 P la in pa pe r, 3 0 s he e ts , P re mium G los s y P hoto P a pe r

#1 #2 #3
P a pe r S iz e A 3 +, A 3 , B 4 , A 4 , A 5 , A 6 , B 5 , 1 0 x 1 5 c m (4 x 6 ” ), 1 3 x 1 8 c m (5 x 7 ” ), 1 6 : 9 wide s iz e , Black text Black Text Photo 4R
and graphics (4 x 6”)
L e tte r (8 . 5 x 1 1 ” ), L e ga l (8 . 5 x 1 4 ” ), H a lf L e tte r (5 . 5 x 8 . 5 ” ), 9 x 1 3 c m (3 . 5 x 5 ” ),
1 3 x 2 0 c m (5 x 8 ” ), 2 0 x 2 5 c m (8 x 1 0 ” ), E nve lope s : # 1 0 (4 . 1 2 5 x 9 . 5 ” )
*2 When printed on Epson Premium Glossy Photo
D L (1 1 0 x 2 2 0 mm), C 4 (2 2 9 x 3 2 4 mm), C 6 (1 1 4 x 1 6 2 mm) Paper.
M a x imum P a pe r S iz e 12. 95 x 44” *3 Quoted yields are extrapolated based on Epson
original methodology from the print simulation
P rint M a rgin 3 mm top, le ft, right, bottom of Test Patterns provided in ISO/IEC 24712.
Connectivity Quoted yields are NOT based on ISO/IEC 24711.
Actual yields may vary depending on manner of
S ta nda rd U S B 2 . 0 H i- S pe e d usage and print pattern. 7,100 pages is based
on yield from two black ink bottles.
Printer Software

O pe ra ting S ys te m C ompa tibility W indows X P / X P P rofe s s iona l x 6 4 E dition / V is ta / 7 / 8 / 8 . 1 / 1 0

M a c O S X 1 0 . 6 . 8 or la te r

Electrical Speci cations

R a te d Volta ge AC 220 - 240V © 2021 Epson Singapore Pte Ltd. All Rights
Reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole, without
R a te d F re que nc y 50 - 60 H z
the written permission from Epson, is strictly
Power Consumption prohibited. EPSON and EXCEED YOUR VISION are
registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation.
P rinting A pprox . 2 0 W All other products names and other company names
used herein are for identification purposes only
S ta ndby A pprox . 6 . 9 W and are the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any
S le e p A pprox . 1 . 6 W
and all rights in those marks. Print samples shown
Power O ff A pprox . 0 . 4 W are simulations only. Specifications and product
availability are subject to change without notice and
Consumables Page Yield *3
O rde r C o de may vary between countries. Please check with local
Epson offices for more information.
B la c k Ink B ottle 7 , 1 0 0 pa ge s (2 bottle s of bla c k ink ) 664

Apple, iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple
C ya n Ink B ottle 664
Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App
M a ge nta Ink B ottle 5 , 7 0 0 pa ge s (C ompos ite Y ie ld) 664 Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

Ye llow Ink B ottle 664 Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

Information correct as at March 2021

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