CA 1879 XXII Repealed

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Volume 1 STATUTES OF CALIFORNIA 1960 AND 1961 CONSTITUTION OF 1879 AS AMENDED MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF ELECTORS, SPECIAL ELECTION, JUNE 7, 1960 GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 8, 1960 GENERAL LAWS, AMENDMENTS TO CODES, RESOLUTIONS, AND CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS PASSED AT THE 1960 REGULAR SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE THE 1960 FIRST AND SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSIONS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND THE 1961 REGULAR SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE Compiled by RALPH N. KLEPS Legislotive Counsel CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Constitutional Amendments Adopted Since Publication of Statutes of 1959 Constitution of California .. Propositions Submitted te Vote of Electors at Special Election, June 7, 1960 .. Propositions Submitted to Vote of Electors at General E 8. 1800 List of Officers... ", trou, November ble of Laws Enacted (1960 Regular Session) - Table of Resolutions Adopted hy the Legislature (19 50 Regular Table of Laws Enacted (1960 Fist Bu wedinary Session) — ‘Table of Resolutions and Proposed Constitutional Amendment Adopted by the Legislature (1960 First Batraordmary Session ) Table uf Laws Enacted (1960 Second Table of Rese 0 straoriinary Session} - ations Adopted by the Legislature (1960 Second Extraordi- ny Sesstn)_ ‘Table of Laws Enacted (1961 Regular Session). ‘Table of Resolutions aud Proposed Constitutional Amendments Adopted ly the Legislature (1961 Regular Session) LEGISLATION AND PROCLAMATIONS, Text of Statutes aud Code Amendments (1960 Regular Seescon) Text of Resolutions (1980 Regular Session) Proclimations by the Governor Conventng the Logiiature in Extraordin: Session (1960 Furst Extravrdinary Session )_. Tevt of sion) atutes and Code Amendments (1960 First Extragidinary Ses ‘Tert of Resolutions and Proposed Constitutional Amendments (1960 First Eatraordit Session) Proclamation by the Governor Conyening the Legislature im Cytraordm Jon (1960 Second Extraordinary Session) ‘Tent of Resolutions (1960 eeond Eatraordiary Session) Teat of Statutes and Code Ainendme jr Session) ts NGL Regu Lext of Resolutions and Proposed Constitutional Amendments (1961 Regular Session) .. ALPENDIX— ‘Table of Contents. ai vu esti evlni exly eli ehii aly dvi elviit chy elyxxvi CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Adopted Since Publication of Statutes of 1959 NOE. Since the pubheation of the Statutes of 1959, the fellowing changes were adopted at the Special Election June 7, 1960 or the General Election, Novem- ner 8, 1960. Constitutional Amendment Article Section Change Number Year Subject IV 8 Amended“ S.C.A, 221959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 5 Amended S.CA.22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 18 Amended = S.C.A. 22-1959 Elimination of Obsolete and superseded Provisions 22 Amended -S.C.A, 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and (as proposed. Superseded Provisions by Res. Ch, 184 of 1951) 22 Repealed = SCA. 2 Ehmination of Obsolete and (as proposed Superseded Provisions by Res. Amended Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions Vo 4 Added S.C.A. 22 1959 limination of Obsolete and by Renum- Superseded Provisions bering 45 Amended SCA, 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and aud Renum- Superseded Provisions bered to be See.4 17 Amended = S.C.A. 22-1950 Elimmation of Obsolete and Super-eded Provisions 19 Repealed = S.C.A. 22-1959 Ehmination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 22 Amended = S.C.A, 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions Administration of Justice VI Ja Amended 8.C.A. 14 tb Added Aduministration uf Justice Je Added Administration of Tustice 4e Added District Courts of Appeal: Appellate Jurisdiction Admimstration of Justice Admmistration of Justice 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions X 1 Repealed S.C A. 22 Elimination of Obsolete and and Added Superseded Provisions by Renum- bering 0b Added 26a Added IX 2 Amended Article XVI XNXIT Seetion Change Repealed Repealed Repealed Repealed Repealed Renum- ered to be See. Land Amended Added Amended Added Added Amended Amended Added Added Amended Amended. Repealed and Added Repealed Repealed. Repealed Constitutional ‘Amendment Number Year Subject S.C.A. 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 1959 Ekimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 1959 Ebmination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions S.C A. 22 1950 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 1959 Elumnation of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions SOA. 22 1 AGA. 16 1959 Claims Against Chartered ‘Counties and Cities AGA, 21 1959 Veterans’ Tax Exemption ACA. 21 1980 Veterans! Tax Exemption AGA 290 1 Assessment of Golf Courses S.C.A. 22 1950 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions ACA. 6 1960 State Indebtedness (1st Ex, Sess.) SCA. 2 1960 School Bonds (1st Bx. Sess.) AGA, 4 1960 Veterans Farm and Home (st Es. Sess) Bonds SCA. 1 1960 ‘Terms of Office: Agency to Ust Hx. Sess.) Admmnister State College 22 1950 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions S.C.A. 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions 1959 Ehmination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions SCA. 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions SCA. 22 1959 Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions vi exxvi CONSTITUTION OF CALIFORNIA Art. XX1,§2 [Changes] Seo. 2. The Legislature, in cooperation with the properly consti- tuted authority of any adjoining state, is empowered to change, alter, and redefine the state boundaries, such change, alteration and redefini- tion to become effective only upon approval of the Congress of the United States. The Legislature. in connection with such change, altera- tion or redefinition of boundaries may provide for and deal with all matters involving the taxation or the exemption from taxation of any real or personal property involved in, or affected by, such change, alteration or redefinition of boundaries. [New section adopted Novem- ber 6, 1956.] ARTICLE XXII SCHEDULE That no inconvenience may arise from the alterations and amend- ments in the Constitution of this State, and to carry the same into complete effect, it is hereby ordained and declared: [Saving Clauses’) Section 1. That all laws in force at the adoption of this Con- stitution, not inconsistent therewith, shall remain in full foree and effect until altered or repealed by the Legislature; and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims, and contracts of the State, counties, individuals, or bodies corporate, not inconsistent therewith, shall continue to be as valid as if this Constitution had not been adopted. The provisions of all Jaws which are inconsistent with this Constitution shall cease upon the adoption thereof, except that all laws which are inconsistent with such provisions of this Constitution as require legislation to enforce them shall remain in full force until the first day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty, unless sooner altered or repealed by the Legislature. Sro, 2. That all recognizances, obligations, and all other instru- ments, entered into or executed before the adoption of this Constitution, to this State, or to any subdivision thereof, or any municipality therein, and all fines, taxes, penalties, and forfeitures due or owing to this State, or any subdivision or municipality thereof, and all writs, prosecutions, actions, and causes of action, except as herein otherwise provided, shall continue and remain unaffected by the adoption of this Constitution. All indictments or informations which shall have been found, or may hereafter be found, for any crime or offense committed before this Constitution takes effect, may be proceeded upon as if no change had taken place, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution. Sec. 3. [Repealed November 8, 1960, See Section 3 below.] [Limitations on Amendments] Sec. 3. Any amendment to this Constituison which is proposed by the Legislature solely for the purpose of eliminating obsolete or superseded provisions therefrom shall be subject to the following limitations: (1) Any other measure submitted to the people at the same elec- tion which affects a section of the Coustitution included in the Legis- lature’s proposal shall, to the extent of any conflict between the two, prevail over such proposal; and (2) If the Legislature's proposal repeals or eliminates constitu- tional language which originally validated, ratified, confirmed or gave effect to other governmental action, such proposal shall not be con- strued so as to alter or invalidate the action previously validated, CONSTITUTION OF CALIFORNIA exxvii Art. XXI1L, 61 ratified, confirmed or given effect. [New section adopted November 8, 1960. ae 4. [Repealed November 8, 1949.) Sno. 5. [Repealed November 8, 1949.] Sec. 6. [Repealed November 8, 1949.] [Repealed November 8, 1949.| [Repealed November 8, 1949. [Repealed November 8, 1949.] [Repealed November 8, 1960.] ab Repealed November 8, 1960 ARTICLE XXII* [RECALL OF PUBLIC OFFICERS] Section 1. 1 Every elective public officer of the State of California may be removed from office at any time by the electors entitled to vote for a successor of such incumbent, through the procedure and in the manner herein provided for, which procedure shall be known as the recall, and is in addition to any other method of removal provided by law. [Petitions] ? The procedure hereunder to effect the removal of an incumbent of an elective public office shall be as follows: A petition signed by elec- tors entitled to vote for a successor of the incumbent sought to be removed, equal in number to at least twelve per cent of the entire vote cast at the last preceding election for all candidates for the office which the incumbent sought to be removed occupies (provided that if the offi- cer sought to be removed is a State officer who is elected in any political subdivision of the State, said petition shall be signed by electors entitled to vote for a successor to the incumbent sought to be removed, equal in number to at least twenty per cent of the entire vote cast at the last preceding election for all candidates for the office which the incumbent sought to be removed occupies) demanding an election of a successor to the officer named in said petition, shall be addressed to the Secretary of State and filed with the clerk, or registrar of voters, of the county or city and county in which the petition was cireulated; provided that if the officer sought to be removed was elected in the State at large such petition shall be circulated in not less than five counties of the State, and shall be signed in each of such counties by electors equal in number to not less than one per cent of the entire vote cast, in each of said counties, at said election, as above estimated. Such petition shall con- tain a general statement of the grounds on which the removal is sought, which statement is intended solely for the information of the electors, and the sufficiency of which shall not be open to review. [Election Date} 8 When such petition is certified as is herein provided to the Secre- tary of State, he shall forthwith submit the said petition, together with a certificate of its sufficiency, to the Governor, who shall thereupon order and fix a date for holding the election, not less than sixty days nor ee than eighty days from the date of such certificate of the Secretary of State. * New article adopted October 10, 1911, The subsection numbers (superior fig- ures) are added.

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