GJ27FF2B65 BAJAJ AUTO LTD Model: PLATINA110 Color: /Body Type: EB BLK GLOS PEW GRAY /SOLO WTH PILLION 234 Form Seating(in all) Capacity 2 Unladen Weight (Kg) 119 5Cubic Cap./Horse Power (BHPKw) Wheel Base(mm) 115.45 /8.48 1255 Month-Year of Mfg. 09-2023 Financier: No. of Cylinders BAJAJ FINANCE LTD 1 Registration Authority AHMEDABAD EAST Indian Union Vehicde Registration Certificate Gujarat Motor Vehide Department r t Sa
Regn No Date of Regn. Regn. Validity Owner
GJ27FF2865 1&-10-2023 17-10-2038 Serial Chassis No MD2A76AX8PPF43383 (08-1 Engine/Motor No PFXPPF44832 Owner Name YASH Son/Daughter/Wife of (in case of Individual Owner) Date KRUNALBHAI VALA lssu Ownership Fuel INDIVIDUAL PETROL Card Address Emission Norms H 1 301 DEVNANDAN SUPREMUS, OPP CRYSTAL SCHOOL NR BHARAT STAGE SKYBEL FLAT, VASTRAL,AHMEDABAD(EAST)-GUJARAT-382418