BMR Group 9
BMR Group 9
BMR Group 9
Answer 1)
To understand why Apple's sales are slowing down, we would adopt the following methodology:
• Gather data and analyse trends: This would involve collecting data on iPhone sales, consumer
demand, and market share. We would also look at trends in the smartphone industry.
• Identify potential causes: Based on the data analysis, we would identify potential causes of
the slowdown in iPhone sales.
• Economic conditions: A slowdown in the global economy could lead to consumers spending
less on discretionary items like smartphones. As mentioned by the Analyst in the case study.
• Increased competition: There is increasing competition in the smartphone market, from both
established firms.
• Product innovation: Apple may not be innovating at the same pace as its competitors, leading
to consumers choosing other smartphones. Such as utilizing AI to boost growth.
• Conduct customer surveys and interviews: We would conduct customer surveys and
interviews to get feedback on why consumers are choosing to buy or not buy iPhones. This
feedback would help us to validate the potential causes that we have identified.
• Analyse the competitive landscape: We would analyse the competitive landscape to identify
what other smartphone manufacturers are doing better than Apple. This would help us to
identify areas where Apple can improve its products and marketing.
• Develop recommendations: Based on the findings from the data analysis, customer feedback,
and competitive analysis, we would develop recommendations for how Apple can improve its
sales performance.
To create a model for inferential analysis to measure customer satisfaction with the iPhone 15, I would
use a structural equation model (SEM). SEM is a statistical method that allows researchers to test
complex models of relationships between variables. It is particularly well-suited for measuring
constructs such as customer satisfaction, which are difficult to measure directly.
• Independent variables: These are variables that are thought to influence customer
satisfaction, such as product quality, price, and customer service.
• Mediating variables: These are variables that are thought to mediate the relationship
between the independent variables and customer satisfaction. For example, perceived value
may mediate the relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction.
• Dependent variable: This is the variable that is being measured, which in this case is
user/customer satisfaction.
We would collect data on these variables from a sample of iPhone 15 users. The data could be collected
using surveys, interviews, or focus groups.
Once we have collected the data, we will use a statistical software package to estimate the SEM model.
The model would allow us to test the following hypotheses:
• Direct effects: Are the independent variables directly related to customer satisfaction?
• Indirect effects: Are the independent variables indirectly related to customer satisfaction
through the mediating variables?
The SEM model would also provide us with estimates of the magnitude and significance of the
relationships between the variables. This information would be helpful in identifying the factors that
are most important to customer satisfaction and developing strategies to improve it.
Byrne, B. H. (2016). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and
programming (3rd ed.). Routledge.
This reference provides a comprehensive overview of SEM, including how to develop, estimate, and
interpret SEM models.