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Air Conditioning (A/C)

Basic A/C Operation

When two objects at different temperatures are placed next to each other, heat will flow from
the warmer of the two objects to the cooler one. The rate at which heat is transferred depends
on how large the difference is between their temperatures. If the temperature difference is
great, the transfer of heat will be great, and if the temperature difference lessens, the transfer
of heat will be reduced until both objects reach the same temperature. At that point, heat
transfer stops.

The interior of an automobile tends to remain at approximately the same temperature as the
outside air. To cool an automobile interior, you have to reverse the natural flow of heat, no
matter how thoroughly insulated the compartment might be. The heat, which the body metal
and glass absorb from the outside, must constantly be removed.

The refrigeration cycle of the air conditioning system removes the heat from a vehicle's
interior by making use of another law of heat flow, the theory of latent heat. This theory says
that during a change of state, a material can absorb or reject heat without changing its

Air conditioning operates because we "control the state of the refrigerant". By controlling the
state of the refrigerant, we control the amount of heat absorbed and radiated to the

Any automotive air conditioning system employs four basic parts - a mechanical compressor,
driven by the vehicle's engine; an expansion valve, which is a restriction the compressor
pumps against; and two heat exchangers, the evaporator and the condenser. In addition,
there is the refrigerant that flows through this system.

The belt-driven compressor uses engine power to compress and circulate the refrigerant gas
throughout the system. The refrigerant passes through the condenser on its way from the
compressor outlet to the expansion valve. The refrigerant passes from the expansion valve to
the evaporator, and after passing through the evaporator tubing, it is returned to the
compressor through its inlet.

When the compressor starts running, it pulls refrigerant from the evaporator coil and forces it
into the condenser coil, thus lowering the evaporator pressure and increasing the condenser
pressure. When proper operating pressures have been established, the expansion valve will
open and allow refrigerant to return to the evaporator as fast as the compressor is removing it.
Under these conditions, the pressure at each point in the system will reach a constant level,
but the condenser pressure will be much higher than the evaporator pressure.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Basic A/C Operation (Continued)

The pressure in the evaporator is low

enough for the boiling point of the
refrigerant to be well below the
temperature of the vehicles interior.
Therefore, the liquid will boil, remove
heat from the interior, and pass from
the evaporator as a gas. The heating
effect produced as the refrigerant
passes through the compressor keeps
the gas from liquefying and causes it to
be discharged from the compressor at
very high temperatures. This hot gas
passes into the condenser. The
pressure on this side of the system is
high enough so that the boiling point
of the refrigerant is well beyond the outside temperature. The gas will cool until it reaches its
boiling point, and then condense to a liquid as the outside air absorbs heat. The liquid
refrigerant is then forced back through the expansion valve by the condenser pressure.

A/C System Designs

Orifice Tube Type

The restriction or resistive device is very important to A/C systems. The restriction allows:
• The compressor to have "something to push or pump against"
• The condenser to provide a change in state without loss in significant temperature
• Controls the volume flow through the entire system
• Meters the correct amount of refrigerant to the evaporator

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Basic A/C Operation (Continued)

Orifice Tube Type (continued)

Proper restrictions typically come in two forms: Orifice Tube or Thermostatic Expansion Valve
(TXV). The orifice tube has a fixed diameter opening ranging from 0.030" - 0.090" in diameter
depending on system. When the system is operating, the same volume of refrigerant is
passed through the fixed diameter opening of the orifice.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Basic A/C Operation (Continued)

Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV)

The TXV is a "Variable Orifice". The TXV orifice varies the amount of restriction based upon
temperature, pressure or both.

It is important that the correct amount of refrigerant gets to the evaporator. It is the restriction's
job to do that. The refrigerant enters the restriction as a high pressure/high temperature liquid.
However, since very little refrigerant is allowed to get through, the output of the restriction is
"low pressure/low temperature" liquid. This is very significant. Since the pressure is lowered,
the temperature of the refrigerant is also lowered. This allows the refrigerant entering into the
evaporator to average about 33°F (0.6°C). It is important that the average surface
temperature of the evaporator not go below 33°F (0.6°C). There are two main reasons for this:

1. If the temperature of the refrigerant was lower, water in the air would begin to freeze and
stick to the evaporator. This would make it difficult to push the passenger compartment air
through the evaporator fins.

2. We want the greatest amount of temperature difference possible between the cabin and the
evaporator. (REMEMBER: The greater the difference, the faster heat flows and temperature
will flow until the temperatures are equal!)

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

A/C Refrigerants

A liquid with a low boiling point must be used to make practical

use of the heat transfer that occurs when a liquid boils.
Refrigerant-12 (R-12) is the refrigerant that was universally
used in automotive air conditioning systems. R-12 was nearly
an ideal refrigerant. It operated at low pressure and condensed
easily at the temperature ranges found in automotive air
conditioning systems. Unfortunately, it was discovered that
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's), which are chemicals in the same
group as dichlorodifluoromethane, which you know as R-12 or
Freon®, were depleting the ozone layer of the atmosphere. On
December 31, 1995, CFC-12 production essentially ended in
the U.S.

The replacement for R-12 is a non-CFC refrigerant, R-134a.

This has been used since the 1994 model year. Some of the
older R-12 systems are being changed over to R-134a by

It's clear to most automotive service technicians by now that

buying and handling A/C refrigerants is a lot more
complicated than it used to be. Even when R-12 was the
only refrigerant in town, many A/C techs discovered systems
that had been contaminated with air, R-22 or hydrocarbons
such as propane and butane. Today, with new vehicles
using R-134a refrigerant, and with an abundance of other R-
12 substitutes reaching the market, the variety of
refrigerants that techs may handle on the job is making A/C
service more complicated than ever. That’s why it is
imperative that the technician has and uses refrigerant
identification equipment that meets or exceeds current
Society of Automotive Engineers (S.A.E.) standards. Some
models can tell you how much air is in recycled refrigerant,
so that you can use these models to determine whether the
air purge cycle feature on your R-12 or R-134a recycling
equipment is functioning properly. Excess air in an A/C
system can lead to false readings in electronic low charge
indicators in some vehicles; rapid clutch cycling and
potential clutch failures; and noisy compressor operation.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Recycling Refrigerants

The Environmental Protection Agency does

not want technicians venting refrigerant
when servicing vehicles. For many years,
this was a common practice because
refrigerant was relatively cheap and no one
realized it was causing any harm. Today, R-
12 is scarce and expensive, and we know it
is harmful to the environment. Recovery
equipment is readily available from a variety
of aftermarket suppliers. Today, regulations
prohibit venting any type of refrigerant from
a vehicle, including R-12, R-134a or any
other alternative or unknown refrigerant.
The prohibition against venting includes
even a small charge of refrigerant that may
have been added to a vehicle for purposes
of detecting a leak. If there’s any refrigerant
in the system at all, it must be recovered
Several equipment manufacturers offer recovery/recycling
and not allowed to escape. equipment similar to these shown as examples

Venting has been outlawed because manmade chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) such as R-12
damage the Earth’s protective ozone layer that shields us from most of the sun’s harmful
ultraviolet radiation. Scientists have discovered that CFCs react with ozone in such a way that
ozone is destroyed faster than natural processes can replenish it. The result has been a
measurable thinning of the ozone layer and a big increase in ultraviolet (UV) exposure, which
increases the risk of skin cancer.

To make matters worse, CFCs break down very slowly. R-12 is estimated to have an
atmospheric lifespan of nearly 100 years! So any R-12 that leaks out of a vehicle’s A/C
system today will still be eating holes in the ozone layer a century from now! That’s why
recovery is so important.

Reducing global warming is another reason not to vent refrigerants. R-134a contains no
chlorine and poses no danger to the ozone layer, but like R-12, it is a "greenhouse" gas that
retains heat and contributes to the global warming problem. Every pound of refrigerant that
leaks or escapes into the atmosphere has the same effect as thousands of pounds of CO2.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

A/C Lubricants

There are three main oil types: mineral oil,

polyalkylene (PAG), and polyolester (POE). The
compressor manufacturer usually specifies the oil
type, since the oil's primary purpose is to lubricate the
compressor. These oils are available from a number
of chemical companies with a variety of brand names.
The other oil consideration is to insure that the oil
being used is compatible with the refrigerant and the
material of the internal system components (seals,
bearings, motor windings etc.) Mineral oils were used
in R-12 applications while polyalkylene and
polyolester can be used in R-134a applications.
Delphi PAG Lubricants
It is critical that the correct amount of the proper oil is added to the system. The A/C industry
has changed its identification of lubricant viscosity to an international standard. The typical
mineral oil has been identified as 525 Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS) or how long it takes
to pour liquid. This is used in R-12 systems. The new term, Centictokes (GTS) identifies the
liquid pour rate or resistance to flow. This can also be identified as ISO VG grade. Do not mix
grades of oil as this can result in premature compressor failure.

A/C System Components


The compressor’s primary function is to compress and pressurize gaseous refrigerant. It takes
in cool gas into the suction port and pressurizes it at its discharge port. A drive belt from the
engine powers the compressor. The compressor has an electrically operated engagement
clutch to either turn the refrigeration operation off or on.

The A/C system is split into two sides, a high-pressure

side and a low-pressure side; defined as discharge
and suction. Since the compressor is basically a
pump, it must have an intake side and a discharge
side. The intake, or suction side, draws in refrigerant
gas from the outlet of the evaporator. Once the
refrigerant is drawn into the suction side, it is
compressed and sent to the condenser, where it can
then transfer the heat that is absorbed from the inside
of the vehicle to the atmosphere. Delphi H6 Compressor

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Delphi R4 Compressor Delphi V5 Compressor

Delphi recommends PAG only for R-134a systems and mineral oils for R-12 systems.


The condenser, in most cases, will have much the same appearance as the radiator as the
two have very similar functions. The condenser is designed to radiate heat. Its location is
usually in front of the radiator, but in some cases, due to aerodynamic improvements to the
body of a vehicle, its location may differ. Condensers must have good airflow anytime the
system is in operation. On rear wheel drive vehicles this is usually accomplished by taking
advantage of the existing cooling fan. On front wheel drive vehicles condenser airflow is
supplemented with one or more electric cooling fan(s).
As hot compressed gasses are introduced into the top of the condenser, they are cooled. As
the gas cools, it condenses and exits the bottom of the condenser as a high-pressure liquid.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

The evaporator is located inside the vehicle. Its
primary function is to remove heat from the inside of
your vehicle. A secondary benefit is
dehumidification. As warmer air travels through the
aluminum fins of the cooler evaporator coil, the
moisture contained in the air condenses on its
surface. Any dust or pollen passing through may
stick to its wet surfaces and exit into an external
Refrigerant enters the bottom of the evaporator as a low-pressure liquid. The warm air
passing through the evaporator fins causes the refrigerant to boil (refrigerants have very low
boiling points). As the refrigerant begins to boil, it can absorb large amounts of heat. This heat
is then carried off with the refrigerant to the outside of the vehicle. Several other components
work in conjunction with the evaporator. The ideal temperature for an evaporator coil is 33°F
(0.6°C). Temperature and pressure regulating devices must be used to control its
temperature. While there are many variations of devices used, their main functions are the
same; keeping pressure in the evaporator low and keeping the evaporator from freezing. A
frozen evaporator coil will not absorb as much heat.


Accumulators/dehydrators are used on systems that

accommodate an orifice tube to meter refrigerants into
the evaporator. They are connected directly to the
evaporator outlet and stores excess liquid refrigerant.
Introduction of liquid refrigerant into a compressor can
do serious damage. Compressors are designed to
compress gas not liquid. The chief role of the
accumulator is to isolate the compressor from any
damaging liquid refrigerant. Accumulators, like
receiver-driers, also remove debris and moisture from
a system.

It is strongly recommended to replace the accumulator each time the system is opened up for
major repair and anytime moisture and/or debris is of concern. Moisture is enemy number one
for your A/C system. Moisture in a system mixes with refrigerant and forms a corrosive acid.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

The receiver-drier is used on the high side of systems that use a
thermal expansion valve. This type of metering valve requires liquid
refrigerant. To ensure that the valve gets liquid refrigerant, a
receiver is used. The primary function of the receiver-drier is to
separate gas and liquid. The secondary purpose is to remove
moisture and filter out dirt. The receiver-drier typically has a sight
glass in the top. This sight glass is often used to charge the
system. Under normal operating conditions, vapor bubbles should
not be visible in the sight glass. The use of the sight glass to
charge the system is not recommended in R-134a systems as
cloudiness and oil that has separated from the refrigerant can be
mistaken for bubbles. This type of mistake can lead to a dangerous
overcharged condition. Newer receiver-driers use desiccant type
XH-7 and are compatible with both R-12 and R-134a refrigerants.

Orifice Tube

The orifice tube is the most commonly used pressure-regulating device in domestic vehicles.
It is located in the inlet tube of the evaporator, or in the liquid line, somewhere between the
outlet of the condenser and the inlet of the evaporator. This point can be found in a properly
functioning system by locating the area between the outlet of the condenser and the inlet of
the evaporator that suddenly makes the change from hot to cold. You should then see small
dimples placed in the line that keep the orifice tube from moving. Most of the orifice tubes in
use today measure approximately three inches in length and consist of a small brass tube,
surrounded by plastic, and covered with a filter screen at each end. It is not uncommon for
these tubes to become clogged with small debris.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Thermal Expansion Valve

Another common refrigerant pressure regulator is the thermal expansion valve, or TXV.
Commonly used on import and aftermarket systems. This type of valve can sense both
temperature and pressure, and is very efficient at regulating refrigerant flow to the evaporator.
Several variations of this valve are commonly used. Another example of a thermal expansion
valve is Chrysler's "H block" type. This type of valve is usually located at the firewall, between
the evaporator inlet and outlet tubes and the liquid and suction lines. These valves, although
efficient, have some disadvantages over orifice tube systems. Like orifice tubes these valves
can become clogged with debris, but also have small moving parts that may stick and
malfunction due to corrosion.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Air Distribution and Controlling HVAC Systems

So far we have talked in depth about the engine’s cooling system and the refrigeration
system. Now let's talk about the final sub-system of HVAC, air distribution.

Components and Purpose

The air distribution system is based upon the following components:

• Plenum which houses or supports:

− Evaporator core
− Heater core
• Blower motor assembly/ blower motor resistor or control module
• Air direction doors or paddles
• Defroster, vent and heater ducts
• Pollen filter (some models)
• Fresh air and re-circulation air inlets
• Condensation drain

The purpose of the air distribution system is to allow the operator to regulate the amount and
temperature of the air discharged by the HVAC system while allowing for outside air and re-
circulated air to enter into the plenum for conditioning.

The blower motor draws combination air from outside the vehicle and inside the vehicle into
the plenum. All air is directed towards the evaporator whether in heat mode or A/C mode. This
is to make the cabin more comfortable by having the refrigeration system always removing
some dust, humidity or pollens from the air.

When the vehicle operator selects an A/C function and moves the temperature selector
towards the lowest setting, airflow goes through the evaporator and is routed around the
heater core. The effect is a lack of heat through whatever duct vents the customer chooses.
This is typically the function the operator chooses in warm weather driving conditions.

When the vehicle operator selects an A/C function and moves the temperature selector
towards any warm air position, some or all air traveling through the evaporator is also sent
through the heater core. This creates a blend condition, which has reduced dust, pollen and
moisture. This is typically how the defrost function of the HVAC system operates.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Air Distribution and Controlling HVAC Systems (continued)

Components and Purpose (continued)

The "Heat" selection is really the same air flow as defrost except that the air usually comes
out at foot level and the A/C compressor does not engage. Hot engine coolant is routed from
the cylinder head of the engine to the heater core and back to the engine. Since the air
temperature in the vehicle is lower than the temperature in the heater core, the heat from the
heater core is attracted to the air and the air is "warmed". Since heat rises, it is important to
discharge the air as low as possible so that the cooler passenger compartment air can easily
be overtaken. This makes the heating system more effective.
HVAC System Controls

The A/C compressor operates in all mode positions except for off, heat and vent. The reason
the A/C system is active much of the time is to insure good visibility out of windows and to
increase passenger comfort.
The air distribution discharge ducts can be controlled using cables, vacuum motors or electric
motors or a combination of any of the three operated by the driver. This is typically referred to
as a manual HVAC system. That is, the driver physically changes the position of a door
through the HVAC system controls. Automatic "climate" controls usually refer to a "computer"
device, which monitors the requests of the driver, several inputs from sensors and other
computers on the vehicle and then controls the proper doors and/or commands the HVAC
system in a manner which will maintain the driver's request.

Delphi accumulator/dehydrators manufactured for 2001 and newer passenger cars and 2003
light duty trucks contain OE approved ultraviolet leak detection dye, which requires the use of
a black light for leak detection.
Delphi Refrigerant Oil Applications

RL10006 (PAG100) for use in the following systems:

• R4 - radial fixed displacement cycling 4 cylinder

• V5 - variable displacement 5 cylinder
• V7 - variable displacement 7 cylinder
• H6 - fixed displacement cycling 6 cylinder

RL10007 (PAG46) for use in the following:

• CVC - Compact Variable Compressor Delphi PAG Lubricants

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Air Distribution and Controlling HVAC Systems (continued)

Components and Purpose (continued)

Delphi H6 Compressors Are Tight By Design

Manufacturer design changes with tighter tolerances have had the side effect of making the
new compressors extremely difficult to turn off the vehicle. It is recommended that the
compressor be turned on the car with the belt installed and the ignition or fuel disabled and
the compressor clutch jumped to power and ground.

New Delphi R4 Compressor Warranty Announcement

There is a new 2-year warranty on all Delphi R4 compressors.

This warranty is exclusive to the R4 compressor. In addition to the new warranty period, all of
Delphi’s R4 are now 100% tested and certified to be defect free.
The 2-year warranty period and product certification demonstrates Delphi’s commitment to
high quality. As with all Delphi compressors, the R4 compressor continues to be designed
and built to OEM specifications.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In some applications, service parts may be modified or updated at

the manufacturer’s request. In some situations, additional parts or installation hardware are
required in order to complete the installation. If the part specified for your application appears
different and no additional installation parts were included in the package, check the
manufacturer service information for bulletins that may include installation part numbers only
available from the OE.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Servicing the A/C System

After an A/C system is opened and repaired, you should
be sure to use a vacuum pump to draw a vacuum on the
entire system. Vacuum is usually measured at 29
inches. We recommend holding the vacuum for 1-4
hours without fluctuation (most industry sources suggest
30 minutes). The vacuum pump will extract any moisture
and air from the system. We can also provide some
assurance against possible leaks by making sure the
scheme holds a vacuum after the pump has been shut
off and the gauge valves closed.

Related Component Replacement

When working on a contaminated system you must make sure you do the following:

1. Replace accumulator/receiver drier. Contaminants accumulate here and the desiccant bag
in these components once opened will absorb moisture.

2. Replace the orifice tube. Check the expansion valve for contamination.

3. The A/C system must be flushed or and an inline filter should be considered to trap any
debris remaining.

Important - Compressors contaminated with black oil or any foreign material will not be
warranted by the manufacturer.

4. When replacing a Delphi compressor that has suffered a catastrophic failure, it is

recommended that the condenser also be replaced. If the discharge hose assembly is
equipped with a muffler, the hose assembly should be replaced. This is due to Teflon® being
disbursed throughout the system. When this happens the only way to get the Teflon® out of
your system is to replace the item. The Teflon® only liquefies once it is heated and therefore
you cannot flush it out of the system.

5. The proper amount and type of lubricant for the system must be added. After installation,
rotate the compressor shaft to ensure no liquid remains in the cylinders. This will lubricate all
internal compressor components.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Servicing the A/C System

Filtering Devices

Many manufacturers recommend the use of in-

line filters to capture contaminants within the air
conditioning system. These filters are designed
to fit in the liquid line and trap
contaminants that could be introduced into the
system, which may result in damage to the air
conditioning components.

Suction Screens

When compressors fail the debris can go toward both the condenser and the accumulator or
evaporator. To protect replacement compressors without factory installed screens, installation
of suction screens are strongly recommended.

Charging the A/C System

A system that is low on Freon® can be topped off or evacuated and recharged.
A top-off involves simply adding refrigerant into the system. An evacuation and recharge
service includes removing whatever remaining refrigerant is in the vehicle. Then removing
impurities from that refrigerant using recycling equipment, recharging it into the vehicle, and
adding new refrigerant to replace whatever has leaked out.

Topping-off alone is less expensive however it is not as accurate or efficient. The

manufacturer has determined that a specific amount of refrigerant is correct for that vehicle.
The technician has no way of determining precisely how much refrigerant is left in the
vehicle's system. He relies on his experience to guess how much refrigerant to charge into the
system; however, he could undercharge or overcharge the system, thereby affecting system

On the other hand, during an evacuation and recharge, once the technician has extracted all
remaining refrigerant from the system, he will then be able to charge the system with the
precise amount of refrigerant recommended by the vehicle's manufacturer by using his
charging equipment or a separate scale.

If the system must be opened to replace a component or repair a leak, the refrigerant must be
recycled and the exact amount recharged to the system.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Servicing the A/C System

Leak Testing the A/C System

Refrigerant leaks typically show up as oily areas on the various components because the
compressor oil is transported around the entire system along with the refrigerant. Look for oily
spots on all the hoses and lines, and especially on the hose and tubing connections. Check
the compressor seal area. If there are oily deposits, the system may have a leak. There are
various dyes and electronic leak detectors available to help pinpoint refrigerant leaks. In order
to properly use a leak detector, you should:

• Identify the refrigerant in use and detect flammables, unknown or contaminated

• Record refrigerant identification on invoice.
• Connect manifold gauge - refrigerant pressure must read 50 psi or more. Add
refrigerant to increase the pressure if necessary.
• Clean all connections using a clean dry rag.
• Start at the compressor discharge port and follow the flow of refrigerant through the
system with a leak detector.
• Move the detector sensor completely around each connection.
• Leak-check the underside of the hoses, clean and leak-check the condensate drain

Diagnosing A/C System Problems

The first and often most important check for the air conditioning system consist of a visual
inspection of the system components. Visually inspect the air conditioning system for
refrigerant leaks, damaged compressor clutch, abnormal compressor drive belt tension and/or
condition, plugged evaporator drain tube, and blocked condenser fins, disconnected or broken
wires, blown fuses, corroded connections and poor insulation.

Further diagnosis requires a good set of refrigerant pressure gauges, a leak detector and a
multimeter for electrical diagnosis of switches, sensors and the A/C clutch coil.

A/C gauges will display both high and low side pressures. These readings can be compared
to charts that will give the proper operating pressures at a various ambient temperatures.
Deviations from listed pressures indicate a problem in the system. The following chart
demonstrates how pressure readings can be used to diagnose a malfunctioning system
equipped with a thermal expansion valve.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Servicing the A/C System

Late model systems and those equipped with automatic temperature control typically have on
board diagnostics. That means that a scan tool can be used to check for diagnostic trouble
codes and check the status of sensor inputs and A/C clutch apply. Some systems use the A/C
control module itself to display codes.

Notice - A/C pressure sensor input voltages typically follow actual pressures. As an example:
2 volts-------200lbs
3 volts-------300lbs
3.5 volts-----350lbs

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Servicing the A/C System

Safety Concerns and Cautions

When servicing an A/C system you run the risk of handling or coming in contact with
refrigerant, which may result in skin or eye irritation or frostbite. Although low in toxicity (due
to chemical stability), inhalation of concentrated refrigerant fumes is dangerous and can result
in death; cases of fatal cardiac arrhythmia have been reported in people accidentally
subjected to high levels of refrigerant. Some early symptoms include loss of concentration
and drowsiness.

Generally, the limit for exposure is lower for R-134a than it is for R-12. Exceptional care must
be practiced when handling R-134a.

In addition, R-12 refrigerant can decompose at high temperatures (near gas heaters or open
flame), which may result in hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid and phosgene (a fatal nerve

R-12 refrigerant can damage the environment because it is a Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC),

which has been proven to add to ozone layer depletion, leading to increasing levels of UV
radiation. UV radiation has been linked with an increase in skin cancer, suppression of the
human immune system, an increase in cataracts, damage to crops, damage to aquatic
organisms, an increase in ground-level ozone, and increased global warming.

R-134a refrigerant is a greenhouse gas, which, if allowed to vent into the atmosphere, will
contribute to global warming (the Greenhouse Effect).

• Do not allow smoking, welding, or burning in areas where refrigerants R-12 and R-
134a may be present as this could produce harmful gases, if the refrigerant comes into
contact with a hot surface.
• Keep hands away from rotating components when engine is running.
• The wearing of eye protection is essential when working around A/C systems.

A/C System Sealants

There are companies which have developed a blend of chemicals designed to seal leaks in
both the metal and rubber parts of an air conditioning system. The chemicals contain a
formulation that is activated by extreme concentrations of moisture to solidify and form a
permanent patch. As refrigerant leaks out of the system, moisture is created and activates the
chemicals to self-seal. Essentially, the extreme temperature differential at the leak point
causes condensation. This “moisture” activates the chemical.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Servicing the A/C System

The manufacturers of these sealants claim tests have indicated:

• There is no effect on the A/C system’s performance or ability to cool.
• There are no noticeable changes in pressures.
• The chemical formulation remains in the liquid state inside the A/C until it detects
moisture at a leak point and then self-seals.
• It does not affect the lubrication ability of the system oil in any way.
There were questions as to how the sealant would affect refrigerant recovery equipment. The
manufacturer claims the sealer will be removed from the A/C system with the refrigerant, and
then will be separated from the refrigerant with the reclaimed oil.

One thing to keep in mind is that it will not work as a sealer on shaft seals as the rotating shaft
pumps out material before it gets a chance to work its magic. It will however seal compressor
body gasket leaks.

Important: Delphi does NOT recommend the use of any A/C sealants.

Non-Approved Flush Agents

There are several A/C recovery equipment manufacturers that provide a refrigerant flush
option. Use of refrigerant flush is ecologically and economically favored over solvent flush.
Flushing is extremely effective for lubricant removal. When flushing R-12 systems, use only
R-12 refrigerant and a special flush adapter. When flushing R-134a systems, use only R-134a
refrigerant and a special flush adapter.

This procedure requires use of a flush adapter, which can be employed with several
recovery/recycling machines. Always follow the guidelines from the manufacturer of your
particular equipment.

Do NOT use any other types of flush agents or solvents. It has been found that residual
amounts of these flush agents may act as solvents and affect the integrity of seals, O-rings,
and other components.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Residual non-approved flush agents when not properly removed
dilute refrigerant lubricant. If non-approved flush agents are used, the system components will
not be covered by the warranty.

Always follow the vehicle manufacturers’ service procedures.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

Product Changes

• The H6 compressor clutch driver is now a chrome color as opposed to the original
black color.
• Evaporators have changed in color. They are now a gray/silver color vs. the original
brass color. Performance and water shedding capabilities have not changed.

Tech Tips

• Use PAG lubricant with R-134a or when retrofitting to R-134a.

• Use mineral oil with R-12.
• Lubricate O-rings and threads only with mineral oil (525 viscosity).
• Change the accumulator if over five (5) years old, damaged or the system is found to
be contaminated with sealants.
• Keep PAG lubricant containers sealed. They absorb moisture quickly.
• Measure and replace the exact quantity of lubricant when replacing a compressor.
• If required, flush R-12 systems with R-12 and R-134a systems with R-134a.
• Install an in-line filter and suction screen if contamination is suspected.
• Ensure less than 2% R-12 remains in the system when converting to R-134a.
• Use a full measure of PAG lubricant when converting the system from R-12 to R-134a.
• Evacuate the system of all air to eliminate oxidation of lubricating oil.
• Keep all foreign substances out of the system. Air over 3% can cause compressor
noise and reliability problems.
• Use new O-rings or seal washers if a connection has been disconnected.
• Use only approved leak detection dyes.
• Accurately weigh charge–Do not employ cans.
• Check and calibrate A/C equipment per manufacturer’s recommendations.

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

New Technology

Energy Efficient Air Conditioning (EEAC)

This system utilizes control algorithms and sensors to control outside air circulation into the
passenger compartment.

By reducing the amount of re-heating the air as in a conventional system, and controlling the
air entering the passenger compartment, we can reduce compressor pumping action and
overall A/C load.

This results in increased fuel economy and decreased emissions.

This process, developed by Delphi Thermal Systems, utilizes knowledge of the inside and
outside air specific enthalpies, (a mathematically defined thermodynamic function of a
system) the vehicle speed, the blower speed and the idle time.

This strategy defines how and when the decision is made to elevate the evaporator air outlet
temperature or outlet refrigerant pressures instead of reheating the cooled and dehumidified
air. This decision should be based on passenger comfort, system operating mode and
ambient temperature.

This process uses a control unit that monitors engine speed, passenger compartment air
temperature, evaporator air temperature, desired humidity level and the condenser outlet
refrigerant temperature to determine the compressor stroke or capacity. The control basis for
fan control and clutch is irreverent to series reheat reduction.

When this process is used with a variable displacement compressor, the fuel savings were
even greater. With external control, the displacement can be commanded up or down by the
control module and make it possible to reduce the amount of series reheat.

External controls can reduce the shaft power to 47% of that required by a fixed displacement
compressor. This combined with air inlet mixture control will increase energy efficiency.

New Developments in Air Conditioning Refrigerant

Major changes are on the horizon for automotive air-conditioning refrigerants.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been phased out under international protocols because of
their ozone-depleting properties and the current refrigerant, hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), is
under scrutiny for its global warming potential (GWP).

Delphi is developing alternative refrigerant air conditioning systems to support the best option
for the environment and their customers. While still improving energy efficiency, these options

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Air Conditioning (A/C) (continued)

New Technology (continued)

will significantly reduce the atmospheric effect of direct refrigerant emissions because they
are gases with lower global warming potentials.

Although automotive air conditioning accounts for less than five percent of total vehicle global
warming potential and the current refrigerant, R134a, contributes less than 0.4 percent of total
global warming gas emissions in Europe, worldwide concern over the impact of HFCs such as
R-134a caused Delphi to search for alternative refrigerants.

Delphi is actively undertaking a robust evaluation of multiple options in order to meet our
customers' changing needs. Delphi's analysis shows that air conditioning systems using
either CO2 or R-152a will comparably reduce the impact on the environment.

Delphi considers both refrigerants as viable options for the future. Delphi’s CO2 and R-152a
test vehicles were the best-performing entries in the Society of Automotive Engineers (S.A.E.)
alternative refrigerant workshop.

R-152a (GWP 120 - 140)

R-152a is a promising alternative because of its chemical and thermodynamic similarity to R-
134a. Although an HFC refrigerant, R-152a has a global warming potential rating (GWP 120 -
140) that is 90 percent lower than the current R-134a (GWP 1,300). Its improved cooling
efficiency also has energy saving advantages, particularly in hot climates.

CO2 (GWP 1)
CO2 is also a promising candidate. It has a much lower global warming potential impact than
R-134a and it naturally occurs in the atmosphere. It has a comparable life cycle/ climate
performance to R-152a and provides an acceptable level of cooling performance. CO2 also
operates more efficiently in the heat pump mode compared to HFCs. In terms of potential
cost, a switch to CO2 likely presents higher development, manufacturing and service
investment than would R-152a, which can be used in adapted current-style systems.

Although CO2 and R-152a represent the best current options for future mobile air conditioning
systems, each presents challenges that must be addressed by the automotive industry.

Delphi is committed to vigorously pursuing the development and implementation of

technologies to minimize pollutant emissions. Delphi will continue to support its customer
requirements around the globe while offering more environmentally-friendly automotive air
conditioning systems.

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Heat Exchange Theory


Any object that takes up space and has weight, when exposed to gravity, is matter. This
means that every physical thing we know can be classified as matter. Air, gasoline, wires, ice,
water and steam are all examples of matter. Matter is found primarily in three states on earth -
solids, liquids and vapors.

Air and Humidity

Air and humidity are intimately linked. Air contains water called humidity. The more humid the
air, the more dense the air is. When high humidity is combined with higher temperatures,
people feel less comfortable.

Heat Is An Energy Source!

Heat and temperature are often confused with each other. Heat is an energy source.
Temperature is a measure of the intensity of heat. In other words, all matter has heat -- just at
different temperatures. Heat is measurable and predictable all the way down the temperature
scale to "Absolute Zero" or about -460°F (or -273°C).

A Brief Look at Temperature

Temperature is based on the intensity of the molecular motion of the substance. As the
molecules of a particular piece of matter move at a faster pace, the millions of molecules that
make up the matter "bounce" into one another. This causes friction and the friction determines
the temperature.

Pressure, Temperature and the Effects on Liquids and Vapors

Pressure and temperature have a unique relationship. Especially when applied to liquids and
vapors. The difference in state between any one substance as a liquid or a vapor is the
amount of heat contained within the molecules and the surface temperature of the molecules.
When a liquid reaches its boiling point, it usually indicates that the surface area of the
molecules has reached its maximum temperature. At that point, the liquid undergoes a
change in state and converts to a vapor. If we use water as an example, when the surface
temperature of the molecules reaches 212°F or 100°C, the water has reached its boiling point.
The water cannot increase in temperature any more and converts to a vapor called steam.
However, the liquid to vapor conversion described assumes that the pressure acting on the
water is atmospheric at 14.7 psi. What if the pressure acting on the water is increased?
Increased Pressure Acting On a Liquid

Increased pressure acting on a liquid causes the boiling point to increase proportionally.
When water is boiled at 14.7 psi, the maximum water temperature is 212°F (100°C). If the
pressure acting on the water is raised to 16.7 psi, the water now boils at 218°F (103°C). The

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Heat Exchange Theory (continued)

increase of 2 psi causes the water to boil at a temperature that is 6°F higher, or a 3°F to 1 psi
ratio. This means that it will take more energy and time to boil the water.
Decreased Pressure Acting On a Liquid

If an increase in pressure will raise the boiling point, then what will happen if the pressure is
decreased? The boiling point will decrease proportionally. As with increased pressure, the
ratio is still 3:1. Hence, water in Denver, Colorado boils at approximately 206°F (97°C). This is
because atmospheric pressure decreases as elevation above sea level increases.

Defining and Measuring Heat

Heat is the amount of energy contained within a substance. The more heat, the more energy!
Heat energy in the U.S. is measured in BTU’s or British Thermal Units. Basically, 1 BTU is the
amount of energy required to raise 1 pound of water, 1°F at sea level.

Hot, Warm and Cold

To this point in our discussion of heat and temperature, we have not used the words "Hot,"
"Warm," and "Cold". That is because the words are relative terms. That is to say, hot to one
person may be warm to another. Cold to someone else may be comfortable to another. These
terms can be difficult to define when referring to comfort. Typically, the words hot, warm and
cold refer to temperature as related to personal comfort.

Heat Energy: Strong vs. Weak

To change a liquid into a solid, the liquid must give up some energy. As the liquid water
begins to give up energy to the freezer box, the molecules of the liquid water begin to "slow
down" and less friction can be produced. Eventually, the molecules begin moving so slow, we
call it a solid. This is the exact opposite of boiling.
Let’s take a look at water again. Why does water "freeze" when we put it into the freezer box?
When liquid water is put into the sub 32°F (0°C) temperature freezer box, the water has a lot
of energy and temperature (strong) as compared to the freezer box (weak) itself. Because of
the heat differential between the water and the freezer box, the heat in the liquid water
transfers to the freezer box. Since the temperature of the freezer box is regulated to maintain
a lower temperature, the water continues to give up heat to the freezer box until the liquid
becomes a solid or ice.

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Heat Exchange Theory (continued)

Types of Heat Transfer

There are three ways that heat can be transferred:

• Radiation - the transfer of heat through air

• Conduction - the transfer of heat through a substance other than air or liquid
• Convection - the transfer of heat through a liquid
The automobile uses all of these forms of heat transfer. All vehicle fluids carry heat away from
their respective components through convection and radiation. The radiator, HVAC
condenser, heater core and any auxiliary "coolers" radiate heat away from respective
components. Since most components are made out of metal and are attached to other metal
structures, heat gets conducted away. Several systems rely on all three types of heat transfer
in order to operate properly.

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