AMI Ligation 4
AMI Ligation 4
AMI Ligation 4
Division of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, Albany Medical Center, Albany, New York, NY, USA *Received for publication:
Albany Medical College, Albany, New York , NY, USA October 17, 2017
Accepted: November 29, 2017
Objective: Analysis of the efficacy of sphenopalatine artery (SPA) and internal maxillary artery (IMAX) ligation within the pterygo-
palatine fossa to control posterior epistaxis.
Methods: Demographic and clinical data were collected in sixty-two consecutive patients who had SPA/IMAX ligation surgery.
Clinical outcomes such as re-bleed rates and complications were acquired.
Results: A total of 62 patients were studied. Thirty-eight percent of patients had previously undergone silver nitrate nasal cautery
for epistaxis. Nine patients had undergone previous attempt of SPA procedure or embolization in other services. Two patients
returned to the operating room for anterior ethmoid ligation. There was one mortality within 30 days of surgery. Follow up ranged
from 3 months to 56 months (median= 28 months).
Conclusions: Dual SPA and IMAX ligation is effective in the control of difficult epistaxis cases, even in those patients with prior
surgical intervention.
Outcomes of SPA-IMAX artery ligation
Piastro et al.
Outcomes of SPA-IMAX artery ligation
to identify the exact location of the bleeding since the patient using conventional ligation of the SPA branches have reported
was having bilateral hemorrhage. the need for blood transfusion ranging from 45-81% of patients
The age range in this population was 18-96 years old. A poste- (9, 14)
. It can be argued that SPA-IMAX ligation limits blood loss
rior bleed in a patient as young as 18 is rare. This patient initially and perioperative complications such as blood transfusion. In
presented with a posterior bleed on post-operative day eight of our patient population, there were no immediate perioperative
a functional endoscopic sinus surgery. complications requiring additional interventions.
All patients had at least two severe nosebleeds prior to surgery We understand that comprehensive dissection and ligation of all
with need for anterior-posterior packing or one severe bleed branches of the sphenopalatine artery may have similar results.
and failure of the anterior-posterior packing. The nasal packing However, with the ligation of the artery inside the pterygopala-
average prior to the surgery in our patient population was 1.8 tine fossa, all branches are treated including branches that do
packs. Pre-operative hemoglobin levels (10.6 ± 2.77) and hema- not pass through the SPA foramen like the pharyngeal branch
tocrit levels (32.2 ± 8.04) were both below normal in our patient that passes through the palatovaginal canal and the descending
population, likely a result of the recurrent posterior bleeding palatine artery decreasing the overall blood flow in the area. In
prior to surgery. some cases, there are small arterial branches that pass to the
Seven patients (11.3%) reported at least one episode of mild nasal cavity through small bone canals other than the SPA fora-
nosebleeds after surgery on clinical follow-up. Anteroseptal men. Apparently the SPA/IMAX technique “devascularizes” more
location was evident on exam and this was treated with simple arterial branches to the nasal cavity compared to the isolated
silver nitrate anterior cautery or absorbable packing placed in SPA ligation and avoids the search for different branches due to
contact to the anterior septum with resolution of symptoms. extensive anatomical variation in this area. Due to limitations
The seven patients who experienced anterior nosebleeds were in this single arm retrospective case series, we are unable to
on an anticoagulant or antiplatelet medicine. It is important to demonstrate superiority to the standard SPA ligation approach.
be vigilant for anterior bleeding as other arteries like the facial And it may be argued that the standard SPA ligation approach
artery and anterior ethmoidal artery have an important role is technically less challenging. However, in our experience, this
in blood supply to the anterior septum (13). Importantly, in our procedure can be taught to trainees after a 3-month rotation in
series, we appear to have very close to absolute control of the rhinology. We believe that for referral centers and experienced
sphenopalatine artery supplied mucosa through an SPA-IMAX surgeons, this combined approach seems to provide a high rate
ligation approach. From the 3 patients who had severe nose- of local control of epistaxis in the sphenopalatine artery sup-
bleeds after surgery and required intervention (surgery and/or plied mucosa, even in cases of prior failure.
anterior-posterior packing), 2 of them had no bleeding from the
SPA area previously ligated. The bleeding was exclusively from Conclusion
the anterior ethmoidal area and controlled with specific ligation. A dual SPA-IMAX approach seems to provide near complete
Since the source of bleeding was not possible to be identified in control over the sphenopalatine supplied region. Especially in
one patient who had unilateral SPA-IMAX ligation, this proce- anticoagulated patients, a concomitant anterior epistaxis source
dure showed at least 98.4% bleeding control at the SPA supplied should be sought.
mucosa. None of the patients required revisional SPA ligation
in our series. These patients should be closely evaluated for Authorship contribution
the potential for anterior sources of epistaxis prior to SPA-IMAX KP: Data collection and interpretation, manuscript writing/edi-
ligation, so that a concurrent anterior ethmoid artery or greater ting; RS: Data collection and interpretation, manuscript writing/
palatine artery ligation may be considered (13). One potential editing; NGL: Manuscript writing/editing. CPN: Principal Inves-
concern with this procedure is that the vessels were only clip- tigator and corresponding author, Primary surgeon for patients
ped, not cauterized or sectioned. There may be concern that this investigated, Manuscript writing/editing.
could lead to revascularization. However, we have not seen any
cases of rebleed from a ligated vessel. Conflict of interest
Estimated blood loss was highly variable (161.7 mL ± 169.4). We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
However, no patients required blood transfusion. Other studies
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