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BS 08103-1-2011

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BS 8103-1:2011

BSI Standards Publication

Structural design of low-rise

Part 1: Code of practice for stability,
site investigation, foundations,
precast concrete floors and ground
floor slabs for housing

Publishing and copyright information

The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document
was last issued.
© BSI 2011
ISBN 978 0 580 70065 1
ICS 91.040.30; 93.020
The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:
Committee reference B/204
Draft for comment 11/30214388 DC

Publication history
First published March 1986
Second edition September 1995
Third (present) edition November 2011

Amendments issued since publication

Date Text affected

Foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions and symbols 2
4 Stability and connections between elements 4
5 Site investigation 24
6 Foundations 25
7 Ground floor slabs 34
8 Suspended precast concrete floors 37
Annex A (informative) Tabular method for the design of suspended cast in situ
concrete ground floors 41
Bibliography 57
List of figures
Figure 1 – Diagram illustrating the action of wind forces 5
Figure 2 – Box construction plan form to give stability 5
Figure 3 – Walls with a difference in level on opposite sides 7
Figure 4 – Building shape 8
Figure 5 – Maximum height of building on sloping ground 8
Figure 6 – Measurement of storey height of walls in metres 9
Figure 7 – Basic wind speed, V, map (m/s) before the altitude correction is
applied 11
Figure 8 – Orographic zones for factor O 12
Figure 9 – Orography factor O for hills and ridges 13
Figure 10 – Orography factor O for cliffs and escarpments 13
Figure 11 – Diagram of a house showing location and type of connections
necessary between elements 15
Figure 12 – Timber floor bearing on to wall 17
Figure 13 – Timber floor spanning parallel with a wall 18
Figure 14 – Timber floor supported on standard joist hanger 19
Figure 15 – Concrete suspended floor bearing on to wall 20
Figure 16 – Concrete suspended floor abutting wall 20
Figure 17 – Precast concrete beam and block type floor abutting or spanning on
to wall 21
Figure 18 – Tying of pitched roofs to gable walls 22
Figure 19 – Pitched or flat roof bearing on to a wallplate 23
Figure 20 – Types of foundation 26
Figure 21 – Foundation adjoining a trench 32
Figure 22 – Thickness of foundations 32
Figure 23 – Stepped foundations 33
Figure 24 – Position of walls on foundations 34
Figure 25 – Foundations to walls with projections 34
Figure 26 – In situ concrete ground-supported slab 35
Figure 27 – Generic types of precast floor systems 38
Figure 28 – Typical bearing details for precast floors 40
Figure A.1 – Definitions 42
Figure A.2 – Tables selection procedure 45
Figure A.3 – L and T shaped slabs 45
List of tables

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Table 1 – Altitude factor 10

Table 2 – Factor O 10
Table 3 – Maximum allowable building height, m 14
Table 4 – Concretes suitable for unreinforced concrete in strip and trench fill
foundations subject to aggressive chemical conditions in the ground or
groundwater 27
Table 5 – Wall load categories for 4.5 m floors and 9 m roofs 28
Table 6 – Wall load categories for 6 m floors and 12 m roofs 29
Table 7 – Wall load categories for internal wall foundations 30
Table 8 – Identification of ground material and minimum foundation widths for
wall load categories 31
Table 9 – Concretes suitable for ground floor slabs 36
Table 10 – Exposure class for intended use 38
Table A.1 – Weights of partitions – non-loadbearing partitions 43
Table A.2 – Weights of floor finishes 44
Table A.3 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – No perpendicular
partition load; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8 47
Table A.4 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 0.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8 48
Table A.5 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 2.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8 49
Table A.6 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 3.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8 50
Table A.7 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 7.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8 51
Table A.8 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – No perpendicular
partition load; aspect ratio greater than 1.8 52
Table A.9 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 0.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1.8 53
Table A.10 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 2.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1. 8 54
Table A.11 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 3.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1.8 55
Table A.12 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular
partition load = 7.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1. 8 56
Table A.13 – Design table for suspended in situ concrete garage floors 56

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 58, an inside back cover and a back cover.

ii • © BSI 2011

Publishing information
This part of BS 8103 is published by BSI and came into effect on
30 November 2011. It was prepared by Technical Committee B/204, Structural
design of low-rise buildings. A list of organizations represented on this
committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.

This part of BS 8103 supersedes BS 8103-1:1995 and BS 8103-4:1995, which are

Relationship with other publications

BS 8103 will be published in three parts:
• Part 1: Code of practice for stability, site investigation, foundations and
ground floor slabs for housing;
• Part 2: Code of practice for masonry walls for housing;
• Part 3: Code of practice for timber floors and roofs for housing.

Information about this document

The scope and limitations of this part of BS 8103 are similar to A1/2 Section 2 of
Approved Document A to The Building Regulations [1]. A particular exception is
that the maximum clear span for roofs is up to 12 m rather than 9 m in
Approved Document A.
A large proportion of the national building programmes is concerned with new
housing and alterations in both the public and private sectors, where traditional
methods of construction are used for the majority of houses, and it is to these
that this part of BS 8103 is applicable.

Use of this document

It is assumed that this standard will be used by those with expertise in building
construction but not necessarily in structural engineering design. Houses
constructed within the limitations stated in the relevant clauses will not require
additional specialist advice. For any conditions outside the limitations of this
standard appropriate specialist advice has to be obtained.
When using this standard, it is important to ensure that the overall stability of
the house is achieved and that the work of any specialist engaged is properly
coordinated. The situations included in this standard which require the
consultation of suitably qualified persons are identified in the clauses to which
they relate.
All drawings in this document only show structural details. Other details, e.g.
damp proof courses, are not included.
In particular, it is expected that changes in the regulatory requirements for
energy conservation are likely to modify the use of the traditional
details. Examples are providing insulation below ground bearing floors, or
increased thicknesses of insulation in cavity walls. Such items are outside the
scope of this British Standard, which deals only with the basic structural issues.
As a code of practice this part of BS 8103 takes the form of guidance and
recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and
particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are not

© BSI 2011 • iii


Any user claiming compliance with this part of BS 8103 is expected to be able to
justify any course of action that deviates from its recommendations.

Presentational conventions
The provisions in this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Its
recommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary
verb is “should”.
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in
smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.
The word “should” is used to express recommendations of this standard. The
word “may” is used in the text to express permissibility, e.g. as an alternative to
the primary recommendation of the clause. The word “can” is used to express
possibility, e.g. a consequence of an action or an event.

Contractual and legal considerations

This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal

iv • © BSI 2011

1 Scope
This part of BS 8103 gives recommendations for the structural design of low-rise
housing and covers the stability of the structure, site investigation and
foundations and ground floor slabs used in the construction. Foundations
comprising strip footings or trench fill founded in normal ground are the only
type described.
Low-rise housing comprises detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and
flats (with not more than four self-contained dwelling units per floor accessible
from one staircase), of not more than three storeys above ground intended for
domestic occupation and of traditional masonry construction with timber roofs
and floors of timber or concrete. For the purposes of this standard, additional
habitable accommodation in the roof space constitutes a storey of the house.
The recommendations also apply to certain single storey, non-residential
buildings, e.g. domestic garages and annexes to residential buildings with a
floor area not exceeding 36 m2. This standard does not include the design of
basements but, providing the basement is of one level only and is designed to
provide a firm platform at ground level, the provisions of this standard may
apply to the superstructure.
Proprietary housing systems and houses of timber, steel or concrete framed
construction are not covered by this standard.
The structural design recommendations described in this standard are not
specifically intended to cover other considerations such as fire resistance,
thermal and sound insulation, resistance to damp penetration and durability.
For the purposes of this part of BS 8103, the following limitations apply:
a) roof: maximum clear span 12.0 m;
b) floor: maximum clear span 6.0 m;
c) a dynamic wind pressure not exceeding a value of 1.2 kN/m2 (see 4.3);
d) no part of wall or roof higher than 15 m above lowest adjacent ground
e) storey height: maximum 2.7 m;
f) maximum clear length of a loadbearing wall between vertical lateral
supports of 9.0 m;
g) maximum length of any opening in loadbearing walls: 3.0 m;
h) only strip footings or trench fill foundations in normal ground conditions
(see 6.1).
NOTE Where foundations other than those given in item h) have been designed by
suitably qualified persons, the remainder of the building may be constructed in
accordance with the relevant clauses of this standard.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
BS 8000-2.2:1990, Workmanship on building sites – Part 2: Code of practice for
concrete work – Section 2.2 Sitework with in situ and precast concrete
BS 8500-1, Concrete – Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 – Part 1:
Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier

© BSI 2011 • 1

BS 8500-2:2006, Concrete – Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 –

Part 2: Specification for constituent materials and concrete
BS EN 845-1:2003+A1:2008, Specification for ancillary components for masonry –
Part 1: Ties, tension straps, hangers and brackets
BS EN 1991-1-1, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-1: General actions –
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings
NA to BS EN 1991-1-1, UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on structures –
Part 1-1: General actions – Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings
BS EN 1992-1-1:2002, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-2:
General rules – Structural fire design
NA to BS EN 1992-1-1, UK National Annex to Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
structures – Part 1-2: General rules – Structural fire design
BS EN 13670:2009, Execution of concrete structures
PD 6697:2010, Recommendations for the design of masonry structures to
BS EN 1996-1-1 and BS EN 1996-2
[N1]BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Concrete in aggressive ground
(Special Digest 1). Watford: BRE, 2005 1)

3 Terms and definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of BS 8103, the following terms and definitions

3.1.1 aspect ratio

longer span divided by the shorter span

3.1.2 buttress
section of wall or pier, bonded or securely tied to an adjacent wall providing
support against lateral forces acting on the wall

3.1.3 cavity
space between two leaves of a cavity wall

3.1.4 cavity wall

two parallel single-leaf walls spaced at least 50 mm and not more than 300 mm
apart and tied together with wall ties

3.1.5 clear span

distance between opposite faces of supports
NOTE See also Figure A.1.

3.1.6 foundation
part of a structure in direct contact with and transmitting loads to the ground

3.1.7 foundation depth

distance between the finished external ground level and the underside of the
concrete in strip footings or trench fill construction

Available from the Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, Herts,
WD2 7JR.

2 • © BSI 2011

3.1.8 ground-supported slab

concrete slab constructed directly on and supported by the ground to receive
material forming or supporting the wearing surface

3.1.9 heave
upward movement of the ground

3.1.10 hoggin
inert natural mixture usually consisting of gravel, sand and clay

3.1.11 loadbearing wall

wall that carries vertical and/or lateral loads in addition to its self-weight

3.1.12 longer span

longer of the two clear spans of a rectangular floor slab
NOTE See also Figure A.1.

3.1.13 masonry
assemblage of structural units that are bonded or solidly put together with

3.1.14 nogging
solid piece of timber between timber members to provide support for an
attachment point
NOTE In Scotland a nogging is commonly known as a “dwang”.

3.1.15 orographic factor

multiplier to take into account the effect of hills, ridges, cliffs and escarpments

3.1.16 parallel partition

partition which is supported by the floor slab and is aligned parallel to the
shorter span
NOTE See also Figure A.1.

3.1.17 perpendicular partition

partition which is supported by the floor slab and is aligned perpendicular to
the shorter span
NOTE See also Figure A.1.

3.1.18 pier
integral thickened section located in a wall

3.1.19 separating wall

wall between two buildings that is common to both

3.1.20 shorter span

shorter of the two clear spans of a rectangular floor slab
NOTE See also Figure A.1.

3.1.21 slab depth

overall thickness of the slab
NOTE See also Figure A.1.

3.1.22 storey height

underside to underside distance between floors or between a floor and roof or,
in the case of a ground storey, the distance between the top of the ground
floor and the underside of the floor above

© BSI 2011 • 3

3.1.23 strip footing

bed of concrete laid in the bottom of a trench, its thickness being less than its
width, that forms a strip foundation to carry a masonry wall

3.1.24 trench fill

deep bed of concrete filling a trench that forms a strip foundation to carry a
masonry wall

3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of this part of BS 8103, the following symbols apply:

a retained height of ground

d depth of fill material
h1 height of main building measured to the highest part of the wall or roof
h2 height of wing or annexe measured to the highest part of the wall or
l length of wall to wing or annexe
p1 projection of wing extending for more than one storey
p2 projection of single storey wing or annexe
psf projection of strip footing beyond face of supported wall
s step height in foundations
t overall thickness of wall
t1 thickness of leaf 1 of cavity wall
t2 thickness of leaf 2 of cavity wall
tsf thickness of strip footing
ttf thickness of trench fill
w1 width of wall to main building
w2 width of wall to single storey wing or annexe
w3 width of wall to a wing extending for more than one storey

4 Stability and connections between elements

4.1 Stability considerations
This part of BS 8103, together with BS 8103-2 and BS 8103-3, gives recommendations
on the sizing of individual elements of a building: foundations, walls, floors and roof
in relation to the forces acting on them due to self-weight and imposed loads.
In the situations shown in Figure 1 with the force derived from wind action at right
angles to the gable, the gable in isolation is extremely vulnerable. The front and
rear walls in combination with the floor, offer substantial lateral support provided
that the wind forces from the top of the gable can be transferred to them. A braced
roof, if adequately connected, laterally restrains the top of the gable and transfers
the loads to the front and rear walls.
Likewise, the front and rear walls depend upon the lateral support provided by the
floors and roof connected to the gable walls.

4 • © BSI 2011

A building is not totally resistant to the excessive forces that might arise due to
extreme causes such as earth tremors, explosion or impact by vehicles. Provided that
the design procedures recommended in this standard are correctly followed,
particularly the recommendations for connections between elements, then the
effects of the excessive forces will be minimized if they occur.

Figure 1 Diagram illustrating the action of wind forces

1 Roof 3 Front
2 Wind force 4 Gable

In order to provide overall stability to the structure in any likely loading

condition, it is essential that the foundations, walls, floors and roof are properly
joined together. In the plan form of the building, for the ground floor, it is
essential that the external walls interact to form the sides of a rigid box
completed by the floors and roof (see Figure 2). In these forms of construction,
the planes of the roof should be braced in order to contribute to the overall

Figure 2 Box construction plan form to give stability

1 Floor span

© BSI 2011 • 5

Internal masonry walls should be connected to interact with external walls and
brace the structure. Internal lightweight partitions should also be connected so
that they contribute to the overall stability but they should be discounted in the
design of the masonry. The connections between structural elements described
in 4.4 should be used as necessary to ensure that the elements of the box
interact fully in order to transfer and share loads placed on one element with
other elements.
It is particularly important to ensure that wind loads are transferred to buttress
walls, piers and chimneys.

4.2 Dimensional limits to ensure stability

4.2.1 Ground levels either side of walls
Where a wall is subjected to a lateral load from retained material due to a
difference in levels on opposite sides, the difference in level above fully
compacted backfill should not exceed the dimensions shown in Figure 3.
NOTE Figure 3b does not apply where there is an adjacent roadway on the upper
level, used other than by private cars, and where the roadway for such vehicles is
closer than a distance equivalent to 1.25 times the retained height. Such situations
are outside the scope of this standard.

4.2.2 Building shape

For residential buildings, adequate stability against wind forces is achieved if the
building dimensions, as shown in Figure 4 and following the recommendations
in 4.3, do not exceed the following values.
a) The height of the main building (h1) should not be greater than twice the
width of the building. The width should be taken as w1 if p1 is equal to, or
less than w3, or as w3 if p1 is greater than w3.
b) The width of an annexe (w2) should not be less than half the height of the
annexe (h2) if its length (p2) is greater than twice its width (w2).

6 • © BSI 2011
Figure 3 Walls with a difference in level on opposite sides

a) Situations where differences in level may occur

a should be ≤1m and ≤4t

a should be ≤1m and ≤4t a should be ≤1m and ≤4 (t1+t2)
b) Maximum difference in permitted level
1 Retained height 5 To be level for a distance of not less than 1.2 a
2 Suspended ground floor 6 Clear wall cavity (unfilled with structural material)
3 Void 7 Concrete fill to wall cavity
4 Ground supported floor slab
NOTE Figure 3 does not apply to free-standing walls.

© BSI 2011

BS 8103-1:2011

Figure 4 Building shape

4.2.3 Height of building

The maximum height above the lowest finished ground level adjoining the
building should not exceed 15 m as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Maximum height of building on sloping ground

4.2.4 Storey height

The maximum height should not exceed 2.7 m measured as shown in Figure 6.
The height of substructure walls, measured between the top of the foundation
and the top of the ground floor slabs, should not exceed 2.7 m.

8 • © BSI 2011

Figure 6 Measurement of storey height of walls in metres

1 Underside of roof lateral support
2 Underside of floor
3 Top of ground floor

4.3 Wind loading

A simplified method of checking that the dynamic wind pressure does not
exceed 1.2 kN/m2 is given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 and is as follows.
a) Determine the basic wind speed, V, at the site of the building from the map
in Figure 7.
b) Determine the altitude factor, A, from Table 1 for the altitude of the site.
c) Determine, the orography factor, O. It can be taken as 1.0 for normal level
sites. For sites on hills and escarpments determine factor O from Table 2 and
Figure 8 taking into account the slope of the whole hillside and the position
of the building in relation to the ridge of the hill or edge of the
escarpment. Alternatively, a more accurate value for factor O may be
determined using Figure 9 or Figure 10.
d) Calculate the value of S by multiplying together basic wind speed, V, by
factor A by factor O.
e) Determine the maximum permissible height of the building from Table 3
depending on the value of S, whether the building is within a town or
country location and the distance to the coast.
NOTE The magnitude of wind pressure to which a building is exposed is dependent
on its height, geographical location and degree of exposure. This simplified method
cannot take into account all local variations and the results might differ from local
experience. Where a more accurate estimate of the allowable building height is
desired, appropriate advice can be sought. BS EN 1991-1-4 and NA to BS EN 1991-1-4
can be used to do this, by calculating the peak velocity pressure, qp, for the site at
the desired building height of up to 15 m. If qp is ≤1.2 kN/m2 then that building
height is allowed within the scope. If qp is >1.2 kN/m2 then incrementally reduce the
building height and repeat the calculation until qp is ≤1.2 kN/m2 this then gives the
maximum allowable building height.

© BSI 2011 • 9

Table 1 Altitude factor

Site altitude Factor A

0 1.00
50 1.05
100 1.10
150 1.15
200 1.20
300 1.30
400 1.40
500 1.50
NOTE 1 When sites are elevated on hillsides or similar topographic features and fall
within the shaded zones identified on Figures 9 and 10, orography is significant and a
more accurate assessment of Factor A can be obtained by using the altitude of the
general land level at the base of the topographic feature instead of the altitude at the
site (see Figure 8).
NOTE 2 Interpolation may be used.

Table 2 Factor O

Topographic category and average slope of whole hillside, ridge, cliff Factor O
or escarpment Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
Category 1: Nominally flat terrain, average slope <1/20 1.0 1.0 1.0
Category 2: Shallow terrain, average slope <1/10 1.12 1.07 1.05
Category 3: Moderately steep terrain, average slope <1/5 1.24 1.13 1.10
Category 4: Steep terrain, average slope >1/5 1.36 1.20 1.15
NOTE Outside of the zones the factor O = 1.0.

10 • © BSI 2011

Figure 7 Basic wind speed, V, map (m/s) before the altitude correction is applied








24 22



NOTE 1 This map is intended for sites in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Channel Islands only.
NOTE 2 The isopleths in the Irish Republic are shown for purposes of interpolation only.

© BSI 2011 • 11

Figure 8 Orographic zones for factor O

a) Orographic zones for factor O for hills and ridges

b) Orographic zones for factor O for cliffs and escarpments

1 Zone 1
2 Zone 2
3 Zone 3
4 Alternative position for site altitude when orography is significant (see Note 1 to Table 1)

12 • © BSI 2011

Figure 9 Orography factor O for hills and ridges

1 Steep slope <1/3.3 3 Shallow slope ≤1/10
2 Moderate slope = 1/5 4 Orography significant in shaded area

NOTE Interpolation between curves may be used.

Figure 10 Orography factor O for cliffs and escarpments

1 Steep slope <1/3.3 3 Shallow slope ≤1/10

2 Moderate slope = 1/5 4 Orography significant in shaded area

NOTE Interpolation between curves may be used.

© BSI 2011 • 13

Table 3 Maximum allowable building height, m

Factor S Country sites Town sites

Distance to the coast Distance to the coast
<2 km 2 to 20 km >20 km <2 km 2 to 20 km >20 km

≤ 25 15 15 15 15 15 15
26 11.5 13.5 15 15 15 15
27 8 11 14.5 15 15 15
28 5.5 8 11 15 15 15
29 4 6.5 8.5 12.5 15 15
30 3 5 6.5 10 12.5 15
31 — 4 5.5 8.5 11 13.5
32 — 3.5 4.5 7 9.5 11.5
33 — 3 3.5 6 8 10
34 — — 3 5.5 7 8.5
35 — — — 4.5 6.5 7.5
36 — — — 4 5.5 6.5
37 — — — 3.5 5 6
38 — — — 3 4.5 5.5
39 — — — — 4 5
40 — — — — 3.5 4.5
41 — — — — 3 4
42 — — — — — 3.5
43 — — — — — 3.5
44 — — — — — 3
NOTE 1 Sites in towns less than 300 m from the edge of the town are assumed to be in country terrain.
NOTE 2 Where a site is closer than 1 km to an inland area of water which extends more than 1 km in the wind
direction, the distance to the coast is taken as <2 km.
NOTE 3 Interpolation may be used.

4.4 Connections between structural elements

4.4.1 General
NOTE The details of connections of floor- or roof-to-wall given in 4.4.2 provide for
the tying together of elements recommended by this standard to achieve overall
stability and lateral restraint for walls.
All rafters/roof joists should be fixed to the wall plate, e.g. by framing anchors,
and other connections should be made at the positions shown in Figure 11 with
the exception of the cases listed in items a) to f).
Connections, where provided, should be inserted throughout the length of the
wall at that level. Depending on the roof or floor construction and the location
of the connection, the relevant detail indicated in Figure 11 should be chosen
from Figure 12 to Figure 19.

14 • © BSI 2011

Figure 11 Diagram of a house showing location and type of connections necessary between elements

1 Flat roof
2 Roof level
3 First or second floor level
4 Ground floor level
5 Foundation
Indicates that a connection might be required. The number in the circle refers to the figure
showing the detail. Where more than one type of restraint system is given at an element
intersection, only one of the options is to be used.

Where the connections are metal restraint straps they should be fixed at centres
not exceeding 2 m unless otherwise indicated on Figure 12 to Figure 19, as
appropriate. Internal loadbearing walls should be laterally restrained at each
level by the relevant detail shown in Figure 11 for external walls at that level.
Connections may be omitted in the following circumstances.
a) Short lengths of wall. Where a wall is less than 3 m long between
buttressing walls.
b) Openings adjacent to walls. Where an opening occurs in a floor directly
adjacent to a loadbearing wall, e.g. in a stairwell, the length of wall
without lateral restraint should not exceed 3 m. Where metal restraint
straps would have been necessary within the length of the opening to
conform to this standard (see Figure 11), these should be distributed on
both sides of the opening in addition to those already provided.
c) Vertical restraint straps. Straps for wall plates and roof to resist uplift forces
due to wind are not required when the dead weight of the roof exceeds
the uplift. In low-exposure situations, where on the basis of local experience
there is low uplift risk from wind gusts, houses with a roof pitch greater
than 15° and clad in slates or concrete or clay tiles having a laid mass per
unit area greater than 50 kg/m2 do not require vertical restraint straps.
d) Lateral restraint at ground floor. Where ground-supported floor slabs are

© BSI 2011 • 15

used or where the top of a suspended ground floor is not more than 1 m
above the finished internal or external ground level.
e) Lateral restraint at the ceiling level of the gable. Straps are not necessary
when the height to the midpoint of the triangular section of the gable from
the underside of the floor immediately below is not greater than 16t where
t is the overall thickness of a solid wall, or in the case of a cavity wall, the
sum of the thicknesses of the two leaves plus 10 mm.
f) Lateral restraint at party wall junctions. Straps are not necessary where
floors bear on to either solid 200 mm thick or tied cavity party walls from
both sides at approximately the same level. This applies irrespective of the
means of support, e.g. direct bearing or joist hangers. Floors spanning
parallel to such walls should be strapped, however, to transmit forces from
the front and rear walls.

4.4.2 Metal restraint straps

Metal restraint straps providing lateral restraint or restraint against uplift of
roofs should conform to BS EN 845-1:2003+A1:2008 and be of material reference
14, 15 or 16.1 or 16.2 (galvanized steel) or other more resistant specifications
including material references 1 or 3 (austenitic stainless steel) or other suitably
strong and durable materials in accordance with PD 6697:2010, Table 2.
Horizontal straps providing lateral restraint should have a declared tensile
strength of not less than 8 kN or, alternatively, have a nominal cross-sectional
area of 150 mm2 or greater, a minimum thickness of 5 mm, a minimum turn
down length of 100 mm and a minimum straight length of 600 mm.
For timber members spanning parallel to the wall, sufficient straight length of
strap should be provided to extend over three joists or rafters.
Horizontal straps should be fixed to timber members with
steel 50 mm long × 5 mm diameter wood screws or by 100 mm × 4 mm (8 SWG)
round nails at not less than 110 mm centres with a minimum of four fixings. The
first connection should not be less than 112 mm from the end face of the timber
member. Where timber members spanning parallel to a wall are to be
restrained, the straps should be attached to binders or solid noggings fixed
firmly to the joists. Additionally, there should be a packing piece between the
wall and the nearest joist or rafter.
Vertical straps resisting uplift only, should have a nominal cross-sectional area
of 75 mm2; a minimum thickness of 2.5 mm; a minimum anchorage length
of 100 mm beyond either a 90° bend, or a vertical twist (see Figure 19), and a
minimum straight length of 1 000 mm. They should be face-fixed to masonry
with a minimum of four fixings, one of which should be within 150 mm of the
bottom end of the strap or, as an alternative to face-fixings, the strap may be
“turned into” the masonry by incorporating an additional 100 mm anchorage
length beyond a 90° bend at the bottom of the strap.

16 • © BSI 2011

Figure 12 Timber floor bearing on to wall

1 Strap to turn down a minimum of 100 mm and be tight against the cavity face of the walling
inner leaf
NOTE No strap is necessary, provided joists are at 1.2 m spacing or closer and bearing at least 90 mm into wall.
Otherwise strap as shown; on top of joist with strap turned up or one side of joist with strap turned sideways.
(Alternative positions are shown in PD 6697:2010, Figure 1.)

© BSI 2011 • 17

Figure 13 Timber floor spanning parallel with a wall

1 Strap to turn down a minimum of 100 mm 4 Gap between the wall and the first joist to
and be tight against the cavity face of the be filled with a timber packing at strap
walling inner leaf positions
2 Strap to be rebated into top of joists to 5 Solid noggin to be fixed between joists
allow the floorboards to lay flat under the straps to take the fixings
3 Nogging should extend at least half the 6 Alternative strap location using full depth
depth of the joist and be at least 38 mm noggings
The strap should be carried over at least three joists and be secured with four fixings of which at
least one should be in the third joist, or in a nogging beyond the third joint.

18 • © BSI 2011

Figure 14 Timber floor supported on standard joist hanger

1 Whenever possible, the tongue of the hanger to be located away from the perpend joint below
2 Underside of joist notched to provide a flat soffit for the ceiling
3 Strap skew-nailed to joist

© BSI 2011 • 19

Figure 15 Concrete suspended floor bearing on to wall

1 Concrete suspended floor
2 No straps are necessary. 90 mm min bearing of the concrete floor on to the wall

Figure 16 Concrete suspended floor abutting wall

Dimensions in millimetres

1 Concrete suspended floor
2 Mortar bed
3 Strap to turn down a min of 100 mm and be tight against the face of the walling inner leaf
4 Strap position

Where the floor is parallel with and abuts the wall, straps are necessary and should be built into or
secured to the concrete floor.

20 • © BSI 2011

Figure 17 Precast concrete beam and block type floor abutting or spanning on to wall

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Typical edge detail b) Alternative edge detail

1 Strap to turn down a min of 100 mm and be 4 Strap securing point to concrete floor using
tight against the cavity face of the walling turn down of the strap which is to be tight
inner leaf against precast beam face
2 Precast concrete floor 5 Precast beam
3 Strap position 6 Void solidly grouted
NOTE Where the floor beam spans directly onto the wall, no straps are necessary provided that there is a min
90 mm bearing of concrete beams on to the wall.
Where floor spans parallel with the wall, straps are necessary and should be built into the concrete

© BSI 2011 • 21

Figure 18 Tying of pitched roofs to gable walls

a) Pitched roof: Strapping at ceiling where roof spans parallel with a wall (similar details for flat roof
spanning parallel with wall)

b) Pitched roof: Connections at gable verge line

1 Strap to turn down a min of 100 mm and be tight against the cavity face of the walling inner
2 Strap fixed to solid noggings with a min of four fixings of which at least one should be in the
third joist or in a nogging beyond the third joist
3 Packing at strap position
4 Packing piece between inner leaf and first rafter
5 Noggings to be provided and set horizontal unless the strap has a twist to line it up with the
roof slope
6 Strap fixed solid nogging with a min of four fixings of which at least one is to be in the third
rafter or in a nogging beyond the third rafter
7 Strap bedded in the horizontal mortar joint under a cut block

22 • © BSI 2011

Figure 19 Pitched or flat roof bearing on to a wallplate

a) Restraining roof joists against uplift by use of framing anchor and

wallplate straps

b) Rafter strap
1 Each rafter anchored to a wallplate with framing anchor
2 Strap to be at least 1 m long and either screwed to face of masonry or
have a tail built into masonry bed joint. If screws are used, a min of four
screws are necessary at least one of which is to be located within 150 mm
of the bottom of the strap
3 Each joist anchored to a wall plate with framing anchor, clip or nail
4 Strap to have a straight length of at least 1 m and be either screwed to
the face of the masonry, or have a tail built into a masonry bed joint. If
screws are used a min of four screws are necessary at least one of which
is to be located within 150 mm of the bottom of the strap
Vertical restraint straps as detailed in a) or b) should be provided at centres
not exceeding 2 m, but each trussed rafter should be fixed to the wall plate
[see 4.4.1c)].

© BSI 2011 • 23

5 Site investigation
5.1 General
A site investigation should be undertaken at an early stage. The investigation
should determine any features necessary to plan the siting of dwellings as well
as determine soil properties and identify potential hazards which will affect the
eventual design of the foundation.
NOTE Site investigation can be a complex exercise and some site conditions may be
outside the scope of this standard.
If any of the hazards listed in 5.3 are located under or close to the site of the
building, they could cause the ground to behave in an abnormal fashion, in
which case a suitably qualified person should be employed to carry out the site
investigation and foundation design.

5.2 Methods of site investigation

Site investigation should fall into the following two parts.
a) Desk study. A study of documents relating to the site such as maps,
geological reports, aerial photographs and records held by the Local
Authority and the Public Utilities. Where appropriate reference should also
be made to the Coal Authority and other mining authorities.
NOTE 1 An online gazetteer, which provides an indication of places that may
or may not require a mining search, can be found at
The electricity, gas and water authorities, telecommunications and also the
British Pipeline Agency should be approached to provide information
relating to existing mains or sewers on or near the site.
b) Physical exploration of the site. This should include a survey of ground levels
and services as well as visual inspection and should be primarily concerned
with identifying the nature of the ground and any hazardous features.
The ground should be examined using boreholes or trial pits which should
be sufficient in number to show any likely variation over the site. They
should be located taking account of the proposed layout of the site but not
under or close to proposed foundation positions. The depth of trial pits
should be at least 2 m.
The depth of the investigation should be such as to establish the
characteristics of the ground that will be affected by the proposed
foundation. The suitability of the ground should be assessed by a suitably
qualified person in association with the field tests described in Table 8.
NOTE 2 More detailed information on site investigations can be found in
BS 5930, BS EN 1997-2 and NA to BS EN 1997-2.

5.3 Hazardous ground conditions requiring special consideration

If, after investigation (see 5.2), the following hazardous ground conditions are
found then appropriate actions need to be taken in progressing the design or a
suitably qualified person should be consulted.
a) Slopes subject to slip or creep which can occur on clay sites with slopes
greater than 1 in 10
b) Areas liable to long-term consolidation of the ground, particularly where
the ground is made-up or reclaimed or where layers of peat are
c) Areas such as old refuse tips or previous industrial sites containing material

24 • © BSI 2011

that is subject to internal combustion, chemical change or bacteriological

decay, or which includes volatile organic compounds or toxic wastes, or
which includes methane or other hazardous gases.
d) Underground watercourses or buried water courses and ponds.
e) Existing services such as sewers, gas and water mains, electricity or
telecommunication cables.
f) Pits, both natural such as swallow holes, or due to mining or quarrying; also
bomb craters and soft spots where trees have been taken up.
g) Areas liable to subsidence caused by mining or mineral extraction below the
h) Wells, mine shafts, etc.
i) Old foundations or other concealed constructions.
j) On clay soils, the presence, introduction or recent removal of trees or heavy
vegetation 2).
k) Areas liable to flooding or where the watertable level is above the expected
level of the foundations.
l) Areas where past experience has shown the presence of high sulfate
concentrations or other naturally occurring potentially deleterious
substances mainly in clay soils, in sufficient concentrations at relevant
depths, or in circumstances that would cause damage.
m) Areas where radon exists in sufficient quantity to provide a health hazard to
the occupants of houses.

6 Foundations
6.1 Types of foundation
This standard covers the design and construction of foundations only in normal
ground, i.e. for which the use of strip footings or trench fill foundations using
unreinforced concrete, as shown in Figure 20, are sufficient. For sites where
hazardous conditions exist as described in 5.3 and which might require
reinforced strip footings, rafts or piled foundations, a suitably qualified person
should be consulted.

Further guidance on precautions to take when building near trees can be obtained
from NHBC Standards, Chapter 4.2: Building near trees [2]; and from BS 5837.

© BSI 2011 • 25

Figure 20 Types of foundation

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Strip footing b) Trench fill

1 Finished external ground level
2 Width
3 Thickness being less than width

6.2 Foundation materials

Concrete used in foundations in non-aggressive soils should be either a
GEN 1 designated concrete conforming to BS 8500-2:2006, or, if the concrete is
to be batched at the site, an ST 2 standardized prescribed concrete to the
material specifications and mix proportions given in BS 8500-2:2006. Concretes
for use in strip footings should be consistence class S3 while those used in trench
fill foundations should be consistence class S4.
Where aggressive chemical conditions are present in the ground or groundwater
in sufficient quantities to be damaging, the guidance given in BS 8500-1 and
BRE Special Digest 1 [N1] should be followed to determine a DC class and a
concrete appropriate to the conditions should be used.
NOTE Table 4 provides simplified guidance on suitable concretes.

6.3 Foundation design for sites without hazardous conditions

6.3.1 General
Where no hazards have been identified during a site investigation, foundation
design should proceed in accordance with 6.3.2 to 6.3.8. If unforeseen hazardous
conditions are found during construction the design should be amended.

6.3.2 Minimum width of foundations

NOTE For the purposes of this standard, foundation loads are subdivided into nine
load categories A to J representing line loads at the base of the wall.
Load categories for the different forms of wall construction should be
determined using Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7. The minimum widths of
foundations should be obtained from Table 8 using the appropriate soil
classification and load category.

26 • © BSI 2011

Where necessary, foundation widths in excess of the design minimum should be

used. For the purposes of allowing for setting out and construction tolerances, a
foundation 150 mm wider than the wall thickness is a practical minimum

Table 4 Concretes suitable for unreinforced concrete in strip and trench fill foundations subject to
aggressive chemical conditions in the ground or groundwater
Application Designated concrete Standardized Recommended
2), 3)
prescribed class consistence
Unreinforced foundations requiring DC-1 concrete 4)
Strip footings GEN1 ST2 S3
Trench fill foundations GEN1 ST2 S4
Unreinforced foundations requiring DC-2 to DC4m concrete
DC-2 FND2 N/A S3/S4
DC-2z FND2Z N/A S3/S4
DC-3 FND3 N/A S3/S4
DC-3z FND3Z N/A S3/S4
DC-4 FND4 N/A S3/S4
DC-4z FND4Z N/A S3/S4
DC-4m FND4M N/A S3/S4
DC class is determined in accordance with BS 8500-1 taking into account any additional protective measures. For
further guidance see BRE Special Digest 1 [N1].
GEN 1 and the FND series are designated concretes conforming to BS 8500-2:2006.
ST2 is a standardized prescribed concrete, which can be produced on site, in accordance with BS 8500-2.
Concretes for DC-1 conditions are those given in 6.2 for normal ground and the design guidance is the same.
The recommended consistence class is S3 for strip footings and S4 for trench fill.

© BSI 2011 • 27
Table 5 Wall load categories for 4.5 m floors and 9 m roofs

No. of Upper floor Ground floor Front/rear walls Separating walls Gable walls
storeys construction
Type Type Load arrangement on walls Load arrangement on walls Load arrangement on
(see Note) walls

© BSI 2011
Floors and Floor only Ground Floors Floor only Ground Floors Floor Ground
BS 8103-1:2011

roof Floor and and roof Floor and and only Floor and
roof roof roof roof
1 N/A GS slab A A A B A B B A B
1 N/A Timber B A B C B C B A B
1 N/A Precast C B C E D E C B C
1 N/A In situ C C C F F F D C D
2 Timber GS slab B B B D C C C B C
2 Timber Timber C B B E D D D C C
2 Timber Precast D C D G F F E D D
2 Timber In situ E D D J H H E D E
2 Precast GS slab C B B E D C D C C
2 Precast Precast E D D H H F E D D
2 Precast In situ E D D J H F E E
3 Timber GS slab D C C F E D E D D
3 Timber Timber D C C G F E E D D
3 Timber Precast E D D J J G F E E
1) 1)
3 Timber In situ F E E J G F F
3 Precast GS slab E D C J H D F E D
1) 1)
3 Precast Precast G F D G G F E
1) 1)
3 Precast In situ G F E J G F E
NOTE GS = Ground Supported.
To be used in conjunction with Table 8.
Loading outside the scope of this standard.

Table 6 Wall load categories for 6 m floors and 12 m roofs

No. of Upper Ground Front/rear walls Separating walls Gable walls

storeys floor floor
Type Type Load arrangement Load arrangement Load arrangement
(see Note) on walls on walls on walls
Floors Floor Ground Floors Floor Ground Floors Floor Ground
and only Floor and only Floor and only Floor
roof and roof and roof and
roof roof roof
1 N/A GS slab A A A B A B B A B
1 N/A Timber B A B D B D C B C
1 N/A Precast D B D G E G D C D
1 N/A In situ E D E J H J F E F
2 Timber GS slab C B B E D D D C C
2 Timber Timber C B C F E E D C C
2 Timber Precast E D D J H H F E F
1) 1) 1)
2 Timber In situ F E F G F G
2 Precast GS slab D C B G E D E C C
2 Precast Precast F E D J H G F E
1) 1) 1)
2 Precast In situ G F F H G G
3 Timber GS slab D C C G F E E D D
3 Timber Timber E D D H G F F E E
1) 1)
3 Timber Precast F E E J G F F
1) 1) 1)
3 Timber In situ H G G J H H
1) 1) 1)
3 Precast GS slab F E C G F D
1) 1)
3 Precast Precast H G E J J H F
1) 1) 1) 1)
3 Precast In situ J H G J H

NOTE GS = Ground Supported.

To be used in conjunction with Table 8.
Loading outside the scope of this standard.

© BSI 2011 • 29

Table 7 Wall load categories for internal wall foundations

Number of Roof load Upper floor Ground Total floor span 1)

storeys floor
Type Type 4.5 6 9 12
(see Note) Load category
1 Timber NONE GS slab A A A A
1 Timber NONE Timber A A B B
1 Timber NONE Precast B C D E
1 Timber NONE In situ C D F H
2 Timber Timber GS slab A A B C
2 Timber Timber Timber B B C D
2 Timber Timber Precast C C E G
2 Timber Timber In situ D E G
2 Timber Precast GS slab B B C D
2 Timber Precast Precast C D G J
2 Timber Precast In situ E F J B
2 Timber NONE GS Slab A A A A
2 Timber NONE Timber A A B C
2 Timber NONE Precast B C D F
2 Timber NONE In situ C D G J
2 NONE Timber GS slab A A A A
2 NONE Timber Timber A A B C
2 NONE Timber Precast B C D F
2 NONE Timber In situ C D G J
2 NONE Precast GS Slab A B C C
2 NONE Precast Precast C D F G
2 NONE Precast In situ D E H B
3 Timber Timber GS slab B B B C
3 Timber Timber Timber B B C D
3 Timber Timber Precast C D F G
3 Timber Timber In situ D E H B
3 Timber Precast GS slab B C D E
3 Timber Precast Precast D E G J
3 Timber Precast In situ E F J B
3 Timber NONE GS slab A A B B
3 Timber NONE Timber B B B C
3 Timber NONE Precast C C E F
3 Timber NONE In situ D E G J
3 NONE Timber GS slab A A B B
3 NONE Timber Timber B B B C
3 NONE Timber Precast C C E F
3 NONE Timber In situ D E G J
3 NONE Precast GS slab B B C D
3 NONE Precast Precast C D F H
3 NONE Precast In situ E F H B

NOTE GS = Ground Supported.

To be used in conjunction with Table 8.
The total span is the sum of the spans on each side of the wall in question at each level. The greatest total span
combination at any supported floor level should be taken when using this Table.
Loading outside the scope of this standard.

30 • © BSI 2011

Table 8 Identification of ground material and minimum foundation widths for wall load categories

Rock or soil Simple field test Minimum foundation widthA), in mm, for load category
(kN per metre run)
Type Condition A B C D E F G H J
(20) (30) (40) (50) (60) (70) (80) (90) (100)

Rock Hard Requires at least a Equal to width of wall

pneumatic or other
mechanically operated
pick for excavation
Gravel ⎫ Compact Requires pick for 250 300 400 500 600 650 800 900 1 000
Sand ⎪ excavation. Wooden
⎬ peg 50 mm square hard

⎭ to drive more
than 150 mm
⎫ Stiff Cannot be moulded in 250 300 400 500 600 650 800 900 1 000
⎪ the fingers. Requires
⎪ pick or pneumatically
Clay ⎪ operated spade for
⎪ excavation
Sandy ⎬
clay ⎪ Firm Can be moulded with 300 350 450 600 750 850 950 Refer to
⎪ substantial pressure specialist

⎪ with the fingers and advice
⎭ excavated with a spade
Sand Loose Dry lumps may have 400 600 Refer to specialist advice
Silty sand slight cohesion but
Clayey sand easily breaks up in
fingers. Readily
excavated with
spade. 50 mm peg can
be easily driven.
Silt Soft Easily moulded in the 450 650 Refer to specialist advice
Clay fingers and readily
Sandy clay excavated
Silty clay
Silt Very soft Exudes between fingers 600 850 Refer to specialist advice
Clay when squeezed in fist
Sandy clay
Silty clay
Peat — Refer to specialist advice
Made — Refer to specialist advice
In no case should the foundation width be less than the width of the wall nor should the wall oversail the
foundation (see 6.3.2).

6.3.3 Minimum depth of foundations

The minimum depth of foundations should be determined as the greatest of the
a) A depth to the selected bearing stratum.
b) In clays subject to seasonal moisture movement, a depth not less than 1.0 m.
(See also BS 5837.)
NOTE Greater depths are needed where trees remain, have been felled, or are
to be planted. For further guidance see NHBC Standards, Chapter 4.2: Building
near trees [2].
c) In sands, chalk and other frost-susceptible soils, a depth below the zone of

© BSI 2011 • 31

frost action, which can normally be taken as a minimum of 450 mm. In

upland areas and other areas known to be subject to long periods of frost
an increase in depth is advisable.
d) Where foundation adjoins a service trench, the layout shown in
Figure 21 should be followed.

Figure 21 Foundation adjoining a trench

The susceptibility of soils to moisture movement, the action of frost or changes

in water table varies widely and the advice of the approving authority should
always be sought.
Except as indicated in 6.3.5, the underside of foundations should be maintained
at a uniform level.

6.3.4 Minimum thickness of foundations

The minimum thickness of foundations should be the greater of 150 mm or the
projection from the face of the substructure wall to the adjoining edge of the
foundation as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22 Thickness of foundations

NOTE tsf to be a minimum of 150 mm or Psf whichever is the greater.

6.3.5 Stepped foundations

NOTE On sloping sites, or where the bearing stratum slopes or where local
proximity to a service trench requires a greater depth, foundations may be stepped.
Each length of foundation between steps should be horizontal and the height
of steps should not exceed the thickness of the foundation. The face of the step
in the soil should be as near vertical as possible. The minimum length of the
overlap and the maximum step height should be as shown in Figure 23.

32 • © BSI 2011

Figure 23 Stepped foundations

Dimensions in millimetres unless otherwise stated

a) Strip footing

b) Trench fill
1 Step height S to be equal to or less than tsf
2 Overlap length to be tsf or 2S or 300 mm whichever is the greatest
3 Step height S to be equal to or less than ttf
4 Overlap length to be 2S or 1 m whichever is the greatest

6.3.6 Position of walls on foundations

In general, walls should be positioned so that the vertical centre line of the wall
aligns with the vertical centre line of the foundation [see a) or b) in Figure 24].
Where the external face of a wall is at or near the edge of the foundation, for
example where the foundation position is determined by a boundary to an
adjacent property, [see Figure 24c)] it is sufficient to ensure that the vertical
centre line of the wall is within the middle third of the foundation width as
recommended in 6.3.2.

© BSI 2011 • 33

Figure 24 Position of walls on foundations

a) b) c)
1 Boundary
2 Centre line of wall

6.3.7 Foundations to walls with projections

Foundation widths should be increased where piers or chimneys project beyond
the general line of the wall. The foundation should be widened so that the
distance from the edge of the concrete to the face of masonry remains constant
as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 Foundations to walls with projections

6.3.8 Foundations on clay soils close to trees

NOTE 1 Damage can occur to foundations on clay soils in proximity to trees or
where trees have been removed.
To avoid damage, foundations should be located a distance further from a tree
than the tree’s mature height. Where a row of trees is concerned, this distance
should be increased to 1.5 times the tree’s height. In all other cases the site
should be considered as hazardous.
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to NHBC Standards, Chapter 4.2 Buildings near trees [2].

7 Ground floor slabs

NOTE 1 In situ concrete ground-supported slabs can be used in the majority of sites
except where the depth of fill exceeds 600 mm or other circumstances dictate the
use of suspended construction.

34 • © BSI 2011

7.1 Criteria for choosing suspended floor construction

Suspended floor construction should be considered on all sites but is particularly
necessary for ground floors in the following circumstances:
a) where, for any reason, the floor would be on ground, or fill, which could
result in a differential settlement, or heave, between the floor and the
b) where the depth of the oversite fill is greater than 600 mm;
c) where chemically aggressive ground conditions would be deleterious to the
concrete floor, e.g. presence of sulfates, chlorides, acids, etc.;
d) where, due to the presence of radon, methane or other potentially
dangerous gases, a ventilated void is required beneath the slab.

7.2 Ground supported slabs

The minimum thickness of a concrete ground-supported slab should be 100 mm.
The slab should be constructed on a minimum of 100 mm of inert well-graded
fill material, such as hoggin or other suitable fill and blinded with fine material
(see Figure 26). Fill material should be compacted in layers not greater
than 225 mm thick and should not contain any pieces that will not pass through
a 75 mm diameter ring.
Any material containing sulfates sufficiently soluble in ground water, which are
potentially damaging to the construction, should not be regarded as inert.
The required finish and the presence of reinforcement should be taken into
account when designing the concrete for a ground floor slab.
NOTE Table 9 provides simplified guidance on suitable concretes for ground floor
For sites where hazardous conditions exist as described in 5.3 which, for
example, may require the provision of suspended slabs or the use of concrete
materials that are resistant to sulfate attack, a suitably qualified person should
be consulted. Loadbearing internal partitions or walls should have separate
foundations independent of the floor slabs.

Figure 26 In situ concrete ground-supported slab

1 Ground-supported slab 100 mm min thick 2 Compacted fill
If depth of fill d exceeds 600 mm a suspended ground floor construction should be used.

© BSI 2011 • 35

Table 9 Concretes suitable for ground floor slabs

Application Designated Standardized Recommended

concrete 1), 2) prescribed consistence class
House floors with no embedded metal:
permanent finish to be added GEN1 3) ST2 S2
no permanent finish GEN2 ST3 S2
garage floors GEN3 ST4 S2
House and garage floors fully or nominally reinforced:
ground bearing or suspended RC28/35 N/A S2
GEN1, GEN2, GEN3 AND RC28/35 are designated concretes conforming to BS 8500-2:2006.
ST2, ST3 and ST4 are standardized prescribed concretes. The specification of constituent materials and mix
proportions are given in BS 8500-2.
GEN concrete with relatively low cement or combination content might not be suitable for obtaining satisfactory
cast and direct finished surfaces, nor for methods of placing, such as pumping. The suitability of such concrete
should be discussed with the producer.

7.3 Suspended cast in situ concrete floors at ground level

7.3.1 Design
The design of suspended cast in situ concrete ground floor slabs should be
undertaken by an appropriately qualified person in accordance with the
recommendations of BS EN 1992-1-1 and the NA to BS EN 1992-1-1.
NOTE Alternatively, for buildings falling within the scope of this standard, the
simplified design rules given in Annex A may be followed.

7.3.2 Site preparation

Unless a void is required below the ground floor, the slab should be cast directly
on to the prepared ground, provided that the ground or any imported fill
a) does not contain any organic matter or contaminants that might be harmful
to the concrete floor or masonry walls;
b) is not susceptible to heave;
c) is capable of providing adequate temporary support to the slab during
construction and until the design strength of the slab is attained;
d) is blinded with fine granular material to provide a flat level surface.
Measures should be taken to guard against the water or cement grout from the
fresh concrete being absorbed into the ground and resulting in honeycombing
or cracking of the slab, for example by covering the prepared ground with a
suitable membrane, such as 250 µm (1 000 gauge) polythene.

7.3.3 Support for cast in situ concrete slabs

When determining the bearing of a cast in situ concrete floor onto a wall, the
need to provide vertical support to the floor and, possibly, lateral restraint to
the wall should be taken into account.
The bearing width of supports should be at least 90 mm. Unless special
provisions are made in the design, all perimeter edges of the slab should be
continuously supported.

7.3.4 Site practice

Concrete and reinforcement should conform to the design specification.

36 • © BSI 2011

The reinforcement should be fixed to provide the specified concrete cover and
lap lengths.
Precautions should be taken to ensure that the temperature of the concrete is
not higher than 30 °C at any time during placing and compacting. Concrete
should not be placed on frozen ground or on ice and snow covered surfaces.
Prior to placing the concrete, all rubbish, debris and free water should be
cleared from all surfaces.
All loose scale and loose rust should be removed from the reinforcing steel.
Sufficient supports should be provided to the reinforcement to ensure that the
cover is maintained during the placing of the concrete; supports at 1 m centres
in both directions are generally adequate.
Concrete should be placed in one continuous operation and discharged through
the reinforcement with care so as to avoid dispersal, segregation or loss of
ingredients. If, for any reason, concrete placing has to be stopped for any period
such that the concrete will not remain plastic, a proper construction joint should
be formed.
The concrete should be well compacted after placing.
Curing should start immediately after the finishing operations and maintained
for 7 days, except when the average air temperature is 7 °C or less, when this
period should be extended to 10 days. If necessary, the concrete should be
artificially heated to keep its temperature above 5 °C for 3 days after casting.
The slab should not be subjected to traffic or loaded during the curing period.

8 Suspended precast concrete floors

8.1 Design
The floor should be designed in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1 and
NA to BS EN 1992-1-1. Materials and products (e.g. infill units for beam and
block floors) should conform to relevant British Standards.
When used for garages, proprietary floor systems comprising beams and infill
blocks should incorporate a reinforced concrete topping.
Where a floor is built into a wall the strength of that part of the floor should be
not less than the required strength of the wall.

8.2 Information to be supplied to the designer regarding the

type of construction and durability
The following details should be supplied:
a) type of floor system;
NOTE 1 For generic types see Figure 27.
b) location, exposure class and intended use (see Table 10).
NOTE 2 The recommendations for the cover to steel reinforcement and for
concrete quality to suit these conditions for reinforced concrete and for prestressed
concrete are given in BS 8500-1.

© BSI 2011 • 37

Table 10 Exposure class for intended use

Intended use Exposure class

Internal upper floor XC1

Ground floor XC3/4
Garage floor XD3

Figure 27 Generic types of precast floor systems

Example 1

Example 2
a) Beam and block

b) Hollow core slab

c) Solid composite slab

d) Composite beam and pot

c) Composite plate slab

8.3 Information to be supplied to the designer regarding layout

and construction
The following details should be supplied:
a) the construction and location of all loadbearing walls;
b) the construction and location of all non-loadbearing internal walls;
c) the construction of floor finishes, applied screed, tiles, etc.;
d) the weight and position of any heavy point load or line load such as water
tanks or partitions carrying secondary loads, mechanical plant, vehicle
e) the position and size of any openings in the floor slabs required for ducts,
f) the form and location of any tying requirements between the floor and wall
elements, as recommended in 4.4.

38 • © BSI 2011

8.4 Information to be supplied to the designer regarding

self-weight and imposed loads
Floors should be adequate to support the loadings in accordance with
BS EN 1991-1-1 and the NA to BS EN 1991-1-1.
For a self-contained dwelling unit, the recommended minimum imposed load
(see NA to BS EN 1991-1-1:2002, Table NA.2, Category A1) is 1.5 kN/m2 or a
concentrated load of 2.0 kN, whichever provides the greater stresses.
For a domestic garage the recommended minimum imposed load (see NA to
BS EN 1991-1-1:2002, Table NA.6, Category F) is 2.5 kN/m2 or a concentrated load
of 10 kN, whichever provides the greater stresses.

8.5 Construction loads

Floors should be guarded against overloading during construction, e.g. with
stored materials or equipment.
Protective boarding, or similar, should be laid across any areas of flooring used
for the storage of construction materials or equipment.
To guard against the possibility of overloading, such storage areas should be
located as close as possible to the floor supports.

8.6 Voids below ground floors

A void of at least 150 mm in depth should be provided between the underside
of the floor and the ground surface. The void should be ventilated. For those
sites susceptible to heave, the depth of void should be increased to at least
300 mm.

8.7 Support for precast concrete floors

When determining the bearing of a precast concrete floor onto a wall, the need
to provide vertical support to the floor and, possibly, lateral restraint to the wall
should be taken into account.
Where the bearing of a precast member is less than 90 mm (for example, an
internal 150 mm thick wall with floor spans on either side) the advice of an
appropriately qualified person should be sought.
NOTE Only when the bearing is level and clear of debris precast concrete floor
units may be laid directly on bricks or blocks without any form of mortar or resilient
bedding material. Typical bearing details are shown in Figure 28.

© BSI 2011 • 39

Figure 28 Typical bearing details for precast floors

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Bearing of precast slabs or beams onto b) Bearing of precast slabs or beams from
external cavity wall adjacent floors onto solid internal wall

c) Bearing of precast beams from adjacent floors onto solid internal wall (plan view)
1 90 min. bearing
2 Precast concrete beams
3 Precast concrete beams from adjacent floors may be spaced apart
4 Infill blocks

8.8 Installation of precast floors

When handling, stacking and installing precast elements the manufacturer’s
recommendations should be followed. The recommendations of
BS 8000-2.2:1990, Clause 5, and BS EN 13670:2009, Clause 4 and Clause 9, should
be followed, as applicable to the precast flooring system.

8.9 Jointing
Any grouting or infill required between precast concrete units should be
provided following manufacturers’ instructions.

40 • © BSI 2011

Annex A Tabular method for the design of suspended cast

in situ concrete ground floors
A.1 General
The design method given in this Annex has been developed for rectangular
floor slabs supported on all four sides, except for slabs to garages (see Table
A.13) which may be supported on two opposite sides. Holes for services may be
provided up to 150 mm × 150 mm. Where larger service holes are required, it is
advisable to consult an appropriately qualified person. The recommendations
included in Table A.1 to Table A.13 are appropriate only for slabs comprising the
following materials and construction:
a) an RC28/35 designated concrete;
b) grade 500 fabric reinforcement placed in the bottom of the slab with the
main longitudinal wires extending across the shorter span and lying beneath
the transverse, secondary wires;
c) 50 mm nominal concrete cover provided from the reinforcement to the
bottom of the slab.

© BSI 2011 • 41

Figure A.1 Definitions

1 Slab depth
2 Clear span
3 Perpendicular partition
4 Parallel partition
5 Longer span
6 Shorter span
7 Fabric reinforcement main longitudinal wires extending across the shorter span

42 • © BSI 2011
Table A.1 Weights of partitions – non-loadbearing partitions

Construction Thickness Weight Floor to ceiling height

mm kN/m2 of m
Less than 2.4 2.4 to 2.7
Weight Equivalent allowance Weight Equivalent allowance
kN per kN/m2 of floor area kN per kN/m2 of floor area

linear m Shorter span m linear m 0 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 6

0 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 6
Laminated plasterboard jointed 50 0.40 0.96 0.53 0.40 0.32 1.08 0.60 0.45 0.36
9.5 mm plasterboard on 50 mm × 100 0.35 0.84 0.47 0.35 0.28 0.95 0.53 0.40 0.32
75 mm timber studs at 600 mm
12.7 mm plasterboard on 50 mm 100 0.45 1.08 0.60 0.45 0.36 1.22 0.68 0.51 0.41
× 75 mm timber studs at 600 mm
Concrete blockwork, aerated, 75 1.00 2.40 1.33 1.00 0.80 2.70 1.50 1.12 0.90
solid, walling density 8.0 kN/m3 or 100 1.20 2.88 1.60 1.20 0.96 3.24 1.80 1.35 1.08
block density approximately 6.5
Concrete blockwork lightweight 75 1.40 3.36 1.87 1.40 1.12 3.78 2.10 1.58 1.26
aggregate, solidA) 100 1.70 4.08 2.27 1.70 1.36 4.86 2.70 2.02 1.62
Concrete blockwork, stone 100 2.47 5.93 3.29 2.47 1.98 6.67 3.70 2.78 2.22
aggregate, solidA)
Concrete blockwork, stone 100 1.80 4.32 2.40 1.80 1.44 4.86 2.70 2.02 1.62
aggregate, hollowA)
Brickwork, clay, perforated (25 % 102 2.10 5.04 2.80 2.10 1.68 5.67 3.15 2.36 1.89
voids) medium densityA)
Brickwork, clay solid medium 102 2.60 6.24 3.47 2.60 2.08 7.02 3.90 2.92 2.34
Includes 13 mm dense plaster on each side.

© BSI 2011

BS 8103-1:2011

A.2 Weights of non-loadbearing partitions

The loads applied by parallel partitions are assessed as equivalent loads in
kilonewtons per square metre while the loads from perpendicular partitions are
assessed as kilonewtons per linear metre. The equivalent load allowance for a
parallel partition is assessed by assuming that the partition load is spread over a
width of slab not exceeding 0.6 times the shorter span length. The
recommended weights per linear metre and equivalent load allowance for
common forms of partition are given in Table A.1.
Where parallel partitions are further apart than 0.6 times the shorter span, only
the heaviest partition need be taken into account. Where parallel partitions are
closer together than 0.6 times the shorter span, the equivalent allowances for
the two partitions obtained from Table A.1 should be added together.
Where more than one perpendicular partition is present, the sum of their
weights assessed from Table A.1 may be used.
The weights of common forms of floor finishes are given in Table A.2.

Table A.2 Weights of floor finishes

Finish Approximate weight


Asphalt flooring, 13 mm thick 0.268

Chipboard, 22 mm thick, on timber battens with 25 mm thick mineral wool 0.20
quilt insulation
Flexible PVC (polyvinylchloride) tiles, 3.2 mm thick 0.049
Hardwood floor blocks, 10 mm thick 0.079
Lightweight floor screed per 25 mm thickness 0.35
PVC fibre reinforced tiles, 4.8 mm thick 0.103
Sand-cement screed per 25 mm thickness 0.585

A.3 Use of design tables

Table A.3 to Table A.12 are design tables for suspended in situ concrete floors.
When using these design tables the procedures are as follows.
a) Establish whether the slab is supported on all four sides. If not, use the
procedure given in Figure A.2 but assume an aspect ratio greater than 1.8.
b) Establish the shorter and longer span and the aspect ratio. For garages
determine the clear span.
c) Establish the loading for finishes and partitions.
d) Select the appropriate table from the procedure given in Figure A.2.
The appropriate table gives the overall slab depth and the fabric size.

44 • © BSI 2011

Figure A.2 Tables selection procedure

A.4 Slab subdivision

Slabs of non-rectangular plan form may be designed using the tables by dividing
the plan into rectangular areas (A, B, etc.) and designing these areas as separate
slabs. Figure A.3 illustrates how this is undertaken for L and T shaped slabs.
A vertical joint is provided through the depth of the slab at the junction of such
subdivisions designed by an appropriately qualified person is installed at the
Edges of slabs resulting from such subdivision are supported on a wall or, if
desired, a beam designed by an appropriately qualified person.

Figure A.3 L and T shaped slabs

1 Slabs supported
by wall or beam

© BSI 2011 • 45

A.5 Example of use of tables

The following is an example of the use of the tables.

storey height 2.3 m

shorter span: 3.3 m

longer span: 5.9 m
parallel partition: 100 mm solid lightweight aggregate concrete
blockwork plastered both sides
perpendicular partition: 12.7 mm plasterboard each side of
50 mm × 75 mm timber studs at 600 mm centres
floor finish: PVC fibre reinforced tiles 4.8 mm thick
Follow the procedure given in Figure A.2 (the slab is not required for a garage).
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio = 5.9/3.3 = 1.79, i.e. less than 1.8
Perpendicular partition load

From Table A.1 for the storey height

perpendicular partition 1.08 kN/linear m

Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

From Table A.1 and Table A.2

parallel partition: 1.70 kN/m2
floor finish: 0.103 kN/m2
total equivalent uniformly distributed load 1.803 kN/m2
For equivalent uniformly distributed load of 2.0 kN/m2 (next value greater than
1.803 kN/m2), and a shorter span of 3.5 m (next value greater than 3.3 m),
Table A.5 gives:

overall slab depth = 160 mm

fabric reinforcement type = B785

46 • © BSI 2011

Table A.3 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – No perpendicular partition load; aspect
ratio not greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 283 B 385 B 385 B 385 B 385 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 385 B 385 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3.25 FT B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 150 160 160
3.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 150 160 160 160 170 170
4 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 160 170 170 170 180 180
4.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 170 180 180 180 180 190
4.5 FT B 785 B 113 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 180 180 190 190 190
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 190 200 200 210 210
5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 200 210 210 220 220
5.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 210 220 220
5.5 FT B 1131
SD 220
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

© BSI 2011 • 47

Table A.4 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
0.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 385 B 385 B 385 B 385 B 503 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 385 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 150
3.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 160 160 160
3.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 150 160 160 170 170 170
4 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131
SD 160 170 170 180 180 180
4.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 170 180 180 180 180 190
4.5 FT B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 180 190 190 200 200
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 190 200 200 210 210
5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 210 210 220 220
5.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 210 220 220
5.5 FT B 1131
SD 220
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

48 • © BSI 2011

Table A.5 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
2.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 385 B 385 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 150 160
3.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 160 160 160 170
3.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 160 160 170 170 170 180
4 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131
SD 170 170 180 180 180 180
4.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 180 180 180 190 190
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 190 190 200 200 200
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 200 200 210 210 220
5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 210 220 220
5.25 FT B 1131 B 1131
SD 220 220
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

© BSI 2011 • 49

Table A.6 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
3.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 150 150 150 150 150 150
3.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 150 150 160 160
3.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 150 160 160 170 170 170
3.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 160 170 170 180 180 180
4 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 170 180 180 180 180 190
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 180 190 190 190 200
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 190 200 200 200 210
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 200 210 210 220 220
5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 210 220 220
5.25 FT B 1131
SD 220
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

50 • © BSI 2011

Table A.7 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
7.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio not greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 140 140 150
3 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 140 150 150 150 160 160
3.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 160 160 160 160 170 170
3.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131
SD 160 170 170 170 180 180
3.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 170 180 180 180 180 180
4 FT B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 180 180 190 190 190
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 190 190 200 200 200
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 200 210 210 210 220
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 210 210 220 220
5 FT B 1131
SD 220
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

© BSI 2011 • 51

Table A.8 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – No perpendicular partition load; aspect
ratio greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 385 B 385 B 385 B 385 B 385 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 385 B 385 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 150
3 FT B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3.25 FT B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 130 130 130 150 155
3.5 FT B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 150 155 160 160 165
3.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 155 160 165 170 175 175
4 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 165 170 175 180 185 190
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 185 185 190 195 200
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 195 200 205 210 215
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 210 215 220 225
5 FT B 1131 B 1131
SD 215 220
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

52 • © BSI 2011

Table A.9 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
0.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 385 B 385 B 385 B 385 B 503 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 385 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 130 130 150 160 160
3.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 150 160 160 165 165 170
3.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 160 165 170 170 175 180
4 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 175 180 180 185 190 190
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 185 195 200 200 205
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 195 200 205 215 220 235
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 210 215 220 225 225
5 FT B 1131
SD 225
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

© BSI 2011 • 53

Table A.10 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
2.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1. 8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 385 B 385 B 503 B 503 B 503 B 503
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 130 130 130 150 150
3.25 FT B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 130 130 160 165 165
3.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 160 160 165 165 170 170
3.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 165 170 170 175 180 180
4 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 185 185 190 190 195
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 185 190 200 205 210 210
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 205 215 215 215 220
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 215 220 225 225
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

54 • © BSI 2011

Table A.11 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
3.75 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1.8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 503 B 503 B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
2.75 FT B 503 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785
SD 130 130 130 130 130 130
3 FT B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 130 150 150 155 155
3.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 150 155 155 160 160 170
3.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 165 165 170 170 175 175
3.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 170 175 175 180 185 185
4 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 185 190 190 195 195 200
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 195 205 210 210 215
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 205 210 220 220 220 225
4.75 FT B 1131 B 1131
SD 220 225
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

© BSI 2011 • 55

Table A.12 Design table for suspended in situ concrete floors – Perpendicular partition load =
7.0 kN/linear m; aspect ratio greater than 1. 8

Shorter Equivalent distributed load due to finishes and parallel partitions

span kN/m2
Steel size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
and slab
2.5 FT B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 785 B 1131
SD 130 130 130 130 130 140
2.75 FT B 785 B 785 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 130 130 145 150 150 150
3 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 150 150 155 160 160 160
3.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 160 160 165 165 170 170
3.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 175 175 175 180 180 185
3.75 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 180 180 185 190 190 200
4 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 190 195 200 200 205 215
4.25 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 200 210 215 220 220 220
4.5 FT B 1131 B 1131 B 1131
SD 215 220 225
FT Steel fabric size conforming to BS 4483.
SD Slab depth in millimetres.

Table A.13 Design table for suspended in situ concrete garage floors

Clear span Slab thicknesses for floors

m m
3 175
4 225
NOTE The above thicknesses are for an equivalent distributed load due to finishes and
parallel partitions up to 5.5 kN/m2.
NOTE 2 Steel fabric size B 1131 conforming to BS 4483 should be used in all

56 • © BSI 2011

For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the
latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Standards references
BS 4483, Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete – Specification
BS 5837, Trees in relation to construction – Recommendations
BS 5930, Code of practice for site investigations
BS 8103-2, Structural design of low rise buildings – Part 2: Code of practice for
masonry walls for housing
BS 8103-3, Structural design of low-rise buildings – Part 3: Code of practice for
timber floors and roofs for housing
BS EN 1991-1-4, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions –
Wind actions
NA to BS EN 1991-1-4, UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on structures –
Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions
BS EN 1997-2, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design – Part 2: Ground investigation
and testing
NA to BS EN 1997-2, UK National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design –
Part 2: Ground investigation and testing

Other references
[1] GREAT BRITAIN. A1/2 Section 2 of Approved Document A to The Building
Regulations 2000. London: NBS. ISBN 978 1 85946 200 3
[2] NHBC Standards. Chapter 4.2, Building near trees 3). Milton Keynes: NHBC

Available from NHBC, NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8FP.

© BSI 2011 • 57

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products are published by BSI Standards Limited.

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We bring together business, industry, government, consumers, innovators Our British Standards and other publications are updated by amendment or revision.
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The knowledge embodied in our standards has been carefully assembled in BSI publication please inform the Knowledge Centre.
a dependable format and refined through our open consultation process.
Organizations of all sizes and across all sectors choose standards to help Copyright
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Information on standards or entity that owns copyright in the information used (such as the international
We can provide you with the knowledge that your organization needs standardization bodies) and has formally licensed such information to BSI for
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You can buy and download PDF versions of BSI publications, including British
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Our range of subscription services are designed to make using standards
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Copyright & Licensing
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Email: copyright@bsigroup.com
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To find out more about becoming a BSI Subscribing Member and the benefits
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documentation is current. For further information, email bsmusales@bsigroup.com.

BSI Group Headquarters

389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL UK

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