NOV - Full Circle Casing Scrapers OMM 6255

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Instruction Manual 6255

Full-Circle Casing Scraper

One Company Unlimited Solutions

Full-Circle Casing Scraper

Full-Circle Casing Scraper

General Description ..................................................... 3
Use ............................................................................... 3
Construction ................................................................ 4
Operation ..................................................................... 4
Maintenance ................................................................ 4
Disassembly ................................................................ 4
Assembly ..................................................................... 4
Specifications and Replacement Parts ........................ 5

The designs and specifications for the tools described in this

instruction manual were in effect at the time this manual was
approved for printing. National Oilwell, whose policy is one
of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue
models at any time, or to change designs and specifications
without notice or without incurring obligation.

Fifth Printing, August 2003

General Description Use
The Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scraper The Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scraper
is ideal for the removal of mud, cement, is used to remove any deposits, irregu-
bullets, rust, scale, paraffin, perforation larities or burrs from oil well casing that
burrs and other obstructions from the might be the cause of trouble during later
inside walls of casing. operation, such as running packers and
other close tolerance equipment. Some
Maintaining a clean casing I.D. is impor-
of the main uses are:
tant when operating drilling, fishing or
wireline tools. Likewise, packers, patches, (1) Clean out cement, hardened mud,
spears and similar tools require clean and paraffin.
surfaces to grip. Obstructions on casing
(2) Remove burrs from perforations. Mandrel
walls will frequently cause these tools
to fail or become difficult to operate. (3) Remove bullets that become
imbedded in the casing.
Utilizing a simple one-piece mandrel
design, the Bowen Full-Circle Casing (4) Remove burrs and nicks that might
Scraper is constructed to be rugged, yet have resulted from the running of
simple to operate and maintain. bits, or fishing tools.

The Scraper conditions 50% more (5) Remove tight spots that might have
surface area than any other tool on the been caused by dents in casing as
market. The full circle blades are so a result of mishandling. Blade
spaced to contact 600° (almost two
Removing obstructions from the inside of
complete circles) of casing surface at
casing offers many advantages to the
operator. Packers can be run easily and
Short and compact, the Scraper also without damage to the sealing element.
incorporates a long taper on blades for Packer seating and sealing is positive in Blade Retainer
passing through joints without hanging. clean, burr-free casing. If a casing swab Screw
Blade Retainer
The Scraper works in vertical or rotary is run, damage to the expensive swab (4 Req’d)

operations and may be run on drill pipe. rubbers is held to a minimum and rubber
life is greatly increased.
Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scrapers are
available to condition pipe ranging from The Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scraper
23/8-inch tubing to 133/8-inch casing. may be run either with the pin up or the
pin down. It may be rotated or spudded.
In all cases, interior casing scraping is
assured due to the arrangement of the
blades. Yet, this same arrangement and
the contour of the blades permits
passage through casing couplings and
easy reentry at the bottom, in the event
the scraper passes out through the
bottom of the casing.

Full-Circle Casing Scraper

Construction Assembly
The tool is made up on the string, and
The Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scraper 1. Clamp the mandrel in a vise near one
usually a bit is installed on the bottom.
is composed of a rugged one-piece end.
The Scraper is run in and the scraping
mandrel design with a two-piece split
operation begun, rotating or spudding 2. Insert springs into slots provided on
ring retained by four screws in the center.
as desired. mandrel and hold in place with thick
Blades are spring loaded and are
designed to scrape a full range of com- When a blade encounters an abrupt
mon casing weights with only one size obstruction, such as a perforation burr 3. Place one row of blades in position
of blade for each different casing O.D. or a fragment of cement, it is held firmly and using banding tool, compress
in its close-fitting slot by the mandrel blades against the mandrel.
The blades are precision cast from high-
and two-piece retainer ring.
quality wear-resistant tool steel. They 4. Secure Band and remove banding
are very tough, but not brittle. They tend Very slight or very gradual changes in tool.
to work-harden slightly in service, which casing internal diameters are passed
5. Place second row of blades in
prevents wear very effectively. The over without damage to the casing, since
position and using banding tool
blades are designed to fit closely over the blades move in or out adjusting itself
compress blades against the
the spring housing welded to the man- to the irregularities. The blades are sim-
drel, so that lateral movement is kept to ply held in contact with the clean surface
an absolute minimum. of the casing without cutting the metal. 6. Install split ring between the blades
Maintenance and secure ring with four (4) socket
Springs are made of corrosion resistant
Good maintenance will prolong the life head screws. Coat threads with
302 stainless and are totally enclosed
of the tool and prevent misruns. After LOC-TITE #242 (blue).
between the blade and spring housing.
Accidental loss down hole is virtually each use, the tool should be completely 7. Remove banding tool and steel band
impossible. disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. from first row of blades. The Bowen
Any worn or damaged parts should be Full-Circle Casing Scraper is now
The mandrel is made from heat treated replaced as this time. See Disassembly ready for use.
alloy steel and has a pin by box connec- and Assembly below.
tion. Both ends have a suitable fishing
neck to allow fishing out of the well if Disassembly
required. 1. Clamp the mandrel in a suitable vise,
near one end.
The Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scraper is 2. Remove four (4) socket head screws
usually run with the pin connection up. It from split ring.
can be run either way at the convenience
3. Remove all blades and springs from
of the operator. The scraping action of
the blades is identical in either case.
4. Thoroughly clean all the parts, and
The configuration of the blades is such
examine each for wear or damage.
that the area scraped by the top row is
Replace any badly worn or damaged
overlapped by the row on the bottom.

Bowen Full-Circle Casing Scrapers
Designed to Scrape – inches* 4-1/2 OD 5-1/2 OD 7 OD 9-5/8 OD 10-3/4 OD 13-3/8 OD
9.5-13.5# 14.0-23.0# 17.0-38.0# 32.3-64.9# 32.75-79.2# 48.0-98.0#
Can be Dressed with — 6-5/8 OD 7-5/8 OD — — —
Blades to Scrape – inches* — 20.0-33.0# 24.0-47.1# — — —
Tool Joint Connection – inches 2-3/8 2-7/8 3-1/2 4-1/2 6-5/8 6-5/8
OD of Fishing Neck – inches 3-1/8 3-3/4 4-1/4 5-1/2 7-3/4 7-3/4
Tool ID – inches 13/16 1-1/4 1-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 3-1/2
Tool OD – inches 3-5/8 4-3/8 5-1/2 8-1/8 9-3/16 11
Complete Assembly 150032 149088 149335 150025 150418 150034
* See table below for recommended minimum and maximum casing ID ranges

Replacement Parts
Mandrel 1 150041 149089 149336 150026 152004 150035
Blade 150361 (6) 149090 (6) 149338 (6) 150028 (8) 152007 (8) 150037 (8)
Optional Blade — 150564 150017 — — —
Spring 150045 (24) 149888 (24) 149340 (18) 150030 (24) 152016 (24) 150039 (24)
Blade Retainer (2 Pieces) 1 150042 149091 149337 150027 152005 150036
Screw 4 150903 150904 150904 23230 23230 23231

Required Accessory
Blade Installation Tool 149267 149267 149267 149267 149267 149267

Recommended Minimum and Maximum Casing ID Ranges

for Full-Circle Casing Scrapers
Assembly 150032 149088 149335 150025 150418 150034
Blade 150361 149090 150564 149338 150017 150028 152007 150037
Maximum Casing ID 4.622 5.250 6.188 6.688 7.188 9.188 10.412 13.238
Minimum Casing ID 3.886 4.662 5.600 5.850 6.308 8.224 9.22 11.911
Recommended Casing 4-1/2 OD 5-1/2 OD 6-5/8 OD 6-5/8 OD 7 OD 9-5/8 OD 10-3/4 OD 13-3/8 OD
Sizes (inches) and Weights (lbs)* 9.5 – 13.5 14.0 – 23.0 20.0 – 33.0 20.0 – 24.0 17.0 – 23.0 32.3 – 64.9 32.75 – 79.2 48.0 – 98.0
5 OD 6 OD 7 OD 7 OD 7-5/8 OD 9-3/4 OD 11-3/4 OD 13-1/2 OD
11.5 – 24.2 23.0 – 26.0 29.0 – 46.4 17.0 – 38.0 24.0 – 47.1 59.2 80.5 – 87.2 81.4
5-1/2 OD 6-5/8 OD 7-5/8 OD 7-5/8 OD 7-3/4 OD 9-7/8 OD — 13-5/8 OD
26.0 – 38.0 43.7 – 56.8 55.3 – 70.7 39.0 – 63.2 46.1 – 48.6 62.8 — 88.2
6-5/8 OD 7 OD — 7-3/4 OD 8-5/8 OD 10-3/4 OD — 14 OD
62.9 – 71.3 57.1 – 70.3 — 46.1 – 48.6 63.5 – 77.1 85.3 – 109 — 92.68 – 119.38
7 OD 7-5/8 OD — — — — — —
76.3 82.1 – 84.8 — — — — — —

*Based on nominal casing IDs and recommended ID ranges

Specify: (1) 1 Set of Blades
(2) 1 Set of Springs
(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Size and weight of casing
(3) Tool joint connection

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Downhole Solutions
Tel: 337-839-2400 2810 Highway 135 North Tel: 62-21-782-6088
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190 Thompson Road Fax: 903-984-7170
Houma, LA 70363 USA Kirkton Avenue
Tel: 504-851-1111 10720 West I-20 East Pitmedden Road Industrial Estate
Fax: 504-851-1117 Odessa, TX 79765 USA Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 0BF
Tel: 915-563-1173 Scotland
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5349 Highway 11 North Ellisville Fax: 441-224-723034 Production Solutions
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Tel: 601-428-0646 30444 Southwest Freeway Singapore
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Tel: 281-341-5365 Terrace Warehouse
New Mexico Fax: 281-344-1986 Until Jan. 2003
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Tel: 505-326-4303 Vernal, UT 84078 USA Tel: 65-6542-5211 Supply Chain Management
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Fax: 435-789-6568
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Box 927
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Tel: 304-622-4303
Fax: 304-623-2174
Engineering and Project Management
1283 N. Derrick Drive
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Casper, WY 82604-1887 USA
Tel: 307-237-3100
Fax: 307-237-2546

© Copyright 2003 National Oilwell

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