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Data interception
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What is data interception & theft?
Data interception and theft is when thieves or hackers can compromise usernames and passwords as
well as other sensitive data
This is done by using devices such as a packet sniffer
A packet sniffer will be able to collect the data that is being transferred on a network
A thief can use this data to gain unauthorised access to websites, companies and more
DDoS Attack
What is a DDoS attack?
A Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS attack) is a large scale, coordinated attack designed to
slow down a server to the point of it becoming unusable
A server is continually flooded with requests from multiple distributed devices preventing genuine
users from accessing or using a service
A DDoS attack uses computers as 'bots', the bots act as automated tools under the attackers control,
making it difficult to trace back to the original source
A DDoS attack can result in companies losing money and not being able to carry out their daily duties
A DDoS attack can cause damage to a company's reputation
What is hacking?
Hacking is the process of identifying and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network to
gain unauthorised access
Access can be for various malicious purposes, such as stealing data, installing malware, or disrupting
Hackers seek out opportunities that make this possible, this includes:
Unpatched software
Out-of-date anti-malware
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What is malware?
Malware (malicious software) is the term used for any software that has been created with malicious Your notes
intent to cause harm to a computer system
Examples of issues caused by malware include
Files being deleted, corrupted or encrypted
Internet connection becoming slow or unusable
Computer crashing or shutting down
There are various types of malware and each has slightly different issues which they cause
Virus Contains code that will replicate and cause unwanted and unexpected events to
Examples of issues a user may experience are
Corrupt files
Delete data
Prevent applications from running correctly
Worms Very similar to viruses, main difference being that they spread to other drives and
computers on the network
Worms can infect other computers from
Infected websites
Instant message services
Network connection
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Embedded into other software such as games or programs that have been
downloaded from illegitimate sources
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Can record your screen, log your keystrokes to gain access to passwords and more
Ransomware Locks your computer or device and encrypts your documents and other important
A demand is made for money to receive the password that will allow the user to
decrypt the files
No guarantee paying the ransom will result in the user getting their data back
What is pharming?
Pharming is typing a website address into a browser and it being redirected to a 'fake' website in
order to trick a user into typing in sensitive information such as passwords
An attacker attempts to alter DNS settings, the directory of websites and their matching IP addresses
that is used to access websites on the internet or change a users browser settings
A user clicks a link which downloads malware
The user types in a web address which is then redirected to the fake website
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What is phishing?
Phishing is the process of sending fraudulent emails/SMS to a large number of people, claiming to be
from a reputable company or trusted source
Phishing is an attempt to try and gain access to your details, often by coaxing the user to click on a
login button/link
Social Engineering
What is social engineering?
Social engineering is exploiting weaknesses in a computer system by targeting the people that use or
have access to them
There are many forms of social engineering, some examples include
Fraudulent phone calls: pretending to be someone else to gain access to their account or their
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Pretexting: A scammer will send a fake text message, pretending to be from the government or
human resources of a company, this scam is used to trick an individual into giving out confidential
data Your notes
People are seen as the weak point in a system because human errors can lead to significant issues,
some of which include:
Not locking doors to computer/server rooms
Not logging their device when they're not using it
Sharing passwords
Not encrypting data
Not keeping operating systems or anti-malware software up to date
Worked Example
A company is concerned about a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.
(i) Describe what is meant by a DDoS attack.
(ii) Suggest one security device that can be used to help prevent a DDoS attack.[1]
(i) Any four from:
multiple computers are used as bots
designed to deny people access to a website
a large number / numerous requests are sent (to a server) …
… all at the same time
the server is unable to respond / struggles to respond to all the requests
the server fails / times out as a result.
firewall OR proxy server
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Anti Malware
What is anti-malware software?
Anti-malware software is a term used to describe a combination of different software to prevent
computers from being susceptible to viruses and other malicious software
The different software anti-malware includes are
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Anti-malware software has a list of known malware signatures to block immediately if they try to
access your device in any way
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Anti-malware will also perform checks for updates to ensure the database of known issues is up to
What is authentication?
Authentication is the process of ensuring that a system is secure by asking the user to complete tasks
to prove they are an authorised user of the system
Authentication is done because bots can submit data in online forms
Authentication can be done in several ways, these include
Usernames and passwords
Multi-factor authentication
CAPTCHA - see example below
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What is communication?
One way of protecting data is by monitoring digital communication to check for errors in the spelling
and grammar or tone of the communication
Phishing scams often involve communication with users, monitoring it can be effective as:
Rushed - emails and texts pretending to be from a reputable company are focused on quantity
rather than quality and often contain basic spelling and grammar errors
Urgency - emails using a tone that creates panic or makes a user feel rushed is often a sign that
something is suspicious
Professionalism - emails from reputable companies should have flawless spelling and grammar
How to check a URL?
Checking the URL attached to a link is another way to prevent phishing attacks
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Hackers often use fake URLs to trick users into visiting fraudulent websites
e.g. rather than Your notes
If you are unsure, always check the website URL before clicking any links contained in an email
What is a firewall?
A firewall monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and uses a set of rules to determine which
traffic to allow
A firewall prevents unwanted traffic from entering a network by filtering requests to ensure they are
It can be both hardware and software and they are often used together to provide stronger security to
a network
Hardware firewalls will protect the whole network and prevent unauthorised traffic
Software firewalls will protect the individual devices on the network, monitoring the data going to
and from each computer
Privacy Settings
What are privacy settings?
Privacy settings are used to control the amount of personal information that is shared online
They are an important measure to prevent identity theft and other forms of online fraud
Users should regularly review their privacy settings and adjust them as needed
Proxy Servers
What is a proxy server?
A proxy-server is used to hide a user's IP address and location, making it more difficult for hackers to
track them
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They act as a firewall and can also be used to filter web traffic by setting criteria for traffic
Malicious content is blocked and a warning message can be sent to the user Your notes
Proxy-servers are a useful security measure for protecting against external security threats as it can
direct traffic away from the server
What is SSL?
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a security protocol which is used to encrypt data transmitted over the
This helps to prevent eavesdropping and other forms of interception
SSL is widely used to protect online transactions, such as those involving credit card information or
other sensitive data
It works by sending a digital certificate to the user’s browser
This contains the public key which can be used for authentication
Once the certificate is authenticated, the transaction will begin
Worked Example
(i) ) Identify a security solution that could be used to protect a computer from a computer virus,
hacking and spyware.
Each security solution must be different
DDoS attack
(ii) Describe how each security solution you identified in (i) will help protect the computer.
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Hacking Firewall/Biometrics
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