Soil-Aquifer Phenomena Affecting Groundwater Under Vertisols: A Review

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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.

, 20, 1–12, 2016
© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Soil–aquifer phenomena affecting groundwater under

vertisols: a review
D. Kurtzman1 , S. Baram2 , and O. Dahan3
1 Instituteof Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, The Volcani Center, Agricultural Research Organization,
P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
2 Dept. of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California Davis, CA 95616, USA
3 Dept. of Hydrology and Microbiology, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, Blaustein Institutes for

Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Sde Boker Campus, Negev 84990, Israel

Correspondence to: D. Kurtzman (

Received: 30 July 2015 – Published in Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.: 21 September 2015
Revised: 13 December 2015 – Accepted: 15 December 2015 – Published: 15 January 2016

Abstract. Vertisols are cracking clayey soils that (i) usu- tively little nitrate contamination in aquifers under vertisols:
ally form in alluvial lowlands where, normally, groundwa- in this section we turn the light on observations showing that
ter pools into aquifers; (ii) have different types of voids (due aquifers under cultivated vertisols are somewhat resistant to
to cracking), which make flow and transport of water, so- groundwater contamination by nitrate (the major agricultur-
lutes and gas complex; and (iii) are regarded as fertile soils in ally related groundwater problem). Denitrification is proba-
many areas. The combination of these characteristics results bly the main mechanism supporting this resistance, whereas
in the unique soil–aquifer phenomena that are highlighted a certain degree of anion-exchange capacity may have a re-
and summarized in this review. The review is divided into the tarding effect as well.
following four sections: (1) soil cracks as preferential path-
ways for water and contaminants: in this section lysimeter-to
basin-scale observations that show the significance of cracks
as preferential-flow paths in vertisols, which bypass matrix 1 Introduction
blocks in the unsaturated zone, are summarized. Relatively
fresh-water recharge and groundwater contamination from Vertisols can be briefly defined as soils with 30 % or more
these fluxes and their modeling are reviewed; (2) soil cracks clay to a depth of 50 cm that have shrinking/swelling prop-
as deep evaporators and unsaturated-zone salinity: deep sed- erties (Brady and Weil, 2002). More detailed definitions re-
iment samples under uncultivated vertisols in semiarid re- quire the existence of a subsurface vertic horizon in which
gions reveal a dry (immobile), saline matrix, partly due to slickenside features are formed by the shrink/swell dynamics
enhanced evaporation through soil cracks. Observations of (FAO Corporate Document Repository, 2015; IUSS Work-
this phenomenon are compiled in this section and the mech- ing Group WRB, 2014). Other names used for these types
anism of evapoconcentration due to air flow in the cracks is of soils are vertosols (common in Australian studies, e.g.,
discussed; (3) impact of cultivation on flushing of the unsat- Radford et al., 2009; Silburn et al., 2009; Gunawardena et
urated zone and aquifer salinization: the third section exam- al., 2011; Ringrose-Voase and Nadelko, 2013), and the more
ines studies reporting that land-use change of vertisols from general cracking clays (e.g., Bronswijk, 1991; Liu et al.,
native land to cropland promotes greater fluxes through the 2010). This latter generic term emphasizes both the hydro-
saline unsaturated-zone matrix, eventually flushing salts to logical complexity of these soils due to the inherent dis-
the aquifer. Different degrees of salt flushing are assessed as continuities (cracks) and their relevance for agriculture, be-
well as aquifer salinization on different scales, and a com- ing heavy, relatively fertile soils in many semiarid regions
parison is made with aquifers under other soils; (4) rela- (good water-holding capacity, relatively higher organic con-
tent, etc.). Vertisols usually form in lowlands (Yaalon, 1997)

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

2 D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols

where, typically, groundwater pools into alluvial aquifers. and aquifer scales that show the relations between prefer-
Hence, the interface between agricultural activity on these ential flow via cracks, deep drainage, and aquifer recharge
soils and the underlying groundwater resources is both com- and contamination. It also provides a short description of
plex and relevant. This review focuses on vertisol studies that the development of models of preferential flow and transport
have implications for the underlying groundwater resources; through soil cracks.
it does not cover the substantial body of literature concerning
shrinking/swelling dynamics and its modeling (e.g., Bron- 2.1 Preferential flow of water in vertisols – evidence
swijk, 1988; Chertkov et al., 2004; te Brake et al., 2013), from the lysimeter to aquifer scale
the purely agricultural and mineralogical aspects of vertisols
(e.g., Bhattacharyya et al., 1993; Ahmad and Mermut, 1996; On a small scale, Kosmas et al. (1991) observed bypass
Hati et al., 2007) or environmental topics like the capacity of flow through cracks in clayey soils from Greece using undis-
vertisols to sequester carbon (Hua et al., 2014). turbed soil columns (authors’ terminology) with a diame-
Vertisols cover 335 million hectares out of a total earth ter of 23 cm. Ringrose-Voase and Nadelko (2013) measured
land area of 14.8 billion hectares (2.3 %). The largest areas flow in preferential paths directly using a field lysimeter that
covered with vertisols are in eastern Australia, India, Sudan– was installed 2 m below the surface of a furrow-irrigated cot-
Ethiopia and Argentina–Uruguay (FAO Corporate Document ton field without disturbing the overlying soil. Significant
Repository, 2015). Smaller areas of vertisols are found in var- drainage was collected in this study when the hydraulic gra-
ious countries (e.g., China, Israel, Mexico, Spain, Tunisia, dient in the matrix was in the upward direction, advocating
USA and many more). Although vertisols are very hard when drainage through preferential pathways that bypasses the ma-
dry, and very sticky when wet (making them difficult to trix. In a paragraph on tension-lysimeters measurements, Sil-
till), in semiarid regions, irrigated crops such as cotton, corn, burn et al. (2013) acknowledge that “deep drainage measured
wheat, soybeans and others are grown on this soil. We ac- at 1m depth was dominated by matrix flow, with only 10 % of
knowledge the dominant contribution of Australia to the lit- drainage attributed to preferential flow (note that the soil was
erature on agro-hydrological aspects of vertisols. Conclu- never dry enough to crack)”, pointing out that under well-
sions from those studies have strengthened and generalized irrigated vertisols matrix deep-drainage and recharge may be
some of the findings obtained by the authors of this review of importance despite the low saturated hydraulic conductiv-
in vertisol–groundwater studies in Israel, and have motivated ity of the clay. A weighing-lysimeter experiment in irrigated
this review (e.g., Arnon et al., 2008; Kurtzman and Scanlon, vertisols in eastern Australia revealed a complex drainage
2011; Baram et al., 2012a, b, 2013; Kurtzman et al., 2013). mechanism following spray irrigation, where only deep parts
The review is divided into four sections, which are par- of the cracks act as preferential pathways for the drainage
tially connected and together deal with major issues concern- when the top soil is moist and uncracked (Greve et al., 2010).
ing aquifers under agricultural land: recharge, salinization On the field scale ( ∼ 100–1000 m2 ), a similar phe-
and nitrate contamination (other contaminants are mentioned nomenon – i.e., open cracks at depth when surface cracks
as well). The following four sections cover the most general are mostly sealed – was reported by Baram et al. (2012b)
and relevant issues concerning soil–aquifers phenomena un- throughout the rainy season in Israel. These authors com-
der vertisols: pared transient deep (up to 12 m) water-content data col-
lected by vadose-zone-monitoring systems (VMSs; Dahan et
– soil cracks as preferential pathways for water and con- al., 2009) at various sites, including very sandy soils; the
taminants (Sect. 2) comparison showed that by far, the fastest propagation of
– soil cracks as deep evaporators and unsaturated-zone wetting fronts in deep vadose zones is observed in cracking
salinity (Sect. 3) clays.
Ben-Hur and Assouline (2002) conducted measurements
– impact of cultivation on flushing of the unsaturated zone of runoff in a vertisol cotton field in Israel that was irrigated
and aquifer salinization (Sect. 4) with a moving sprinkler irrigation system. They observed
that the high infiltration of runoff through soil cracks lim-
– the relatively little nitrate contamination in aquifers un-
ited the overall surface runoff from the field. Other field-scale
der vertisols (Sect. 5).
vadose-zone studies reported that preferential flow through
cracked clay enhances infiltration from rice paddies (Liu et
2 Soil cracks as preferential pathways for water and al., 2004). Losses of up to 83 % of the water to deep drainage
contaminants (including preferential and/or matrix flows) during furrow ir-
rigation of cotton and sugar cane in vertisols were reported
There are probably hundreds of studies that acknowledge (Raine and Bakker, 1996; Dalton et al., 2001; Moss et al.,
preferential flow and transport through cracks in clays – too 2001; Smith et al., 2005). Losses to deep drainage averaged
many to be mentioned here. This section aims to review 42.5 mm per irrigation (Smith et al., 2005), ranging from 50
works from the soil-column and lysimeter scale to the basin to 300 mm yr−1 (Silburn and Montgomery, 2004). Chen et

Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1–12, 2016

D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols 3

al. (2002) and Bandyopadhyay et al. (2010) showed that the well reproduced. Lin and McInnes (1995) used dye to study
transition from flood to micro-sprinkler irrigation and care- and model flow in vertisols. They showed that infiltrating wa-
ful scheduling of water-application rates can dramatically ter passes first through the soil cracks and then into the soil
reduce water losses and contaminant transport due to deep matrix; they concluded that uniform flow through the soil
drainage. Observation from groundwater supported this phe- cannot be used to describe the dye transport. A dye exper-
nomenon: Acworth and Timms (2009) used nested piezome- iment in a soil column consisting of a sandy A horizon and
ters and automated logging of groundwater levels and electri- a vertic clay B horizon showed preferential downward flow
cal conductivity to show evidence of shallow-aquifer (16 m through the cracks in horizon B, bypassing more than 94 %
depth) freshening (decrease in salinity) due to fast deep of the matrix (Hardie et al., 2011).
drainage of irrigation water during the irrigation season. Kelly and Pomes (1998) estimated equivalent hydraulic
At the small-watershed scale (∼ 10 000 m2 ), Pathak et conductivities from arrival times of Br− and 15 N-labeled ni-
al. (2013) indicated that runoff from vertisols is smaller than trate in gravity lysimeters installed above and under a clay
runoff from sandier soils (alfisols) in an agricultural water- pan in Missouri (USA). They reported equivalent conductiv-
shed near Hyderabad, India. The smaller runoff from the ver- ities that were 4 orders of magnitude higher than the saturated
tisols was attributed to preferential infiltration of local runoff hydraulic conductivity of the clay matrix.
into the soil cracks. Similar observations of minimal drainage Unlike tracers used in experiments, fast transport of herbi-
and rapid recharge of shallow groundwater (∼ 3 m) below a cides and pesticides is of concern in aquifers and drainage
vertisol–shale watershed in Texas following rainstorms were systems down gradient from cultivated fields. Graham et
reported by Allen et al. (2005) and Arnold et al. (2005). This al. (1992) reported that in cultivated vertisols in California
process was most dominant during the first rainstorms when (USA), herbicides were only found deep below the root zone
the cracks were fully developed (at the end of the dry season). in samples taken from the cracks’ walls and not within the
On the aquifer scale (100+ km2 ), Kurtzman and Scan- matrix, suggesting rapid transport of herbicides through the
lon (2011) concluded that parts of the Israeli coastal aquifer cracks, either as solutes or on colloids. Transport of pesti-
overlaid by vertisols were fresh (before the influence of mod- cides in preferential-flow paths absorbed on colloids was also
ern intensive cultivation) only due to recharge flow through suggested for cotton fields on vertisols in Australia (Weaver
preferential paths that bypassed the saline vadose-zone ma- et al., 2012). Early and deep drainage of herbicides from a
trix. Dafny and Silburn (2014) reported that following the lysimeter in cracking clays in the UK (early meaning well
growing evidence of the feasibility of percolation through before reaching field capacity in the matrix) was reported
cracking clays, several recent studies have included a com- by Harris et al. (1994). Similarly, fast arrival of herbicides
ponent of diffuse recharge in their assumptions or models of to drains in cultivated clays was observed by Tediosi et
the Condamine River alluvial aquifer in Australia. This dif- al. (2013) on a larger scale (small catchment).
fused recharge originates in deep drainage flowing through Due to the fact that in semiarid regions vertisols are
clay matrix and/or preferential paths. arable, agriculture-oriented settlements have developed on
these soils. In many cases, these settlements include con-
2.2 Preferential transport in vertisols centrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), such as dairy
farms. Arnon et al. (2008) reported deep transport (> 40 m) of
In the last 2 decades, many transport studies with dyes and/or estrogen and testosterone hormones into the unsaturated zone
other conservative tracers (e.g., bromide, Br− ) have indi- under an unlined dairy-waste lagoon constructed in a 6 m
cated the pervasiveness of deep preferential transport through thick vertisol in Israel. They concluded that deep transport of
cracks in vertisols. Bronswijk et al. (1995) sprayed a bromide such highly sorptive contaminants can only occur by prefer-
solution on cracking clays in the Netherlands that overlay a ential transport. Baram et al. (2012a, b) reported that prefer-
shallow water table (∼ 1 m from ground surface). The au- ential infiltration of dairy effluents through the cracks at the
thors reported rapid (on the order of days after rain event) same site can transport water and solutes into the deep un-
preferential transport of Br− into the groundwater, and rel- saturated zone. Locally, groundwater under dairy farm areas
atively fast (weeks to months) propagation within the va- also shows relatively high concentrations of nitrate (Baram
dose zone. Bronswijk et al. (1995) concluded that large et al., 2014).
cracks control the rapid transport of Br− to the groundwa- Figure 1 provides a visual summary of Sect. 2.1 and 2.2.
ter, and preferential paths made up of tortuous mesopores It shows the potential for matrix-bypassing groundwater
control transport in the unsaturated zone (suggesting that recharge and pollution under vertisols. Passing the biogeo-
transport through vertisols could be described as a triple active matrix enables both freshwater recharge and transport
domain medium–macropores, mesopores and matrix). Van of reactive substances.
Dam (2000) used the Crack module in SWAP to model the
aforementioned experiment. This effort improved fits to the
observations (relative to a single-domain model), but the
variability of Br− in the unsaturated zone still could not be Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1–12, 2016

4 D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols

(van Dam et al., 2008) and Hendriks et al. (1999) used a code
called FLOCR/AMINO, to study flow and transport phe-
nomenon in shallow and cracked clayey unsaturated-zones in
the Netherlands. A model of herbicide transport through the
1.8 m preferential paths was fitted successfully with the improved
MACRO version 5.1 (Larsbo et al., 2005).
A more comprehensive dual-permeability module for 2-D
and 3-D variably saturated models was introduced into HY-
DRUS much later (Šimůnek et al., 2012) following the for-

mulations of Gerke and van Genuchten (1993). Coppola et

al. (2012) took another step forward in modeling flow and
transport in cracking clays by also introducing cracking dy-
namics (adopting formulation of Chertkov, 2005) into a dual-
permeability flow and transport model.

Groundwater 3 Soil cracks as deep evaporators and

unsaturated-zone salinity

Figure 1. Illustration of potential fluxes of water and pollutants that Whereas during rain events or under irrigation, cracks are a
bypass the matrix, which is typical of vertisols. concern in terms of loss of water and fertilizers and/or con-
tamination of groundwater (Sect. 2), under dry conditions,
deep soil cracks are relevant for their evaporation capacity
2.3 Development of flow and transport models in from deep parts of the soil column. Kurtzman and Scan-
cracking clays lon (2011), Baram et al. (2013) and others have reported the
low water content and high salinity typical of the sediment
The field evidence described above motivated the develop- matrix under uncultivated vertisols. Deep chloride profiles
ment of quantitative methods to enable better predictions under native-land vertisols often show an increase in salin-
of flow and transport from ground surface to water table ity down to 1–3 m and a relatively constant concentration in
under vertisols. Nevertheless, modeling of unsaturated flow deeper parts of the vadose zone (e.g., Radford et al., 2009;
and transport as a dual (or multiple) domain in their differ- Kurtzman and Scanlon, 2011; Silburn et al., 2011). In the re-
ent variants (e.g., mobile–immobile, dual porosity, dual per- ported cases from Israel, water uptake by roots was limited to
meability) did not develop exclusively to deal with crack- the upper 1 m of the soil profile and to the rainy season, and
ing clays. Macropores such as voids between aggregates, therefore could not fully explain the increase in salinization
or worm holes, are the preferential-flow paths of interest in in the deeper layers. Deep cracks form an additional mecha-
many agricultural problems. Computer codes for modeling nism of deep evaporation that supports the chloride profiles
unsaturated preferential flow include among others: MACRO and low water content in the matrix under vertisols.
(Jarvis et al., 1994) and nonequilibrium flow and transport Sun and Cornish (2005) used SWAT to model runoff and
in HYDRUS (Šimůnek and van Genuchten, 2008). For fur- groundwater recharge at the catchment scale (∼ 500 km2 ) in
ther information on the kinematic wave approach used in a vertisolic catchment in eastern Australia. Considering wa-
MACRO, the reader is referred to German and Beven (1985); ter balances at this scale, they concluded that recharge mod-
for comparative reviews of the different models and codes els need to have a component that enables taking moisture
see Šimůnek et al. (2003), Gerke (2006), Köhne et al. (2009) out of the lower soil profile or groundwater during dry pe-
and Beven and Germann (2013). The latter is critical of the riods. Trees with roots in groundwater and deep soil cracks
common use of the Richards (1931) formulation in single and can maintain deep evaporation in long dry periods. Another,
multiple-domain unsaturated-flow simulators. indirect observation that supports evaporation through cracks
One of the earlier crack-specific unsaturated-flow mod- in vertisol was reported by Liu et al. (2010). In this work dis-
els was developed by Hoogmoed and Bouma (1980), who crepancies between satellite and model estimates of soil wa-
coupled vertical (crack) and horizontal (into the matrix) 1- ter content in dry seasons in vertisols are assumed to be re-
D models using morphological data for parameterization of lated to the extra evaporation through the cracks. Both local-
the linkage between the two flows. Novák et al. (2000) at- and higher-scale observations and analyses point to a possi-
tached a FRACTURE module to HYDRUS in which a source ble significant role of soil cracks as deep evaporators in dry
term was added to the Richards equation accounting for in- periods.
filtration from the bottom of the fractures, bypassing matrix Baram et al. (2013) suggested a conceptual model termed
bulks. Van Dam (2000), added a crack sub-model to SWAP desiccation-crack-induced salinization (DCIS) based on pre-

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D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols 5

lon, 2011; Timms et al., 2012). These very low water fluxes
contain the conservative ions (e.g., chloride) originating from
200–600 mm yr−1 of precipitation (with salts from wet and
dry fallout) that enter the matrix at soil surface. Therefore, a
dry (relatively immobile) and salty deep unsaturated matrix,
developed for centuries–millennia under these non-cultivated
low Cl- cold air vertisols. Nevertheless, some fresh recharge to the under-
lying aquifer through preferential paths related to cracks

water during heavy rain events creates an anomaly whereby rela-

dry wet tively fresh water in the aquifer (e.g., ∼ 250 mg L−1 chloride;
Kurtzman and Scanlon, 2011) lies beneath a salty and immo-
Cl- diffusion
bile unsaturated zone with porewater chloride concentration
of a few thousands of milligrams per liter (O’Leary, 1996;
high Cl-
Kurtzman and Scanlon, 2011; Tolmie et al., 2011; Baram
warm air
et al., 2013). River, mountain-front, paleo- or other types of
recharge may contribute, as well, to a situation where a rela-
Figure 2. Desiccation-crack-induced salinization (DCIS), Baram et
al. (2013). Convective instability of air in soil cracks, occurring tively fresh aquifer exists under a saline vadose zone.
mainly at night, leads to drying and salinization of the unsaturated
4 Impact of cultivation on flushing of the unsaturated
zone and aquifer salinization
vious work on subsurface evaporation and salinization in
rock fractures (e.g., Weisbrod and Dragila, 2006; Nachshon The anomalous situation of fresh groundwater under a saline
et al., 2008; Kamai et al., 2009; Weisbrod et al., 2009). In unsaturated zone found in some native-land vertisols in semi-
DCIS, vertical convective flow of air in the cracks is driven arid regions exists due to the efficient evapotranspiration by
by instability due to cold (and dense) air in the crack near the natural vegetation and cracks (making deep unsaturated ma-
surface and warmer air down in deeper parts of the crack at trix immobile and saline) and fresh groundwater recharge
night or other surface-cooling periods. The difference in the through preferential flow in cracks or other types of recharge.
relative humidity between the invading surface air (low hu- However, what happens when natural conditions are changed
midity) and the escaping air (high humidity) leads to subsur- to less favorable for native-vegetation and soil cracks (e.g.,
face evaporation and salt buildup (Fig. 2). Earlier studies that cultivated land and more ever irrigated intensive cropping)?
support the significance of evaporation via cracks in vertisols The answer is obvious: higher fluxes may develop in the un-
through field and laboratory observations include: Selim and saturated matrix, which will flush salts and ultimately cause
Kirkham (1970), Chan and Hodgson (1981) and Adams and salinization of the underlying aquifer.
Hanks (1964). The latter showed enhanced evaporation from A large bulk of literature from eastern Australia has re-
crack walls due to increase in surface wind velocity, this is ported increased deep-drainage and leaching of salts, and in
another mechanism (in addition to surface cooling described some cases, salinization of aquifers under cultivated verti-
before) causing instability in the crack’s air, hence convec- sols. A typical increase in deep drainage from < 1 mm yr−1
tion, evaporation and salt build up. under native conditions to 10–20 mm yr−1 under rain-fed
Leaching of salts from horizontal flow through the crack cropping were reported by Silburn et al. (2009); Timms et
network evident in salinity rise in tail water of furrow- al. (2012) and Young et al. (2014); whereas variable deep
irrigated fields in cracking clays in California was reported fluxes often in the 100’s mm yr−1 range were reported for ir-
by Rhoades et al. (1997). This Californian study acknowl- rigated fields (mostly furrow-irrigated cotton; Gunwardena
edge that this phenomenon was not observed in similar fields et al., 2011; Silburn et al., 2013; Weaver et al., 2013). These
(crop and irrigation technique) in lighter soils with no cracks. deep fluxes desolate salts that accumulated in the vadose
In many semiarid regions, deep matrix percolation under zone in the native-vegetation period, moving them down
non-cultivated vertisols is very small due to the clay’s high towards the water table (Fig. 3). Earlier studies reporting
retention capacity and low hydraulic conductivity, root up- leaching of salts from the vadose zone after clearing of
take of the natural vegetation in the rainy season and further natural eucalyptus trees for cropping include Allison and
evaporation through cracks in dry periods. Low water con- Hughes (1983) and Jolly et al. (1989), who worked in semi-
tent in the deeper unsaturated zone results in low hydraulic arid zones in southern Australia. In those studies, neither
conductivities and makes aquifer recharge through matrix vertisols nor the role of soil cracks was mentioned; how-
flow very small year-round. Matrix fluxes on the order of ever, deep eucalyptus roots act similar to cracks to form
1 mm yr−1 under the root/crack zone were reported in a num- a very saline and immobile deep-unsaturated-zone matrix,
ber of studies (e.g., Silburn et al., 2009; Kurtzman and Scan- which becomes more mobile and less saline after the land- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1–12, 2016

6 D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols


Silburn et al., 2009 Radford et al., 2009

(c) (d)

Kurtzman and Scanlon., 2011

Tolmie et al., 2011


Timms et al., 2012

Figure 3. Flushing of chloride down through the unsaturated zone under cultivated vertisols: (a) Silburn et al. (2009) – 19 years of flushing;
(b) Radford et al. (2009) – full diamond, native vegetation; empty, annual cropping; flushing from the top 3 m (c) Kurtzman and Scan-
lon (2011) – red, natural land; blue, irrigated cropping; flushing from 2–10 m depth; (d) Tolmie et al. (2011) – flushing from the top 1.5 m.
(e) Timms et al. (2012) – black, cropping; empty – grass; flushing from the top 2 m.

Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1–12, 2016

D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols 7

use change. Timms et al. (2012) inferred, from combined soil

and groundwater data, deep drainage and salt leaching after 35oE
conversion to cropping under gray vertosols in the Murray– Sand
Sandy loam land (2000)
Darling Basin. Fresh groundwater was found in that study Vertisol 33oN

under shallower saline waters, strengthening the source of (b) Haifa (c)
groundwater salinity from the vadose zone. (a)

Scanlon et al. (2009) compared mobilization of solutes in Tel Aviv Tel Aviv
the vadose zone after a change in the natural landscape to 32oN
Tel Aviv

cultivated fields in three semiarid regions: Amargosa Desert Jerusalem

(southwestern USA), southern High Plains (central USA) Gaza City
and Murray Basin (southeast Australia). Flushing of chlo-
ride from the top 6–10 m of the vadose zone after cultivation 31oN

was very clear (e.g., Fig. 3 in Scanlon et al., 2009). Flushing

has been observed in many arid and semiarid regions, and
not exclusively related to vertisols (e.g., Oren et al., 2004, in
Cl- (2007) – (d) NO3- (mg/L) (e)
the arid Arava Valley, southern Israel). Nevertheless, salin- Cl- (1935) 2007
ization of an aquifer due to cultivation and salt mobilization -200mg/L
-200 - -100
0 – 45
46 – 70
may be more pronounced under vertisols due to preferential- -100 - -50
-50 - 0
71 – 90
0 – 50 >90
flow paths related to soil cracks (enabling the native aquifer 50 – 100
100 – 200
to be relatively fresh) and the cracks evaporative capabilities 200 – 400
400 – 800
(making the native deep vadose zone more saline). 800 < + Tel Aviv Tel Aviv
A good example of an aquifer in which vertisols made
a difference is the Mediterranean coastal aquifer in Israel
(Fig. 4). Although known as a coastal aquifer, the phenom-
ena discussed here are all a few kilometers inland and are not
related to seawater intrusions. The parts of this aquifer over-
lain by vertisols were salinized a few decades after intensive-
cultivation, whereas the water in those parts of the aquifer
overlain by cultivated loamy sand is still potable (Kurtz-
man, 2011; Kurtzman and Scanlon, 2011; Fig. 4). Similar Figure 4. Plan views of the Israeli coastal aquifer. (a) Soil type
to the Murray–Darling Basin (Timms et al., 2012), the up- (black polygons and red ellipses for spatial comparisons with panels
per groundwater under vertisols in this aquifer were more d and e, respectively). (b) Location map. (c) Cultivated land in the
saline than the deep groundwater (e.g., Fig. 1 in Baram et al., year 2000. (d) Difference in chloride concentrations between 2007
2014). Identification of the source of the salt and the cause and 1935 (modified from Livshitz and Zentner, 2009). Black poly-
of the salinization in the deep unsaturated zone under verti- gons are characteristic cultivated areas that were severely salinized
sols and land-use change, respectively, contradicted previous (southern polygons) and barely salinized (northern polygon) rela-
works, which attributed the salinization of these parts of the tive to soil type (panel a). (e) Nitrate concentration in groundwater
Israeli coastal aquifer to the intrusion of deep brines and in- wells in 2007 (modified from Hydrological Service, 2008). Red el-
tensive pumping (e.g., Vengosh and Ben-Zvi, 1994; Avisar et lipses – areas with many wells contaminated with nitrate relative to
soil type (panel a; modified from Kurtzman et al., 2013).
al., 2004). A different and shorter temporal trend that might
also be interpreted in light of soils covering the recharge area
is the response of groundwater salinity of the Israeli coastal
aquifer to extreme precipitation (e.g., winter of 1991/1992): 5 Relatively little nitrate contamination in aquifers
under vertisols, freshening of the aquifer (decrease in salin- under vertisols
ity) was generally observed due to recharge of freshwater
through preferential paths, mostly under uncultivated parts; Whereas the literature concerning salinization of aquifers
under loamy-sand soils, salinization of the aquifer was ob- and draining of salts from the vadose zone under cultivated
served due to piston-flow recharge pushing relatively saline vertisols is abundant, much less has been written about the
vadose-zone porewater down to the water table (Goldenberg contamination of groundwater by nitrate under these soils.
et al., 1996; interpreted by Kurtzman and Scanlon, 2011). Nitrate is the most problematic groundwater contaminant as-
sociated with agriculture worldwide (Jalali, 2005; Erisman et
al., 2008; Burow et al., 2010; Vitousek et al., 2010; Kourakos
et al., 2012). Both mineral nitrogen fertilizers (e.g., Kurtz-
man et al., 2013) and organic forms of nitrogen (e.g., Da-
han et al., 2014) are often applied in excess with respect to Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1–12, 2016

8 D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols

the plants’ ability to take up the nitrogen, leaving significant arcane corresponds with the absence of nitrate in this aquifer
quantities of nitrate as a potential groundwater contaminant. in northeast Australia.
While in the previous sections aquifers under vertisols Denitrification in the root zone and deeper in the soil
were shown to be vulnerable to salinization, due to the profile explains the small amount of nitrate leached to the
agricultural practice above, there is an increasing number groundwater under rice fields in clayey soils in California,
of observations that indicate lesser nitrate contamination in USA (Liang et al., 2014). Shallow groundwater (< 1.5 m) un-
groundwater under cultivated vertisols relative to groundwa- der cultivated vertisols (e.g., the Netherlands) showed large
ter of the same aquifer located under cultivated land of lighter variability (spatial and temporal) in nitrate concentration,
soils. Kurtzman et al. (2013), dealing with nitrate contami- probably due to the highly variable oxygen concentrations
nation problems of the Israeli coastal aquifer, showed that at and therefore variability in nitrogen transformations in these
the groundwater basin scale (∼ 2000 km2 ) the contamination systems (Hendriks et al., 1999).
plumes of nitrate are present in the aquifer only under cul- A more speculative mechanism that might explain the rel-
tivated sandy loams, whereas under cultivated vertisols spo- atively lower occurrence of groundwater nitrate contamina-
radic wells seldom produce water with nitrate concentration tion involves the anion-exchange capacity of the clay. Har-
above the drinking-water standard (Fig. 4). Dafny (personal mand et al. (2010) observed very significant adsorption of
communication, 2014) revealed, by chi-square analysis, that nitrate to kaolinite and oxyhydroxides under a fertilized cof-
groundwater under cultivated vertisols and a thick clayey- fee plantation growing on an acrisol in Costa Rica. In ver-
alluvial unsaturated zone is less likely than groundwater, un- tisols, montmorillonite is usually the dominant clay min-
der coarser sediments, to get contaminated by nitrate in the eral; nevertheless, some kaolinite is found in most verti-
Condamine floodplain aquifer in Australia. sols (e.g., Singh and Heffernan, 2002; Krull and Skjemstad,
In contrast to the relatively high capability of vertisols to 2003; Baram et al., 2012b). Another drawback of this mech-
reduce nitrate leaching from cultivated land, both Baram et anism as dominant in vertisols is the adsorption of anions
al. (2014; Israel, Coastal Aquifer) and Dafny (personal com- to a positively charged surface is more efficient at low pH,
munication, 2014; Condamine floodplain, eastern Australia) while vertisols in semiarid regions are usually neutral to al-
acknowledge that CAFOs can be significant point sources of kaline. Retardation of nitrate in the vadose zone due to ad-
nitrate in vertisols as well. This might be due to incidental sorption to positively charged sites within the clay might
percolation of CAFO wastewater through the crack systems. slow down groundwater contamination under cultivated ver-
Silburn et al. (2013) indicated that modern deep drainage tisols. Nevertheless, if significant, this mechanism would
and solutes are still migrating down through the unsaturated only retard groundwater contamination, whereas denitrifica-
zone in vertisol–alluvial systems in Australia and the nitrate tion removes the nitrogen from the soil – unsaturated zone
is accumulating in the unsaturated zone. Nevertheless in ver- – aquifer system. The idea of nitrate adsorption has been
tisols areas overlaying the Israeli coastal aquifer, the rise in tested as an engineered solution for reducing deep nitrate per-
salinity and unsaturated-flow and transport models, indicate colation. Artificially synthesized materials that have nitrate-
that the cultivation effects reached the water table, yet nitrate sorption capacity (e.g., [Mg2+ 3+
0.82 Al0.18 (OH)2 ]
0.18+ [(Cl−)
contamination is not severe, suggesting other mechanism are 0.5(H2O)] 0.18− ) are being tested as soil additives to buffer
responsible for the low levels of nitrate contamination. nitrate leaching (Torres-Dorante et al., 2009).
Denitrification in clayey soils is thought to be the major
reason for the reduced deep leaching of nitrate in semiarid
climates; this reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen is less 6 Conclusions
likely to be significant in lighter soils (Sigunga et al., 2002;
Baram et al., 2012b; Boy-Roura et al., 2013; He et al., 2013). Vertisols are considered arable soils in semiarid climates, and
Jahangir et al. (2012) found that adding carbon to deeper are intensively cultivated. Located in lowlands, vertisols of-
soil horizons significantly enhances denitrification in those ten overlie aquifers. Flow and transport through the crack-
layers. Profiles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in deep ing clays is complex and results in unique land–aquifer phe-
vadose zones (down to 9 m below ground) under citrus or- nomena. Observations from the lysimeter to basin scale have
chards on thick vertisols versus sandy-loam in Israel were shown (directly and indirectly) the significance of cracks as
compared. Whereas DOC in the lighter soils was higher than preferential-flow paths in vertisols that bypass matrix blocks
15 mg kg−1 dry soil only in the top 1 m, in the vertisols it was in the unsaturated zone. These preferential paths support
above 30 mg kg−1 recharge with relatively fresh water in uncultivated vertisols,
dry oil in the entire 9 m profile (Shapira, 2012).
These latter two studies support the notion that denitrifica- and groundwater contamination from point sources such as
tion in the root zone, and perhaps beyond, results in less CAFOs and under some conditions, from crop fields. Deep
nitrate problems in aquifers under cultivated vertisols than soil samples under uncultivated vertisols in semiarid regions
under lighter soils. Thayalakumaran et al. (2014) reported reveal a dry (immobile), saline matrix, partly due to enhanced
high DOC in shallow groundwater overlain by irrigated sug- evaporation through the soil cracks. This evaporation is re-
lated to convective instability due to colder air at ground

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D. Kurtzman et al.: Soil–aquifer phenomena under vertisols 9

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