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Assessment Brief

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School of xx

Module Code Module Title
MKT7005 Strategic Global Marketing

Academic Year Semester

2024 / 2025 Semester 1

Module Leader email


Assessment Details....................................................2
Submission Details.....................................................4
Assessment Criteria...................................................4
Further Information.....................................................7
Who can answer questions about my assessment?............7
Submission problems.............................................................7
Unfair academic practice........................................................7
How is my work graded?........................................................8
Assessment Details
Assessment title Abr. Weighting
Presentation PRES1 25

Pass marks are 40% for undergraduate work and 50% for postgraduate work unless stated otherwise.

Task/assessment brief:


Students are required to work in a GROUP of 4 to create the presentation within the context of a Chinese
retail firm which produces and sells toys wanting to expand their sales abroad. Choose an appropriate
market. In doing so, they have asked you to write a document which discusses the following:
the company is considering entry into an appropriate market but has requested some initial advice from

In order to give this advice you must:

 Undertake a Macro-environmental analysis (PESTLE or SLEPT) analysis for the Target market
 Identifying the main issues and concepts of the Target national culture that may influence their
decision (30%).
 Critically evaluate the possible entry methods into the Target market, providing appropriate
academic and contemporary definitions of entry strategies (30%)
 Presentation style (10%)

Word count (or equivalent): 15 Minutes

Academic or technical terms explained:

Artificial Intelligence Models – Guidance for this assessment:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) models can be a powerful tool to support your learning. The University has
provided some resources to support you in its appropriate usage:
 Library Services AI Hub
 Student Guide to AI and Assessment
 Code of Conduct for Students on the use of AI
 Cite Them Right resource on citing materials relating to AI (if permitted)

As per the academic regulations (Academic Handbook Ah1_08), in all cases you must submit work that is
your own, acknowledging any part of it that has been informed by another source – including that which
is AI generated. Upon submission of work, you will be asked to confirm the following statement:
I confirm that this assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the use of
works from other sources, including the use of any artificial intelligence (AI) tools, in accordance
with what is allowable as described in the assessment brief.

Please note the following:
 AI should not be used as a substitute for your own knowledge, and you should never include any
material that you do not understand and could not explain if asked.
 Not being able to explain your work when asked is likely to be a key factor when considering
cases of academic misconduct related to AI.

The following information provides specific guidance for this assessment about what level of AI use is
appropriate for this assessment. Remember that in all cases you must submit work that is your own,
acknowledging any part of it that has been provided by another source.


 Your assignment should be produced using information sourced by
you from your learning materials and academic sources and cited
 AI tools for checking spelling, grammar and referencing may be ☑

 You can use AI tools to learn about your topic, as part of your
study, or in preparing initial guidance on assignments (e.g.
headline structure, suggestions for inclusion of topics).
 Any materials that you have sourced from AI should be
rewritten or reconfigured and integrated into your own work
and referenced appropriately. It is recommended that this is
confirmed by a relevant academic source.
 Any support gained from AI should be acknowledged in a
statement at the end of the assignment, making clear what the
support was, and how you used it and developed it for your
own work. Example statements are available in the Student
Code of Conduct.
 Use of AI is an integral and expected part of the assessment.
 The explicit inclusion of AI within the assessment means that
instructions on the expected use will be part of the assessment
 Your assessment brief will describe how you should
acknowledge the way in which you used AI tools.

Submission Details
Submission This will normally be 20
Estimated Feedback
Deadline: 12th Nov, 2024 working days after initial
Return Date submission.

Submission By 12.00pm on the

Time: deadline day.

Moodle/Turnitin: Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed
or have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle pages for
more information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.

File Format: The assessment must be submitted as a pdf document (save the document as
a pdf in your software) and submit through the Turnitin submission point in

Your assessment should be titled with your:

student ID number, module code and assessment ID,

e.g. st12345678 BHL5007 WRIT1

Feedback Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Moodle. Feedback will
be provided with comments on your strengths and the areas which you can improve.
View the guidance on how to access your feedback.

All marks are provisional and are subject to quality assurance processes and
confirmation at the programme Examination Board.

Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed
Please see matrix below

Other skills/attributes developed

This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial skills) and
other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will
also be highlighted in the module guidance, which should be read by all students completing the module.
Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides
additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.

Marking/Assessment Criteria

Marking/Assessment Criteria

Grade 70%+ 60-69% 50-59% 49-40% 39-30% ≤ 29%

A tailored macro- Your presentation provided an Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a
environmental analysis excellent, well-articulated very good, well-articulated good tailored macro- basic but adequate tailored weak and superficial tailored wholly inadequate tailored
highlighting key issues tailored macro-environmental tailored macro-environmental environmental analysis of your macro-environmental analysis of macro-environmental analysis of macro-environmental analysis of
facing the company analysis for your chosen analysis of your chosen chosen countries and product your chosen countries and your chosen countries and your chosen countries and
countries and product category, countries and product category, category, which included some product category, which product category, which product category, resulting in no
(30 marks) which included insightful which included relevant generic examples for: included some generic included only a few generic insights being identified as
examples for : examples for: examples for: examples for: factors that will influence the
 Political organisation’s decision to
 Political  Political  Economic  Political  Political expand internationally.
 Economic  Economic  Social  Economic  Economic
 Social  Social  Technological  Social  Social
 Technological  Technological  Legal  Technological  Technological
 Legal  Legal  Environmental  Legal  Legal
 Environmental  Environmental  Environmental  Environmental
Your analysis contained the
Your analysis contained an Your analysis contained requisite amount of detailed Your analysis contains some The analysis was descriptive in
impressive amount of detailed a comprehensive amount of facts and figures to give it factual information but further nature, it did not have sufficient
facts and figures which detailed facts and figures which credibility. facts and figures would have facts or figures to give the
enhanced it credibility. enhanced it credibility. added value and credibility here. analysis credibility, much of the
Some evaluation of the various information provided being
The various macro-elements The various macro-elements macro-elements was Limited evaluation of the various irrelevant to answering the
were carefully evaluated to were carefully evaluated to undertaken to identify some macro-elements was question – resulting in limited
identify the import factors the identify the import factors the factors the organisation needs undertaken; the appraisal was factors the organisation needs
organisation would needs to organisation needs to take into to take into consideration when too descriptive resulting in only to take into consideration when
take into consideration when consideration when considering considering expand identifying a few factors the considering expand
considering expand expand internationally. internationally. organisation needs to take into internationally
internationally. consideration when considering
expand internationally.

Identifying the main Your presentation provided an Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided Your presentation provided a
issues and concepts of excellent, well-articulated very good, well-articulated good analysis regarding the basic but adequate analysis weak and superficial adequate wholly inadequate analysis
the Target national analysis regarding the concept analysis regarding the concept concept of Values, Heroes, regarding the concept of Values, analysis regarding the concept regarding the concept of Values,
culture that may of Values, Heroes, Rituals and of Values, Heroes, Rituals and Rituals and Symbols. Heroes, Rituals and Symbols. of Values, Heroes, Rituals and Heroes, Rituals and Symbols,
influence their decision Symbols. Symbols. Symbols. resulting in no insights being
(30%). Your analysis identified some Your analysis identified some identified as factors that will
Your analysis identified the main Your analysis identified the main generic ways in which a national generic ways in which a national Your analysis identified a few influence the organisation’s
ways in which a national culture ways in which a national culture culture can influence: culture can influence: generic ways in which a national decision to expand into the
can influence: can influence: culture can influence: Target market.
 Consumer demand  Consumer demand
 Consumer demand  Consumer demand  Product design eg  Product design eg  Consumer demand
 Product design eg  Product design eg standardised, adapt or standardised, adapt or  Product design eg
standardised, adapt or standardised, adapt or bespoke bespoke standardised, adapt or
bespoke bespoke bespoke
Your presentation also provided Your presentation also provided
Your presentation also provided Your presentation also provided some reasonable some recommendations on: Your presentation also provided
a range of excellent a range of very good recommendations on: a few recommendations on:
recommendations on: recommendations on:  Branding strategies
 Branding strategies  Marketing  Branding strategies
 Branding strategies  Branding strategies  Marketing communications  Marketing
 Marketing communications  Marketing communications  Pricing decisions communications
 Pricing decisions communications  Pricing decisions  Pricing decisions
 Pricing decisions

Critically evaluate the Your presentation provided an Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided an Your presentation provided a
possible entry methods excellent critical appraisal of the very good critical appraisal of good critical appraisal of the basic but adequate appraisal of inadequate appraisal of the totally inadequate analysis for
into the Target market, possible entry methods such as: the possible entry methods such possible entry methods such as: the possible entry methods such possible entry methods failing to the specific market or entry
providing appropriate as: as: include: methods not discussed to the
academic and  Exporting  Exporting level required, or missing
contemporary  Licensing and/or  Exporting  Licensing and/or  Exporting  Exporting entirely.
definitions of entry  Franchising  Licensing and/or  Franchising  Licensing and/or  Licensing and/or
strategies  Partnering and/or  Franchising  Partnering and/or  Franchising  Franchising
Strategic Alliance  Partnering and/or Strategic Alliance  Partnering and/or  Partnering and/or
(30%)  Acquisition Strategic Alliance  Acquisition Strategic Alliance Strategic Alliance
 Greenfield Venture (eg a  Acquisition  Greenfield Venture (eg a  Acquisition  Acquisition
new, wholly owned  Greenfield Venture (eg a new, wholly owned  Greenfield Venture (eg a  Greenfield Venture (eg a
subsidiary) new, wholly owned subsidiary) new, wholly owned new, wholly owned
subsidiary) subsidiary) subsidiary)
Your report provided an Your presentation provided a
excellent evaluation of why one Your presentation provided a good evaluation of why one Your presentation provided a Your presentation provided an
method was chosen and why very good evaluation of why one method was chosen and why basic evaluation of why one inadequate evaluation of why
others were not applicable. method was chosen and why others were not applicable. method was chosen and why one method was chosen and
others were not applicable. others were not applicable but it why others were not applicable
Your analysis underpinning your Your analysis underpinning your was too descriptive. – it was far too descriptive.
recommended market entry Your analysis underpinning your recommended market entry
method was very clear, well- recommended market entry method was clear and justified Your analysis underpinning your Your analysis underpinning your
articulated, well-argued and method was clear, well-argued using a sufficient amount of recommended market entry recommended market entry
extremely well justified using an and well-justified using a detailed facts and figures to give method was reasonably clear method lacked clarity, was
impressive amount of detailed comprehensive amount of it credibility. with some justification but and descriptive in nature, it did not
facts and figures which detailed facts and figures which some factual information but have sufficient facts or figures to
enhanced it credibility. enhanced it credibility. further facts and figures would give the analysis credibility,
have added value and credibility much of the information
here. provided being irrelevant to
answering the question.

Presentation The speakers offered an The speakers offered a very The speakers offered a good The speakers offered a basic The speakers offered a weak The speakers offered an in
Skills/Style excellent and innovative good presentation, which presentation, which but adequate presentation, presentation, which adequate presentation, which
presentation, which demonstrated a high level of demonstrated competency in a which demonstrated some demonstrated a poor range of demonstrated an inadequate
(10%) demonstrated a high level of competency in a range of range of presentation skills and competency in a range of communication skills and range of communication skills
competency in a range of presentation skills and techniques. presentation skills and techniques. and techniques.
presentation skills and techniques. techniques.
techniques. The presentation provided a The presentation provided a The presentation lacked
The presentation provided a good introduction and The presentation provided a weak introduction and offered a structure, typified by an
The presentation provided an very good introduction and signposted what the basic introduction and offered brief indication of what the inadequate introduction followed
excellent introduction and clearly signposted what the presentation would contain and some signposting as to what the presentation would contain and by no indication of what the
clearly signposted what the presentation would contain and what the audience should presentation would contain. what the audience should presentation would contain and
presentation would contain and what the audience should expect to hear. expect to hear. what the audience should
what the audience should expect to hear. The flow of the presentation was expect to hear.
expect to hear. adequate but a bit slow in parts The flow of the presentation was
The flow of the presentation was The flow of the presentation was and a bit rushed in others. The poor - it was slow in parts and a The flow of the presentation was
The flow of the presentation was very good – not to slow or too reasonable – not to slow or too speaker was clearly nervous rushed in others. The speaker poor - it was slow in parts and a
outstanding – not to slow or too rushed. The speaker presented rushed. For the majority of the and did not present well was clearly nervous and failed rushed in others.
rushed. The speaker presented with: presentation the speaker characterised by: to present with The speaker was clearly
with presented with: nervous and failed to present
 a clear and strong  a muffled and weak  a muffled and weak with
 a clear and confident voice  a clear voice voice voice
voice  maintained good eye  maintained some  poor eye contact  poor eye contact  a muffled and weak
 maintained good eye contact with the eye contact with the was maintained with was maintained with voice
contact with the audience audience the audience the audience  poor eye contact
audience  did not read from a  did not read from a  reading mostly from  reading mostly from was maintained with
 did not read from a script script a script. a script. the audience
script.  was appropriately  was appropriately  not particularly  Lack of animation  reading from a
 was appropriately animated (e.g., animated (e.g., animated (e.g., (e.g., gestures, script.
animated (e.g., gestures, moving gestures, moving gestures, moving moving around,  Lack of animation
gestures, moving around, etc…) around, etc…) around, etc…) etc…) (e.g., gestures,
around, etc…). moving around,
The delivery was poised, The delivery was generally The delivery was not that The delivery not delivered in a etc…)
The delivery was poised, controlled, and smooth. The poised, controlled, and smooth. poised, controlled or smooth, poised, controlled or smooth,

controlled, and smooth. There transitions between different The transitions between characterised by the use of filler with frequent use of filler word The delivery not delivered in a
were seamless transitions parts of the presentation were different parts of the word (“umm,” “like,” etc…). (“umm,” “like,” etc…). poised, controlled or smooth,
between different parts of the well handled and there was presentation were generally well Transitions between different Transitions between different with frequent use of filler word
presentation and/or team virtually no indecision or “dead handled and there was virtually parts of the presentation was parts of the presentation were (“umm,” “like,” etc…).
members; there was no air”. The use of filler word no indecision or “dead air”. The OK; however, there was some poorly handled, characterised by Transitions between different
indecision or “dead air”. The (“umm,” “like,” etc…) was kept use of filler word (“umm,” “like,” indecision and “dead air”. some indecision and “dead air”. parts of the presentation were
use of filler word (“umm,” “like,” to a minimum. etc…) did occur. poorly handled, characterised by
etc…) was limited. The presentation slides were The presentation slides were some indecision and “dead air”.
The presentation slides were The presentation slides were OK and the informative was not OK and were not distracting.
The presentation slides were professionally produced, well well prepared and produced, distracting. Your presentation slides were
professionally produced, well prepared, informative, effective, informative and were not  Text was readable not professionally produced,
prepared, informative, effective, and were not distracting. distracting.  Text - was readable and clear. well prepared or informative and
and were not distracting. and clear.  Audio/Visual were in fact distracting.
 Text - was readable  Text - was readable  Audio/Visual components were
 Text - was readable and clear. and clear. components were not 100% relevant to Text was not readable or that
and clear.  Audio/Visual  Audio/Visual relevant to the main the main points of clear. Audio/Visual, graphs
 Audio/Visual components components points of the talk. the talk. and/or figures components were
components supported the main supported the main  Graphs and/or  Graphs and/or not relevant to the main points
supported the main points of the talk. points of the talk. figures were clear, figures presented of the talk.
points of the talk.  Graphs and/or  Graphs and/or relevant and were only slightly  Graphs and/or
 Graphs and/or figures were clear, figures were clear, understandable relevant and figures presented
figures were clear, highly relevant and relevant and understandable. were only irrelevant
highly relevant and understandable. understandable. The conclusion was slightly and not
understandable. confusing. The Q&A element The presentation concluded understandable.
Finally, the presentation made Your presentation made a clear was handled in a satisfactorily poorly and the Q&A element
Finally, the presentation made an excellent conclusion. The conclusion. The Q&A element manner, which demonstrated an which was not well handled, The presentation finished with
an outstanding conclusion. The Q&A elements were well was well handled, which adequate depth of topic-related which demonstrated a limited the Q&A element which was
Q&A elements were well handled which demonstrated an demonstrated a depth of topic- knowledge. depth of topic-related poorly handled which
handled which demonstrated an excellent depth of topic-related related knowledge. knowledge. demonstrated a poor depth of
outstanding depth of topic- knowledge. topic-related knowledge.
related knowledge.

Further Information
Who can answer questions about my
assessment? It is strongly advised that you submit your
work at least 24 hours before the deadline to
Questions about the assessment should be allow time to resolve any last minute
directed to the staff member who has set the problems you might have. If you are having
task/assessment brief. This will usually be the issues with IT or Turnitin you should contact
Module Leader. They will be happy to answer the IT Helpdesk on (+44) 2920 417000. You
any queries you have. may require evidence of the Helpdesk call if
you are trying to demonstrate that a fault with
Staff members can often provide feedback on Moodle or Turnitin was the cause of a late
an assignment plan but cannot review any submission.
drafts of your work prior to submission. The
only exception to this rule is for Dissertation Extensions and mitigating circumstances
Supervisors to provide feedback on a draft of
your dissertation. Short extensions on assessment deadlines
can be requested in specific circumstances. If
Referencing and independent learning you are encountering particular hardship
which has been affecting your studies, then
Please ensure you reference a range of
you may be able to apply for mitigating
credible sources, with due attention to the
circumstances. This can give the teachers on
academic literature in the area. The time
your programme more scope to adapt the
spent on research and reading from good
assessment requirements to support your
quality sources will be reflected in the quality
needs. Extensions and mitigating
of your submitted work.
circumstances policies and procedures are
regularly updated. You should refer to your
Remember that what you get out of university
degree programme or school Moodle pages
depends on what you put in. Your teaching
for information on extensions and mitigating
sessions typically represent between 10%
and 30% of the time you are expected to
study for your degree. A 20-credit module
Unfair academic practice
represents 200 hours of study time. The rest
of your time should be taken up by self- Cardiff Met takes issues of unfair practice
directed study. extremely seriously. The University has
procedures and penalties for dealing with
Unless stated otherwise you must use the unfair academic practice. These are
HARVARD referencing system. Further explained in full in the University's Unfair
guidance on referencing can be found in the Practice regulations and procedures under
Study Smart area on Moodle and using Cite Volume 1, Section 8 of the Academic
Them Right (use your university login details Handbook. The Module Leader reserves the
to access the site). Correct referencing is an right to interview students regarding any
easy way to improve your marks and aspect of their work submitted for
essential in achieving higher grades on most assessment.
Types of Unfair Practice, include:
Technical submission problems
Plagiarism, which can be defined as using others is submitted and passed off as solely
without acknowledgement another person’s the work of one person. Modules will clearly
words or ideas and submitting them for identify where joint preparation and joint
assessment as though it were one’s own submission are permitted, in all other cases
work, for instance by copying, translating they are not.
from one language to another or Fabrication of data, making false claims to
unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further have carried out experiments, observations,
examples include: interviews or other forms of data collection
 Use of any quotation(s) from the and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any
published or unpublished work of other other way.
persons, whether published in textbooks,
articles, the Web, or in any other format, How is my work graded?
where quotations have not been clearly
identified as such by being placed in Assessment grading is subject to thorough
quotation marks and acknowledged. quality control processes. You can view a
 Use of another person’s words or ideas summary of these processes on the
that have been slightly changed or Assessment Explained Infographic.
paraphrased to make it look different from
the original. Grading of work at each level of Cardiff Met
 Summarising another person’s ideas, degree courses is benchmarked against a set
judgments, diagrams, figures, or of general requirements set out in Volume 1,
computer programmes without reference Section 4 of our Academic Handbook. A
to that person in the text and the source simplified version of these Grade Band
in a bibliography/reference list. Descriptors (GBDs) with short videos
 Use of assessment writing services, explaining some of the academic terminology
essay banks and/or any other similar used can be accessed for Foundation, 1st
agencies (NB. Students are commonly year, 2nd year and 3rd year undergraduate and
being blackmailed after using essay MSc programmes.
 Use of unacknowledged material We would strongly recommend looking at the
downloaded from the Internet. Study Smart area of Moodle to find out more
 Re-use of one’s own material except as about assessments and key academic skills
authorised by your degree programme. which can have a significant impact on your
grades. Always check your work thoroughly
Collusion, which can be defined as when before submission.
work that that has been undertaken with

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