Blooms Revised Taxonomy
Blooms Revised Taxonomy
Blooms Revised Taxonomy
learning outcome verb: cite, define, describe, identify, label, list, match, name, outline, quote,
recall, report, reproduce, retrieve, show, state, tabulate, and tell.
• Define the term "metaphor" in your own words.
• List five examples of adjectives.
• Recall the main characters in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird.”
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
UNDERSTAND - In this level involves comprehending and synthesizing information through
interpretation, classification, inference, or explanation. Learning activities associated with this stage
might be summarizing information, reframing it in a new context, or explaining it in their own
learning outcome verb: abstract, arrange, articulate, associate, categorize, clarify, classify, compare,
compute, conclude, contrast, defend, diagram, differentiate, discuss, distinguish, estimate, exemplify,
explain, extend, extrapolate, generalize, give examples of, illustrate, infer, interpolate, interpret,
match, outline, paraphrase, predict, rearrange, reorder, rephrase, represent, restate, summarize,
transform, and translate.
• Explain the meaning of the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.
• Summarize the plot of the play "Romeo and Juliet."
• Give examples of action verbs in a sentence.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
APPLY - This level involves taking learned information a step further and applying it to a real-life,
on-the-job situation. Learners should demonstrate their understanding by solving problems and
completing tasks on their own.
learning outcome verb: apply, calculate, carry out, classify, complete, compute, demonstrate,
dramatize, employ, examine, execute, experiment, generalize, illustrate, implement, infer, interpret,
manipulate, modify, operate, organize, outline, predict, solve, transfer, translate, and use.
• Apply the rules of punctuation to correct the following sentence: "I went to the store and
bought apples bananas and oranges."
• Use evidence from the text to support your answer to the question.
• Outline the steps to create a sentence using irregular verb.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
ANALYZE - In this level learners break down material piece by piece, examining how each piece
relates to the others and conceptualizing the material as a whole. Activities associated with Analyze
include differentiating between components, making connections between them, and otherwise
identifying patterns in the information.
learning outcome verb: analyze, arrange, break down, categorize, classify, compare, connect,
contrast, deconstruct, detect, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, divide, explain,
identify, integrate, inventory, order, organize, relate, separate, and structure
• Analyze the author's use of symbolism in the novel "The Great Gatsby."
• Compare and contrast the themes of two poems by Langston Hughes.
• Identify the literary devices used in the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
EVALUATE - Learning activities associated with this stage might be summarizing information,
reframing it in a new context, or explaining it in their own words.
learning outcome verb: appraise, appraise, argue, assess, compare, conclude, consider, contrast,
convince, criticize, critique, decide, determine, discriminate, evaluate, grade, judge, justify, measure,
rank, rate, recommend, review, score, select, standardize, support, test, and validate
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the author's argument in the persuasive essay.
• Critique the use of imagery in a poem.
• Assess the impact of the setting on the mood of a short story.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
CREATE - In this level learners can synthesize existing knowledge to produce concepts and ideas of
their own.
learning outcome verb: arrange, assemble, build, collect, combine, compile, compose, constitute,
construct, create, design, develop, devise, formulate, generate, hypothesize, integrate, invent, make,
manage, modify, organize, perform, plan, prepare, produce, propose, rearrange, reconstruct,
reorganize, revise, rewrite, specify, synthesize, and write.
• Write a short story that incorporates the elements of suspense.
• Design a poster to promote a book you have read.
• Create a multimedia presentation on the life and works of William Shakespeare.