Ac Servo Motors Catalog

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Single axis,200VAC ,Rated power:50W~400W

General specification Description

2 ×M 4

Single-phase AC 200V to 240VAC 200V~240V, -15%~+10%, 50Hz/60Hz

200VAC Three-phase AC 200V~240V, -15%~+10%, 50Hz/60Hz (Power ≥ 0.75kw)
Input power

Servo drive

164± 0(Installation pitch)

Three-phase AC 380V~440V, -15%~+10%, 50Hz/60Hz

Temperature When used on a single device:-5℃~55℃; When multiple devices are installed snugly:-5℃~40℃
environment 5% to 95% (with no condensation)

Storage Temperature -20℃~85℃

environment Humidity
2 8 ± 0 .5
5% to 95% (with no condensation)

& Servo motor

(Installation pitch)
Operation Protection Class
( 7 5) IP20
Mounting holemaking drawings Unit:mm
Altitude Below 1000 m

Vibration resistance Vibration Resistance:4.9m/s2;

Single axis,200VAC ,Rated power:750W~1KW Impact resistance Shock Resistance:19.6m/s

2 ×M 4
Power System TN System

Installation structure Base-mounted

(Installation pitch)
±0.01% of rated speed max.(For a load fluctuation of 0% to 100%)

Coefficient of 0% of rated speed max. (For a load fluctuation of ±10%)

Performance speed fluctuation

164± 0 .5
±0.1% of rated speed max. (For a temperature fluctuation of 25°C±25°C)

Single axis servo drive Ground

43 ±0 .5
(Installation pitch)
Soft start time setting

USB communication
0 s to 10 s (Can be set separately for acceleration and deceleration.)
Conforms to USB2.0 standard (12 Mbps)
Mounting holemaking drawings Unit:mm
Display 5 bit digital tube
Panel operator 4 Buttons

50W ~ 400W products without built-in brake resistance

Single axis,200VAC ,Rated power:1.5kW~2KW Regenerative braking Other power products have built-in brake resistance
2× M4

ED3L - 04 A E A - FS02 Protection function

Utility Functions
Overcurrent, Overvoltage, Undervoltage, Overload, Regeneration Error, Overspeed, etc.

Alarmrecording, JOG running, load inertia recognition, mechanical analyzer, automatic setting tools, etc

164± 0.5(Installation pitch)


ED3L Servo drive Rated output power Voltage supply Options Encoder type Extended function

A5 0.05kW A 200VAC E EtherCAT A Serial encoder FS02 Support the STO Bus type specifications Description
58±0 .5
01 0.1kW D 400VAC M CANopen,pulse C Linear encoder Ground
(Installation pitch)

terminals (75) Power range 50W~7.5kW

02 0.2kW P Profinet 2×M4
Mounting holemaking drawings Unit:mm
Allowable voltage range: 24 VDC±20%
04 0.4kW Input Signals
Number of input points: 5(Two fixed channels can be used for Touch Probe)
08 0.75kW I/O Signals
Single axis,400VAC ,Rated power:1kW~1.5KW Operating voltage range: 5 VDC to 30 VDC
10 1.0kW 2 ×M 4
Output Signals
Number of output points: 3 (1 of them fixed for Servo Alarm)
15 1.5kW
Note: 1、Please refer to "Model Comparison Table" for details. Communications and Standards Standard EtherCAT/ProfiNet protocol and rules
20 2.0kW
2、Only ED3L-04AEC and ED3L-10AEC support linear motors

164±0.5(Installation pitch)
30 3.0kW
50 5.0kW 3、The default model does not contain extended functions
75 7.5kW
Pulse type specifications Description

48 ± 0 .5 Power range 50W~7.5kW

Ground (Installation pitch)
2×M4 (75)
Encoder pulse A-phase, B-phase, C-phase: line drive output
Mounting holemaking drawings division output Number of divider pulses: Arbitrary frequency division


Operating voltage range: 24 VDC±20%

Single axis,400VAC ,Rated power:2kW~3KW I/O Signals Input Signals Number of input points: 10(Two fixed channels can be used for Touch Probe)

Driver model:ED3L- A5A 01A 02A 04A 08A 10A 15A 20A 3× M4 Operating voltage range: 5 VDC to 30 VDC
Number of output points: 4 (1 of them fixed for Servo Alarm)
Output Signals
DC± 10V (DC± 0V~± 10V: Variable setting range)
Continuous output current[Arms] 0.9 1.1 1.5 2.9 5.1 6.9 9.5 12.6 External input

(Installation pitch)
Shape Torque Control 4 torque contacts
Built-in set
Maximum output current[Arms] 3.3 4.0 5.8 11.5 19.5 21.0 31.6 42.0 External input
DC± 10V(DC± 0V~± 10V:Variable setting range)

164± 0 .5
Speed control Speed 1 to Speed 7
Built-in set
Capacity of main power supply[kVA](Single phase) 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.9 2.6 4.0 -
Choose one of the following input types
Symbol + Pulse Column; CCW + CW Pulse Column; 90° Phase Difference 2
73± 0.5
External input Phase Pulse (A Phase + B Phase)
(Installation pitch)
Position control
Capacity of main powersupply[kVA](Three-phase) - - - - 1.6 2.0 3.0 3.5 terminals
Mounting holemaking drawings Unit:mm Built-in set
32 location contacts

Single axis,400VAC ,Rated power:5kW~7.5KW


linear drive Description

Driver model:ED3L- 10D 15D 20D 30D 50D 75D
Power range 100W~1.0kW

252±0.5 ( (Installation
Continuous output current[Arms] 3.6 5.0 7.1 12.0 17.0 27.3 S hape Input Signals
Allowable voltage range: 24 VDC±20%
Number of input points: 5

I/O Signals
Maximum output current[Arms] 10.9 16.3 21.2 36.6 53.0 70.0 Output Signals llowable voltage range: 5 VDC to 30 VDC
Number of output points: 3 (One of the fixed channels is used for servo alarm)

Capacity of main powersupply[kVA](Three-phase) 1.8 2.8 3.5 5.0 8.2 12.0 Encoder
Pulse signal A, B, Z (Difference)
7 8±0.5 Hall signal 5V single-ended signal
G r o u n d terminals (75 )

Communications & Standards Standard EtherCAT protocol and rules

Mounting holemaking drawings 单位:m m

01 02
D u a l a x is servo drive
Item Specifications
ED3L- 0404AEA/1010AEA 0404AMA/1010AMA
ED3L - 04 04 A E A Service temperature/Storage temperature Operating temperature: -5~55℃/ storage temperature: -20~85℃
A-axis B-axis Operation Use humidity/store humidity 5 % - 9 5 % R H ( n o condensation, n o freezing)
ED3L Servo drive output power output power Voltage supply Options Encoder type conditions
Resistance to vibration/impact Vibration resistance:4.9m/s2 /Impact resistance:19.6m/s2
04 0.4KW A 200VAC E E t h e r CA T A Serial encoder
M C A N o p e n , pulse Installation structure Installed base
10 1.0KW
Directio Only the parameter speed control mode
Speed setting n is supported Switch direction through/p-con
instruction selectio
Speed control n
Speed Speed 1~7 can be selected
Note: n
1, suitable for E M 3 A , E M 3 J , E M 3 G servo motor
Function Soft start 0~10s(acceleration a n d deceleration ca n b e set separately)
Symbol + pulse train, CCW+CW,90° phase
difference 2-phase pulse (A +B)

Uninsulated wire drive approx. (+5V),

Form open collector
Driver model:ED3L- 0404A 1010A Positio
Command ×1 frequency doubling:4Mpps
control pulse ×2 frequency doubling:2Mpps
Continuous output current[Arms] 2.9 2.9 6.9 6.9
×4 frequency doubling:1Mpps
Open collector: 200kpps
Maximum output current[Arms] 11.5 11.5 21.0 21.0 Description: Frequency willdecrease
when duty cycle deviation occurs

Capacity of main power supply[kVA] 1.9 4.5 Set position instruction 32 position nodes can be set
(Single phase)

Capacity of main power supply[kVA] Channel number 5 channels 10 channels

1.6 3.8
Input signal is S - O N (servo enable), P - C O N (proportional control), A L M - R S T (alarm
ED3L-1010AEA Sequential reset), C L R (position deviation clearance), P - O T (positive drive prohibition), N - O T
ED3L-1010AMA input Function (reverse drive prohibition), P C L (positive torque limit),N C L (negative torque limit).
ED3L-0404AMA Except for T ouc h Probe, other signals can b e allocated and the positive and negative
6.00 signal
73 58 Ø5
180 logic c a n b e changed.
6 48


Channel number 3 channels 4 channels

T h e output signal is: C O I N (positioning completion), V C M P (s ame -s pee d detection),


Sequential T G O N (motor rotation detection), A L M (servo alarm), S - R D Y (servo ready), B K

output (brake), P G C (encoder C pulse), O T (overrange detection), H O M E (zero return
signal Function
completion), R E M O T E ( R E M O T E IO), T C R (torque detection).
单位:mm Except for A L M , all signals can b e assigned and the positive a nd negative logic can
b e changed.

Protection function O v e r current, over voltage, under voltage, over load, regenerative fault, overspeed, etc
Item Specifications Alarm recording, J O G operation, load inertia identification, mechanical analyzer,
Auxiliary function automatic setting tools, etc
ED3L- 0404AEA/1010AEA 0404AMA/1010AMA Built-in EtherCAT communication module CAN communication port,
functio Communications functions using CANopen protocol
uses CiA402 protocol
Single phase 2 0 0 ~ 2 4 0 V A C + 1 0 % ~ - 1 5 % (50/60Hz) n
Main circuit Five digital tubes, five buttons
Three-phase 2 0 0 ~ 2 4 0 V A C + 1 0 % ~ - 1 5 % (50/60Hz)
Input power Display function
Control voltage Single phase 2 0 0 ~ 2 4 0 V A C + 1 0 % ~ - 1 5 % (50/60Hz) C H A R G E , P O W E R , S Y S , R U N , ERR,L/A OUT,AXIS-A/B

Control mode SVPWM

03 04
E M 3 A servo m o t o r ( 5 0 W ~ 1 . 0 k W )
Power line300±50 Encoder line300±50
Motor size
Small capacity High speed Low inertia




E M 3 A - 04 A L A 2 4 1

Rated output power Voltage grade encoder Design order Shaft end Optional Plug type
A5 0.05kW
0.05k A 200VAC T 17-bits absolute A - 2 Straight,with keys, 1 No oil seals,No brakes 1 Standard
Threaded plugs LR LL LC
01 0.1kW
0.1kW L 23-bits absolute 2 With oil seal,No brakes 2 Waterproof
plug L
3 No oil seals,With brake
02 0.2kW
04 0.4kW
0.4kW With oil seal,With brake Flange Dimensions key
Power EM3A- L LL KB1 KB2 KL1 KL2 S P
08 0.75kW
0 1.0kW
1.0kW 50W A5AL 87.5 (121) 62.5 (96) 19.8(32.8) 48.3(81.8) 33 33 25 2.5 5 40 46 30 4.3 8 M3× 6 14 22 3 3 1.8
Note:1、Please refer to "Model Comparison Table" for details.
2、Motor body heat resistance class: F 40 46 30 4.3 8 M3× 6 14 22.5 3 3 1.8
100W 01AL 103.5(137) 78.5 (112) 35.8(48.8) 64.3(97.8) 33 33 25 2.5 5
3、Motor body protection mode: self-cooling, IP65/IP67
100W 01AT 113.5(147) 88.5(122) 35.8(48.8) 74.3(107.8) 33 33 25 2.5 5 40 46 30 4.3 8 M3× 6 14 22.5 3 3 1.8

200W 02AL 108 (137) 78 (107) 27.5(33.5) 61.5(90.5) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3

200W 02AT 126.5(155.5) 96.5(125.5) 42.7(48.7) 80 (109) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3

400W 04AL 129 (158) 99 (128) 48.5(54.5) 82.5(111.5) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3

200VAC 400W 04AT 147.5(176.5) 117.5(146.5) 48.5(54.5) 101(130) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3

750W 08AL 151 (184) 111(144) 58.2(59.2) 35.8(67.8) 53 48 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37/35 6 6 3.5
EM3A- A5AT A5AL 01AT 01AL 02AT 02AL 04AT 04AL 08AT 08AL 10AT 10AL

Flange [mm] 750W 08AT 167.5(200.5) 127.5(160.5) 58.2(59.2) 52.3(84.3) 53 48 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37 6 6 3.5
40 40 60 60 80 80
1.0kW 10AL 165 (198) 125(158) 72.2(73.2) 35.8(67.8) 53 48 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37 6 6 3.5
Rated power [kW] 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.0
1.0kW 10AT 181.5(214.5) 141.5(174.5) 72.2(73.2) 34.3(56.3) 53 48 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37 6 6 3.5
Rated speed[r/min] 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Maximum speed [r/min] 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes.

Rated torque [N·m] 0.159 0.318 0.637 1.27 2.39 3.18

Maximum torque [N·m] 0.557 0.954 1.11 1.91 2.23 3.81 4.46 7.17 8.37 9.54 EM3A-A5 EM3A-01A EM3A-02A
8000 8000
7000 7000 7000
Rated current [Arms] 0.9 1.1 1.5 2.9 5.1 6.9

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]


Motor Speed [r/min]

6000 6000
5000 5000
Maximum current [Arms] 3.3 3.5 4.0 4.7 5.8 9.2 11.5 16.1 19.5 21.0 5000
4000 4000 4000
Motor inertia [10 kg ·m ]
-4 2
0.0230(0.0268) 0.0428(0.0465) 0.147(0.179) 0.244(0.276) 0.910(1.07) 1.14(1.30) 3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
Radial[N] 78 78 245 245 392 392 1000 1000 1000
Allowable 0 0
shaft end load 0
Axial[N] 54 74 74 147 147 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
54 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L) Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L)
Continuous work Repeated wor(
k L)

Brake Rated voltage 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC

specification EM3A-04A EM3A-08A EM3A-10
Holding torque[N ·m] ≥0.32 ≥0.32 ≥1.5 ≥1.5 ≥3.2 ≥3.2 8000 8000
7000 7000 7000
Weight[kg] 0.5(0.7) 0.9(1.3) 1.3(1.7) 2.6(3.2) 3.1(3.8)
Motor Speed [r/min]


Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

6000 6000 6000
5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。 3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4 4.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L) Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L)
Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L)

05 06
Motor size
E M 3 A servo m o t o r ( 1 . 5 k w ~ 5 k W ) Medium capacity High speed Low inertia

Power line socket Encoder socket



E M 3 A - 15 A L B 2 2 4

Rated output power Voltage grade encoder Design order Shaft end Optional Plug type


15 1.5kW A 200VAC 17-bits absolute A - 2 Straight,with keys, 1 No oil seals,No brakes 4 AviationPlug


20 2.0kW D 400VAC 2 With oil seal,No brakes
23-bits absolute
30 3.0kW 3 No oil seals,With brake

40 4.0kW 4
With oil seal,With brake Q
50 5.0kW



Note:1、Please refer to "Model Comparison Table" for details.

2、Motor body heat resistance class: F
3、Motor body protection mode: self-cooling, IP65

Flange Dimensions key

Power EM3A- L LL KB1 KB2 KL1 KL2 S P
1.5kW 15□ 210(240) 165(195) 97(109) 150(180) 102 60 45 3 10 100 115 95 7 24 M8× 16 36 40 8 7 4

2.0kW 20□ 230(260) 185(215) 117(129) 170(200) 102 60 45 3 10 100 115 95 7 24 M8× 16 36 40 8 7 4

200VAC 400VAC 3.0kW 30D 257(289.5) 194(226.5) 160.5 179(211.6) 110 60 63 6 12 130 145 110 9 28 M8× 16 54 55 8 7 4

20D 30D 4.0kW 40D 284(316.5) 221(253.5) 187.5 206(238.5) 110 60 63 6 12 130 145 110 9 28 M8× 16 54 55 8 7 4
EM3A- 15A 20A 15D 40D 50D
5.0kW 50D 324(356.5) 261(293.5) 227.5 246(278.5) 110 60 63 6 12 130 145 110 9 28 M8× 16 54 55 8 7 4
Flange [mm] 100 100 100 100 130 130 130

Rated power [kW] 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 40 5.0

Rated speed[r/min] 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Maximum speed [r/min] 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 EM3A-15 EM3A-20 EM3A-30
6000 6000 6000

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Rated torque [N·m] 4.78 6.37 4.78 6.37 9.80 12.8 15.9 5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
Maximum torque [N·m] 14.3 19.1 14.3 19.1 29.4 38.4 47.7 3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
Rated current [Arms] 9.5 12.6 4.9 6.4 10.5 13.0 15.9 1000 1000 1000

20.5 0 0 0
Maximum current [Arms] 31.6 42.0 16.3 33.0 40.0 50.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Motor inertia [10-4 kg · m 2] 2.33(3.10) 2.95(3.72) 2.33(3.10) 2.95(3.72) 7.72(9.00) 10.2(11.6) 14.0(15.4) Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work

Radial[N] 686 686 686 686 980 980 980

shaft end load 196 196 196 196 392 392
Axial[N] 392
EM3A-40 EM3A-50
Rated voltage 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 6000 6000

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

5000 5000
Holding torque[N·m] ≥8 ≥8 ≥8 ≥8 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 4000 4000
3000 3000
Weight[kg] 5.1(6.4) 6.1(7.5) 5.1(6.4) 6.1(7.5) 10.0(12.0) 12.0(14.0) 15.5(17.5)
2000 2000
1000 1000
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work

07 08
E M 3 J servo motor ( 2 0 0 W ~ 1.0kW) Power line300±50 Encoder line300±50 Motor size
Small capacity High speed Medium inertia




EM3J - 04 A L A 2 4 2

Rated output power Voltage grade encoder Design order Shaft end Optional Plug type

02 0.2kW
0.2 A 200VAC T 17-bits absolute 2 Straight,with keys, 1 No oil seals,No brakes 1 Standard
plugs Q
04 0.4kW
0.4 D 400VAC L 23-bits absolute 2 With oil seal,No brakes 2 Waterproof
3 No oil seals,With brake LC
08 0.75kW
0.7 无油封,有制动
4 器 L
0 1.0kW
1.0 With oil seal,With brake
带油封,有制动 key

Flange Dimensions
Power EM3J- L LL KB1 KB2 KL1 KL2 S P

Note: 1、Please refer to "Model Comparison Table" for details. 200W 02AL 108(137) 78(107) 27.5(33.5) 61.5(90.5) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3
2、Heat resistance grade of motor body: F
200W 02AT 126.5(155.5) 96.5(125.5) 42.7(48.7) 80(109) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3
3、Motor body protection mode: self-cooling, IP65/IP67
400W 04AL 129(158) 99(128) 48.5(54.5) 82.5(111.5) 4 3 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3

400W 04AT 147.5(176.5) 117.5(146.5) 48.5(54.5) 101(130) 43 38 30 3 7 60 70 50 5.5 14 M5× 12 20 27 5 5 3

750W 08AL 142(175) 102(135) 58.2(59.2) 35.8(67.8) 53 48 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37 6 6 3.5

750W 08AT 158.5(191.5) 118.5(151.5) 58.2(59.2) 52.3(84.3) 53 48 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37 6 6 3.5

200VAC 40 3 8 80 90 70 6.6 19 M6× 12 25
1.0kW 10AL 157(190) 117(150) 72.2(73.2) 34.3(56.3) 53 48 37 6 6 3.5
EM3J- 02AT 02AL 04AT 04AL 08AT 08AL 10AT 10AL 40 3 8 80 90 70
1.0kW 10AT 173.5(206.5) 133.5(166.5) 72.2(73.2) 34.3(56.3) 53 48 6.6 19 M6× 12 25 37 6 6 3.5
Flange [mm] 60 60 80 80
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes.
Rated power [kW] 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.0

Rated speed[r/min] 3000 3000 3000 3000 EM3J -02A EM3J-04A

8000 8000
Maximum speed [r/min] 6000 6000 6000 6000 7000 7000

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

6000 6000
Rated torque [N·m] 0.637 1.27 2.39 3.18 5000 5000
Maximum torque [N·m] 4000 4000
1.91 2.23 3.81 4.46 7.17 8.37 9.54
3000 3000
Rated current [Arms] 1.5 2.8 5.1 7.1 2000 2000
1000 1000
Maximum current [Arms] 4.7 5.8 8.8 11.2 16.1 19.5 22.0 0 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4 4.8
Motor inertia [10-4 kg · m 2] 0.330(0.360) 0.640(0.680) 1.64(1.79) 2.26(2.41) Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L) Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L)

Radial[N] 245 245 392 392

shaft end load EM3J-08A EM3J-10
Axial[N] 74 74 147 147 8000
Rated voltage 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 6000

Motor Speed [r/min]

Brake 6000
specification 5000
Motor Speed [r/min]
Holding torque[N·m] ≥1.5 ≥1.5 ≥3.2 ≥3.2 5000
Weight[kg] 0.9(1.3) 1.3(1.7) 2.3(2.9) 3.1(3.8) 3000
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L) Continuous work Repeated wor(
k T) Repeated wor(
k L)

09 10
E M 3 G servo motor(0.85 k W ~ 7.5kW) KB2 Motor size
Medium capacity Medium speed Medium inertia
Power line socket
Encoder socket




E M 3 G - 13 A L A 2 2 4


Rated output power Voltage grade encoder Design order Shaft end Optional Plug type
0 0.85kW A 200VAC T 17-bits absolute A - 2 Straight,with keys, 1 No oil seals,No brakes 4 AviationPlug
13 1.3kW Threaded
D 400VAC L 23-bits absolute 2 With oil seal,No brakes
18 1.8kW
2 2.9kW 3 No oil seals,With brake LR LL
4 4.4kW
55 5.5kW With oil seal,With brake L LC
7 7.5kW

Note:1、Please refer to "Model Comparison Table" for details. Flange Dimensions key
Power EM3G- L LL KB1 KB2 KL1 KL2 S P
2、Motor body heat resistance class: F LR LE LF LC LA LB LZ QK W T U
3、Motor body protection mode: self-cooling, IP65
0.85kW 09□ 185(215) 131(161) 94.5 116(146) 112 60 55 6 12 130 145 110 9 22 M6× 20 32 8 7 4

109.5 131(161) 112 60 55 6 12 130 145 110 9

1.3kW 13□ 200(230) 146(176) 22 M6× 20 32 8 7 4
124.5 146(176) 112 60 55 6 12 130 145 110 9
1.8kW 18□ 215(245) 161(191) 22 M6× 20 32 8 7 4
135.5(139.8) 145.5(190.2)
2.9kW 29D 239(284) 160(205) 142 60 79 3.2 18 180 200 114.3 13.5 35 M12× 25 65 10 8 5
200VAC 400VAC
4.4kW 44D 258(303) 179(224) 154.5(158.8) 164.5(209.2) 142 60 79 3.2 18 180 200 114.3 13.5 35 M12× 25 65 10 8 5
EM3G- 09A 13A 18A 09D 13D 18D 29D 44D 55D 75D 113 3.2 18 180 200 114.3 13.5 42 M16× 32 96
5.5kW 55D 324(377) 221(264) 186.5(198.8) 196.5(249.2) 142 60 12 10 5
Flange [mm] 130 130 130 130 130 130 180 180 180 180 247(300) 222.5(234.8) 232.5(285.2) 142 60
7.5kW 75D 360(413) 113 3.2 18 180 200 114.3 13.5 42 M16× 32 96 12 10 5
Rated power [kW] 0.85 1.3 1.8 0.85 1.3 1.8 2.9 4.4 5.5 7.5
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。
Rated speed[r/min] 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500

Maximum speed [r/min] 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Rated torque [N·m] 5.41 8.28 11.5 5.41 8.28 11.5 18.6 28.4 35.0 48.0 EM3G-09 EM3G-13 EM3G-18
3500 3500 3500
Maximum torque [N·m]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

16.2 24.8 31.0 16.2 24.8 31.0 55.8 80.0 105 120 3000 3000 3000
2500 2500 2500
Rated current [Arms] 6.8 9.7 14.5 3.4 5.0 7.1 11.5 16.8 20.3 26.5 2000 2000 2000
1500 1500 1500
Maximum current [Arms] 22.6 29.7 42.0 10.9 15.6 21.2 37.0 49.5 64.0 70.0 1000 1000 1000
500 500 500
Motor inertia [10-4 kg · m 2] 11.9(12.5) 17.3(17.9) 22.3(22.9) 11.9(12.5) 17.3(17.9) 22.3(22.9) 43.4(49.2) 58.8(64.6) 85.5(91.5) 117(123) 0 0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Radial[N] 490 686 980 490 686 980 1470 1470 1764 1764 Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Allowable Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work
shaft end load
Axial[N] 98 343 392 98 343 392 490 490 588 588

Rated voltage 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC
Holding torque[N·m] ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥44 ≥44 ≥72 ≥72 EM3G-29 EM3G-44 EM3G-55 EM3G-75
3500 3500 3500 3500
Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

3000 3000 3000 3000
Weight[kg] 5.6(7.3) 7.0(8.7) 8.3(10.0) 5.6(7.3) 7.0(8.7) 8.3(10.0) 14.6(18.8) 17.6(21.8) 23.2(27.8) 29.0(33.6)
2500 2500 2500 2500
2000 2000 2000 2000
1500 1500 1500 1500
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。 1000 1000 1000 1000
500 500 500 500
0 0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work

Note: T represents a 17-bits absolute

11 L represents a 23-bits absolute 12
Motor size
E M 3 L servo motor( 1 k W ~ 4 k W ) Medium capacity low speed High inertia


LA 4- LZ


EM3L - 10 D L A 2 2 4



Rated output power Voltage grade encoder Design order Shaft end Optional Plug type QK T

10 1.0kW D 400VAC T 17-bits absolute A - 2 Straight,with keys, 1 No oil seals,No brakes 4
20 2.0kW Threaded
L 23-bits absolute 2 With oil seal,No brakes
30 3.0kW LE P
40 4.0kW 3 No oil seals,With brake LF
With oil seal,With brake

Note:1、Please refer to "Model Comparison Table" for details. Flange Dimensions key
2、Motor body heat resistance class: F Power EM3L- L LL KB1 KB2 KL1 KL2 S P
3、Motor body protection mode: self-cooling, IP65 LR LE LF LC LA LB LZ QK W T U
1.0kW 10D 215(245) 161(191) 124.5(124.5) 146(176) 1 1 2 58.5 55 6 1 2 1 3 0 1 4 5 110 9 22 M6× 20 36 8 7 4

2.0kW 20D 258(303) 179(224) 154.5(158.8) 164(209) 142 62 79 3.2 1 8 1 8 0 2 0 0 114.3 13.5 35 M12× 25 65 10 8 5

3.0kW 30D 290(343) 211(264) 186.5(198.8) 196(249) 142 62 79 3.2 1 8 1 8 0 2 0 0 114.3 13.5 35 M12× 25 65 10 8 5

4.0kW 40D 360(413) 247(300) 222.5(234.8) 232(285) 142 62 1 1 3 3.2 1 8 1 8 0 2 0 0 114.3 13.5 42 M16× 32 96 12 8 5
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。
EM3L- 10D 20D 30D 40D

Flange [mm] 130 180 180 180

Rated power [kW] EM3L -20D

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 EM3L -10D
2000 2000
Rated speed[r/min] 1000 1000 1000 1000
]n 1500

Motor Speed [r/min]

Motor Speed [r/min]

Maximum speed [r/min] 1500 1500 1500 1500 i
/ 1000
Rated torque [N·m] r[ 1000
9.55 19.1 28.7 38.2 d
Maximum torque [N·m] 500 500
31.0 69.0 105.0 120.0 p
Rated current [Arms] o 0
3.1 5.2 8.6 10.9
M 0 8 16 24 32 0 12 24 36 48 60 72
Maximum current [Arms] Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
10.0 20.2 34.7 34.6
Continuous work Continuous work Repeated work
Repeated work

Motor inertia [10-4 kg · m 2] 22.3(22.9) 58.5(64.6) 85.5(91.5) 116.8(123)

Radial[N] 980 1470 1764 1764

Allowable EM3L -30D EM3L -40D
shaft end load
Axial[N] 392 490 588 588
2000 2000

Rated voltage

Motor Speed [r/min]

1500 1500

Motor Speed [r/min]

Brake 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC 24VDC
Holding torque[N·m] ≥20 ≥44 ≥72 ≥72 1000 1000

Weight[kg] 8.3(10.0) 17.6(21.8) 23.2(27.8) 29.0(33.6) 500 500

0 25 50 75 100 125 0 30 60 90 120 150
Note: The values in parentheses represent the values of motors with brakes。
Torque [N·m] Torque [N·m]
Continuous work Repeated work Continuous work Repeated work

13 14
Power Motor model Brake Connector Flange Trunnion Drive Input power Power cable Encoder cable
EM3A-08ATA221 -
Standard wire
EM3A-08ATA241 

EM3A-08ATA222 -
Waterproof wire
EM3A-08ATA242  ED3L-08A Single phase /
80mm Φ19 three phase AC

Model comparison table 750W EM3A-08ALA221


Standard wire


EM3A-08ALA222 -
Waterproof wire
EM3A-08ALA242 

EM3A-10ATA221 -
Standard wire
EM3A-10ATA241 

EM3A-10ATA222 -
Waterproof wire
1.0kW ED3L-10A Single phase /
EM3A-10ATA242 
80mm Φ19 three phase AC

EM3A | Low inertia | 3000 r/min EM3A-10ALA221 -

Standard wire
EM3A-10ALA241  1010A

EM3A-10ALA222 -
Power Motor model Brake Connector Flange Trunnion Drive Input power Waterproof wire
EM3A-10ALA242 
50W EM3A-A5ALA221 - EM3A-15ATB224 - EC3P-N9314-□□
Standard wire
Single phase AC 200V~240V
EM3A-A5ALA241  EM3A-15ATB244  Single phase / EC3P-B9314-□□
40mm Φ8 ED3L-A5A three phase AC
EM3A-A5ALA222 Aviation Plug 100mm Φ24 ED3L-15A
- EM3A-15ALB224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
Waterproof wire
EM3A-A5ALA242  1.5kW EM3A-15ALB244  EC3P-B9314-□□ EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)

EM3A-01ATA221 - EM3A-15DTB224 - EC3P-N9314-□□

Standard wire
EM3A-01ATA241  EM3A-15DTB244  three phase EC3P-B9314-□□
Aviation Plug 100mm Φ24 ED3L-15D
EM3A-01ATA222 - EM3A-15DLB224 - AC EC3P-N9314-□□
Waterproof wire
100W EM3A-01ATA242  Single phase AC 200V~240V 380V~440V
EM3A-15DLB244  EC3P-B9314-□□
40mm Φ8 ED3L-01A
EM3A-01ALA221 - EM3A-20ATB224 - EC3P-N9314-□□
Standard wire
EM3A-01ALA241  EM3A-20ATB244  three phase EC3P-B9314-□□
EM3A-01ALA222 Aviation Plug 100mm Φ24 ED3L-20A
- EM3A-20ALB224 - AC EC3P-N9314-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
Waterproof wire
EM3A-01ALA242  2.0kW 200V~240V EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
EM3A-20ALB244  EC3P-B9314-□□
EM3A-02ATA221 - EM3A-20DTB224 - EC3P-N9314-□□
Standard wire
EM3A-02ATA241  Single phase AC 200V~240V
EM3A-20DTB244  three phase EC3P-B9314-□□
ED3L-02A Aviation Plug 100mm Φ24 ED3L-20D
EM3A-02ATA222 - EM3A-20DLB224 - AC EC3P-N9314-□□
Waterproof wire
200W EM3A-02ATA242  EM3A-20DLB244 380V~440V EC3P-B9314-□□

60mm Φ14
EM3A-02ALA221 - EM3A-30DTA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□
Standard wire
Single phase / three phase AC
EM3A-02ALA241  ED3L-0404A EM3A-30DTA244  three phase EC3P-B9314-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
3.0kW Aviation Plug 130mm Φ28 ED3L-30D
EM3A-02ALA222 - EM3A-30DLA224 * - AC EC3P-N9314-□□ EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
Waterproof wire
EM3A-02ALA242  380V~440V EC3P-B9314-□□
EM3A-30DLA244 * 
EM3A-04ATA221 - EM3A-40DTA224 - EC3P-N9319-□□
Standard wire
EM3A-04ATA241 Single phase AC 200V~240V
 EM3A-40DTA244 EC3P-B9319-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
 three phase
EM3A-04ATA222 - 4.0kW Aviation Plug 130mm Φ28 ED3L-50D
EM3A-40DLA224 * - AC EC3P-N9319-□□ EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
Waterproof wire
400W EM3A-04ATA242  EM3A-40DLA244 *  380V~440V EC3P-B9319-□□
60mm Φ14
EM3A-04ALA221 - EM3A-50DTA224 - EC3P-N9319-□□
Standard wire
EM3A-04ALA241  Single phase / three phase AC EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
EM3A-50DTA244  three phase EC3P-B9319-□□
200V~240V Aviation Plug 130mm Φ28 ED3L-50D
EM3A-04ALA222 - 5.0kW AC EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
EM3A-50DLA224 * - EC3P-N9319-□□
Waterproof wire
EM3A-04ALA242  380V~440V
EM3A-50DLA244 *  EC3P-B9319-□□

15 16
EM3G | Medium inertia| 1500 r/min EM3J | Medium inertia | 3000 r/min
Power Motor model Brake Connector Flange Trunnion Drive Input power Power cable Encoder cable Power Motor model Brake Connector Flange Trunnion Drive Input power Power cable Encoder cable
EM3G-09ATA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ EM3J-02ATA221 - EC3P-N9118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
Aviation Plug Standard wire
EM3G-09ATA244  EC3P-B9314-□□ EM3J-02ATA241  EC3P-B9118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)
Single phase /
ED3L-10A three phase AC
EM3G-09ALA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□
EM3J-02ATA222 - Waterproof wire
EC3P-N9718-□□ EC3S-A1724-□□ (Including battery)
ED3L-1010A 200V~240V
Aviation Plug EM3J-02ATA242 ED3L-02A Single phase EC3S-I1724-□□ (No battery)
 EC3P-B9718-□□
EM3G-09ALA244  EC3P-B9314-□□ 60mm Φ14
EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery) 200W ED3L-0404A 200V~240V
850W 130mm Φ22 EM3J-02ALA221 - EC3P-N9118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-09DTA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ Standard wire
Aviation Plug EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery) EM3J-02ALA241 EC3P-B9118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)

EM3G-09DTA244  EC3P-B9314-□□
three phase AC EM3J-02ALA222 - EC3P-N9718-□□ EC3S-A1724-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-09DLA224 - 380V~440V EC3P-N9314-□□ Waterproof wire
Aviation Plug EM3J-02ALA242  EC3P-B9718-□□ EC3S-I1724-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-09DLA244  EC3P-B9314-□□
EM3J-04ATA221 - EC3P-N9118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-13ATA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ Standard wire
Aviation Plug EM3J-04ATA241  EC3P-B9118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-13ATA244  Single phase / EC3P-B9314-□□
ED3L-15A three phase AC
EM3J-04ATA222 - EC3P-N9718-□□ EC3S-A1724-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-13ALA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ Waterproof wire Single phase /
200V~240V ED3L-04A
Aviation Plug EM3J-04ATA242  three phase AC EC3P-B9718-□□ EC3S-I1724-□□ (No battery)
EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-13ALA244  EC3P-B9314-□□ 400W 60mm Φ14 ED3L-
1.3kW 130mm Φ22 EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
EM3J-04ALA221 - 200V~240V EC3P-N9118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-13DTA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ Standard wire
EM3J-04ALA241  EC3P-B9118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-13DTA244  three phase EC3P-B9314-□□
Aviation Plug EM3J-04ALA222 - EC3P-N9718-□□ EC3S-A1724-□□ (Including battery)
ED3L-15D AC Waterproof wire
EM3G-13DLA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□
380V~440V EM3J-04ALA242  EC3P-B9718-□□ EC3S-I1724-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-13DLA244  EC3P-B9314-□□
EM3J-08ATA221 - EC3P-N8118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-18ATA224 - EC3P-N9314-□□ Standard wire
EM3J-08ATA241  EC3P-B8118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-18ATA244  EC3P-B9314-□□
Aviation Plug
three phase EM3J-08ATA222 - EC3P-N8718-□□ EC3S-A1724-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-18ALA224 - AC EC3P-N9314-□□ Waterproof wire
EM3J-08ATA242 Single phase / EC3S-I1724-□□ (No battery)
 EC3P-B8718-□□
200V~240V three phase AC
EM3G-18ALA244  EC3P-B9314-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
750W 80mm Φ19 ED3L-
1.8kW 130mm Φ22 EM3J-08ALA221 - 200V~240V EC3P-N8118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-18DTA224 - EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
Standard wire 1010A
EC3P-N9314-□□ EM3J-08ALA241 EC3P-B8118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)

EM3G-18DTA244  Aviation Plug three phase AC EC3P-B9314-□□ EM3J-08ALA222 - EC3P-N8718-□□ EC3S-A1724-□□ (Including battery)
Waterproof wire
EM3G-18DLA224 - 380V~440V EC3P-N9314-□□ EM3J-08ALA242  EC3P-B8718-□□ EC3S-I1724-□□ (No battery)

EM3G-18DLA244  EC3P-B9314-□□ EM3J-10ATA221 - EC3P-N8118-□□

- ED3L-10A
EM3G-29DTA224 EC3P-N8214-□□ EM3J-10ATA241 EC3P-B8118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)
 Single phase /
EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery) Standard wire ED3L- three phase AC
EM3G-29DTA244  three phase EC3P-B8214-□□ EM3J-10ALA221 - EC3P-N8118-□□ EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)
2.9kW Aviation Plug 180mm Φ35 ED3L-30D 200V~240V
AC EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery) 1010A
EM3G-29DLA224 - EC3P-N8214-□□ EM3J-10ALA241 EC3P-B8118-□□
380V~440V 
EM3G-29DLA244  EC3P-B8214-□□ 1.0kW 80mm Φ19
EM3J-10DTA221 - EC3P-N8118-□□

EM3G-44DTA224 - EC3P-N9212-□□ EM3J-10DTA241 three phase

EC3P-B8118-□□ EC3S-A1124-□□ (Including battery)

three phase Standard wire ED3L-10D
EM3G-44DTA244  EC3P-B9212-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery) AC EC3S-I1124-□□ (No battery)
4.4kW Aviation Plug 180mm Φ35 ED3L-50D AC
EM3J-10DLA221 - EC3P-N8118-□□

EM3G-44DLA224 - 380V~440V
EC3P-N9212-□□ EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery) EM3J-10DLA241 380V~440V

EM3G-44DLA244  EC3P-B9212-□□

EM3G-55DTA224 - EC3P-N9212-□□
EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)
EM3G-55DTA244  three phase EC3P-B9212-□□
5.5kW Aviation Plug 180mm Φ42 ED3L-75D AC EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-55DLA224 - EC3P-N9212-□□

EM3G-55DLA244  EC3P-B9212-□□

EM3G-75DTA224 - EC3P-N9211-□□

EM3G-75DTA244  EC3P-B9211-□□ EC3S-A1924-□□ (Including battery)

7.5kW three phase
Aviation Plug 180mm Φ42 ED3L-75D
EM3G-75DLA224 - AC EC3P-N9211-□□ EC3S-I1924-□□ (No battery)
EM3G-75DLA244  EC3P-B9211-□□

17 18
E M 3 L |High inertia |1 0 0 0 r/m i n
Power Motor model Brake Connector Flange Trunnion Drive Input power Power cable Encoder cable


EM3L-10DLA244 
Aviation Plug

130mm Φ22 ED3L-10D

T h ree p hase A C

E C 3 S - A 1 9 2 4 - □ □ (Including battery)

E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery)

E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery)

EM3L-10DTA224 - 3 8 0 V ~4 4 0 V EC3P-N9314-□□
Aviation Plug
EM3L-10DTA244  EC3P-B9314-□□ E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery)

EM3L-20DLA224 - EC3P-N9212-□□ E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery)

Aviation Plug
EM3L-20DLA244  T h ree phase A C EC3P-B9212-□□ E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery)
2k W 180mm Φ35 ED3L-20D
EM3L-20DTA224 - 3 8 0 V ~4 4 0 V EC3P-N9212-□□ E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery)
Aviation Plug
EM3L-20DTA244  EC3P-B9212-□□ E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery)

E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery)

E n c oder cable
EM3L-30DLA224 EC3P-N9212-□□
Aviation Plug
EM3L-30DLA244  T h ree ph a se A C EC3P-B9212-□□ E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery)
3kW 180mm Φ35 ED3L-30D
EM3L-30DTA224 - 380V~440V EC3P-N9212-□□ E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery)
Aviation Plug
EM3L-30DTA244  EC3P-B9212-□□ E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery) EC3S-I1124-□□(Incremental) EC3S-A1124 - □□ (Absolute)
E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery) Motor side Driver side Motor side Driver side
EM3L-40DLA224 - EC3P-N9211-□□
Aviation Plug
T h ree p hase A C E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery)
EM3L-40DLA244  ED3L-50D
EC3P-B9211-□□ This end
is visible
This end
is visible This end This end
4k W 180mm Φ42 is visible is visible
3 8 0 V ~4 4 0 V E C 3 S -A1924-□□ (Including battery)
EM3L-40DTA224 - EC3P-N9211-□□

1 2 3

2 4 6 8 10
Aviation Plug 4 5 6 1

7 8 1 3 5 7 3
2 4 6 8 10
E C 3 S -I1924-□□ (No battery) 1 2 3
EM3L-40DTA244  EC3P-B9211-□□ 7 9

4 5 6
7 8 1 3 5 7
Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour 7 9

1 S+ blue 7 S+ blue
Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour
2 S- blue/black 8 S- blue/black
1 S+ blue 7 S+ blue
3 BAT+ yellow BAT+ yellow

4 MA+ green 5 MA+ green
2 S- blue/black 8 S- blue/black

5 MA- green/black 6 MA- green/black 3 BAT+ yellow BAT+ yellow

6 PG5V red 1 PG5V red 4 5

7 PG0V black 2 PG0V black 5 6

Note: 1、“-”Represents a model without brakes,Indicates a model with brakes。 8 BAT- yellow/black 10 BAT- yellow/black 6 PG5V red 1 PG5V red

FG - Shell FG - 7 PG0V black 2 PG0V black

2、Encoder cable with battery is selected by default,If there is no absolute demand,You can select the battery free cable model。 8 BAT- yellow/black 10 BAT- yellow/black

3、□□ in the cable model indicates the length.Standard length: 1M5(1.5m)、03(3m)、 05(5m)、08(8m)、10(10m)、 12(12m)、15(15m)、20(20m)。 Flexible FG - Shell FG -

cables are optional, marked with -Rx. For example, the model of EC3P-N9118-03 flexible cable is EC3P-N9118-RX-03. yellow/black + yellow-

Example: EC3P-N9118-03 Shielded cable model: EC3P-N9118-SS-03。

4、The selection of I / O plug is determined by the driver: EtherCAT / PN driver product: 26 pin plug (sm-26J).Pulse driver products :50-pin plug (SM-50J)。

5、Optional debugging cable model: USB communication cable MINI USB- double magnetic ring shielding -1M5。
EC3S-I1724-□□(Incremental) EC3S-A1724-□□(Absolute )
6、Optional communication cable model: DK-HSB-RJ45-CAT5E-XX。

Motor side Driver side Motor side Driver side

This end
This end
is visible
is visible
This end This end
is visible is visible

6 5 4 6 5 4
2 4 6 8 10
7 3 7 3 2 4 6 8 10
8 2 1 3 5 7 8 2
1 1 1 3 5 7

Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour Needleno Signal name colour

1 S+ 7 S+ blue 1 S+ blue 7 S+ blue

2 S- 8 S- blue/black 2 S- blue/black 8 S- blue/black

3 BAT+ BAT+ yellow 3 BAT+ yellow BAT+ yellow

4 MA+ 5 MA+ green 4 5

5 MA- 6 MA- green/black 5 6


6 PG5V 1 PG5V red 1 PG5V red
red 6


7 PG0V 2 PG0V black 7 2 PG0V black

8 BAT- 10 BAT- yellow/black 8 BAT- yellow/black 10 BAT- yellow/black

FG - Shell FG - FG - Shell FG -

yellow/black - + yellow

19 20
EC3S-I1924-□□(Incremental) EC3S-A1924-□□(Absolute )
EC3P-N9718-□□(No brake, ) EC3P-B9718-□□(With brake,)
Motor side Driver side Motor side Driver side
This end
This end is visible Motor side Driver side
is visible

This end This end

Motor side Driver side
This end is visible is visible V
is visible W
This end U
is visible V B1
2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10 W B2

1 3 5 7 FG 3
1 3 5 7 9 4 6 2
5 1

3 2

Needleno Signalname colour Needleno Signalname colour

4 1 U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡
Needle no Signalname colour Needle no Signalname colour Needleno Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour
1 S+ blue 7 S+ blue 1 U brown 1 U brown
1 S+ blue 7 S+ blue

U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡
2 S- blue/black 8 S- blue/black Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour 2 V grey 2 V grey
2 S- blue/black 8 S- blue/black
3 BAT+ yellow BAT+ yellow 1 U brown 1 U brown
3 BAT+ yellow 9 BAT+ yellow 3 W black 3 W black

4 BAT- yellow/black 10 BAT- yellow/black

4 BAT- yellow/black 10 BAT- yellow/black 2 V grey 2 V grey 4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green

8 PG5V red 1 PG5V red
3 W 3 W
8 PG5V red 1 PG5V red black black 5 B1 white 5 B1 white

7 PG0V 2 PG0V

black red
7 PG0V black 2 PG0V red 4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green 6 B2 green 6 B2 green
10 FG Shell FG
10 FG Shell FG B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡

blue/black + yellow -

P o w e r cable

EC3P-N9118-□□(No brake) EC3P-B9118-□□(With brake) EC3P-N8118-□□(No brake) EC3P-B8118-□□(With brake)

Motor side Driver side Motor side Driver side

Motor side Driver side
Motor side Driver side U
This end U This end
V is visible V is visible
W B1 W B1
This end This end
is visible
is visible FG B2
1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 56
1 2 1 2
3 4 U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡ 3 4 U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡
Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour

U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡

1 U brown 1 U brown U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡ 1 U brown 1 U brown
Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour
2 V grey 2 V grey 2 V grey 2 V grey
1 U brown 1 U brown
1 U brown 1 U brown
3 W black 3 W black
3 W black 3 W black
2 V grey 2 V grey 2 V grey 2 V grey
4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green
4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green
3 W black 3 W black 5 B1 white 5 B1 white
3 W black 3 W black
6 B2 green 6 B2 5 B1 white 5 B1 white

4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green
green 4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green
6 B2 green 6 B2 green
B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡
B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡

21 22
P o w e r cable P o w e r cable

EC3P-N8718-□□(No brake) EC3P-B8718-□□(With brake) EC3P-N8214-□□(No brake) EC3P-B8214-□□(With brake)

Motor side Driver side

Motor side Driver side Motor side Driver side U

Motor side Driver side This end U U
is visible V
W B1
This end U
is visible B2
B1 FG This end
is visible
4 6 2 This end
5 1 is visible
3 2
4 1
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡
Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour

1 U brown 1 U brown
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :1m㎡ U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :2m㎡
Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour
2 V grey 2 V grey Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour

1 U brown 1 U brown Crimping

3 W black 3 W black A U brown terminal U brown
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :2m㎡
2 V grey 2 V grey
4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green Needle no Signal name colour Needle no Signal name colour
B V grey
V grey
3 W black 3 W black Crimping
5 B1 white 5 B1 white A U brown U brown Crimping
terminal C W black terminal W black
4 FG yellow/green 4 FG yellow/green
6 B2 green 6 B2 green B V grey
V grey Crimping
terminal D FG yellow/green
terminal FG yellow/green
B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡ C W black
terminal W black 1 B1 white B1 white
D FG yellow/green
terminal FG yellow/green
2 B2 green B2 green

B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡

EC3P-N9314-□□(No brake) EC3P-B9314-□□(With brake) EC3P-N9212-□□(No brake) EC3P-B9212-□□(With brake)

Motor side Driver side

Motor side Driver side Motor side Driver side
Motor side Driver side U
B1 W
This end FG B1
is visible
This end
is visible This end
H This end is visible
A G is visible
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :2m㎡
Needleno Signal name colour Needleno Signal name colour
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :2m㎡ U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :4m㎡
Needleno Signal name colour Needleno Signal name colour B U brown 1 U brown U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :4m㎡ Needleno Signalname colour Needleno Signalname colour
Needleno Signalname colour Needleno Signal name colour
B U brown 1 U brown I V grey 2 V grey A. U brown
U brown
Crimping terminal
A. U brown terminal U brown
I V grey 2 V grey F W black 3 W black B. V grey Crimping
V grey
Crimping terminal
B. V grey
terminal V grey
F W black 3 W black C FG yellow/green Crimping
terminal FG yellow/green C. W black Crimping
W black
Crimping terminal
C. W black
terminal W black
C FG yellow/green
terminal FG yellow/green D FG D FG yellow/green Crimping FG yellow/green
Crimping terminal
Short wiring: wire BVR1.5m㎡ D FG yellow/green
FG yellow/green
D FG G B1 white B1 white 1 B1 white B1 white
Short wiring: wire BVR1.5m㎡
H B2 green B2 green 2 B2 green B2 green

B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡ B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡

EC3P-N9319-□□(No brake) EC3P-B9319-□□(With brake) EC3P-N9211-□□(No brake) EC3P-B9211-□□(With brake)

Motor side Driver side

Motor side Driver side
Motor side Driver side U Motor side Driver side
W B1
This end FG B2
is visible
This end
This end is visible
is visible H This end
A G is visible
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :3.5m㎡
Needleno Signal name colour Needleno Signal name colour U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :5m㎡
Needleno Signalname colour Needleno Signalname colour
Needleno Signal name colour
U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :3.5m㎡ B U brown
U brown U, V, W, FG recommended cable diameter :5m㎡
Needleno Signal name colour Crimping
Needleno Signal name colour Needleno Signalname colour A. U brown U brown
Crimping I V grey
V grey
B U brown U brown terminal
Crimping Crimping
terminal A. U brown U brown B. V grey V grey
Crimping F W black Crimping
W black terminal terminal
I V grey V grey
Crimping Crimping
terminal B. V grey V grey C. W black W black
Crimping C FG yellow/green Crimping FG yellow/green terminal terminal
F W black W black terminal
Crimping Crimping
terminal C. W black W black D FG yellow/green FG yellow/green
Crimping D FG terminal terminal
C FG yellow/green FG yellow/green
terminal Short wiring: wire BVR1.5m㎡ D FG yellow/green FG yellow/green 1 B1 white B1 white
G B1 white B1 white terminal
Short wiring: wire BVR1.5m㎡ 2 B2 green B2 green
H B2 green B2 green
B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡
B1,B2recommended cable diameter:0.5m㎡

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