Service Manual Dragon Lab Shaker

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Chapter 1 Working Principle .......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Instrument Description ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Composition ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Removal and Installation of Instrument .............................................................................. 5
Chapter 2 Analysis of Common Problems .................................................................................... 10
2.1 No operation response (LCD off) ....................................................................................... 10
2.2 The instruments does not move ......................................................................................... 12
2.3 LCD display garbled characters ........................................................................................ 13
2.4 Instrument speed is not accurate...................................................................................... 14

Chapter 1 Working Principle

1.1 Instrument Description

振荡板 Plate

速度显示屏 时间显示屏 速度调节按钮

Speed control 定时调节按钮
Speed Display Time Display Timer knob

Fig. 1

Shaker carries an object to conduct linear or circular motion at different speeds, and then mix
the material.

Fig. 1 is the schematic diagram of Shaker SK-O330-Pro. There are Speed display, Time
display, speed control knob, and timer knob on instrument control panel; power switch, on
the side of instrument; After properly connect the power cord and turn on power switch, users
set experimental conditions on the control panel by speed control knob and timer knob, and
real-time observe parameters setting values and actual values on screen.

1.2 Composition


Upper Guard

3 Base Module

4 Motor Module

5 Rocker Module

Fig. 4

21 Window 1
20 LCD board 1
19 Rocker Panel 1
18 Turnplate 1
17 Bearing 3
16 Eccentric Axis 1
15 Support 1
14 Power Board 1
13 Master Control Board 1
12 Power Board 1
11 Motor Board 1
10 Base 1
9 Motor 1
8 Counterweight 1
7 Pulley 1
6 Shrapnel 4
5 Encoder 2
4 Knob 2
3 Upper Guard 1
2 Switch 1
1 Rocker Plate 1

Fig. 5

Fig. 4 illustrates the separated structural components of SK-O330-Pro, and Fig. 5 is the
Exploded View of SK-O330-Pro. Base Modules include Base, Power Board, Master Control
Board, Driver PCB etc.; Motor Modules: motor, Counterweight, Support, Eccentric Axis,
Bearing, Turnplate etc.; Rocker Module: Rocker Plate, Rocker Panel, Shrapnel, Bracket etc.;
Upper Guard Module: Upper Guard, LCD PCB, Knob etc.

 Power supply: 220/110V → power outlets → PCB → system control power supply

 Movement: motor drives Movement Module to rotate. According to a different lock

screw location on Rocker Plate, the movement pattern of shaker is different.

 Speed feedback: the motor speed is accurately measured by the Shaft Encoder fixed on
the motor along with photoelectric switch and a feedback is given.

 LCD display: LCD PCB is connected to Master Control Board and displays user’s
settings and current equipment operation information.

1.3 Removal and Installation of Instrument

When instrument failure occurs, first, you should conduct a failure analysis; if the failure is
caused by the damage of instrument hardware, the related component must be repaired or
replaced. Here are the relevant contents of the replacement and disassembly of instrument.

a. Removal

Step 1:

Turn the instrument upside down,

remove the screws at the red circle

Step 2:

Remove the screws marked by red

circles for retention
(SK-O330-Pro). For linear shaker
(SK-L330-Pro), remove the screws
marked by green circles for

Step 3:

Lift the Upper Guard from the

right, and pull out 3 ribbon cables
at the red ellipse icon;

Step 4:

Turn the Upper Guard upside down

as shown in the Figure, and place it
on the clean desktop. The places
marked by the red circles are the
positions of pillar cushion of
circular shaker (SK-O330-Pro); The
places marked by the green circles
are the positions of pillar cushion of
linear shaker (SK-O330-Pro);

b. Circuit Connections (SK-O330-Pro)

Step 1:
Motro Board
24V Power Supply 驱动电路板
Circuit connections are
performed at the red circle
icon. Before close the Upper
Guard and install instrument,
please carefully check the
cable is correctly connected;

5V Power Supply
Master Control

c. Replacement of Motor Board

Step 1:
Motro Board
24V Power Supply 驱动电路板
Replace each PCB as shown.
Note, do not plug terminals
into the wrong place;

5V Power Supply
Master Control
液晶电路板 Board

d. Replacement of Motor Module

Step 1:

Remove the fixing screws of

Bracket Module marked by red
circles by using tools and keep
them to be properly preserved,
as shown in the figure;

Step 2:

Remove the screws marked by

red circles by the use of tools
for retention, and then remove
Bracket Module;

Step 3:

Remove the screws marked by

red circles by the using tools
for retention, to replace Motor

e. Replacement of the photoelectronic switch

Step 1:

Unplug the cable marked by

red circles on MS-Motro
Board, as shown in figure;

Step 2:

When you replaced new

photoelectronic switch, the
Shaft Encoder on the motor
must match with
photoelectronic switch. When
motor is turning, Shaft Encoder
cannot be frictional contact
with Photoelectronic. After
Shaft Encoder is in place, lock
it with screws.

f. Replacement of Counterweight

Step 1:

After have removed Bracket

Module, remove the fixing
screws of counterweight
marked by red circles by the
use of tools and keep them to
be properly preserved, as
shown in the figure;

Step 2:

Remove the belt, replace new

Counterweight Belt
配重 皮带

Chapter 2 Analysis of Common Problems

2.1 No operation response (LCD off)

a. Check under power off

Step 1: Power cord connection

Check if the power cord is

firmly plugged;

Step 2: Power Switch

Check if the power switch is

turned on. It should be placed
in "—" position (the off status
is shown in the figure);

Step 3: Fuse

In off status, inspect tube fuse

status. Tube fuse can be
removed using the tool and
check if the fuse is blown. If
blown, replace with a new tube

b. Check under booting

Step 1: Connect ribbon cable

In accordance with removal

method to disassemble the
instrument, check if the cable
was connected correctly;

Step 2: 24V power supply

As shown in the figure, use

multimeter to test 24V power
supply terminal marked by the
red circle on MS-Motro Board.
If its voltage is not within 24V
±1%, replace 24V power
supply strip marked by green

Step 3: 5V power supply

As shown in the figure, use

multimeter to test 5V power
supply terminal marked by the
red circle on MS-Motor Board.
If its voltage is not within 5V
±1%, replace 5V power supply
strip marked by green circle;

Step 4: LCD PCB

If the problem remains

unresolved, replace LCD PCB
marked by the red circle;

2.2 The instruments does not move

a. Check under not booting

Step 1: Settings check

After LCD has been lit, make

sure that you have rotated the
left knob to set a target speed,
and the Stir speed indicator is
on. After having performed
such steps, the instrument does
not still stir, you need to check
under booting;

b. Check under booting

Step 1: Check 24V power strip

As shown in the figure, use

multimeter to test 24V power
supply terminal marked by the
red circle on MS-Motro Board.
If its voltage is not within 24V
±1%, replace 24V power
supply strip marked by green

Step 2: Detection of moving

Visually inspect if the steel

Counterweight Belt strip of Bracket Module is
配重 皮带
broken. If no problem, remove
the Bracket Module and
visually inspect if the belt is
loose or out of position. After
the motor is powered on,
examine whether it is running,
and the belt drives
counterweight to rotate. If
Bracket Module, belt, and
counterweight has no problem
after visual inspection, you
need to replace the motor and
MS-Motro Board.

2.3 LCD display garbled characters

Step 1:
24V Power Supply Motro Board
Replace the Master Control
Board to examine whether the
failure has been eliminated;

5V Power Supply
Master Control

2.4 Instrument speed is not accurate

Step 1: Check Photosensor


Check if Photosensor is
reliable connection with and
MS-Motro Board, as shown in

Step 2: Check Photosensor


Check if Photosensor plate

welding wire is open circuit,
and check whether the fixed
screws of Photosensor are
loose. Adjust Photosensor
position and fix Photosensor. If
the problem remains
unresolved, replace


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