Torrens Application

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Information is collected on this form in order to meet the University’s obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislative framework, and to ensure student compliance with
the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the ESOS Act 2000, the ESOS Regulations 2001 and
the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Provides of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007. Information collected about you in this form and during your enrolment can
be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS) Director. In other instances, information collected on
this form or during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised by law. Please read Torrens University Australia’s Privacy Statement which describes how the University uses
and protects your personal information.

Title: Mr. Mrs. Miss. Other. Gender: Male
Male Female

Family Name: Chevvakula

Given Names:

Preferred Name: Sanjay

Date of Birth: 03-11-1999

Country of Birth: India

Country of Citizenship: Indian

Passport Number: U8123324

Will you be applying for your Australian Student Visa : Offshore (outside Australia)
Onshore (within Australia)
If you currently hold an Australian Visa

please provide a copy with your application Visa Expiry: (DD/MM/YYYY):


All applicants must demonstrate an acceptable level of English language to gain admission to Torrens
University Australia. Please refer to our English Language Proficiency requirements, answer the following
questions and provide certified evidence if required.

Is English your first language? Yes No, my first language is: Telugu

How well do you speak English?

Very Well Well Not Well Not at All

Have you completed an English language proficiency test?* Yes No

What is your IELTS level? (IELTS band): 6.5

*Note that your English Language Proficiency Test must be no more than two years old at the time of commencement of your
program and a certified copy of results must be provided.

Current Employment Status

Full-time employee Employed - unpaid worker in family business

Employer Unemployed seeking full time work
Part time employee Unemployed seeking part time work
Self-employed Not employed and not seeking employment

Main reason for undertaking course:

To get a job To develop my existing business To start my own business

To try for a different career To get a better job or better promotion

It was a requirement of my job I wanted extra skills for my job

To get into another course of study Other Reasons For personal interest or self development.

Are you in Australia? Yes No Year of Arrival in Australia:

Do you have any pre-existing learning difficulties, disabilities or other conditions, for which additional
assistance will be required? Yes No

(If yes, please attach all relevant documents to your application. This information will be confidential and will not affect your
admission to the area of study for which you are applying.)

Are you still attending secondary school? Yes No

Did you complete year 12 in Australia? Yes No ATAR/UAI/OP score:

What is your highest completed education level? BTECH

Year of completion: 2021

Please list all studies you have undertaken including high school, bridging/preparation course, Vocational and
Education Training courses, and university or college. Certified copies of qualifications and transcripts, including a
certified translation if the original documents are not in English, must be attached to this application.

Course / Program Institution Start Date End Date


Educational Qualifications of Parents

Parent 1:

Parent 2:

Have you ever been excluded from a course/program and/or institution? Yes No
(If yes, attach details including effective dates)

Which location would you like to enrol at?
Sydney Adelaide Melbourne Brisbane Online

What is the name of the course you would like to study?

When would you like to commence? February 2017 June 2017 September 2017 February 2018

Course fees, dates, delivery options and course codes including codes for vocational courses can be found
on the Schedule of Fees and Dates form at
*Not all courses are available at all campuses. Please refer to the appropriate International Course Guide.

Do you wish to apply for Course Credit: Yes No

(based on previous academic study or informal learning)?
If yes, please complete the Credit Transfer Request Form and attach to this application together with the certified documentation
as advised in the form. If unknown, please contact your International Recruitment Manager to find out if any prior learning you have
completed will assist in a credit transfer.

Permanent overseas address:

City: State: Postcode:

Country: Overseas Phone:

Australian Address (must be provided - can be agent or similar):


City: State: Postcode:

Telephone: Mobile Phone:

Email (please print clearly)

Emergency Contact

Name: Relationship:

Emergency Contact Number:


If you are applying through an agent, you should ensure that your agent is registered with Torrens
University Australia to avoid delays in your application.

Name of Overseas Representative (Agent)

Name: Email:

Country: Phone Number:

1. I declare that all the information submitted on this application form is correct and complete.

2. I acknowledge that I have read and understood Torrens University Australia’s “privacy statement”

3. I authorise Torrens University Australia to obtain official records from any educational institution
previously attended by me.

4. I authorise Torrens University Australia to complete an online Visa check using eVEVO.

5. I understand that if I have appointed an overseas representative (agent), I have authorised the
University to release personal information and visa documentation relevant to my application to that
particular overseas representative.

6. I understand that enrolment in Torrens University Australia will require compliance with the provisions
established by the Australian Government for fee-paying overseas students which include the following:

i. Temporary entry to Australia, if granted, will be for study purposes only.

ii. I will be permitted to continue my study in Australia only if I make satisfactory

progress in my program.

iii. I understand I must inform the University of my Australian residential address

and telephone number at time of enrolment.

iv. I will promptly advise the University of any changes to these details while
enrolled at Torrens University Australia.

7. As a condition of admission, I agree to be bound by Torrens University Australia’s policies and

procedures that are in effect at the time of my enrolment as they may be updated from time to time.

8. I acknowledge that by submitting this application, I am agreeing to be contacted by Torrens

University Australia or its agents by email, telephone, text or pre-recorded message about its
programs and offers. I am able to unsubscribe from this mailing list at anytime by emailing

I have read and understood the above conditions and accept them fully.
(Must be signed personally by applicant, not the applicant’s representative)



If you are under 18 at the time of applying, the signature of a Parent or Guardian is also required.



Please ensure you complete the checklist as assessment of your application will be delayed without
full information.
Check that you have:

Completed Application Form

Completed Genuine Temporary Entrant Form

Attached certified copies of all required documentation

Equivalent of the Australian year 12 (High School Certificate, Secondary School Certificate)

Certified English translations of all required documentation

Current Passport

Visa (If in Australia already)

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) (If in Australia already)

English Test Results (If applicable)

Attached certified English translations of all required documentation

Signed the declaration (page 4 of this form)

Provided an email address and Australian phone number

Credit Transfer Form (If applicable) Transcripts must be attached with this form

Portfolio Submission - electronic file preferable (Applicable only for Media Design Applications)

CV which must have a minimum of 3 years work experience (Applicable only for Masters Courses or 1
year for MBA Advanced)


Please forward your application to:

Torrens University Australia

GPO Box 2025

Telephone: +61 8 8113 7888


Or through an authorised representative (Agent)

Successful applicants will be sent an offer of place which must be signed and
returned to International Admissions, along with payment of a tuition deposit. Once
payment has been received, a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be issued and this
is the document required for processing your Student Visa application.

The following guidelines are applicable to the certification of any documents being submitted to the University.

What is a certified document?

A certified document is a scanned copy of photocopy of an original document, which is certified by an
authorised certifier to show this it is an authentic copy of the original document.

How to certify a document

Authorised certifier to show that this is an authentic copy of the original document:
• Write “I certify this to be a true copy of the original document sighted by me”
• Sign and date the document
• Include their full name
• Indicate the capacity to certify documents (e.g. their profession or occupation)
• Provide details that will allow the University to contact them, if necessary

A Justice of the Peace should include their ID number and the State or Territory in which they are registered.
For multipage documents, certifiers may sign or initial each page, and number each page in the manner
“page 1 of 40”, “page 2 of 40” etc. and certify the last page as above, rather than endorsing each page.

Who can certify documents within Australia?

Medical Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Dentist, Chiropractor; Pharmacist,

Health Professionals
Optometrist, Physiotherapist

Legal Professionals Barrister, Solicitor, Patent Attorney

Police Officer, Bailiff, Sheriff, Sheriff’s Officer, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public,
Court and Law Judge, Magistrate, Registrar or Deputy Registrar, Clerk or Master of a court, CEO
Enforcement Positions of a Commonwealth court. Commissioner for Affidavits or Commissioner for
Declarations (dependent on jurisdictions).

Government Federal, State or Local Government

Representatives elected representatives

Public Servants Federal, State or Local Government – employed for five years or more

Bank Officer, building society officer, credit union officer, finance company officer
Finance Professionals – employed for five years or more. Accountant (member of ICA, ASA, NIA or CPA,

Members of Member of the Governance Institute of Australia, Engineers Australia (other than at
Professional Associations the grade of a student), Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

An Officer or Warrant Officer in the Australian Defence Force, or a non-

commissioned officer with five years of continuous service. Minister of Religion or
Other Professions
Marriage Celebrant, Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation, Teacher (full time) at
a school or tertiary education institution, Veterinary Surgeon

Outside Australia, the following people are authorised to certify documents:

The official records department of the institution that originally issued the documents
• An Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer
• Employees of the Commonwealth or the Australian Trade Commission who work outside of Australia
• Registrars of institutions who are members of the Laureate International Universities network.
• Registered agents of Torrens University Australia


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