Video Analyis Part
Video Analyis Part
Video Analyis Part
To convert a single recorded video into multiple formats (H.264, H.265, H.266,
VP9) using FFmpeg, with variable bitrates and quantization parameters (QP), you
can follow these steps. Each combination of format, bitrate, and QP will require its
own FFmpeg command.
Step-by-Step Guide
Parameters Explained
i input.mp4 : Input file path.
H.264: libx264
H.265: libx265
H.266: libvvc
VP9: libvpx-vp9
b:v <bitrate> : Set target bitrate. Example values: 500k , 1500k , 3000k .
Repeat for all combinations of bitrate (low, average, high) and QP (22, 32, 37, 42).
4. VP9 Conversion
declare -A codecs=( ["h264"]="libx264" ["h265"]="libx265" ["h
266"]="libvvc" ["vp9"]="libvpx-vp9" )
bitrates=("500k" "1500k" "3000k")
qps=("22" "32" "37" "42")