Chem Project

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This is to certify that Mamta Choudhary of class XI has successfully

completed her project on topic Childhood under the guidance of Mrs.

Shreelekha Chitnis during the academic year 2023-2024 as per the

guidelines issued by the CBSE

Teacher’s sign : Student’s sign:

_____________ __________


Principal’s Signature

(Ms. Monika Chhabra)

For successfully completing my project file, I
have taken help from the following website

 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
Sr. No Topic Page No

1. Introduction

2. Acknowledgement

3. Certificate

4. Introduction
 Need of water
 Purification of water
 Need for stable
5. Theory
 Bleaching powder
and its preparation
6. Experiment
 Requirements
 Apparatus
 Procedure
7. Observation

8. result

9. Bibliography

Name: ______________________

Class: _______________________

Subject: _______________________

Submitted to:

School: ____________________

A big thank you to everyone who supported and aided me

during my project. Your contributions were invaluable.

I am extremely grateful to my Chemistry teacher Mrs. Vibhavri

for their invaluable guidance, supervision, and provision of
essential project information. Additionally, I extend my sincere
appreciation to our principal for affording me the opportunity to
work on this project.

With gratitude, I extend my heartfelt thanks to my parents,

friends, and team members whose unwavering support and
coordination have been pivotal to the success of this project
 Need of water

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