Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
1. Energy storage systems play an important
role in modern energy systems and power
2. At present, any storage technology cannot
exhibit a wide band of characteristics.
3. To improve existing characteristics,
energy storage units with multiple energy
storage technologies can be combined.
4. This is known as hybridization of energy
storage systems.
Key Important Characteristics of an Energy
Storage System
1. Energy density
Energy density is the amount of energy in a region of a space
in a given volume.
2. Power density
Power density is the amount of power per unit volume.
3. Lifetime
Number of cycles or period that energy storage system can
perform with its specifications under a specified tolerance
introduced by the manufacturer.
There can be different types of power and energy
demands in a system.
1. Steady state demands
Average demand throughout a considerably large
period is known as steady state demand.
2. Peak demands
Demands in scale of 100% to 1000% of average
demand during short time intervals depending on
3. Transient demands
Demands during fault conditions and excessive
overload conditions for very short time durations.
Existing energy storage technologies
1. Chemical batteries
( Lead acid, Li-ion, NiMH, Na-ion, NaS etc.)
2. Super-capacitors/Ultracapacitors
4. Flow batteries
5. Fuel cells
Energy density vs Power density
Why Hybrid Energy Storage systems ?
• Increasing power capacity of a storage system could end
up increasing storage capacity and cost unnecessarily,
where total energy capacity may not be fully utilized.
HESS Architectures
Two or more energy storage technologies can be
combined to create a HESS. HESS with two
technologies is most popular method due to several
Possible architectures of ultracapacitor/battery
Advantages of using DC/DC converters to
integrate energy storage devices
1. Enhance controllability of storage system.
2. Energy management systems can be employed to
control power flows.
3. Controlled voltage mode or controlled current mode
4. Enhance the utilization of each storage system.
5. Higher system reliability and redundancy.
6. More complicated power handling capability. (during
transient events)
7. Inherit protection for storage system. (minimized cost for
additional protection switchgear)
The architectures shown in (g) and (h) the most
popular configurations. These separate DC/DC
converters provide individual control of power flow
and energy of the two distinct storage
Categorization of Energy Storage
Technologies for HESS
Slow response/ Medium Fast response/ High
High energy response/Moderate power density/ Low
capacity energy energy density
power capacity
(A) (B) (C)
Flow batteries Chemical batteries Ultracapacitors
Mostly (A) and (B) technologies are hybridized with (C) to improve
power density and response time.
Flow Battery
Applications of HESS
HESS classification for microgrids (picture courtesy to Salman Hajiaghasi)
Structure of a DC microgrid with HESS (picture courtesy to Wenlong Jing)
Mining and container handling equipment
Hauling equipment used in container terminals and open pit mines
Power demand of a rubber tire gantry crane (..)
HESS proposed for rubber tire gantry crane(..)
Fuel cell (FC) applications
HESS Energy Management Strategies
1. State Machine Control Strategy
2. Classical PI Control Strategy
3. Frequency Decoupling and State Machine
Control Strategy
4. Equivalent Consumption Minimization
Strategy (ECMS)
Hybridized storage systems have wide range of
applications due to their improved
Energy management systems play a key role to
provide power in optimistic way in HESS.
Bi-directional DC/DC converters are essential for
integration of energy management system.
HESS can save significant amount of capital
cost compared single energy storage device in
selected applications.
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