2009-Compact Model
2009-Compact Model
2009-Compact Model
We have tested the ability of our method against a direct In this work we propose using genetic algorithms (GA) as
extraction method to give back some known results. The test the extraction method. This technique (GA) has been
consists in fitting I-V characteristics of an organic photovoltaic extensively used in FET modeling ([8],[9],[10]). The main
solar cell obtained from randomly generated parameters. The advantage of using it instead of other global extraction
accuracy and the reliability of the results are much higher, methods is that no assumption is made about the values of the
particularly concerning the reverse saturation current. parameters.
The time needed to perform the extraction of each set of parameters.
parameter is around 100s in a PC with a dual core processor, at
3.5GHz with 2GB RAM.
The paper iS organized in five sections. After this
introduction, Section 2 presents the solar cell model. Section 3
describes the parameter extraction procedure. Section 4
I. INTRODUCTION compares the ability of our procedure with a direct one in
Description of illuminated solar behavior, as it is required in extracting the parameters of an OPV solar cell. Finally,
simulating generation systems, can be achieved by a lumped Section 5 provides the main conclusions of the paper.
parameter equivalent circuit containing four elements: a light-
generated current source, a p-n junction diode and two
parasitic resistances [1]. Essential system performance
parameters like fill factor, short circuit current or open circuit Most semiconductor solar cells are based on single p-n
voltage can be extracted from the model for different operating junctions. Description of cell behavior can therefore be given
conditions. Thus it is important being able to extract the in terms of a very simple model based on the diode equation
parameter values. In fact, being able to perform a correct [1]. Applying superposition principle the cell current
parameter extraction is a great step in assessing the capabilities depending upon the bias voltage and the illumination
of a particular technology. conditions may be expressed as
The mathematical description of the current voltage (I-V)
characteristics in this circuit has been given traditionally by an Ic =Dk (bias) + IPh (light) (1)
implicit transcendental equation, but it can be explicitly
described ([1], [2]) using the Lambert function. However, it The light-generated current, IPh, is independent of the bias
still remains unsuitable for the purpose of extracting the model conditions. The dark current, IDk, is related to the junction
parameters directly by numerical fitting. voltage, V., by the non-ideal diode equation
Many different methods have been proposed ([4],[5],[6],[7])
to extract the model parameters from the measured I-V IDk = [exp(Vj / n VLh)-1] (2)
characteristics. Most of them represent approximate
procedures to make the I-V characteristics analytically where I, is the reverse saturation current, n the quality factor
manageable, extracting each parameter from restricted regions and Vth is the thermal voltage, Vh = kT / q . Different
of the I-V characteristics where some other parameter is
assumed to be negligible. These approaches may work as long vausothmdeprmtrsnndI.Trfreanie
as distinct regions are actually present in the characteristics, assignment of fit results corresponding to the physical origin
This iS not the case when considerable parasitic series Of one recombination mechanism is not possible.
resistance or shunt conductance is present, as in organic
Rs I A. Direct Methods
Most of the methods proposed ([4],[5],[8]) to extract the
model parameters from the measured current-voltage
}7AVW' nRLi characteristics, represent approximate procedures to make the
f IPh RP RL I-V characteristics analytically manageable, extracting each
I ~~~parameter from restricted regions of the I-V characteristics
l__________________ _where some other parameter are assumed to be negligible.
Fig. 1 Generic solar cell equivalent circuit including a load resistance RL. 10 Region 11
Rp, Iph, with errors less than 1%. The error in the other
variables is bigger, getting as high as a 74.2% in the case of Io.
Yes This is partially due to the fact that the parameter extraction
End procedure sensible
implies to using
small exponential
in the functions
data. that are
extremely changes input Another
Eig. 3. Elow diagram for the GA crossing-mates algorithm source of problems is that, for some sets of parameters, there
are strong correlations among them, thus tearing down the
IV. RESULTS assumption of two separate regions. In addition, using this
In oderto hec th ablit of ur ethd t acuraely procedure to extract parameters from experimental data will
probably result in bigger errors, due to the precision problems
extract the parameters of a given solar cell, we first checked itS ascaewt esrmns
capability to give back some known results. To do that, we
generated a random set of 1000 different solar cells parameter
This work was supported by the European FEDER Fund
and the Spanish CICYT under Project TEC06/04103.
[1] A. L. Fahrenbruch, R. H. Bube, "Fundamentals of Solar Cells,"
Academic Press, New York, 1983.
[2] A. Jamn and A. Kapoor, "A new approach to study organic solar cell
using Lambert W-function," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.
86, no. 2, pp. 197-205, 2005.