Midterm Cycle 10 Keynote

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NAME: ______________________________________________
DATE: ______________________

1. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

blend of multicultural sense of identity

tribe factors

1. My grandfather was from the Shoshone ____________________ of Native Americans. My grandmother

was from the Ute people.

2. Caribbean music is a great ____________________ the African drum and Spanish guitar.

3. There are several ____________________ you should consider before moving overseas. For example,
where you will live, what job you will do, and what kind of healthcare you’ll have access to.

4. The school is very ____________________. There are students from many different ethnic backgrounds,
and the school celebrates each of their major ethnic holidays.

5. Sometimes people lose their ____________________ when they move to a new place. They don’t have the
same job or community that helped them know who they were.
___/5 marks

2. Complete the sentences with the present perfect progressive (have/has been -ing) form of the
verbs in the box.

increase move live

plan think

1. The population of migrants ____________________ each year—from 200 last year to 400 this year.
2. We ____________________ this week. All our things are still in boxes, but we can’t wait to get settled in
our new house.
3. Many different ethnic groups ____________________ side by side in our city for many years.
4. Sarah ____________________ about her own cultural identity. She’s not sure where “home” is.
5. Kara and her roommate ____________________ a trip overseas. They want to go after they graduate from
their university.
___/5 marks

3. Match the first part of the sentence to its ending.

a. have a lot in common.

b. migrants.
c. diverse.
d. traditional.
e. background.

1. When there are a lot of different things in one area, you say the area is ______________
2. People who move from one country to another are called ______________
3. If something is old-fashioned and has been the same way for a long time, you say it’s ______________
4. Your education, the place you grew up, and your experiences are all a part of your ______________
5. When two people have similar interests, you say they ______________
___/5 marks

4. Select the best option to complete the sentence.

1. Due to inexpensive gasoline prices, more people ____ travel by car this summer.
a. will
b. won’t
2. With rising concerns over child safety, fewer children ____ walk to school this fall. Parents will drive
a. will
b. won’t
3. Driving to work ____ become old-fashioned as more and more cheap modes of public transportation
become available.
a. might
b. won’t
4. I ____ travel into space. I’m not rich enough to pay for it, and I’m not really interested.
a. might
b. won’t
5. Some people get rides by using an app on their smartphone. These kinds of apps ____ probably only
become more and more popular.
a. will
b. won’t
___/5 marks

5. Read the article and select the best answer to the questions.

As the world looks for energy sources that are better for the environment and can be used again and again,
one company designed a solution. Bright Automotive designed a van used to transport goods from factories
to stores which runs on both electricity and gas. This type of vehicle, called a hybrid, is not new. Hybrids
have been sold to individuals for many years. But Bright Automotive was hoping to attract a different kind
of customer: businesses with a fleet of vehicles.

Businesses with a large group of vans transport their products within their city and surrounding area. With
multiple vehicles on the road every day of the week, a lot of money is being spent on gas, and a lot of
exhaust is polluting the air.

Bright Automotive’s vehicle, called IDEA, was designed to save fleet owners money on gas while protecting
the environment. Regular commercial vans can travel about 19-30 kilometers per gallon. IDEA used
electricity for the first 62 kilometers, then switched to gas and got 58-62 kilometers per gallon. The IDEA
went farther on less gas.

Unfortunately, Bright Automotive was not able to persuade enough companies to purchase their vehicle.
Gas prices were been low, so business owners in the U.S. did not feel the need to save money on gas. Also,
the cost of the IDEA was much higher than the cost of a regular van. That’s because its high-tech design
made the van lightweight but still big enough to carry large loads of supplies.

Bright Automotive’s IDEA didn’t succeed, but there’s still a chance for other companies with similar ideas.
If gas prices rise and stricter laws are put in place on the amount of vehicle exhaust cars can produce,
perhaps business owners will become more interested in purchasing vehicles like the IDEA. Until then, the
IDEA will continue to inspire new ideas.

1. What is this article mainly about?

a. an idea for a van that uses less gas
b. a new kind of van that is replacing other vans
c. a way to make vehicles better for the environment
2. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?
a. The IDEA did not succeed.
b. Bright Automotive owns several fleets of IDEAs.
c. The IDEA was the first hybrid vehicle ever created.
3. Which phrase from the article means the same as fleet of vehicles?
a. money spent on gas
b. large group of vans
c. the surrounding area
4. Which paragraph lists the advantages of the IDEA?
a. Paragraph 2
b. Paragraph 3
c. Paragraph 4
5. What would the author probably agree with?
a. The IDEA is the best hybrid vehicle available now.
b. The IDEA should not be used.
c. Other hybrid vehicles may succeed in the future, but not the IDEA.
___/5 marks

6. Complete the sentences with the correct word in parentheses.

1. I ____________________ (drive / ride) the bus to work.

2. Let’s go! ____________________ (Get on / Get in) the taxi.

3. Meet me at the baggage claim area in 15 minutes. I’m just ____________________ (getting on / getting
off) the plane.

4. Once you ____________________ (drive / get on) the train, you can sit back and relax.

5. We’re ____________________ (driving / taking) a plane from Turkey to New York.

6. I can’t ____________________ (drive / get in) a car. I don’t have a driver’s licence.
___/6 marks

7. Complete the sentences with will or might. Pay attention to the underlined words.

1. There ____________________ certainly be more hybrid cars in the future.

2. It’s not certain, but driverless cars ____________________ be the future of highway travel.

3. As cities grow bigger, modes of public transportation ____________________ definitely increase as well.

4. It’s not likely, but supersonic planes like the Concorde ____________________ become a common mode
of transportation.

5. Island countries like Japan ____________________ probably continue spending money on developing
underwater modes of travel.
___/5 marks

8. Match the vocabulary word to its meaning.

a. can be carried from place to place

b. another choice; a different way
c. able to continue using; has an energy source that can be used again and again
d. can be controlled, can be moved carefully
1. alternative ______
2. portable ______
3. maneuverable ______
4. sustainable ______
___/4 marks

9. Read the article and select the best answer to the questions.

William Shakespeare may have died over 300 years ago, but the words from his plays live on in everyday
English. Can you spot the phrase coined by Shakespeare in the dialog below?

Joe: How’ve you been, Frank?

Frank: Oh, I’ve seen better days.
Joe: I’m sorry to hear that.

The phrase is seen better days (meaning “life is difficult right now”). But was it truly Shakespeare who
came up with this saying? Experts believe there’s no way of knowing for sure. In Shakespeare’s day, many
people could not read. Stories were told more often than read. It’s possible that Shakespeare’s phrases were
just a part of local tradition. For example, to go full circle (meaning “to come back to the place you started”)
could have been something Shakespeare heard from a friend or relative.

There are some sayings, however, that historians are sure Shakespeare did not invent. For example, it’s
Greek to me (meaning “I can’t understand it”) was found in other written materials before Shakespeare.

One thing we do know is that Shakespeare played with words in ways no other writer of his time did. He
changed nouns to verbs and put prefixes or suffixes on words to create new ones. For example, fashionable
(meaning having a good sense of style, from the noun fashion plus the affix –able) was most likely made
up by Shakespeare.

Shakespeare had an unearthly* ability to use language. His plays are still being talked about today, and his
phrases are still a part of everyday usage. Who knew that a 300-year-old Englishman would have such an
effect on our language today?

* Unearthly is also thought to be coined by Shakespeare, meaning not normal; beyond nature.

1. What is this article mainly about?

a. how Shakespeare became so famous
b. which of Shakespeare’s plays are most popular
c. how Shakespeare affected the English language
2. In Paragraph 2, what does the following sentence mean?
“It’s possible that Shakespeare’s phrases were just a part of local tradition.”
a. Shakespeare started a new tradition of using special phrases.
b. People may have used the phrases before Shakespeare wrote them.
c. Shakespeare’s phrases were only said in Shakespeare’s home town.
3. According to the article, what is one thing we can know for sure?
a. which sayings were just a part of local tradition
b. which sayings were written by other authors first
c. which sayings were invented by Shakespeare and which ones weren’t
4. Which saying does the article say was most likely invented by Shakespeare?
a. it’s Greek to me
b. fashionable
c. seen better days
5. Which sentence summarizes this article best?
a. Shakespeare was the best writer in the world.
b. Shakespeare greatly influenced the English language.
c. Shakespeare took other people’s words and said they were his own.
___/5 marks

10. Complete the sentence with the correct word in parentheses.

1. Teenagers often use ____________________ (slang / standard) words. Sometimes their parents don’t
understand them.

2. Changes in language can be so small that they’re not even ____________________ (acceptable /

3. Do you think acronyms like LOL or TTYL will ____________________ (evolve / stick), or will they go
away over time?

4. Some books are ____________________ (banned / degraded) from school libraries because the language
is not suitable for children.

5. If there’s no word that ____________________ (conveys / strengthens) what you want to say, you could
make up a new word.
___/5 marks

11. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

acceptable evolved usage

strengthens degraded

1. I wonder who thought of the phrase “raining cats and dogs” and how it ____________________ into a
normal saying.

2. According to scientific reports, learning new words every day ____________________ your brain.

3. Using certain “bad words” at school or work is not ____________________. These words are considered

4. Because of online dictionaries, the ____________________ of printed dictionaries has greatly decreased.

5. People don’t write letters by hand anymore; instead, we write short text messages. Because of this, some
people believe our written communication has _________________.
___/5 marks

12. Complete each sentence with used to or didn’t use to.

1. Before the Internet, employees ____________________ use words like webinar.

2. I ____________________ tell my friends, “I’ll call you later.” But now I say, “I’ll send you a text.”

3. Before the radio, TV, and Internet, people ____________________ hear as many new words daily as we
do now.

4. The word nice ____________________ mean silly. But now it means kind; not mean.

5. Being able to write neatly ____________________ be much more important than it is today.

___/5 marks


Listen to an interview with Li, a musician who runs choirs. For each question 1–5, fill in the missing

0 When Li was four years old, she began having piano lessons.
1 The type of music Li became interested in at university was ..........................music.
2 As well as now running choirs for adults, Li also loves ..........................music.
3 Li’s biggest choir now has ..........................members.
4 For Li, it’s less important that the people in her choirs have ..........................than that they enjoy singing.
5 Li says she loves ..........................with her partner, although she doesn’t have a lot of confidence in her

___/5 marks


Listen to the conversation about plans for the weekend. Listen and circle the best option to complete
these sentences.

1. A dirtboard is 5. The impressionist paintings are in

a) a board with wheels that you stand on a) the Louvre
b) a board with no wheels that you stand on b) the Musée D’Orsay
c) a board that you sit on c) the Rodin Museum

2. To go canyoning you 6. The famous Rodin statue is called

a) need ropes and a helmet a) The Worker
b) a guide and special equipment b) The Thinker
c) ropes and special equipment c) The Philosopher

3. Zip-wiring is 7. The girl is going to Paris for

a) scary and difficult a) the weekend
b) easy and exciting b) four days
c) scary but exciting c) five days

4. Paris looks so beautiful 8. She’s going with

a) at night a) her friend
b) on television b) her boyfriend
c) in the photos c) her family

___/8 marks


Select a person below and think of a new idea for a personal transportation device for him or her.
Imagine you are making a poster to advertise your device. Write a description of the device and make a
list of its benefits. 100/120 words

• A child who has to cross a busy street to school

• A working man or woman who doesn’t live far from where they work but has to sit in traffic for a long time
• An elderly person who has a hard time walking but needs to go to the store or run other errands around town

___/12 marks

Total: _________ / 85

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