Physik Bung 3 Cor 2324 FL

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Exercise 3 - Physics

Prof. Dr. Josef Kainz

Professorship of Energy Technology at Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
TUM Campus Straubing, Schulgasse 16, 94315 Straubing

1 Short Answer Questions

a) What does Newton’s 3rd law say?
b) What is the relation between the momentum of a body and the force acting on it?
c) What does the law of the conservation of momentum say?
d) Give the definition of the torque. What does this mean for the direction of the torque vector?

e) Which mechanical power P causes a force F~ that acts on a body moving with the speed ~v ?

f) Which mechanical power P causes a torque T~ that acts on a body rotating with an angular velocity ω

2 Eenergy and Power of a Moving Elevator

An elevator with a mass mA of 1600kgtransports passengers with a total mass mP of 200kg.
A constant friction force FR of 4000N slows down the movement.

a) How much power does a motor need to provide to pull the elevator with its passengers upwards at a
constant speed of3.0 m/s?
b) How much power does the motor have to provide at the time when the speed v = 3.0m/s is reached in
order to pull up the elevator with its passengers with a constant acceleration of 1.0 m/s2 ?

3 Force Balance on a Tensioned Rope
A load m = 20.0kg is hung axially between a solid wall and a steel column. The distance between the wall and
the column is l = 4.0m and the suspension points are at a height of h = 2.5m. Based on the load table according
to DIN EN 13414, the maximum load of the 8mm steel wire rope used is FS,max = 6870N.
The dead weight of the wire rope can be neglected.

a) Specify the rope’s force FS1 as a function of the sagging ∆d . What value does the rope force tend to
reach when ∆d approaches zero?

b) How much does the rope have to sag at least so that the load limit of the wire rope is not exceeded?
c) For the considered case (wire rope with maximum load), determine the torque T1 that the steel column
must withstand at the point of clamping. (The column is made of structural steel Rp,0.2 = 235 mm 2 with

an outer diameter D = 0.15m and inner diameter d = 0.14mand it endures a maximum bending moment
of Tb,max = 18.8kNm.)

4 Power Requirement of a Car

A vehicle with the mass mF = 1200kg (mass inertia of the rotating parts is negligible) and a payload of
mzu = 200kg is driving uphill on a slope with a 3% gradient.
The following friction forces are effective:
Rolling resistance: FR = fR · FN (rolling resistance coefficientfR = 0.015; FN normal force)
Air resistance: FL = cw · A · ρ2L · vF2 (air resistance coefficient cW = 0.25; projected vehicle cross-sectional area
A = 1.95m2 ; density of the air ρL = 1.204kg/m3 ; vehicle velocity relative to the air:vF )
a) Determine individually the rolling and air resistances as well as the downhill force when driving at a
constant velocity vF = 100km/h.

b) What power is required for this?

c) Now determine the required power if you want to accelerate with aF = 1.00m/s2 at the velocityvF = 100km/h.

5 Conservation of Momentum in A Car Crash

A stationary car with a mass m2 of 1800kg is hit by a car with a mass m1 of 900kg at a red light. Assume that
the smaller car was traveling at a velocity of 20 m/s before the collision.
a) At what velocity do both of the cars move on together after the accident?

b) What percentage of the total kinetic energy before the collision is still present afterwards?

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