Why Is A (4-20 Ma) Signal Preferred
Why Is A (4-20 Ma) Signal Preferred
Why Is A (4-20 Ma) Signal Preferred
Why is a 0 mA Signal not Practical?
Mohamed Yehia
For decades, process instrumentation has largely relied on 4-20 mA signals to transmit
process data easily and reliably. Moreover, it is the signal of choice in the process control
industry for many reasons. One in particular is the fact that the current does not degrade
and it remains constant at any point in the loop, as discussed in our review of
the Fundamentals of 4-20 mA Current Loops. Therefore, it is a very efficient means to
transmit process information. In most cases, this range represents a two-point linear scale
where a 4-mA signal represents 0% of a sensor's measurement, while 20 mA indicates
100% of the measurement. But why do we use 4-20 mA instead of 0-20 mA? That is a very
common question among individuals in industry. And the answer is simple; a 0-mA signal is
not practical. This article will discuss three reasons why a 0-mA signal is not as useful and
why 4-20 mA is the industry standard.
To understand what a 4-20 mA direct current (DC) loop is and how it works, we will need to
know a little bit about math. Don't worry; we won't be delving into any advanced electrical
engineering formulas. In fact, the formula we need is relatively simple: V = I x R. This is
Ohm's Law. What this is saying is that the voltage (V) is equal to the current (I) multiplied by
the resistance (R) ("I" stands for Intensité de Courant, French for Current Intensity). This is
the fundamental equation in electrical engineering.
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is the same in all places throughout the loop. It may be difficult to understand why the
electrical current remains constant, so consider your home's water system as a
comparison. There is a certain amount of pressure in the water pipes pushing the water
towards your house.
Voltage, in a similar fashion, acts as a pressure, pushing current through the circuit. When
a tap inside your home is turned on, there is a subsequent flow of water. The flow of water
is analogous to the flow of electrons, or current. The ability of the pressure to push the
water through the pipes is limited by bends and restrictions in the pipe. These restrictions
limit the amount of flow in the pipe, like how a resistor limits the current. The flow through
the pipe, and likewise the current through the wire, remains constant throughout the
system, even though pressure, and likewise voltage, will drop at various points. This is why
using current as a means of conveying process information is so reliable.
Before we delve into the reasons why a 0-mA signal is not practical, let's get to know a little
bit of the history behind the 4-20 mA signal. Prior to the invention of electronic circuitry,
process control systems used pneumatic control signals. In these systems, controllers
were powered by distinct pressures of compressed air. Eventually, air compression of 3-15
psi became the industry standard for a few reasons. First, it was very expensive to engineer
a system that would detect pressure signals under 3 psi. Second, signals below 3 psi were
unrecognizable. Lastly, using 3 psi to indicate a value of 0% measurement made it easier to
identify when system faults occurred, in other words, when the signal dropped to zero. As
electronic systems made their debut in the 1950s, the current became the preferred, more
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precise, and more efficient process control signal. Later, the industry established the 4-20
mA signal as the standard for similar reasons as those that made 3-15 psi range an
effective signal. Now let’s look at why a 0-mA signal is not efficient.
A 0-mA signal is essentially an open circuit in which no flow of current exists at all. Thus,
engineering any device with circuitry capable of handling a signal level that reaches 0 mA
and remains accurate is more difficult and expensive than limiting the design to 4-20 mA.
This was especially true during the 1950s when electrical signals like 4-20 mA had just
emerged and surpassed pneumatic signals like the old 3-15 psi standard. Further, in a
circuit where 0-20 mA is used, it would be very hard to detect and distinguish low ranges. A
4-20 mA circuit is much easier to work with because there is in fact a consistent flow of
current that can be detected and used to reliably transmit process information. As a result,
the industry adopted the 4-20 mA range for its cost efficiency as well as other similar
benefits that made the former 3-15 psi signal popular.
Another reason why a 0-mA signal is not efficient is the inability to clearly differentiate
between a measurement of zero and a system failure in which the signal would drop to
zero. The term LIVE ZERO is used to describe a loop signal where the zero value is a
number higher than zero (i.e. 4 mA). The term dead zero denotes a loop signal where the
zero value is indeed zero (i.e. 0 mA). The advantage of using a live zero versus a dead zero is
that it allows receiving instruments to quickly detect when a system failure has occurred
due to a break in the line, devices wired incorrectly, etc. Again, that is because a live zero
interprets 4 mA as 0% of the sensor’s measurement, and when current falls to any number
below 4 mA then that is an indicator of a fault in the system.
Lastly, a 0-mA signal does not provide a loop-powered, or two-wire, device with a minimum
amount of current to function. Loop-powered transmitters, displays, and other equipment
require some power for operation, which is drawn from the current flowing through the
loop6. In a situation where a 0-mA signal exists, that means there is no flow of current at all
in the loop, thus it is unable to meet the minimum current requirements to power up the
connected devices. Even without the 0-mA problem, designing loop-powered instruments
is not easy because of power requirements and the need to maintain a low loop voltage
drop, which would be even more difficult to support at currents well below 4-mA. As a
result, using a 4-20 mA signal is preferred because it supports two-wire transmission that
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supplies the power needed for loop-powered devices like transmitters and displays to
Now that we have reviewed the reasons why a 0-mA signal is not practical, it's easy to see
why the process control industry has preferred the 4-20 mA signal range. In addition, it
provides other benefits such as easier wiring, easier configuration, it’s more cost-effective,
it’s better for traveling long distances, and it is less sensitive to background electrical noise
than many other signals available. Another benefit of a 4-20 mA signal is safety. The low
current is not an electrical shock hazard, and it is also an easy signal to work with when
designing equipment to be intrinsically safe for hazardous areas.
1. Sensor
First, there needs to be some sort of sensor which measures a process variable. A sensor
typically measures temperature, humidity, flow, level or pressure. The technology that goes
into the sensor will vary drastically depending on what exactly it is intended to measure,
but this is not relevant for this discussion.
2. Transmitter
Second, whatever the sensor is monitoring, there needs to be a way to convert its
measurement into a current signal, between four and twenty milliamps. This is where a
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transmitter will come into play. If, for instance, a sensor was measuring the height of a fifty
foot tank, the transmitter would need to translate zero feet as the tank being empty and
then transmit a four milliamp signal. Conversely, it would translate fifty feet as the tank
being full and would then transmit a twenty-milliamp signal. If the tank were half full the
transmitter would signal at the halfway point, or twelve milliamps.
3. Power Source
For a signal to be produced, there needs to be a source of power, just as in the water
system analogy there needed to be a source of water pressure. Remember that the power
supply must output a DC current (meaning that the current is only flowing in one direction).
There are many common voltages that are used with 4-20 mA current loops (9, 12, 24, etc.)
depending on the particular setup. When deciding on what voltage of power supply to use
for your particular setup, be sure to consider that the power supply voltage must be at least
10% greater than the total voltage drop of the attached components (the transmitter,
receiver and even wire). The use of improper power supplies can lead to equipment failure.
4. Loop
In addition to an adequate VDC supply, there also needs to be a loop, which refers to the
actual wire connecting the sensor to the device receiving the 4-20 mA signal and then back
to the transmitter. The current signal on the loop is regulated by the transmitter according
to the sensor's measurement. This component is typically overlooked in a current loop
setup because wire is so intrinsic to any modern electronic system but should be
considered in our exploration of fundamentals. While the wire itself is a source of
resistance that causes a voltage drop on the system, it is normally not a concern, as the
voltage drop of a section of wire is minuscule. However, over long distances (greater than
1,000 feet) it can add up to a significant amount, depending on the thickness (gauge) of the
5. Receiver
Finally, at someplace in the loop there will be a device which can receive and interpret the
current signal. This current signal must be translated into units that can be easily
understood by operators, such as the feet of liquid in a tank or the degrees Celsius of a
liquid. This device also needs to either display the information received (for monitoring
purposes) or automatically do something with that information. Digital displays,
controllers, actuators, and valves are common devices to incorporate into the loop.
These components are all it takes to complete a 4-20 mA current loop. The sensor
measures a process variable, the transmitter translates that measurement into a current
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signal, the signal travels through a wire loop to a receiver, and the receiver displays or
performs an action with that signal.
• It uses less wiring and connections than other signals, greatly reducing initial setup
• Better for traveling long distances, as current does not degrade over long
connections like voltage.
• Multiple loops must be created in situations where there are numerous process
variables that require transmission. Running so much wire could lead to problems
with ground loops if independent loops are not properly isolated.
Mohamed Yehia