Kelompok 9 B.inggris
Kelompok 9 B.inggris
Kelompok 9 B.inggris
Kelompok 9:
1. Azzahra Suwarno
2. Daffa Saputra Ahmad
3. Keysha Aulia Putri
4. Muhammad Irgie Dapiandri
1. Background
Field Work Practice (PKL) is an education that places studenst
directly in the real world of work. So that students can find out more
about the work process in the industry. PKL is intended for upper
secondary level students who are apptoaching graduation school.
Usually PKL is carried out by students of Vocational High Schools
(SMK) and the term of PKL is usually set by the school which
ranges from 3 to 6 months.
2. Purpose
Vocational High School (SMK) aim to educate their students so that
able to carry out development in the industrial and business sectors.
As for the implementation objectives PPKSK is as follows:
o Get to know and understand the world of work/company with
all its activities.
o Increase knowledge and skills in applying technology.
o Encourage entrepreneurial enthousiasm and spirit to be able
to work.
o As a condition for taking the UAS and UN
3. Scope
In this report, we only discuss our activities over a period of 2
months from October to November. Activities include network
monitoring, hardware maintenance and network security.
3. Activities
These are some of the activities carried out by the author during
practical field work at the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and
Child Protection :
o Network Monitoring (Conducted once a month to ensure the
network is fine)
o Hardware Maintenance (Performed when one part of the
computer hardware is damaged)
o Network Security (Keeping the network environment safe)
4. Result
After carrying out this working practices od industry, the writer
made a lot progress, especially in the author’s increasingly skilled
abilitiesand understanding of internet and computer networks.
2. Recommendation
The writer hipes that the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and
Child Protection can continue to open opportunities working
practices of industry fot its juniors.