1st Study Guide

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Civilización I- Traductorado Literario y Técnico-científico de Inglés

Study Guide 1

Read an outline of Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries

Growth of the American Colonies (1689-1754)

Setting the Scene

A) English Colonies (late 1600s and early 1700s)
1. Supplied food and raw materials
2. Bought large amounts of English goods

b) The colonists were loyal to their parent country

1. England got what it wanted from its colonies
2.Raw materials and a place to sell its goods

The English Civil War

1) Why did the war start?
2) Who won the war?
3) What happened when it finished?

*Explain the meaning of Mercantilism and show the effect it had on trade laws, war and politics.

Britain’s Colonial Policy in the Early 1700s

*Why did the British government allow its colonies freedom in governing themselves?

Diverse Colonial Economies

Complete the chart
Colonies Economic activity

Slavery and the Tringular Trade

What did the triangular trade consist of?

When was the Act abolishing slave trade passed and what did it state?
Civilización I- Traductorado Literario y Técnico-científico de Inglés

The beginnings of the American Tradition

Bibliography: Rinehart and Winston Holt (1996). Adventures in American Literature. New York, Harcourt Brace and

*Explain the reason why people emigrated from Europe and went to America

*Mention the ideals the Puritans and Cavaliers pursued and the impact they had on American society

Britain: The eighteenth century- the political world

Bibliography: McDowall, D. (2006), An Illustrated History of Britain. England, Longman.


a) Was Parliament democratic when George III was King of England? Why? Why not?
b) How did public opinion begin to exert a profound influence over politics?
c) Did the radicals support the king during the war in America? What were their ideas?

The Roots of revolution in America

Bibligraphy: O’Callagahan, B. (1990), An Illustrated History of The USA. Hong Kong, Longman.

Write briefly on the following reasons which led to the revolution?

- War between England and France

- George III’ proclamation in 1763

- New taxes the colonists had to pay

- The Stamp Act (1765)


Which were the actions taken by the colonists to show disagreement?

War of Independence

What happened on these important dates? Write a brief summary

18th April 1775

-Eight Minutemen were shot by British soldiers

-Hundreds of Minutemen who had gathered shot down 273 British soldiers who were going
back to Boston after destroying the weapons and gunpowder the rebellious colonists had stored
in Concord

May 1775
Civilización I- Traductorado Literario y Técnico-científico de Inglés

July 2nd 1776

4th July 1776

September 1776

October 1777

February 1778

September 1781

17th October 1781

September 1783


What did the Declaration of Independence claim?

A new Nation

Complete the ideas and expand on them

After the Treaty of Paris recognized the United States as an independent nation, there were some

The Articles of Confederation which began to operate in 1781 set up a


Under the Articles of Confederation the central government of the United States was very weak

The Constitutional Convention was summoned in May 1781 in order to

Civilización I- Traductorado Literario y Técnico-científico de Inglés

The Constitution of the United States stated


The three branches of the new government were:


George Washington, the first president of the United States elected in 1783, believed

Many Americans feared that the federal government…………………..…………………..…

The Constitution went into effect in March 1789 after……………………………………………

The Bill of Rights, an amendment made to the Constitution, gave Americans…………………...

The “power of judicial’ review introduced by Marshall, the head of the Supreme Court under
Adams’ administration, claimed that ……………………………………………………………

The ideas which gave birth to the first political parties in the USA were………………………..

The Federalist party supported ……………………………………………………………………

The Democratic party favoured ………………………………………………………………..….

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