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RestlessDevevelopment AnnualReport 2020 Web

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Annual Report 2020
Now, as ever, the power of young people matters.
2020 is a reminder that whatever the challenge, young people
will respond and they will find solutions, whether protecting
their communities against the spread of COVID-19, fighting
misinformation that endangers the global response, leading
research that elevates voices of people in communities,
or keeping a spotlight on heightened crises like gender
violence and climate change.
In uncertain times, youth power is moving forward.
Youth power is building a better world with progressive
leadership, determined thinking, and new ideas.
Restless Development stands with young people.
We support the journey of a young person to become
a leader and help them multiply that leadership in their
communities and around the world. That’s because
our work is grounded in one thing: youth leadership.
Every year we train, mentor, nurture and connect thousands
of young people to lead change. Every year we grow youth
leadership around the world.

Rajshree, one of our Youth Accountability

Advocates, talking with young people
about gender equality and family
planning in Jharkhand, India. RESTLESS DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2020 3
Illustration: Claire Pinegar

Our work in 2020. Youth civil society.

In 2019 our research pointed
to a youth civil society sector
that was surviving not thriving.
56 programmes 3,523 volunteers But without grassroots youth
across 51 countries. trained to lead change. organisations, youth-led
change at scale will not be
realised. In response, we
launched the Youth Collective
platform online and worked Youth insights.
74,894 young people 319,360 people offline with hundreds of Youth
in communities Civil Society Organisations Youth-led research informs
supported by volunteers to our work and helps us focus on
(CSOs) to strengthen the
multiply change in their supported by our volunteers sector. We connected more the right issues as defined by
communities. and changemakers. than 200 development young people. We support our
actors – donors, funders, partners, businesses, donors
decision-makers – with and INGOs to do the same.
youth civil society to
share insights into its In 2020, we trained and
1,145 partners More than 700 challenges and needs. supported 100 youth
including governments and of our partners are co-researchers to publish
youth-led organisations, with a research on issues such
members of the Youth
as youth livelihoods and
shared mission to scale youth Collective, which was unemployment,
leadership around the world. launched in August. Youth Collective. and the impact
of COVID-19.
More than 700 organisations
from 156 countries have signed
up to YouthCollective.org and
Where we work. 1,100 members have joined
We are led by nine Hubs across the world and work with the Youth Collective Facebook
young people and partners in 51 countries. Our Hubs not group, where they engage
only deliver projects, but offer expertise, support and in discussions and access
innovation for young people and partners. opportunities that are
guided by their own
We have been working with young people since 1985, priorities.
and our work is led by thousands of young people
every year.
In Uganda our DYNAMIC
programme recruited 1,101
young people to train more
young people in modern Our programme tackling
Programme agricultural practices such as
row planting and use of fertilizer,
AIDS in Zimbabwe saw the
spotlight. and reached 88,300
number of young people with
knowledge of their sexual
young people to boost health and rights increase
Increasingly through our farming as a means We supported 222 girls in
programme design we are from 40% to 79%
to make a living. by the end of the Tanzania to find ways to make
restoring power to young a living, such as setting up
people, grassroots civil programme.
small businesses. 77%
society, and communities. reported an increase
Volunteers from the As a result of our youth- in their income in the
Development Alternative are engagement training with past 12 months.
We trained 61 volunteers
holding development actors decision-makers, 134 young
in the UK to fight COVID-19
to account by working with people who took part in the
misinformation. Over 2,000
communities to improve Ishiwi (My Voice) programme in
pieces of misinformation
development programmes Zambia reported an increase in 240 teenage mothers in
were recorded and
on their terms. 66 volunteers civic leaders’ willingness for Uganda were trained and
reported to social
across Uganda and Madagascar young people to take supported to start their own
media companies.
have worked with more than part in democratic businesses and report they
300 community members processes within are now using the profits
to monitor and improve 17 their communities. to meet their family
projects, worth more than We retrained young people needs and access
£97 million. 65 problems with in Sierra Leone to respond to health services.
these programmes have been COVID-19, reaching a total of
raised, and 30 solutions 93% of 19,400 young
people involved in our 247,011 people door-to-door
have been identified, and at health centres with
resulting in an Tusunge Lubono (Let’s Grow
Our Wealth) programme life-saving messages
average fix rate to stop the spread
of 46%. in Zambia improved their
financial literacy, helping of the virus.
them make informed
decisions about their


I am Britah, a volunteer with the Development girls to learn and value their time while at the
Alternative in Uganda. As a volunteer, I monitored institution. It also increased confidence among
a project that provides skills such as tailoring the girls towards their work. The young girls are
to young marginalised women in the slum areas looking forward to completing their course and
of Bwaise, Kampala, helping them to earn becoming professional seamstresses. They are
a living. not worried about unemployment since they are
now equipped with hand skills that will help them
Using my training from Restless Development, become self-employed in future.
I was able to identify problems with the project
that were affecting the women. I discussed these To me this was a contribution to the community
challenges with them and together we looked for and the lives of many struggling women in the
a way forward. I noticed that most of the young urban slum areas.
women found it difficult to attend training classes
because there was not enough training equipment, During lockdown, I kept thinking about these
like sewing machines. The working space was women and their challenges. I knew that life was
extremely small, too. worse for them during this time.

I shared these challenges with the project leader I started an initiative called Kusiima Girls Initiative
and advocated for the changes that were needed. (KGI) that trains teenage girls to make reusable
The broken sewing machines were repaired and sanitary pads and build their self-esteem. As of
new ones were bought. To solve the problem of today, many young girls in my community have
space, the girls were divided into shifts – now been equipped with this skill and can now not only
some study in the morning and others in the make pads for themselves but also sell them. In
afternoon. 2021, my goal is to continue empowering women
and girls to acquire more life skills and also
The women are now able to attend classes become financially independent to support the
and complete their course. This motivated the development of their communities and families.

Britah is a volunteer with the Development Alternative, a group of organisations led by Restless Development whose
mission is to restore power to communities involved in development projects. Volunteers monitor programmes by
getting feedback from community members; they advocate for changes and then work with development organisations
to fix problems and make improvements. So far our volunteers have worked with more than 300 community members
to monitor and improve 18 projects worth £97 million. The Development Alternative is funded by the UK’s Foreign,
Commonwealth & Development Office.

I am Aisha, a 24-year-old young woman. I work During the COVID-19 pandemic, I created my own
as a volunteer in Makole ward in Dodoma communication tree which connected me to my
municipality in Tanzania. I am an enthusiastic young people and the community. We made calls to
young woman who is inspired by changes, big make sure that people received the right information
or small. I believe they all count in making the about COVID-19 and tried to reduce the panic and
world a better place. false information that was spreading all over the
communities. I also led a charity campaign to raise
A big part of my inspiration came from Restless funds to support the people who had to go out and
Development. They empowered me with the work but couldn’t afford safety tools like masks,
necessary tools and skills I needed as a young sanitisers and handwash during the lockdown.
At the age of 22, fresh out of university, I have
I am proud of my volunteering work in Makole ward. already done amazing things for my community
I collected data from community members about thanks to the training Restless Development gave
local health services. [We found that] young people me and the potential they saw in me. At just 23
wanted their services tailored to them and that many years, I was able to travel to the US to advocate
residents weren’t aware of the services, so we for gender equality at the United Nations General
knew there was a gap. Assembly. The trip opened so many opportunities
for me to work with other organisations both at
My advocacy and accountability work led to an
national and international level.
increase in better, youth-friendly reproductive
health services at the local health centre, and My message to you: “First of all, a big thank
decision-makers invested more in these services. you. It is all thanks to you that the potential
Now the number of young people accessing these of people such as myself is unleashed. My one
important services has increased. I know that message is that there are more of us out here.
such services will also create job opportunities Please keep supporting and investing in Youth
for hundreds of young people, leaving them with Power not only as the change targets but the
a secure and informed future. For me, this is a change agents.”
sustainable achievement.

Aisha’s work is part of Restless Development’s Youth Led Accountability for Gender Equality programme (called
Tutumize Ahadi in Tanzania), funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The programme has trained more than
100 Youth Accountability Advocates and 388 of their peers in Tanzania and India to collect data about sexual health
services and advocate for changes with local and national governments. Together they demand greater accountability
to national commitments on Sustainable Development Goal 5 – the Global Goal to achieve gender equality by 2030 –
and Family Planning 2020.
Throughout 2020, Restless-trained volunteers responded
to the pandemic and the problems facing people in their
“ The coronavirus forced us to self-isolate and social
distance but these restrictions did not deter me from
helping my community.
communities, problems often made worse by lockdowns. Most people from my community were ignorant when
the virus began spreading. I was part of a team that
did door-to-door awareness on the virus, educating
them on the preventive and response measures as

“ Since COVID-19 emerged and lockdown measures took effect,

I harnessed the skills I’ve gained through Restless Development,
to help my communities cope with COVID-19.
put forward by the Zimbabwe National COVID-19
response committee. I received training, PPE and the
much-needed support during field work from Restless
I put my survey skills to task, surveying the needs of people in the local Development. I believe I have managed to improve my
community to assess which areas need more effort with food distribution
during lockdown. I had teamed up with various local organizations and
the Ranchi government administration to deliver meals and medicine to
community’s understanding of COVID-19.
- Nyasha, Zimbabwe ”
newly unemployed workers and the elderly. During the lockdown, roughly
50,000 people in a 15km radius benefited from my team every week.
In 2021 we need to hold our government accountable for Environment,
Education, Health & basic rights to each and every individual of the earth.
- Shishu, India ” “ In 2020, I set up Equal Aqua Uganda, a community-
based organisation bringing clean water to communities
in Uganda. We’ve reached over 1,500 people, supported
the construction of water tanks, and also provided
ceramic water filters that filter 99.9% of germs.
We need to focus on the effects of climate change

“ To me, leadership is about solving problems in my

community whenever someone needs help. Since I started
volunteering with Restless Development, my community
and help communities learn how to conserve the
environment, because of issues like drought, famine,
and lack of clean water. This is especially important
started to believe in me. I’m ready to change the world because during the pandemic to help prevent the wider spread

now I have the power and voice to work with anyone, in any of COVID-19 and diseases like typhoid.
place in the world and in any position.
- Abel, Uganda
We should learn from the COVID-19 challenge. It has changed us
and given us another opportunity to support youth and to make
sure they dream in new ways because we need it more than

- Ramlat, Tanzania ”
before. In 2021 it is important to focus on building better.
Standing with young people.
COVID-19 Appeal. Restless spirit, young triathletes didn’t let
lockdown get in the way of their campaign for
When news of the pandemic began to spread, a fairer world.
our young leaders were quick to respond to
protect their communities, and our supporters Hundreds took part in #TriThisAtHome, by running,
rallied behind our Emergency Appeal to help make walking, and cycling, virtually travelling 11,989km,
this possible, raising almost £50,000 in total with the equivalent of the UK to Vietnam, and raising
our match-funding campaign. over £6,000. Georgia, aged 10, from Pinewood
School, accomplished six #TriThisAtHome
Our supporters played a vital role in making challenges, travelling 252km and raising £385.
sure our programmes could pivot quickly and In recognition of her achievements, she received
effectively to help protect communities’ health, a nomination for the BBC Unsung Hero Awards.
livelihoods, and rights from the effects of the Two blogs on different websites were published
pandemic. We are incredibly proud and grateful praising her efforts.
to have wonderful supporters who stood by us
in challenging times. It didn’t stop there. A generous donor, so
impressed with these efforts, matched every
penny raised, taking the total to £12,000!
New partnership.
Along the way, we encountered many of the UK’s
In 2020 we launched an exciting new partnership most inspiring and courageous young people
with global communications firm Clarity PR. With who, despite lockdown, pursued their goals in
offices in the UK, the US, and Benelux, Clarity is supporting their local, and global, communities.
supporting Restless Development with fundraising
activities and pro bono PR support to increase Lockdown Kidz, four brilliant 10-year-olds from
our effectiveness as an agency. The partnership Cothill School, created and designed a website
launched in September when they helped launch for other young people that was full of lockdown
our Resilient Realities report to spread awareness activities, information around the pandemic, and
of the effect of COVID-19 on young people and their advice on wellbeing.
communities. We are thrilled to be working with
Clarity in 2021. Hattie, 10, from Cheam School, interviewed
Claire Cashmore MBE, an eight times Paralympic
medalist, over webchat. This fascinating
#TriThisAtHome. conversation delved into important topics,
from the road to success, disability and sports,
2020 was set to be the biggest year yet for our to what keeps them motivated.
Schools Triathlon series, with 4,300 participants,
spanning over 100 schools, registered and ready Louis Rolfe MBE, a paralympic gold medalist, also
to swim, cycle, and run while fundraising for global joined the journey and even vlogged about how he
justice and youth-led change. became a GB triathlete and why he now supports
Restless Development.
Like many events in the UK, the 2020 Schools
Triathlon was sadly cancelled. However, in true


Our people.
The pandemic presented a new challenge to our
staff and volunteers, unlike anything many of us
Restless Leaders.
had faced before. We are proud of how quickly our We launched our Restless Leaders initiative
teams adapted and pivoted their work to continue to support the leadership journeys of young
supporting young people to lead change and help volunteers and staff – whether that means
their communities recover. As well as adapting to becoming a CEO or leading other volunteers.
the pandemic, we have made progress in areas We believe we can create more diverse and
that will strengthen how we support our staff, representative youth leadership across our
volunteers, and young leaders. agency if we create a defined leadership journey From left to right:
that is attainable and accessible to any young Tiffany, trustee; Aapurv, staff;
Juliette, staff; Ronny, trustee.
person in our network.
Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion (DEI). We began by training a cohort of staff, recruited
from every Hub, to help design this journey. They
Following the introduction of our DEI strategy started by working with volunteers to define the
in 2019, this year each of our Hubs put into characteristics of progressive leadership, and How we looked in 2020.
place their six month action plans based on data then identified key moments and opportunities that
collected on their national staffing demographics. support a young leader’s journey. We are using 255 3,523 56 1,226
The action plans aim to address the gaps in this research to create a learning tool that will
underrepresentation in their current workforce. support all staff, volunteers, and members of our
staff volunteers programmes partners
Our Hubs took positive action around gender and youth network to develop their leadership, share
disability, and had to adapt to those with caring their journey, and ultimately support other young Our global staff and volunteer demographics.
responsibilities. Across the agency, we stepped up people to become leaders.
our anti-racism work, which you can read about in • 89% were under 30*
the section Learning.
• 92% were nationals of the country in which they volunteered
• 94% were African (83%) and Asian (11%)
A Restless Leader. • 53% were female
Collaborative & Inclusive *The percentage of staff and volunteers aged under 30 is not directly comparable
Passionate & Results-Oriented to previous years because we have refined the accuracy of our data this year.
I am collaborative and inclusive. I work
I am passionate about solving problems together with others to find creative
proactively and motivated to achieve
positive results.
ways to solve challenges.
Each year, we survey our staff. This is what they told us in 2020.
Professional & Accountable • 98% of staff are proud to work with Restless Development
Visionary & Resourceful • 97% of staff think Restless Development has strong values that are upheld and acted by staff
I am a committed professional who
acts with integrity and holds myself and (or exposed and challenged when not upheld)
I am visionary and resourceful; I recognise
others to account.
challenges and find resources to solve
issues with new ideas and approaches. • 96% of staff think Restless Development is transparent and accountable to its stakeholders
Empathetic & Compassionate (young people, communities, partners and staff)
Bold & Brave
I am approachable, empathetic and • 94% of staff think Restless Development encourages, welcomes and values diversity in its
I am bold and brave. I am not afraid to compassionate. I put others first. I connect workplaces and programmes
speak the truth and stand up for justice. well with others by being an active listener,
open and level headed with my peers.


Pivoting to protect. Volunteering.
The coronavirus pandemic significantly impacted We supported 3,523 volunteers to deliver change in
our agency, but we learned quickly how to pivot communities. Each year we survey our volunteers
our work in response. Working with our network around the world to find out more about their
of young leaders, we responded to the immediate experience with Restless: what’s working and what
effects of the pandemic and prepared for the we can do to better support them as young leaders.
long-term recovery in communities. We’ve had very positive feedback from volunteers,
with the vast majority reporting feeling proud to
Our response focused on three areas: volunteer with us, listened to, valued, and supported

Engaging communities. Young leaders as leaders. We also know the areas that need our
reached hundreds of thousands of people attention, which includes potential barriers to
through door-to-door outreach to help volunteering such as the financial support we offer
communities protect themselves against and timely payment of allowances.

Fighting misinformation. Taking on the
‘infodemic’, young leaders rooted out
Results from our
misinformation and fake news about volunteer survey.
COVID-19, identifying misinformation and
reporting it to governments and social media The data shows that since 2019 our support to
platforms to force them to take action. volunteers has been strengthened, increasing by
an average of 5%.

Unleashing youth power. Young leaders
created cutting-edge research, mapping
the impact of COVID-19 on young people and Volunteer Survey Results
youth organisations. Young leaders came
together by the hundreds in global solidarity
meetings to organise and take action.
99% of our volunteers are proud to
volunteer with Restless Development

97% of volunteers feel that Restless

Restructure. Development has supported them to develop
as a leader
The financial shock created by the pandemic led
to a restructure of our international team and UK
based team. When we launched our most recent
98% of volunteers feel that their
volunteering has had a positive impact
strategy six years ago, we committed to becoming
an agency driven by our Hubs with a leadership
structure that better represented young people Our Volunteer Survey report with full
and communities with whom we work. We used recommendations is published on our website
the restructure to accelerate changes to decrease restlessdevelopment.org
the number of roles we have in the UK and increase
diversity and representation across teams, and in
particular our senior leadership team. A new global
Abel, one of our volunteers, monitoring leadership team will be launched in 2021.
the effectiveness of development
projects in Uganda.
The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, • In our series of Global Solidarity Meet Ups
and Ahmaud Arbery in the US and the surge in (initially set up in response to the COVID-19
Black Lives Matter protests brought about an pandemic) we organised an event on racism
overdue reckoning that we can do much more – an open discussion about racism and how
to challenge institutional and systemic racism to tackle it between young people from more
in the world and in our agency. than 40 countries and guests from Black Youth
Project 100 and Africans Rising. We have
In June 2020, we published anti-racism pledged not to send staff to all-white event
commitments and acted on feedback to accelerate panels and to put pressure on event organisers
changes that needed to happen. The actions we when this happens.
have taken are part of our commitment to
long-term, transformational change within As well as making changes within our own agency,
our agency that will be realised through our we want to help dismantle the development sector’s
anti-racism action plans. neo-colonial and white supremacist culture. More
and more of our programmes are focused on the
• We held listening exercises in our Hubs to transfer of power from development actors to
understand racism in and between the different young people, community, and youth civil society
countries in which we work, and different – www.thedevelopmentalternative.org is one
parts of our agency. From this we were able example – but we want to go further. In 2021 we will
to gain better insights into areas that need to apply for funding to create programmes specifically
be reviewed with an anti-racist lens. Our focused on building a long-term, anti-colonial and
Anti-Racism Working Group, a global team set anti-racist alternative to development as usual.
up in June to define and lead our anti-racism
work, used the information to create a
comprehensive anti-racism action plan.
• We changed the diversity and representation
When our CEO Perry Maddox went on parental leave
on our senior leadership team, which was
in April, we tested a more inclusive approach to
predominantly white and based in the UK.
parental leave cover, which aimed to encourage a
Our new team, launched in March 2021,
broader range of potential leaders to see a path to
includes young people and staff from across
becoming a CEO. Two young staff members were
our Hubs, who form part of one of our highest
asked to join the interview panel and help decide
levels of strategic decision-making.
who would jointly take on the role. Gemma Graham
• We removed a historical distinction between became Interim Deputy CEO and Kate Muhwezi
national and international remits in our salary Interim COO. The trial of this alternative leadership
scales. Our global salary scales were, although model was successful, with learning shared in
on paper designed to create equity, structurally a podcast, a report published by the Women as INGO
racist in how they were applied. This means by Leaders in Development Network, and the Bond
September 2021 we will have just one scale. Conference in May 2021.

• We spoke out in support of Black Lives Matter

movements in the US and UK, and sought out
more representation on our blog and website
from people of colour living in these countries.

Illustration: Claire Pinegar

Safety, security and safeguarding.

We do everything in our power to ensure that no
harm is caused through our work or by anyone
linked to us. Our safeguarding systems are designed How we operate.
to educate our people and to prevent harm, as well as Safeguarding is overseen at a governance
to ensure that any causes for concern are reported, level by two members of the International
investigated, and acted upon. Board of Trustees. Global accountability is
delegated to: the Lead Safeguarding Officer
Between October 2019 and September 2020, (a director in our senior leadership team);
five non-critical incidents were reported to the a full-time Senior Safety and Safeguarding
Charity Commission and Trustees, a decrease from Manager; and supported by a staff team of
our 2018–2019 reporting period. Our progress seven who are all trained as safeguarding
can largely be attributed to our work to implement officers. At any given time, between 12%
recommendations from our 2019 Safeguarding and 15% of the workforce are trained
Review. These commitments include ongoing safeguarding officers. As a minimum, each
safeguarding training for all staff, as well as trained safeguarding officer is provided
advanced training completed by our safeguarding with a dedicated training every six months.
officers and managers in our Hubs. All staff attend a one-hour safeguarding
training session on a quarterly basis on top
The recommendations have since been used to of mandatory training corresponding to
influence best practice in the global development their particular role.
sector. The Cross-Sector Progress Report on
Safeguarding Against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse
and Sexual Harassment 2019–2020, published by
the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in
October 2020, includes a Restless Development case
study that demonstrates the value of building trust
in communities so that any risks or safeguarding
incidents are reported quickly to our teams.

2020 at a glance.
The pandemic caused disruptions across all areas of our operations including safety and
safeguarding. We rapidly shifted our focus to ensure our programmes and operations were
COVID safe, as well as ensuring we were keeping our people safe in online spaces.
In 2021, we will be rolling out an internal safeguarding audit so we can best understand how
our safeguarding risk has changed throughout the pandemic and to understand our online
safeguarding risks in more detail.

We will be working hard to package all of the safeguarding and safety resources that have
been created out of our major international programmes. These packages will be tested by our
partners and made available to the wider sector.

Financial accounts.

TOTAL INCOME: £10,753,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE: £10,971,000

4% Other
45% Partner
2% Individuals Non-Government 18,41% 78,32%
1% Corporates Organisations Support Programme
1% Events Costs
5% Multilateral 3,04%
13% Trusts &
Foundations 29% Bilateral 0,23%
& Government Governance

Income reduced in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to wind-down the ICS programme early and
additional cuts to programmes such as the Aid Connect strategic programme. This was offset by a reduction in
charitable activities but did result in £339,000 of unrestricted free reserves being utilised. 78P IS SPENT DIRECTLY ON OUR

Statement of financial activities. Balance sheet.
Unrestricted Restricted 2020 2019 2020 2019
Funds Funds Total Total £000’s £000’s £000’s £000’s
£000’s £000’s £000’s £000’s Fixed assets 220 276
Current assets
Income from: Debtors 985 1,387
Bank and cash 2,543 2,560
Donations and legacies
Grants and donations 461 9,881 10,342 11,863 3,528 3,947
Unrestricted Fundraising 411 - 411 596 3,748 4,223

Total income 872 9,881 10,753 12,459 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (876) (920)
Net assets 2,872 3,303

Raising funds Represented by:

Fundraising costs of grants and donations (334) - (334) (303) Funds
Charitable activities (1,011) (9,626) (10,637) (12,144) Restricted 1,931 1,879
Total expenditure (1,345) (9,626) (10,971) (12,447) Fixed Asset Reserve 163 247
Designated Reserve - 60
Net income/(expenditure) (473) 255 (218) 12 Free Reserves 778 1,117
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) (10) (203) (213) 130
2,872 3,303
Net movement in funds (483) 52 (431) 142
Reconciliation of funds Cashflow.
Total funds brought forward 1,424 1,879 3,303 3,161
Total funds carried forward 941 1,931 2,872 3,303 2020 2019
£000’s £000’s £000’s £000’s
The Statement of Financial Activities includes all gains and losses recognised in the year, and all information required for a statement of total
comprehensive income. All income and expenditure derive from continuing activities.
Cashflows from operating activities 149 (1,247)
Cashflows from investing activities
The financial information given here is The summarised financial information on Copies of these can be obtained from the
Additions to property, plant and equipment (168) (123)
a summary extracted from the audited these pages may not contain sufficient charity’s head office at: 35-41 Lower Proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets 2 35
financial statements for the year ended detail to allow for a full understanding of Marsh, London, SE1 7RL, UK or online at
30 September 2020 as approved by the the charity’s financial affairs. For further restlessdevelopment.org/resources. Net cash used in investing activities (166) (88)
Trustees on 12 May 2021. The auditor’s information, the full financial statements,
report was unqualified. the auditor’s report on those financial Registered auditors: Haysmacintyre LLP. Cashflow from financing activities - -
statements and the Trustees’ report should All figures are given in Pound Sterling (£).
A copy of the financial statements has be consulted. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (17) (1,327)
been submitted to the Charity Commission Cash and cash equivalents on 1 October 2,560 3,895
and Companies House.
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to - (8)
exchange rate movements
Cash and cash equivalents on 30 September 2,543 2,560

A message from our CEO. A message from Nikita.
This was the year that everything changed. 2020 was the year a virus shook the world.

Seemingly, one day we went to sleep and awoke the next to a virus It spread faster than it could be controlled, closing borders and
taking lives, destroying economies, harming mental health, stalling isolating communities. It exposed deep-seated social and economic
education, and worsening inequality across our world. inequalities that made us ask - ‘Are we doing the ‘right’ kind of
For a moment the world stood still.
The sheer inability and lack of preparedness of governments across
Young people didn’t stand still, though. Young leaders stood up. the world to deal with destroyed economies, crumbling health
So did Restless Development. We pivoted our work around the world in a matter of days. infrastructure, lack of essentials and political upheaval forced us to think about the limitations
From young leaders reaching 247,000 people across Sierra Leone to help communities protect of a system that thrived on years of systemic failures and structural injustices.
themselves, to Youth Against Misinformation fighting the ‘infodemic’ online, to young researchers The effects were felt throughout the world – from the migrant crisis and the more recent
gathering deep insight on how the pandemic impacted young people and communities, over 3,523 farmer protest in India, to the worsening of the climate change crisis reflected in the worsening
Restless Leaders took action when it mattered most, serving 319, 360 people in 2020. fires, and the murder of George Floyd that united some of the world against racism
The pandemic was not the only force to reshape our world in 2020. – 2020 taught lessons to us all.

Following the murder of George Floyd, we were again called on to change and to challenge the It is time not to ‘build back better’ but to create anew. To be cognizant of not perpetuating
systemic racism in our world and in our work. Building on our existing diversity, equity, and the system that has so clearly failed.
inclusion strategy, Restless Development conducted deep, meaningful listening exercises across The question then becomes, how? What is the ‘right’ kind of development?
our global teams to create new anti-racism approaches. From changing our leadership structure
to our global salary scales, we took bold action to drive equity in our agency and in our work. There is no tried and tested formula or methodology available. It warrants patience and diverse
perspectives in creating bold and innovative methods that can be replicated and scaled in
We’re only getting started. different contexts. It requires placing trust in young people and communities and relying on
Neither racism nor a pandemic will end overnight. Nor will climate breakdown, unemployment, their knowledge, experience and resilience to engender a bottom-up reconstruction.
or the squeeze on youth-led action around the world. We remain as hungry as humble to grow When big, public institutions struggled to manage the pandemic, community-led groups
our work on these issues that reshaped our world in 2020. and local civil society organisations stepped in. It is imperative to recognise their inherent
If we learned one thing in 2020 as Restless Development, it is that the power of young leaders transformative power and build on the trust and support they enjoy from communities.
has never mattered more. 2020 has given us an opportunity to imagine and build an equal and just world. One that does
Whether stopping the spread, supporting youth organisations on the frontline, or building the not repeat the mistakes of the past. It is time to seize the opportunity and be bold,
road to recovery around the world, young leaders didn’t rest in 2020. We rose. compassionate, creative, and most of all, restless.

Thank you for your support to help us make it happen. Nikita Khanna, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Coordinator,
India Hub
Perry Maddox, CEO



Thank you.
Our supporters have stood by us in an exceptionally challenging year.
We want to thank you.
Donor partners. Girls Not Brides School of Oriental and African Corporate partners Individual donors. Thank you to our long-standing
ActionAid Denmark GOAL Studies and pro bono support. Our incredible individual supporters supporter and former Patron,
Heifer International Sexual and Reproductive Health and Cazenove Capital have donated a combined £187,058 Baroness Anne Jenkin, for her
Allan and Nesta Ferguson
Rights Alliance Uganda in the UK and $62,590 in the US to incredible contributions and
Charitable Trust Hivos – People Unlimited Clarity PR
STOPAIDS Restless Development this year. commitment to youth leadership
Amplify Change International Center for Research Darktrace over the past 15 years. We are
on Women Theirworld We are so grateful for this
Asian Development Bank Deloitte eternally grateful for the guidance,
The Joint United Nations generosity, which allows us to
Australian Volunteers International Irish Aid Flight Centre support, and generosity shown
Programme on HIV and AIDS continue our vital work.
BBC Media Action Zambia Macquarie University Gleeds over years.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Making Cents International Global Hotel Alliance Volunteers and partners.
The Patter Family Foundation
Blagrave Trust Malaria No More UK IPI Annie Thomlinson, Claire Turner,
The Swedish International
BRAC International Marie Stopes Zambia Knight Frank Danielle Dempsey, Elise Bailey,
Development Agency
British Academy Mastercard Foundation Limitless Flora Paterson, Francesca Bowen,
United Nations Children’s Fund Hannah Graham, Helena Carter,
Chemonics MediFilm Zambia Marlborough College
(UNICEF) Jim Sewell, Katie Batchelor,
Mercury Phoenix Trust Summer School
Christian Aid United Nations Educational, Scientific Lauren Powell, Margo Piliero,
Murray Edwards College,
Clinton Health Access Initiative Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Oliver Lubbock, Olivia Robinson,
Cambridge University
Comic Relief Netherlands United Nations Entity for Gender Poppy Robinson, Rosie Oakley,
Comundo Ministry of Youth and Sports Nepal Equality and the Empowerment Sarah Dickins, Sophie Dannreuther,
of Women (UN WOMEN) Octopus EV Tessa Murray, Theo Clarke,
Dance for Life MTV Staying Alive Foundation
United Nations Population Fund Orrick Vanessa Kortekaas, Will Millner,
Danish International Development National Youth Council Nepal
(UNFPA) Premier League the Youth Stop AIDS Steering
Agency Network of Humanitarian Action
United States Agency for TeenTips Committee.
Democratic Governance (NOHA)
International Development (USAID) Virtual1
Facility (DGF) Norwegian Agency For Exchange Exceptional volunteers
Cooperation (NOREC) University of Cambridge and champions.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für School partnerships.
Internationale Zusammenarbeit NoVo Foundation University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Bradfield College This year, Jim Sewell and Tessa
(GIZ) Zambia Obama Foundation US Department of Health and Murray (co-founders of the Flight
Human Services, Office of Charterhouse School
Dubai Cares One Girl Australia Cranleigh School Centre Schools Triathlon) were
Population Affairs awarded the Points of Light Award
Dulverton Trust Outright Action International Marlborough College
Voluntary Services Overseas from the UK Prime Minister,
Egmont Trust Oxfam GB Royal Russell School
International and were shortlisted for the
Family Planning 2020 Plan International With an additional special mention
Voluntary Services Overseas Bond International Development
Financial Sector Deepening Plan International Uganda Nepal to Dragon School and Chandlings Volunteer Award. Both awards
Zambia Plan Zambia School for selecting Restless celebrate exceptional individual
Wellcome Trust
Ford Foundation Development as their school’s volunteers who have made
Population Services International Wilton Park chosen charity and supporting an outstanding contribution to
Foreign Commonwealth and Project Everyone Women Deliver our work through their
Development Office their community and the sector.
Quest Alliance Yeatman Family Foundation fundraising efforts.
Girl Effect

Our agency is governed by a collection of boards located around the world.
Our international board has oversight over the global agency and each of
our Hubs have their own national boards.

Founder. Tanzania Hub directors.

Jim Cogan OBE Deus Msipotwa Kibamba India
Uganda Nalini Paul We may not know all the issues
Patrons. Joseph Munyangbo Nepal we’ll face in the future, but we
Baroness Anne Jenkin
(Until Oct. 2020)
UK Kaajal Pradhan know that the next generation of
Charlotte Eaton Sierra Leone
Jamie Drummond USA Owen Doel
young leaders will be there to
Andrew Wood South Africa solve them.
Zambia Natalie Agboeze
Lord Dholakia OBE
Mafipe Chunga Tanzania If you are thinking about leaving
Hadeel Ibrahim
Michael Brearley OBE Zimbabwe Haika Mawalla a gift in your Will, leaving a gift to
Vinece Dube Uganda Restless Development is an investment
Global board of trustees. Catherine Rodgers
Charlotte Eaton, Chair
Senior leadership team.
in the generation who will be leading
Affan Cheema (Until Jan. 2021) Strategy Director
Rosanne Palmer-White the solutions to the world’s greatest
Amelia Pan Alex Kent
People Director
USA issues long into the future.
Anand Aithal (Until Nov. 2020) Jean Manney
Antoinette Boateng (Until Jan. 2020) Christina Lewis
Edleen John Programmes Director
Zambia Find out more by visiting
Candie Cassabalian
Hannah Bronwin Ed Francis (Until Dec. 2020) restlessdevelopment.org/legacy
Isabella Mosselmans Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Director
Jenny Wilson Farai Muronzi
Farai Muronzi
Jonathan Gorrie
Business Director
Lucinda Moore
Gemma Graham
Mark Dickinson-Keen
Matt Beard Operations Director
Paul Wafer Kate Muhwezi
Tom Allen Strategic Partnerships Director
Katie Rowberry (Until Oct.
Hub board chairs. 2020)
India India Director
Dr Miriam Samuel Nalini Paul
Nepal Chief Executive Officer
Anil Chitrakar Perry Maddox
Sierra Leone Finance Director We are incredibly grateful to anyone considering leaving
Mrs Sia M. Lajaku-Williams Segun Olowookere Restless Development a gift in their Will, so we have
partnered with Beyond to offer a free Will to our supporters
to make this as hassle-free and accessible as possible.
To find out more email giulia@restlessdevelopment.org.
Restless Development Cover image: Volunteers in Uganda
work with communities to assess and
improve development projects, using
Restless Development is registered:
Charity no.1127488
their phones to record data and report
Company no.6741123 back to development organisations.

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