Increases: 4. Through The Collision of A Large Meteorite With The Earth
Increases: 4. Through The Collision of A Large Meteorite With The Earth
Increases: 4. Through The Collision of A Large Meteorite With The Earth
1. decreases
2. increases
3. stays constant
4. varies randomly
4- Earth's atmosphere
1. dates from the early accretionary phase of Earth's
2. has always been as rich in oxygen as it is now
3. was probably much richer in carbon dioxide (CO2)
during early Earth history
4. was probably derived from the evaporation of comets
that collided with the Earth
8) Shields are:
a) Green metamorphic rocks formed from dark igneous rocks.
b) Solid mantle rock below the asthenosphere.
c) A large area of rocks that form the roots of a continent.
d) A very large stratigraphic unit consisting of many important smaller groups.
9) The solid, outer layer of the Earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper
part of the mantle:
a) Geosphere.
b) Crust.
c) Lithosphere.
d) Asthenosphere.