4-2 Semester Syllabus
4-2 Semester Syllabus
4-2 Semester Syllabus
45 Hours
Scope: To understand the applications of Biostatics in Pharmacy. This subject deals with
descriptive statistics, Graphics, Correlation, Regression, logistic regression Probability
theory. Sampling technique, Parametric tests, Non Parametric tests, ANOVA,
Introduction to Design of Experiments, Phases of Clinical trials and Observational and
Experimental studies, SPSS, R and MINITAB statistical software's, analyzing the
statistical data using Excel.
Course content:
Unit-I 10 Hours
Introduction: Statistics, Biostatistics, Frequency distribution
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode- Pharmaceutical examples
Measures of dispersion: Dispersion, Range, standard deviation, Pharmaceutical
Correlation: Definition, Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation, Multiple correlation -
Pharmaceuticals examples
Unit-II 10 Hours
Regression: Curve fitting by the method of least squares, fitting the lines y= a + bx and x
=a+ by, Multiple regression, standard error of regression-Pharmaceutical Examples
Probability:Definition of probability, Binomial distribution, Normal distribution,
Poisson's distribution, properties - problems
Sample, Population, large sample, small sample, Null hypothesis, altermative hypothesis,
sampling, essence of sampling. types of sampling, Error-I type, Error-II type, Standard
error of mean (SEM) - Pharmaceutical examples
Parametric test: t-test(Sample, Pooled or Unpaired and Paired) , ANOVA, (One way
and Two way), Least Significance difference
Unit-III 10 Hours
Non Parametric tests: Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis
test, Friedman Test
Introduction to Research: Need for research, Need for design of Experiments,
Experiential Design Technique, plagiarism
Graphs: Histogram, Pie Chart., Cubic Graph, response surface plot, Counter Plot graph
Designing the methodology: Sample size determination and Power of a study, Report
writing and presentation of data, Protocol, Cohorts studies, Observational studies,
Experimental studies, Designing clinical trial, various phases.
Unit-IV 8 Hours
Blocking and confounding system for Two-level factorials
Regression modeling: Hypothesis testing in Simple and Multiple regressionmodels
Introduction to Practical components of Industrial and Clinical Trials Problems:
Statistical Analysis Using Excel, SPSS, MINITAB°, DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS, R -
Online Statistical Software's to Industrial and Clinical trial approach
Unit-V 7Hours
Design and Analysis of experiments:
Factorial Design: Definition, 2, 2'design. Advantage of factorial design
Response Surface methodology: Central composite design, Historical design,
Optimization Techniques
Hours: 4S
The purpose of this course is to introduce to students a number of health issues and their
challenges. This course also introduced a number of national health programmes. The
roles of the pharmacist in these contexts are also discussed.
After the successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
Acquire high consciousness/realization of current issuesrelated to health and
pharmaceutical problems within the country and worldwide.
Have a critical way of thinking based on current healthcare development.
Evaluate alternative ways of solving problems related tohealth and
pharmaceutical issues
Course content:
Unit I: 10 Hours
Concept of health and disease: Definition, concepts and evaluation of public health.
Understanding the concept of prevention and control of disease, social causes of diseases
and social problems of the sick.
Social and health education: Food in relation to nutrition and health, Balanced diet,
Nutritional deficiencies, Vitamin deficiencies, Malnutrition and its prevention.
Sociology and health: Socio cultural factors related to health and disease, Impact of
urbanization on health and disease, Poverty and health
Hygiene and health: personal hygiene and health care; avoidable habits
programme for prevention and control of deafness, Universal immunization programme.
National programme for control of blindness, Pulse polio programme.
Unit IV: 08 Hours
National health intervention programme for mother and child, National family welfare
programme, National tobacco control programme, National Malaria Prevention Program,
National programme for the health care for the elderly, Social health programme; role of
WHO in Indian national program
Unit V: 07 Hours
Community services in rural, urban and school health: Functions of PHC, Improvement
in rural sanitation, national urban health mission, Health promotion and education in
Scope: This course is designed to impart the fundamental knowledge on the regulatory
requirements for approval of new drugs, and drug products in regulated markets of
India & other countries like US, EU, Japan, Australia,UK etc. I prepares the students
to learn in detail on the regulatory requirements, documentation requirements, and
registration procedures for marketing the drug products.
Course content:
Unit I 10Hours
New Drug Discovery and development
Stages of drug discovery, Drug development process, pre-clinical studies, non-clinical
activities, clinical studies, Innovator and generics, Concept of generics, Generic drug
product development.
Unit II 10Hours
Document (eCTD), ASEAN Common Technical Document (ACTD)research.
Unit IV 08Hours
Clinical trials
Developing clinical trial protocols, Institutional Review Board / Independent Ethics
committee - formation and working procedures, Informed consent process and
procedures, GCP obligations of Investigators, sponsors & Monitors, Managing and
Monitoring clinical trials, Pharmacovigilance - safety monitoring in clinical trials
Unit V 07Hours
Regulatory Concepts
Basic terminology, guidance, guidelines, regulations, Laws and Acts, Orange book,
Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulatory, Purple book
Recommended books (Latest edition):
1. Drug Regulatory Affairs by Sachin ltkar, Dr. N.S. Vyawahare, Nirali Prakashan.
2. The Pharmaceutical Regulatory Process, Second Edition Edited by Ira R. Berry and
Robert P. Martin, Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol. 185. Informa Health
care Publishers.
3. New Drug Approval Process: Accelerating Global Registrations By Richard A
Guarino, MD, 5h edition, Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 190.
4. Guidebook for drug regulatory submissions / Sandy Weinberg. By John Wiley &
Sons. Inc.
5. FDA Regulatory Affairs: a guide for prescription drugs, medical devices, and
biologics ledited by Douglas J. Pisano, David Mantus.
6. Generic Drug Product Development, Solid Oral Dosage forms, Leon Shargel and
Isader Kaufer, Marcel Dekker series, Vol.143
7. Clinical Trials and Human Research: A Practical Guide to Regulatory Compliance
By Fay A. Rozovsky and Rodney K. Adams
8. Principles and Practices of Clinical Research, Second Edition Edited by John I.
Gallin and Frederick P. Ognibene
9. Drugs: From Discovery to Approval, Second Edition By Rick Ng
45 hours
Scope: This paper will provide an opportunity for the student to learn about development of
pharmacovigilance as a science, basic terminologies used in pharmacovigilance, global scenario
of Pharmacovigilance, train students on establishing pharmacovigilance programme in an
organization, various methods that can be used to generate safety data and signal detection. This
paper also develops the skills of classifying drugs, diseases and adverse drug reactions.
At completion of this paper it is expected that students will be able to (know, do, and
1 Why drug safety monitoring is important?
2. History and development of pharmacovigilance
3. National and international scenario of pharmacovigilance
4. Dictionaries, coding and terminologies used in pharmacovigilance
5. Detection of new adverse drug reactions and their assessment
6 International standards for classification of diseases and drugs
7. Adverse drug reaction reporting systems and communication in pharmacovigilance
8. Methods to generate safety data during pre clinical, clinical and post approval phases of
drugs' life cycle
9. Drug safety evaluation in paediatrics, geriatrics, pregnancy and lactation
10. Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvP) requirement for ADR reporting in India
11. ICH guidelines for ICSR,PSUR, expedited reporting. pharmacovigilance planning
12. CIOMS requirements for ADR reporting
13. Writing case narratives of adverse events and their quality.
Course Content
Unit I 10 Hours
Introduction to Pharmacovigilance
History and development of Pharmacovigilance
Importance of safety monitoring of Medicine
WHO international drug monitoring programme
" Pharmacovigilance Program of India(PvP)
Introduction to adverse drug reactions
Definitions and classification of ADRs
Detection and reporting
Methods in Causality assessment
Severity and seriousness assessment
Predictability and preventability assessment
Management of adverse drug reactions
Basic terminologies used in pharmacovigilance
Terminologies of adverse medication related events
Regulatory terminologies
Unit II
Drug and disease classification
Anatomical, therapeutic and chemical classification of drugs
International classification of diseases
Daily defined doses
10 hours
Unit 10 Hours
Vaccine safety surveillance
Vaccine Pharmacovigilance
Vaccination failure
Adverse events following immunization
Pharmacovigilance methods
Passive surveillance- Spontaneous reports and case series
Stimulated reporting
Active surveillance -Sentinel sites, drug event monitoring and registries
Comparative observational studies - Cross sectional study,case control study and
cohort study
Targeted clinical investigations
Communication in pharmacovigilance
Effective communication in Pharmacovigilance
Communication in Drug Safety Crisis management
Communicating with Regulatory Agencies, Business Partners, Healthcare facilities &
Unit IV 8 Hours
Unit V 7 hours
Pharmacogenomics of adverse drug reactions
" Genetics related ADR with example focusing PK parameters.
Drug safety evaluation in special population
Pregnancy and lactation
CIOMS Working Groups
CDSCO (India) and Pharmacovigilance
D&C Act and Schedule Y
Differences in Indian and global pharmacovigilance requirements