Abstract: The article seeks to investigate the disposition of mathematics phobia. It studies about the fear of mathematics, its causes,
symptoms and ways to overcome regarding the school level students. Out of the root causes of mathematics phobia, curriculum structure,
schools facilities, instructional techniques, teachers’ teaching performance, use of tools and technology and evaluation system are the
main. In the same way, lack of proper incentives for mathematics teachers and the negative perception of the students and teachers about
mathematics are also the important causes. The study has revealed that mathematics phobia exists among students, which are
characterized into negative perception of the students towards mathematics and others too. The main causes of mathematics phobia
include test and examination, individuals, teachers, parents, peers and the nature of mathematics. The only ways to overcome
mathematics phobia, is the intensive efforts made by all the stakeholders.
Keywords: Mathematics, Fear, Phobia, Arithmophobia, Numerophobia
Mathematics is a universal, utilitarian subject that is needed for everyone in their life. It is an integral part of the curriculum
throughout the countries in the world. It is an interdisciplinary language and tool that is considered as one of the fundamentals in the
formal educational system (Roy, 2011). He further states that mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space and change. It is as a
human endeavor encompasses the mathematics of measurement time, distance and different system of distance measurement that
developed throughout the world. Mathematics is a science about well-defined objects and notions which can be analyzed and transformed
in different ways using ‘mathematical reasoning’ to obtain conclusions about which we are certain (OECD, 2018).It is an essential
requirement in every field of intellectual endeavor and human development to cope with the challenges of life (Ihechukwu &
Ugwuegbulam, 2016).
The word 'mathematics' comes from the Greek word 'mathema', which means learning, study, science and additionally came to
have the narrower and more technical meaning 'mathematical study' even in classical time (Roy, 2011). Mathematics is an important
subject with broad applicability to everyday life, yet mathematics is often considered as a difficult subject in schools (Kaur, 2017). As
early as the 1st grade, students can start displaying negative attitudes towards learning mathematics and gradually develop it in the form
of mathematics anxiety (Hornigold, 2015). Moreover, it seems that the school has not given the special attention to classroom delivery
and the approaches to teaching and learning of students with mathematics learning difficulty (Khing, 2016). On the other hand, students'
performance in mathematics is decreasing gradually as the students' moves to the upper grades. The reasons behind such aspects like
negative attitudes, mathematics anxiety and decreasing students' performance on mathematics may be different prevailing factors. Among
these different factors, somebody consider mathematics phobia is one of the important factors. It is the universal belief about mathematics
as a 'difficult subject' by perception. In the Nepalese society, most of the school level students, teacher as well as parents consider
mathematics as a difficult subject. So, those students who have already conditioned their minds that mathematics is a difficult subject are
usually not serious in the learning of mathematics and therefore perform poorly in mathematics tests and examinations (Ihendinihu,
1.1 Context of the Study
Mathematics achievements of the students in Nepal not only seem to be at a lower place as compared with their international
status (NASA, 2013) but also are in a rather decreasing direction in recent years. According to the report of NASA (2017), the average
score in grade VIII mathematics in 2017 was 49.2 while the score in 2013 was 50.8. NASA (2019) shows that huge mass of students is at
the underperforming level especially in mathematics and is decreasing the students' mathematics achievement for some years. This
situation also requires the necessity to enlighten the students towards those with poor in mathematics for their better performance. In spite
of the continual efforts in the field of teacher development, cognitive aspect of learning and content organization, and timely amendments
of the curriculum targeted at education reform in the Nepalese context, achievements in mathematics still seem to be at a lower place
IJCRT2008103 DOI :http://www.ijcrt.org/papers/IJCRT2008103.pdf www.ijcrt.org 818
www.ijcrt.org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 8 August 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882
(Panthi & Belbase, 2017; Mahato, Morgan & Earnest, 2019; NASA, 2019). The cause of underperforming in mathematics is not clear
however, there may be different factors that could influence mathematics achievement. Arguably, one reason for this is that students'
perspectives are neglected in mathematics pedagogic practices and the causes may be the negative perception about mathematics,
mathematics phobia that the students could be affected from the beginning of school education. In the same way, another cause may be
the lack up arousing students' positive attitude towards mathematics due to inadequate teaching materials, large classes, poorly motivated
teachers, lack of laboratories and libraries, poor supervisory activities and lack of overall students' assessment system etc. As stated by
Soares, Evans & Patel (2018), mathematical difficulties refer to the poor mathematics achievement of the children caused by a variety of
factors from poor instruction to environmental factors, which is hypothesized to be due to an inherent weakness in mathematical
cognition not attributable to socio-cultural or environmental causes.
1.2 Significance of the Study
Mathematics can be a very interesting and fun provoking subject for those learners who can really enjoy their learning (Fu Sai &
Chin Kin, 2017). On the contrary, mathematics can also be a frustrating subject for many children who have problems with computation
and application (Chinn, 2015). This shows that, many people have mixed feelings about mathematics. Thus, many students feel
mathematics as a boring and disengaging subject (Colgan, 2014) and they hate mathematics, and try to avoid it by the cause of
mathematics anxiety. Even teachers and parents have negative attitudes towards mathematics; it is expressed as a hard subject that is
inaccessible, uninteresting, and it is not for cool and engaging people, and not for girls (Boaler & Dweck, 2016). Of all the most
important cause of poor performance in mathematics at school level may be the phobia in mathematics. Thus the study can help the
concerned teachers and the educational administrators to run and support the students who are suffering due to the lack of support and
other resources, and the perceived barriers that impact on classroom instruction and supports (Graves, 2018).
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follows:
i) to familiarize the concern students, parents, and teachers about the fear and phobia of mathematics
ii) to develop the ideas about the types of mathematics phobia, causes, symptoms and ways to overcome to the concern
The methodology of this article is mainly descriptive. In this paper, the researcher has been adopted mainly the desk study method to
search the different aspects of fear and phobia of mathematics. It is based on the review of the published and unpublished literatures from
different sources including worldwide web. Different recent articles and the research report related to the mathematics phobia were
reviewed thoroughly to describe the different aspects of mathematics phobia. The related books on theory of mathematics phobia are also
reviewed to some extent.
3.1 The Fear of Mathematics
Mathematics is considered as the one of the most prominent subjects in school level education due to its importance in day to
day function of the people. It has long been recognized as an essential requirement for everyday life and for most occupations.
Mathematics is often considered as a difficult subject by many students in schools education (Capuno, et al., 2019). Feeling mathematics
as difficult for students affects not only their liking of mathematics but also their perseverance, interest, boredom and self-efficacy beliefs
related to mathematics (Gafoor & Kurukkan, 2015). Fear of mathematics is not only the case of the particular places or the persons. It is a
global issue. The fear about mathematics is causing the students negative attitude towards mathematics and hindrance the learner from
focusing on the problem which they are tackling. The fear of mathematics also tends to the learner get nervous especially during the time
of the test or examination, fear clouds their minds and the students could not perform as well. Some of the reasons attributed to the fear of
mathematics may develop earlier to the learner and may have several possible causes like: hereditary, social and environmental. Fear of
mathematics may create due to the influence of the parents, teachers, classmates and seniors. In the same way, negative perception
towards mathematics also may cause the fear of mathematics.
3.2 Meaning and Types of Phobia
A type of anxiety disorder or a mental illness that makes someone very worried and affects their life is known as phobia.
It involves an extreme fear of something or irrational fear of a specific situation, activity and object or that leads to compelling desire to
avoid it (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The term 'phobia' is abstracted from the Greek word "phobos" meaning fear, panic
fear, or terror. In the simple terms, the meaning of phobia is "fear". Usually a person has phobias to a number of objects or situations.
Phobias can be divided into three categories as: specific phobias, social phobia, and agoraphobia (Hamm, 2009). Specific phobias include
the fear of certain animals, natural environment situations, blood or injury, and specific situations. Social phobia appears when the
situation is fearful for the person who is worried for being judged by the other persons. In the same way, agoraphobia is a generalized fear
of leaving home or a small familiar 'safe' area, and of possible panic attacks that might follow. Sometimes the phobias are produced by
the negative experience with the object or situation.
3.3 Mathematics Phobia
There are different types of phobia (fear) such as: fear of water (hydrophobia), fear of height (alto phobia), and fear of
performance and so on. One of them is mathematics phobia. It is a fear of mathematics. It can be defined as a feeling of anxiety that stops
one from efficiently tackling mathematical problems. Mathematics phobia is regarded as mathematics weakness in students that deals
with psychological dimension of learning (Olaniyan & Salman, 2015). Tillfors (2003) defined phobia as learned emotional responses and
it causes frequent severe and intense anxiety. Many people have a negative perception about mathematics that it is an extremely hard
subject which they cannot master. This negative perception weakens them from focusing on the subject and as a result they get