BSC I II Year Syallabus365
BSC I II Year Syallabus365
BSC I II Year Syallabus365
Course Description
This course is designed for first year of Four years B.Sc. program. The main aim of this course is to provide
knowledge of Calculus.
Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the concepts of Calculus and
differential equations and their applications. It aims at enabling students to build knowledgebase in Calculus.
Course Contents
Unit 0. Review of Elementary Calculus: Functions, Graphs, Evaluations of limits, Continuity, Discontinuity,
Test of continuity and properties of continuous functions. [10 Lectures]
Unit 1. Tangents and Normals: Tangents and normals, Subtangents, Subnormal and their lengths, Derivatives
of arc length, Polar equations of subtangents and subnormal, Angle between radius vector and tangent, Length
of perpendicular from pole on tangent, Pedal equations and Angle between two curves.
[10 Lectures]
Unit 2. Higher Order Derivatives and Mean Value Theorems: Higher order derivatives, Following theorems
(without proofs): Rolle's theorem, Langrange's theorem Cauchy Mean Value theorem, Maclaurin's theorem and
Taylor's theorem and their applications in solving problems. [15 Lectures]
Unit 3. Application of Derivatives: Indeterminate forms, L'Hospital's rule (without proof), Asymptotes,
Types of asymptotes, Asymptotes of algebraic curves, Curve tracing techniques, Standard curves and their
tracing, Curvature, Chord of curvature, Curvature at origin, Center and circle of curvature.
[15 Lectures]
Unit 4. Partial Differentiations and Maxima and Minima of Functions of 2 and 3 Variable: Basic ideas of
limits and continuity of functions of 2 and 3 variables, Partial derivatives and their geometrical interpretation,
Higher order partial derivatives, Homogeneous functions, Euler's theorem (proof for 2 variables only), Total
differentials, Extreme values, Stationary points, Criteria for maxima and minima, Subsidiary conditions,
Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers. [15 Lectures]
Unit 5. Integration and Definite Integrals: Integration concepts, Integration techniques and standard
formulae, Integration of rational functions and hyperbolic functions, Integration as the limit of a sum, Definite
integral and fundamental theorem of integral calculus (without proof), properties of definite integral.
[10 Lectures]
Unit 7. Rectification and Quadrature, Volume and Surface Area of Solid of Revolution: Rectification
notion, Length formulae, Idea of quadrature and area formula, Volume and surface area of solid of revolution.
[10 Lectures]
Unit 8. Double Integrals: Double and iterated integrals in rectangular coordinates, Changes of variables in
double integrals( to polar coordinates and curvilinear coordinates), Computing area and volume using double
integrals, Application of double integrals in mechanics: mass and static moments of a lamina, centre of gravity,
moments of inertia of a lamina. [10 Lectures]
Unit 9. Vector Calculus: Vector Fields, Gradient Fields, Line Integrals, Line Integrals in Space, Line
Integrals of Vector Fields, The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals, Independence of Paths, Conservation
of Energy, Green‟s Theorem, Extended Version of Green‟s Theorem, Curl and Divergence, Vector forms of
Green‟s Theorem. [10 Lectures]
Unit 10. Vector Calculus (Contd.): Parametric Surfaces and their Areas, Surface Integrals, Surface Integrals
of Vector Fields, Stoke‟s Theorem, The Divergence Theorem. [10 Lectures]
Unit 11. Differential Equations of the First Order and the First Degree: Introduction, standard form,
Variables-separable equations, Homogeneous equations, Equations reducible to homogeneous equations, Non-
homogeneous equation of the first order, Exact differential equation, Condition for exactness, Integrating
factors first order, Exact differential equation, Condition for exactness, Integrating factors and techniques,
Linear differential equations and equations reducible to linear forms. [15 Lectures]
Unit 12. Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficient: Linear equations with constant
coefficients, Linear equations solvable using symbolic operators, Symbolic operation techniques, Particular
integrals and complementary function, Homogeneous linear equations, Equations reducible to homogeneous
form. [12 Lectures]
Text books
1. M.B. Singh and B.C. Bajracharya; Differential Calculus, Sukunda Pustak Bhandar,
Kathmandu, 1995.
2. G.D. Pant and G.S. Shrestha; Integral Calculus and Differential Equations, Sunita
Prakashan, Kathmandu 1994.
3. James Stewart, Calculus Early Transcendentals, Cengage Learning, 7th Edition Metric
Version, 2015.
Reference books
Course Description: This course is designed for first year of Four years B.Sc. program. The main aim of this
course is to provide knowledge of Analytical Geometry and Vector Analysis.
Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts of Analytical
Geometry and Vector Analysis. It aims at enabling students to build good knowledgebase in the subject of
Analytical Geometry and Vector Analysis
Unit 2. Conic Sections and their properties: Introduction, Conic section as a locus of a point and as a section
of a cone, Central conic sections, Ellipse and hyperbola, Derivation of their equations in standard forms,
Auxiliary circles and eccentric angle, Equations of tangent and normal, Chord of contact, Pole and polar and
their properties, Diameter, conjugate diameter and equi-conjugate diameter, Asymptotes of hyperbola,
Relations between the equation of the hyperbola, its asymptotes and the conjugate hyperbola, Equation of a
hyperbola, Equation of a hyperbola referred to the asymptotes as coordinate axes.
[20 Lectures]
Unit 3. Polar Equation of a Conic: Polar equation of a conic section with focus being a pole, Equation of the
chord of conic, Equation to the tangent, normal and chord of contact, Equation of the polar to a conic and
Equation of the asymptotes. [10 Lectures]
Unit 4. General Equation of the Second Degree: General equation of the second degree and the conic
representation by them, Nature of the conic, Center of conic, Equation of the tangent and condition of
tangency, Equation of pair of tangents, Director circle, Equation of the normal to a conic, Equation of pole and
polar with respect to a conic, Diameter and conjugate diameters, Intersection of conics, Asymptotes to a conic.
[10 Lectures]
Unit 5. Coordinates in three space and Plane: Review of coordinates in space, angle between two lines,
General equation of the first degree representing a plane, angle between two planes, Plane through three points,
Plane through intersection of the two planes, Condition for representing a pair of planes by the homogeneous
equation of the second degree [10 Lectures]
Unit 6. Straight lines: Representation of a line as the intersection of two planes, Line in symmetric form, Line
through two points, Reduction of the general form to the symmetrical form, Perpendicular distance of a point
from a line, Condition for a line to lie in a plane, General equation of a plane containing a line, Coplanar lines
and condition for it, Skew lines, Magnitude and equation of the line of shortest distance between two skew lies,
Intersection of three planes. [12 Lectures]
Course Objectives
At the end of this course the student should be able to acquire sufficient basic knowledge in physic
and apply this knowledge for higher studies and research in physics
Course Contents:
1. Review of Laws of Motion: 1.1 Dynamics of a particle, General equations of motion, Types of
forces, Conservation laws, Work-Energy theorem, Conservative forces, 1.2 Motion of a body near
the surface of the earth, Linear restoring force, Potential energy curve, Non-conservative forces.
[3 hours]
2. Linear and Angular Momentum: 2.1 Conservation of linear momentum, Centre of mass,
Collision of two particles, 2.2 Deflection of a moving particle by a particle at rest, Rocket,
Angular momentum and torque, 2.3 Motion under central force, Areal velocity, 2.4 Examples of
conservation of angular momentum. [5 hours]
3. Gravitational Potentials and Fields: 3.1 Central Forces, Inverse square-law of force, 3.2
Gravitational field and potential, Velocity of escape, 3.3 Potential and field due to a thin spherical
shell and due to a solid sphere, Gravitational self energy, 3.4 Gauss‟s and Poisson‟s equation for
gravitational field, 3.5 Kepler's laws of planetary motion, 3.6 Deduction of Newton‟s law of
gravitation from Kepler‟s Laws. [7 hours]
4. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies: 4.1 Equations of motion for a rotating rigid body, 4.2 Theorems on
moment of inertia (M.I.), M.I. of a rectangular lamina, Solid uniform bar of rectangular cross-
section, Circular disc, Solid cylinder, Solid sphere and spherical shell, 4.3 Kinetic energy of a
rotating and rolling bodies, 4.4 Motion of a body rolling down an inclined plane, 4.5 Reduction of
two body problem to a single body problem. [6 hours]
5. Harmonic Oscillator: 5.1 Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and harmonic oscillator, 5.2
Examples of harmonic oscillator, Simple pendulum, Compound pendulum, 5.3 Mass-spring
system, 5.4 Torsional pendulum, 5.5 Helmholtz resonator, 5.6 Oscillation of two particles
connected by a spring ,N-coupled oscillators, 5.7 Damping force, Damped and forced harmonic
oscillator, 5.8 Power dissipation, Quality factor, 5.9 Power absorption. [8 hours]
6. Wave Motion: 6.1 General equation of wave motion, 6.2 Equation of plane progressive harmonic
wave, 6.3 Particle velocity and wave velocity, 6.4 Energy density for a plane progressive wave,
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6.5 Intensity of wave and spherical waves, 6.6 Transverse waves in stretched strings, Modes of
vibration, 6.7 Longitudinal waves in rods and gases, 6.8 Flow of energy in stationary waves.
[7 hours]
7. Elasticity: 7.1 Relations connecting various elastic constants, 7.2 Angle of twist and angle of
shear, 7.3 Twisting couple on a cylindrical rod or wire, 7.4 Work done in twisting a rod or wire,
7.5 Bending of beams, Bending moment, 7.6 Cantilever, 7.7 Beam supported at its ends and
loaded in the middle. [8 hours]
8. Fluid Mechanics - Viscosity: 8.1 Kinematics of moving fluid, 8.2 Equation of continuity, 8.3
Bernoulli's theorem and its applications, 8.4 Viscous fluids, Streamline and turbulent flow,
Critical velocity, 8.5 Reynold's number, 8.6 Poiseuille's equation, Capillaries in series and
parallel. [6 hours]
Course Contents:
16. Classical statistical physics: 16.1 Phase space, Microstate, Macrostate, 16.2 Ensemble,
Constraints and accessible states, 16.3 Thermodynamic probability, 16.4 Fundamental postulates
of statistical mechanics, 16.5 Division of phase space into cells, 16.5 Boltzmann‟s canonical
distribution law, 16.6 Maxwell‟s distribution law of velocities, 16.7 Maxwell-Boltzmann
statistics, 16.7 Law of equipartition of energy. [10 hours]
17. Introduction to Quantum Statistical Physics: 17.1 Bose-Einstein statistics, 17.2 Fermi-Dirac
statistics, 17.3 Black body radiation, 17.4 Electron gas in metals, 17.5 Fermi energy. [5 hours]
18. Elementary Vector Analysis: 18.1 Gradient of a scalar, Divergence and curl of a vector in
cartesian coordinates, 18.2 Divergence in polar coordinates, 18.3 Gauss's, Stoke's and Green's
theorems, 18.4 Laplacian in polar co-ordinate system, 18,5 Laplace's and Poisson's equation.
[5 hours]
19. Electrostatic Potential and Field: 19.1 Coulomb's law, Electric Potential energy of a system of
charges, Electric field strength, Electric flux, 19.2 Gauss's law and it's applications, 19.3 Electric
potential and the line integral of the electric field, 19.4 Equipotential surface, Potential and field
due to an electric dipole, Potential due to an infinitely long charged wire, Potential and field due
to an uniformly charged disc, 19.5 Force on a surface charge, 19.6 Method of electrical images.
[7 hours]
20. Electric Fields in Dielectrics: 20.1 A dipole in an electric field, Polar and non-polar molecules,
20.2 Dielectric polarization, Electric field due to a polarized dielectric (three electric vectors),
20.3 Gauss's law in dielectric, Energy stored in an electric field in the presence of dielectric,
Boundary conditions on field vectors, Molecular field in a dielectric, 20.4 The Clausius-Mossotti
relation, Polar molecules, 20.5 The Langevin Debye formula. [6 hours]
21. Magnetic Fields of Moving Charges: 21.1 Magnetic field and the magnetic flux, 21.2 Biot-
Savart's law and its applications, 20.3 Lorentz force, Ampere's circuital law and its applications,
Curl B and div B, 20.4 Magnetic vector and scalar potentials, 20.5 Magnetic dipole, 20.6 Force
between current carrying parallel wires. [6 hours]
22. Magnetic Properties and Fields: 22.1 The absence of isolated magnetic poles, 22.2 Magnetic
dipole moment of current loop and angular momentum, Magnetization, 22.3 Langevin's theory of
diamagnetism and paramagnetism, 22.4 Theory of ferromagnetism, 22.5 Energy loss due to
hysteresis, 22.6 Magnetic susceptibility and permeability, Ferrites. [6 hours]
23. Electromagnetic Inductions: 23.1 Faraday's law, Skin effect, 23.2 Moving coil ballistic
galvanometer, Search coil, Flux meter, Earth inductor, Self and mutual induction, 23.3
Reciprocity theorem of mutual inductances, Self inductance of a solenoid, Toroid and two long
parallel wires, 23.4 Energy stored in magnetic field, Transformer. [4 hours]
Text Books:
2. Singhal S. S., Agarwal J. P., Prakash S. - Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics,
Pragati Prakashan, Meerut, 21st Ed. (2009)
Reference Books:
2. Verma M. K. - Introduction to Mechanics, University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 1st Ed. (2008)
5. Reif F. - Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill, Delhi (1985)
6. Kittel C., Kroemer H. - Thermal Physics, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd Ed. (1987)
7. Arora V. P., Saxena M. C., Prakash S. - Electricity and Magnetism:, Pragati Prakashan,
Meerut, 18th Ed. (2007)
9. Griffiths D. J. - Introduction to Electrodynamics, PHI India, New Delhi, 3rd Ed. (2002)
Course Description:
Physics Laboratory (General) Practical course consists of three sections: (a) Mechanical
Experiments, (b) Heat & Thermodynamics Experiments, and (c) Electricity & Magnetism
Experiments. Students have to perform at least 15 experiments in 180 working hours.
Students are required to perform 3 hours laboratory work twice in a week. Students should
complete at least 20 experiments in the first year. Students need to write a laboratory report
on each experiment they perform and get them duly checked and signed by the concerned
teacher. They should write their reports in a separate sheet, and to keep them neat and
properly filed.
Course Objectives:
Text Books:
Evaluation Scheme:
1. Student must perform three hours laboratory work twice a week to complete PHY102
lab works.
2. PHY102 will be examined for the duration of six hours in two different three hours
3. The practical exam will be graded on the basis of the following marking scheme:
Record file: 20% Experiment: 50%
Error Analysis: 10% Viva: 20%
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science & Technology
Course objectives:
To impart the knowledge of descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, theoretical as well as the
applied knowledge of probability and some probability distributions
Group A
1. Introduction to Statistics [5]
Meaning of Statistics as a Science; Importance of Statistics; Scope of Statistics in the field of physical
Sciences, Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Industry, Economics Sciences, Social Sciences,
Management Sciences, Information Technology, Agriculture, Insurance, Education and Psychology.
2. Population and Sample [8]
Organization of Data: Data mining, editing, coding and data management; assessing the quality of the
data; Classification and Tabulation : Raw data and its classification, Discrete frequency distribution,
construction of class interval (Sturge‟s rule), continuous frequency distribution, inclusive and
exclusive methods of classification, open end classes, cumulative frequency distribution and relative
frequency distribution; tabulation, construction of bivariate frequency distribution. Diagrammatic
Presentation of Data: Simple bar diagram, multiple bar diagram, sub-divided bar diagram, pie-chart
(review). Graphical Presentation of Data: Histogram, frequency curve, frequency polygon, ogive
curves stem and leaf chart, range chart; Check sheet, Pareto diagram
Problems and illustrative examples
Raw moments ( mr ' ) for grouped and ungrouped data; moments about an arbitrary constant for
grouped and ungrouped data mr (a ) ; Central moments ( mr ) for grouped and ungrouped data; Effect
of change of origin and scale; Relations between central moments and raw moments (up to 4th order).
Concept of skewness of frequency distribution; positive skewness, negative skewness, symmetric
frequency distribution, Bowley‟s coefficient of skewness : Computation of coefficient of skewness
using Bowley‟s formula and its interpretation, interpretation using Box plot; Karl Pearson‟s
coefficient of skewness; Measures of skewness based on moments ( 1 , 1 ) , Concepts of kurtosis;
leptokurtic, mesokurtic and platykurtic frequency distributions; measures of kurtosis using partition
values; Measures of kurtosis based on moments ( 2 , 2 )
Properties (with proof): (i) 1 r 1, (ii) Effect of change of origin and scale
Spearman‟s rank correlation including tied cases
Problems and illustrative examples
(i) byxbxy = r2 , (ii) byxbxy 1, (iii) byx r , bxy r x ,
x y
(iv) Effect of change of origin and scale, (v) Angle between the two lines of regression
Mean residual sum of squares, Residual plot and its interpretation for assessing the goodness of fit of
the regression line, explained and unexplained variation, coefficient of determination; concept of
multiple regression
Problems and illustrative Examples
Group B
8. Introduction to Probability [20]
Review of set operations; Concepts in probability: deterministic and random experiments; Definitions
of terms: trial and event, outcome, sample space, equally likely, mutually exclusive, exhaustive and
favorable cases, sure and impossible events, independent and dependent events; Definitions of
probability: mathematical (classical), statistical (relative frequency) and subjective with their merits
and demerits; Combinatorial analysis and combinatorial probability examples, algebra of events and
probability; Properties of probability and basic theorems: Additive and multiplicative theorems,
Boole‟s inequality; Axiomatic definition of probability, geometrical probability and Bertrand‟s
paradox; Conditional probability, pair-wise and mutual independence, Bayes theorem, prior and
posterior probabilities, sensitivity, specificity, predictive value positive and predictive value negative
of a diagnostic test
Problems and illustrative examples
4th year B.Sc. syallabus-2073 revised Page 68
9. Random Variables [10]
1. Miller and Fruend (2007). Modern Elementary Statistics, Pearson Publishers.
2. Snedecor and Cochran (1980). Statistical Methods, Oxford and IBH Publishers
3. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K.(2012). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand
and Sons, New Delhi
4. Shrestha H.B., Statistics and Probability: Concepts and Techniques, EKTA Books. Latest
5. Sthapit Azaya, Yadav Rashinder, Khanal Shankar. (2012). Fundamentals of Statistics, Asmita
Publication, Kathmandu, Nepal
6. Sukubhattu, N. P. (2063 BS). Probability Theory and Statistical Methods, 2nd edition, Asmita
Publications, Kathmandu
7. Daniel, W.W (2000). Biostatistics: A foundation for analysis in the health sciences, 7th
edition, John Wiley and sons, INC
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of the topics in theory, and the laboratory with well-equipped
computers facility should be arranged..
Course objectives:
Practical problems