Mutation Testing - Software Testing
Mutation Testing - Software Testing
Mutation Testing - Software Testing
Objective of Mutation Testing:
The objective of mutation testing is:
To identify pieces of code that are not tested properly.
To identify hidden defects that can’t be detected using other testing
To discover new kinds of errors or bugs.
To calculate the mutation score.
To study error propagation and state infection in the program.
To assess the quality of the test cases.
Advantages of Mutation Testing:
It brings a good level of error detection in the program.
It discovers ambiguities in the source code.
It finds and solves the issues of loopholes in the program.
It helps the testers to write or automate the better test cases.
It provides more efficient programming source code.
Disadvantages of Mutation Testing:
It is highly costly and time-consuming.
It is not able for Black Box Testing.
Some, mutations are complex and hence it is difficult to implement or run
against various test cases.
Here, the team members who are performing the tests should have good
programming knowledge.
Selection of correct automation tool is important to test the programs.