Ge 1301-Professional Ethics and Human Values 2022
Ge 1301-Professional Ethics and Human Values 2022
Ge 1301-Professional Ethics and Human Values 2022
Seventh/Eighth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2008)
11. (a) Differentiate service learning and volunteerism. Define service learning.
Discuss the importance and characteristics of service learning.
(b) What do you mean by Honesty? Why and how the modern society
discourages it? List out a few thoughts of emotional Honesty.
(b) (i) Explain Kohlberg’s theory, Glligan’s theory and Heinz’s dilemma.(8)
13. (a) What is Code of Ethics? Discuss the various attributes of code of ethics
with reference to ethical personality.
14. (a) Discuss the techniques and ways of assessment of safety and risk and
also highlight on the risk-benefit analysis.
(b) What is professional rights and employee rights?
(b) (i) What are the roles and responsibilities of consulting engineers?
Discuss. (8)
(ii) How do you think engineers abuse their profession? (8)
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