GMVN Booking Voucher - GMVN-240530072512384136
GMVN Booking Voucher - GMVN-240530072512384136
GMVN Booking Voucher - GMVN-240530072512384136
Uttarakhand - India
91-135-2740896 2746817 2749308
Guest Details
Thank you, Your Payment of Rs. 2401.00 is successful. Your Booking ID is GMVN-240530072512384136
Guest Details
Booking Details
Check-in: 30-05-2024
Check-out: 31-05-2024
Check in time 02.00 pm Check out time 11.00 AM (Except- Kedarnath & Badrinath). GMVN TRHs Kedarnath Dham & Badrinath Dham Check in time 02.00 pm
Check out time 10.00 AM (Last Reporting 9.00 PM)
Deposit Policy
Cancellation/Refund Policy
In case the guest holds a booking but fails to Check- In on the arrival date then the 100% advance amount for the booking gets forfeited and no refund policy
shall apply.
Booking Up - gradation
Request made for up-gradation will be subject to availability with addition of difference of tariff amount.
The request made is subject to consideration based on availability at least 24 Hours prior to Check-in date.
Late Check-out request made will be subject to availability with additional following charges
Extra Person/Bed
Child up to 12 Years will be accommodated complimentary without extra bed in the parent’s room.
Person above 12 Years will be charged 20% of the applicable room tariff with extra bed.
Special Circumstances
MD, GMVN under special circumstances reserves the right to provide relaxation case to case basis on the Cancellation policy based on the merit.
The Management reserves the right to change the tariff at any time without prior intimation.
Tourists are liable and responsible of ensuring safety of their valuables & belongings.
Senior Citizen discount policy is applicable only on Package Tours.
Tourists are requested to abide by house rules, respect local sentiments and culture.
The GMVN shall not be held responsible for Loss/ Delay/ Cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances/ Natural Disaster etc. beyond the control of GMVN.
In case of difference of opinion between the tourist/pilgrims and GMVN, shall be subject to jurisdiction of the court of Dehradun (Uttarakhand) within 30 days
after completion of the tour. Beyond this, GMVN shall not be responsible for any claims, whatsoever.
Every tourist planning to visit Gaumukh is required to obtain entry permit first from the respective authority.
GST and any other statutory taxes as applicable will be charged extra in all cases where GMVN charges any amount as deduction or service charges.
GMVN also conducts regular package tours and customized tours to variousdestinations. For more information log on to our website
Email ID for all booking related correspondence
Check in time 02.00 pm Check out time 11.00 AM (Except- Kedarnath & Badrinath)
GMVN TRHs Kedarnath Dham & Badrinath Dham Check in time 02.00 pm Check out time 10.00 AM (Last Reporting 9.00 PM)
Tourist of Rudra Meditation Cave last reporting time is 4.00 PM at Kedarnath Swargarohini Cottage.
In any case if GMVN TRHs has been occupied by Distt. Administration for any reason, alternate accommodation arrangements will be made in private
lodges/guest houses/hotels at near bye TRHs & other places.
All Tourists are requested to get the registration for Char Dham Yatra/Valley of Flower/Hemkund Sahib as it is compulsory by the Govt Rules from
Uttarakhand Tourism website.
Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd.
741 Rajpur Road Dehradun-248001.
Uttarakhand - India