Mod2 (Extraqns)
Mod2 (Extraqns)
Mod2 (Extraqns)
Set 2
X 12 7 10 8 4 9 2
Y 4 5 4 8 10 5 8
48. Find the correlation coefficient for the given set of values.
X 3 1 4 7 8 9 2 6 5
Y 4 2 3 6 5 8 1 7 9
49. What is the scatter diagram? From the scatter diagram how do you infer the nature
of relationship of the variables.
50. Write notes on Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation.
51. How to identify the two regression equations. Explain.
52. What are the limitations of regression analysis ? Explain.
53. Explain merits and demerits of correlation coefficient.
54. Sum of the product of the derivations of the variable x and y from their respective
means is 1320, sum of the squares of deviations of x and y variables from their
respective means are 628 and 3720.find the coefficient of correlation.
55. Find Karl Pearson co-efficient of correlation and P.E.
X 46 68 72 75 80 70 93 100
Y 64 50 39 48 52 46 40 30
56. Calculate the Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data.
X 43 44 46 40 44 42 45 42 38 40 42 57
Y 29 31 19 18 27 27 29 41 30 26 18 19
74. The data given below is the price and demand for a particular commodity over a
period of five years. Compute the correlation coefficient between price and demand.
Price 7 8 9 6 5
Demand 8 6 7 9 10
75. Find correlation coefficient between X and Y from the table.
X 2 4 6 8 10
Y 5 7 9 8 11
76. Explain how will you fit a straight line of the form Y=a+bX.
77. Explain the method of drawing regression lines.
78. Explain how will you fit a power curve?
79. From the data given below fit a straight line of the form Y=a+bx.
X 2 3 7 8 10
Y 10 9 11 8 12
80. Comment on the following results.
a. For a bivariate distribution, 12 Coefficient of regression of y on x is 4.2 and
coefficient of regression of x on y is 0.50 bxy=-.82 and bxy=.25.
81. Explain how will you fit an exponential curve?
82. Find Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation between the values of x and y given
X 78 89 96 69 59 79 68 61
Y 125 137 156 112 107 136 123 108
83. Explain the following methods to conduct regression analysis (a) scatter diagram
method (b) least square method.
84. In a correlation analysis of 13 pairs of observations of x and y, the following values
are obtained. Sum of the deviations of x and y values are -117 and -260; sum of the
squares of deviations of x and y values are 1313 and 6580; sum of the products of
deviations of x and y values is 2827. Find coefficient of correlation.
85. Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the following data.
Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Marks 45 56 39 54 45 40 56 60 30 35
Marks 40 56 30 44 36 32 45 42 20 36
in law
86. Calculate Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation between price of items and demand
of items as given below. Also comment about the result.
Price 13 14 16 10 14 12 15 12 8 12 27
Demand 9 8 14 6 5 7 4 9 6 5 2
87. In a partially destroyed record of an analysis of correlation data the following results
only are eligible.
Variance of x=9
Regression equations:
Find (i) The mean values of x and y (ii) the coefficient of correlation (iii) Standard
deviation of y.
88. The following data shows the maximum and minimum temperature on a certain day
at 10 important cities throughout India.
Max. 29 23 25 15 27 29 24 31 32 35
Mini. 8 3 7 5 8 19 10 7 5 8
a. Fit regression lines of x on y and y on x.
b. Estimate the maximum temperature when the minimum temperature is 12.
c. Estimate the minimum temperature when the maximum temperature is 40.
89. Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the following data.
X 48 33 40 9 16 16 65 24 16 57
Y 13 13 24 6 15 4 20 9 6 19
90. Calculate the coefficient of correlation between x and y and the mean value of x and
y if given the following data.
Variance of x=9,regression equations 2x+3y-70=0,3x+2y-80=0.
91. Fit a straight line to the following data:
X 1 6 3 9 5 2 7 10 8 4
Y 6 8 3 2 7 10 5 9 4 1
92. From the following results, estimate the yield of crops when the rainfall is 22cms and
the rainfall when the yield is 600kgs.
Yield in kgs (Y) Rainfall in cms (X)
Mean 508.4 26.7
SD 36.8 4.6
Coefficient of correlation between yield and rainfall is 0.52.
93. Obtain the correlation coefficient for the following data.
X 68 64 75 50 64 80 75 40 55 64
Y 62 58 68 45 81 60 68 48 50 70
94. From the following data obtain the regression equation. Also find the coefficient of
X 60 62 65 70 72 48 53 73 65 82
Y 68 60 62 80 85 40 52 62 60 81
95. Explain least square principle in curve fitting and how will you fit a straight line using
this method.
96. Price index number of wheat (x) and cereals(y) at twelve successive seasons
(quarters) are given below.
X 87 84 88 102 101 84 72 84 83 98 97 100
Y 88 79 83 97 96 90 82 84 88 100 80 102
Fit a line of regression of Y on X.
(b) Suggest what value of Y will be when X is expected to be 110?
97. The marks of 11 students in two tests are given below. Calculate the coefficient of
Test 80 45 55 58 55 60 45 68 70 45 85
Test 82 56 50 43 56 62 64 65 70 64 90
98 Establish correlation between the following pair of series and find out PE also
X 17 19 20 22 24 27 29 30 33 35
Y 87 85 80 78 75 72 70 65 62 60