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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Elements and Principles of Arts and
Crafts in East Asian Countries
What’s New

Directions: Identify the elements and principles of arts that can be figured out from
the following pictures. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________

3. _________________________ 4. _________________________

5. _________________________ 6. _________________________


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7. _________________________ 8. _________________________

9. _________________________ 10. ________________________


What is It

East Asian Arts

China, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea are all considered to be part of
East Asia. Each of these countries has its own distinct culture. They do, however,
share a few traits, including a high sense of self-awareness and public-behaviour

Asian art, often known as Eastern art, has a diverse spectrum of influences
from numerous cultures and religions. Prehistoric men were the inspiration for the
picture. Ochre and black pigment were employed. Hunting scenes with horses, lions,
rhinoceros, mammoths, and other animals were frequently shown in ancient
paintings. These prehistoric murals were created on cave walls, stone blocks, and
other surfaces. China is home to a few of them.

2 CO_Q2_Arts8_Module1
The term "composition" refers to the arrangement of visual elements in a
painting or other work of art. It is the organization or composition of the elements of
art and design, such as line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and space, according
to the principles of art and design, such as balance contrast, emphasis, movement,
pattern, rhythm, unity/variety, and other elements of composition, to give the
painting structure and convey the artist's intent.

Arts is the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination,

typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be
appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

There are seven elements of arts. They are color, form, line, shape, space,
texture and value. The ten common principles of art are balance, emphasis,
harmony, movement, pattern, proportion, repetition, rhythm, unity and variety.

10 Common Principles of Arts

1. Balance is the sense of stability achieved through implied weight of an object.

There are three different types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical and
• Symmetrical balance – when one image is mirrored on the other side
to repeat itself.
• Asymmetrical balance – when different types of elements create a
visual balance.
• Radial balance – is the distribution of elements around a central point
in all directions.

Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance Radial Balance

Image sources:,

3 CO_Q2_Arts8_Module1
2. Emphasis is when one element of an artwork
stands out more than another. This creates a
sense of importance and is intentionally used to
communicate a message or feeling.

3. Movement is the visual flow of your artwork. It

is the path that you intend your viewer’s eye to

4. Pattern as a principle of design may be defined

as regular arrangement of repeated same
elements, usually increases the visual
excitement by supplementing surface interest.

5. Proportion is the relationship of two or more

elements in a design and how they compare with
one another, it is said to be harmonious when a
correct relationship exists between the elements
with respect to size or quantity.

6. Repetition is simply repeating a single element

many times in a design. For example, you could
draw a line horizontally and then draw several
others next to it.

Image sources:,,,,

4 CO_Q2_Arts8_Module1
7. Rhythm is a principle of design that suggests
movement or action; it is usually achieved
through repetition of lines, shapes and colors.

8. Unity in an artwork creates a sense of harmony

and wholeness, by using similar elements within
the composition and placing them in a way that
brings them all together.

9. Variety adds interest by using contrasting

elements within the composition. Variety is the
counterweight to harmony and creates visual
interest by slightly changing or using different
elements together in a composition.

10. Harmony can be described as sameness, the

belonging of one thing with another. The
repetition of design elements like colour, texture,
shape and form are one of the easiest ways to
achieve harmony to create a composition.

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What’s New

If you were asked to create a painting, what theme will you choose to paint (Animals, Caves,
Buildings, or Nature)? Why would you choose that? Write your answers on a separate sheet of

I will paint _______________________________________________________ because


Activity: Make me an Art!

Directions: Create a work art by applying any of the ten common principles of arts
using the suggested materials below. Affix your signature down right below through
a brush stroke. Be guided with the rubrics.

• Bond paper or White folder
• Brush and Water color/paint
• Pencil

Criteria 5 4 3 2
All instructions Instructions Instruction 2 Instruction 3
Quality of were accurately were followed and 3 were not was not properly
work followed. but artwork is properly followed.
not well done. followed.
Artwork was Artwork was Artwork was Artwork was
Punctuality submitted on or submitted1-2 submitted 3 submitted 4
before deadline days late. days late. days late.

Artwork is clean Artwork is Artwork is Artwork is not

Neatness of and in order. mostly clean somehow clean clean and
work and in order. and in order. disorder.

Descriptive Rating Score/Points

Excellent 26-30
Very Good 21-25
Good 16-20
Fair 10-15
Poor 9

6 CO_Q2_Arts8_Module1

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