Module 5 - 1
Module 5 - 1
Module 5 - 1
Quarter 2 – Week 6
Module 5- Role of Oxygen in Respiration
Grade 11/12 Quarter 2 - Module 5- Role of Oxygen in Respiration
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
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Management Team:
Quarter 2 – Week 6
Module 5- Role of Oxygen in
. In your previous lessons, you learned about the major features of glycolysis,
pyruvic oxidation, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain. You also noted that
glycolysis uses and produces ATP. This module will provide you with the information
and activities that will help you understand the role of oxygen in respiration and
describe pathways of electron flow in the absence of oxygen.
Before going on, check how much you know about this topic. Answer the
pretest on the next page in a separate sheet of paper.
Direction: Read each question carefully then select the best answer from the
given choices.
For you to be more engaged in the lesson, do the following activity. Have
fun and good luck!
Activity 1. Read and do following task then answer the question that follow.
Running in place can help reduce some of the impact and stress on your
body. Before you continue answering this module, I want you to run in place
for 2 minutes and observe your heartbeat and breathing patterns from the
start up to when you are done.
What do you observe? What scientific explanation can you give about your
of ATP will be formed using energy from high-energy electrons brought to the
electron transport chain by NADH or FADH2.
NAD+ and FAD are regenerated when NADH or FADH2 send their high
energy electrons to the electron transport chain. These low-energy molecules
cycle back to glycolysis and/or citric acid, where they capture more electrons
of high energy and allow the process to begin.
If there is no NAD+ present to pick up electrons as the reactions
continue, glycolysis and the citric acid cycle do not occur. This is not a
problem when oxygen is present, all of the NADH and FADH2 that were created
during glycolysis and the citric acid cycle is transformed into NAD+ and FAD
after the electron transport chain.
The electron transport chain is a series of electron transporters or
complexes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane which shuttle
electrons from NADH and FADH2 to molecular oxygen. In the process, protons
are pumped to the intermembrane space from the mitochondrial matrix, and
oxygen is reduced to form water.
There are four electron complexes to which electron move through
before ending with oxygen as the final acceptor. Complex I, Complex II,
Complex III, and Complex IV. Complex V is better known as ATP synthase,
that which generates ATP. There are two other molecules associated with the
chain which are the coenzyme Ubiquinone (coU) and cytochrome C (CytC).
The process starts when NADH approaches complex I and gives up its
proton and electron and becomes NAD. NADH donates its electrons to complex
I and make it supercharged which causes the pumping of H+ ions from the
mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. Then electrons from
complex I is picked up by CoU. FADH2 approaches complex II gives up and
donates its electron. Unlike Complex I, complex II is not supercharged so it
cannot pump H+ ions. The electrons in complex II is passed to coU. Then,
electrons from coU are passed to Complex III and become supercharged thus,
allowing protons to be pumped out to the intermembrane space. The buildup
of H+ (protons) creates a proton gradient. Electrons from Complex III moves to
cytC and then passed to complex IV then becomes supercharged. Complex IV
can pumped more H+ (protons) to the intermembrane space. Electrons from
Complex IV are passed to oxygen as the final acceptor. Oxygen molecule splits
into two. Two H2O molecules are formed. NAD+ and FAD become available in
the cell for cellular respiration to begin.
Figure 1. Electron Transport System with
an oxygen molecule as the final
electron acceptor
), or sulfur (S) are used. These molecules have a lower reduction potential than
oxygen, so in anaerobic versus aerobic environments, less energy is released per
glucose molecule. For fermentation, pyruvate serves as an electron acceptor to
recycle NAD+. Some bacteria use sulphate ion and produce hydrogen sulfide instead
of water which produces an odor like a rotten egg in some environment.
Anaerobic respiration uses several different types of electron acceptors. The
use of nitrate (NO3-) as the terminal electron acceptor is denitrification. Nitrate has a
high reduction potential, like oxygen. This process is widespread, and is used by
many Proteobacteria members. Ferric iron (Fe2+) and various organic electron
acceptors can also be used by several denitrifying bacteria.
Sulfate reduction uses sulfate (SO2−4) as the acceptor of electrons, generating
as a metabolic end result hydrogen sulfide (H2S). A relatively energetically weak
method is sulfate reduction, which is used by many Gram negative bacteria found
within the δ-Proteobacteria.
Acetogenesis is a form of microbial metabolism that uses hydrogen (H2) for the
development of acetate as an electron donor and carbon dioxide ( CO 2) as an electron
acceptor, the same electron donors and methanogenesis acceptors.
A widespread anaerobic terminal electron acceptor used by both autotrophic
and heterotrophic species is ferric iron (Fe3+). The flow of electrons in these species is
similar to the flow of electrons, resulting in oxygen or nitrate, except that the final
enzyme in this mechanism is ferric iron reductase in ferric iron-reducing species.
Figure 2. Anaerobic Respiration
Figure 3. Lactic Acid Fermentation
Alcohol Fermentation
Figure 4. Alcohol Fermentation
Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.
Enrichment Activity 1
Create your own illustration to trace the pathway of electrons in the electron
transport system. Include in your illustration the oxygen molecule as the final
acceptor of the electrons. Use arrows to show the pathway of electrons.
5 4-3 0-2
Accurate No inaccuracies A few inaccuracies Many
concepts inaccuracies
Completeness Sufficient concepts Some concepts Limited concepts
Presentation Well-presented Presentation is good Poor presentation
Enrichment Activity 2
TRUE or FALSE. Write true if the statement is correct, otherwise, write false.
1. Decarboxylation takes place in alcohol fermentation.
2. Glycolysis does not happen when oxygen is unavailable.
3. The oxygen molecule is associated with Complex IV.
4. FADH2 is associated with Ubiquinone.
5. Oxygen is an electron acceptor in fermentation.
Enrichment Activity 3
Directions: Complete the phrase below to come up with the first statement on
anaerobic respiration. Then add few sentences to present a good concept on what
happens if oxygen is not available in cells.
If no oxygen is available in cells, _______.
After you learned the role of oxygen in cellular respiration, I know you
acknowledged that without oxygen, there is not enough energy to fuel cellular
processes and life activities. At this point, I want you to design a study place with a
good supply of oxygen. You are to recall the concepts learned in photosynthesis for
Directions: Read carefully each item and select the correct answer from the given
choices. Use separate sheet for your answers. Write only the letter of the best answer
for each test item.
1. Which of the following gasses is needed aerobic respiration?
A. carbon B. carbon dioxide C. nitrogen D. oxygen
6. How many molecules of water are formed in one electron transport chain?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
9. Which part of the mitochondria does binding of oxygen and protons happen?
A. cristae B. intermembrane C. matrix D. membrane
11. Which process forms acetaldehyde?
A. chemiosmosis C. lactic acid fermentation
B. alcohol fermentation D. electron transport system
Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
Activity 1
Answers vary
Enrichment Activity 2
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
Enrichment Activity 2
Answers vary
Enrichment activity 3
Answers vary
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. A
Key Answer:
Printed Materials:
Faltado, Ruben, et al. 2017. General Biology 1. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing,
Bartee, Lisa.2016. Metabolism Without Oxygen: Fermentation